8ae iiana ~certain cure for ?iarrheSà, Choera, rbus, D!Jhen tery and szsmmer conmplaits. 1 Manufactured by J~ EJ.. WILLIS, MRDZCAL IH4LL, Brock St. uN*ft*. Communications ,we"rea& b4 on] Ris flonor Judge Burnharn in, refer. lence Le Brown'is appeal; froin E. >Mundy re printir* ; from i the Cs>uùtý Treuuxret wi0~i" feueiie te -,laud liable to b. sold- for taxes; Tcoîota General Hospital rew Miss Mot, Wý Spente, Clerk of Reaoh, thréstèn. ingý east Whitby with lega! procç4 ML ýBoàgs, eeeonded Mr McGregori moved that the Go0uncil ho a oomm it. tee of the whole tO examine the, W'* ýcourse complained of by- Mr .. ]?arewela nd, Mr. Bennett on Station st.reet sud, report a t tii.neit meeting of tho 'ounnil--earried. Mr. ýJohn Bossg, ve.. otice bat, ho wihl1 at the. neit- meeting of the. Oonncil, niove for, leave tointroduce a By.Law te asiess thia Township forý, -Coanty twnuhip anda chool purpo&es. A number et aceonta were ordered to bo paid, andý the Connoil, then'ad- journed te meet on lst Monay-in September, -at one-,olockp-. n DISTRICT'NEWS. zfmilpt trot:l Rose ;I-Brd Poi 2.88. 2,40 trot Nin& C;8rd Jim ;ndMaxy B., -; boat Urne 2. im in ýths la - Dai PA. ORT 1'Es T 0 Uelai Pitipet os £e vblM e, Mrs. Robert Browil'is at present Mesé.rs. Rrd osa and FRID Y. UGU T ~VOIy ill. Bongad started. ~ t w eJ ___________________ Miss Lottie 8Smith, is home from te Chogo. A N W 1 G IS A'I V E E Â. T oronto on a vis it.- o to or ro m tI le mfe cs is rapi dl r A NIEWLEIGISýLATIV'egÀ- Friend8 of Mr. D. Rl.'ûtn er rit4efeàobspeet Tii PrvinialLegsiaureôf ~'glad t.oesee him lier. haut week after The partncrsbip heretoforei Th Povnialeiatieofýatl..bis late serions ilinese. between Messors. Geo. 'Gardni Loba is reported to be about <to signal- Ti.Sn fTmeaneme e ot pençe, as' contracto la. iLteofifnlaeveral importànt direc- <on Saturday evenings and are baving bauderý,WaS dissoled on, h ions. One of tiese -is the abolition a geed Jodge. AtL.regulair meeting, of the jury systemin hi ivil caaes. Then meetho4t quaéIie4 oar4a. the abolition Of the tse of the French LNSA.verv comnmeidabIy decided to'g Isnuag i Li. egiiaure * iss M. Thonipson of Whitby sn ud oi -i three: weelcs vacatioe poi-Miss D.Spron!e of Peterboro are a9tit5eelogatdhm eci asweh astii wiing oof the Mr. IGeo. A. Milzie's cottage at the. ýxeipesëbY the Boarbd anda Separat.. sobool syist.er. Theue .&mo- Point, tho, guests ofMlre. Mimne. the memies fiorations will- commenld _tbemselves Work upon the new railwav station At anau'àjéùr»e<à Meting for the most part to:th eople of ~z. -bas Leen commienco'd, -and thie villag oni .b siae tario. Already the matiro h ad oc flbrr iI oicresed cnrrentyear were. brôught doi, j~ictin yjuie i cvl ass is slortly. theb rate strnck, as follows: 1 diaio y uie n iilýc-e bsHigh School1, $90; for PubIÈ Leen so far called i question É'hat X~AEOT 2I0;t ne oeuei upon ~ apiton that bungling resort, M.Jh Barry7laprogressîng $245; for interest on-, dé'e cari b. dispensed with in cerancss favorably after, bis roenut acéitdent. $8,180; fôr connty -rate. 5 lt s L. xtesio o tha tatFriend >Barry must lot hereatter ex- itreet mroveuti, $67~; poced inr aitopro- hei pose hie. person to 1the heels of mnus. ~ 1.4 introduc- çular colts. fad *ne isatte tion of any -veiry new- ides. Thiose Î On Saturday a littk On f M'.Jas. ID1aro ieet ikt, $1l who are acguaizited with the . doings Anderson was playinsaond .sin IôX Th - ofe CI.oewrts say that the Jrysstmat Ltheêyeiasa. _,g lp ~ as L 1as eencariedou e nt 'hd~4ither feil -off it or' gét atrok ini some U*e * ~Inown way, ontting thentop of his MeLg entn higi tribucal of justice that itwas at hdig r~~i an~ ôi~ oéâ r tiittçon ebùui One timôiuiè0pposed te be. That the ' At a barni raising at S1ufiI rtmso Ùeaia~~rc~n J U. wlàuï ae a~rwluli 5Wbedanci .- he L. rn sifted by the. Jawyerson >'he ide VoaMnte till Such a ý"box" is secnred a wil les sd.-an an, prove most faorable tothe clients mnnmdBi ,cocered.Iothi Ma tOrage>$, leg. Thomas Mi conernd. , ts isu Orage"orto .everyone un C], that mari "Cathohie 2» Do'otUîsone belong to the saine erder as,,cthe u. Mr .Hr ton, or is ho inicial te hil in f Iy Hor.se . bas so way? Whst.are Lh. poitical lban- . Â niew u sod ings.of.this Onie snd that, and cari John Wand, ti Grit b. put in bore or a Tory thon. teo sent down toe Whi daitg?-Sncb are- some 0f the ing last wk fore considerations ýthak. weigh mostly in cpat ansd veat froia 00usderig th q iGoodman'a, Waa oonidein ti. uaifications of a montha in gaolly, jury bLs, and tiiey show that there la ln Rose, "of at LII. bottom eleenit that arn at 00ed iiL.li variance with strict justice i t . i hard iÀit othen hn'id it bas been, taid by' high for Grand fl. legal autbority tbst the average'-*uy-take a,- eavy, cou maisj as li.Iy teo ome to as correct eL - Berdict on M r ... i(- T. 'W; Cz 76Y f the -* ~'«ok *l Iim~.bywas uSok~ 4 'UCTiO-N /2 J ~Lthe h0 as t'heom son',e ýiL at