~1 v Diarrawa, Choiera ..Mors -Dysen'terY and aUsummer ooinplaiflt m,,,faotured by %TtB3 WII-aiLsm. -mEDICAL -HALL, - Brock St. FMADÂTSEPTEMBIY4B 6,189 s1 oT, WUT NOTl" The. Oshava Reformer bas ecome Sligbtly ozcited concernîngtlIO r.mark 0: of Tim 0Qzzmz in a recont issue in 0 couflectio3I with the Governor.GeU&Ual ana the Equal Riglits Association. It lias not however the, temet>'- deny anyting that was said onthatt occasion, but simply labors te show - that for Lbe paîsagèý of the Jesuiîts' Estate, Act the Macdonild Govern- ment vas responsible. Ana 50 aso was the Dominion Opposition. -In fact neither sida can throw -stones at1 tiie other, au the Reformer veli knowe, although with a view to im- pose on the. presumed ignorance of iLs readers it nov argues difer.nLly. As to the EqualBi Rgits Assgociation' and Mr' Mowat Lhey wiii no aloubt at.- tend to hie case in due time. Like every Gritn~ewspaper in thei country the. mention of thiii Association in connoction witli Mr. Mowat, hiowver gently, immediate l>' fi1u tiieReformer with alarm. It.' hystQTrically vanta to know wiiat the. Equai Riglt. Associa. 'Lion lias Lo do with Mr. -Mowat ana wiiat grievanes t can possibly bring againet him. Tiiougb unacquaîntod vith the. intentions of the 'Association *ana vitli littie eympathy wfth its movements, voe an if neoessary in- form he Reformer as to one or two of Lhe chef grievances those mllin tiiemeelves witii thse Association. bave aguinpt the. Mowat Government, At Present howover one viii suffice:th abuses of the rontario .éçbooilalw. ýWIen tb. Reformer cu ahisfactSly fernce ti Dtle-to 10 returnedA iOZrOma i ns. -un imm of Mr. . lcGïrogOze1 Lbereove vas pointed Lo tahe logat procéeaingu oppose the separation of Coer I1 from But Wbitby. A by-1aw to sese the townsisp vas passe4, as, s vumber of accounts, sfter which couneiOjIournOa l tLhe' irat N day in October, at 2 p. m. Putves, clerk. DISTRICT NEWS* 'i br.Willimo. widow cithlb. I W. IL William, formerly of-HaRn=>- ton, twM rew mlf out of the. uppor wigdow of ber dw.lliug houft on Ontaro atroot Iast-week. 8h. <b.d from the. injuri*es sustaineil by the fali. 8h. ývas a most estimable woman, but bas boon .uffering froin -seveoeilinas for ypars, and latterly bas been sligbtly -leranged. Mach sympatby îs toit for thé fIamiyé.; cLARU*N?. MIr. John laarry las SiR fluctusLing w6rks ' 1the-bordtkrland of lit and deatb, with $L le, day sboving improvement aud in the. te next loing. tnent, bIrs. Calert Gostick, Vtb con.,eame Self-i ere tô visit ber parents a mon ti ago, aie id vwas taken 80- iii that she bas beeau nablé Lo roturu homo., 5h. la afflue- suit to da 1vith coisumptioli. ana ber Iite called1 rîii henceforti lie but a lingeriiig iii- neuls. Mr. J. D. Hit for mau years a a resident. of East Whitby, dîed laut week at the advaneed age of 82 years He held for many years the position of treasurer in tiie township, countiil and ot.ier positions of trust, sud vas a highly respetted sud vell-knowi citizen. Rev. W. Mofliamîia basbeeAe- livering a series et »rMons n$# jon thi 't" /1 ,~iI vit itm 1a weét.rustlio v The happy the osehool hivos ' 0w g~ Bcwar~ oi - Wb.m*b put on im Lb e Robe asement mountains i ýreakfasts îat prayé oédisi r f I - . r