"wm Il t, i :~ j'- ! 's, ~2-, * t c-,.- JrMost cingL Mlr.-icltoài hsgn t>Paris. -John A. Greene, a well kncwn joirnallat cf New York, died on Sul$ay2 Wm. O'BricnM ', frCork, was tûcan to Galway jail ibis inom4 #o NepUis lui1 îwc mqêiths. 'P&v. Lorenz.) T. Bennett, the oaMant epis<copaI rler,,yumsu lnConnecticut, Ï8 deuil ut Ncw :lt»-on, ut the ripe aid aga pfRl le Somtès ,onolulas adv-.ic'Ps wM affsfrntbetohave ià" he bwow beeu quiet mIncetIi. insurrection. D It1% la inmound tuat the Car will muet Emiperqr,;iVilliamzi t P otsdam during thoe urset week.. -Pl %0 s Raent Ondes declares the. servis» Gov- S00dng oOMPl0nfl nurnent earnt&ydeaire teomaiutain friendly ýD dm4eten relations wlth Balga& *0ibwastat 'The hop rop tiSusez -r, àng do'?&Ouf l>U.heav1, avcraging, it la nid, t idOC Germany, jalons cf France's sud Rusais' <E ~ ~grolng rmsu>ent., villi inoelansd rù- k$1$1S91W1115orgaieher alt oct pm ours». ,Tenders haveteenyeceiedfor the Wcon- struction of thetfiretsection of thet rawy mar fron Pekin te Ching Ringt. rVetE ansd do The Porte bas exohidoil four Engliah tbeir sent p petIe trot Turkoy, for comnuhiting upc» ire, crient by miL i fc outrages in Arinenia. 14, Vi. Te. Lter six àuonth' idlenuethe Iton vorks ~~e hR&e sading, 'Pu., have starl141% Labor day wu rhiy observed in _________Pann.ylvaàls yestedyyasuspenocf pIt5CTIPUOU. Tht strikeocf wilowglassi-orkers ut te uSSd ov Pittsburg nas Dot setîltd yosterday, as N-as ca<> for, onI ueli--n igning thç emu. 1. A ~dposit cf asphait. thirteen foret thick ad tqatil hasbeau disoovered riunr Cloversport, iy. -Race troubles ltave brokout ouit nt Gkéc n. wood, Misa. Cor. Lowry l S'te -with Ukh-ef, n Pugilast John L Suilivua las having ty,__ sothor acrp with rugillit John Barlo-_ r t s It is aknülal t ihe fioes i Monta T: 9F 0 TeWsenUinTelegrapk Cornjrny I L 0 Boston d Philàaielphia" ACity of MaNico deSputeli ea ight> ~I$ERRY ersouts have loit their lit-os by the. fioda lu imaan, $iateocf Hidalxo. URES A, colored glutton cf YorkvillIe, 4VG, lte &ERA otiier day, on a wiager, eat sevai citzen .gpe LIERA ansud ied shortly siter in. rat agony. aud partieular tint it il cxpecte4 the tait of selecting ju,ýora wîIl occupy seime week&. The emiai *oéher -Antis M. ?Fostcr Wns rua latt an dsuit b I ILH.Waur's steaun tyscht Sisas, of Charlotte, >LY., on Satur7- JES T-AS SJIHErD183 sOUdA- - testS. r~ = z i I- maaut aner dlin HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR;THE-1 n uggies, j-; 19 (-.i . Oc,-2 nu', 'il ,ST