ié good 4Y ;wu e0corl* m to My Cà, and, u I '0 a n for the 'tay i town at-Oace to My ýold quart- erù aube Lingham tO t On thil ocomon, instead ofgolng he play, 1 dined r*ther laie, *ith the dlow- ,týfchamp&gne. Ainanafter met of a pic thiâ would, of course bave mokel i 7 oý the contrary, sat bofore thetre (fur t - rather chillyl wi'X nomoi tes and a ljý re alSg, Iltbili, fancythat y - ou WIJI come, and no si leave urtil 1 liear from you. ,'J'I could write pageo; but I ha'vO glue of fine champagne* -Pnom Witin tue byrup au%& ývingthesàMe thing h&PPen tous et the% and - then wrote a id -11, now wait until altheugh pickles ire probably net tue %9Slý Woll whait in letter, whicb, un I knews W*u1d,ý if that is noommi, au wiý twïàe. %ft suer Over the top u »cou tr mi timei. 'it'a MarvelOus Our riext meeting. inocuons form-in wh-icï,,we Sn gratify Our ing whsý in it &II &bout Vp daia, tched ky hg., d ta the station- box ait «IYours till desui. au taken froni the ôven, sud aerve hot. inuy an. D If - -ý- 0 - , - ' craving -sonwtbing'aour, they -are bot, 4ýJtg ý very great secret dear- à P&r4 toùý resch, The 'UPI&nds fil th for seve ta moraing Mail bag. when properlymade and uot esteain exSu, litel 0 who, happons bel, and said a man, Ihandedthe lettee ta Et mply týb. th&t worse for the digestion*lban a Floiît . irnany PERSONAL PPINTERIS. be also a. vo 4IRead it fér yôur-aëlfiny dear, and tell me 5qi ible and te rY4 CHAPTEP ÎLIII. what it menu& Yoixr -brailla are sharper ther things we indalg*iu. le bargain, ha propos6d ta A Few-Itenu About "me et the Gre-at unm 311qWinté th ýenough, butj knew thaff My el" by fair.., For myself,-'l:e=féaî4 Much of the good or ill which, renid.u in volkt et . tue werid. Pori ýe letter wu Ïbor, -bc del*' ta that it fairi , puzzle& Mý,Y0 t'1ý Whieh it th a pickle in due ta the yiaegar wl given î Lord Ashwell4Ïr"ld" 1ý0d y go Lhat Ethol the letter airer, not once, but ade. -The - picklinker whi'te"*Imiine- - John D. Roàefell« îssaid tohave tail he&,Vens, you doet et 1. And Il froui me. - 1 toid him 1 fhàd got te, be s very nice fel, iiitie Shopping that had, taken twoor three tioým. until.1 feit uertain that la in hie daughters ta underst&nd thst theyare are who happens 4-hr ugh the, - A-My »tisfj*tion,ý sho had th droughly mastéred itý -Thon elle gar of commerce in Dot àýVove smpmoù. It )W 1azid to lie very eligibleintô the bargain, m«e ÜP ta tolm ontirelv 1 mot ta be groat beiresam The' bulk of hie 6DG4 Il . 1 1 ý handed it hack. to me' w4h an enigmatical la made by ellemicals, and suliýàurie acid si. - and that 1 iâtended t; retarnby an ear y! property wül go to -a number of public ta nie. next morning, which WC, expremonofc»untoumctt Showasevident- largoly entera iuto, i trot ,as & Second time proposed 'W lteats lest begins ta look au ifWe *«0 bowitch' train the even, that ly at once amuned and, bewildered, and the Pickles, and ita action' on'ttië lining of Institution& )j me at the tita'tîon--at about el not-at aIl auxioni or disquieted. the atomach in - very injuriou& Ite une iB Ronniker Hekton, in hie oummary of the ()Ut d, Tell me Wr fi be avoided., a and divorci: laws of - the world, rho la your'm"? 1 ehould thon drivé itraight ta the houce.i yet 1 SOIZ -tbat, 1 pli Ho in a funny fellow, dear Miriam," ta 1 - Marriag YOU muet tell Me esded ille neoeuity for catching th* ciplun of piokla.- it d ore .1 anewer -forý the, aho.-tuess Of tâs, abe eai4,. 4ývory persistent, and ver y &erribly. A few of the « firéNrin -- etâtes that: there are' more divorce@ In d Lord Ashwell Pont sa au excuse toid yoù that ha. -makiùg &ire thons - Do net use, vinegar tbat Franc'e 'than in Germany, b . ut that the âwc rhether you have accepte < ', ý ý . ý i -made certain thit it in ebxnefit- But 1 41waYs tous 1 the whether yen b ! ane ý latter, and haviiig betireen the is too ationg it "'eate" -and wf avo bien 11115 fçly,,wenttôbed!e&rl-,,èr Meant WeIL r fflding United States loade the W&Y. ing bla time or sa Au fé, -pýckle& Keep picklii -tightly covered.; off lineq of hie epiEtlé, ý the tank ils au ffly 'one Beaides being a Clergyman, thb Rev.- J. nat Puar Mn tlian My usýbal haut. ppeure t4 air. : iý Ceagain send t 6 ttndëï one of vlnOg86r in, "kill6d' 4,6X 1)0 Yi My Jover met me at the station. He -,-fer essier than the amall Pm 1 Bells Vernon, Fenn., is a kn4 uninue. 9 not let vineiar boil ; !pt it>oonlie ta tWe boil- àL- Springer, of i &if the threelittle thimble& Relis making a lut hie bu b&,ve -done %hs riilit hàý'sent down froin Lond» Pt hie ing point; !ekim if lleefflary, and u» ît justice of the an undertaker and a &in 61, * uttrùtt1n t ïOn ta &coi Pe6ce- fa desperate effort ta go Stanhope, and a couple of tion.,.Sndja tryingto, frighten Yom once.- 'Never put.piffleit illia jar or. crock furniture dealer. He can aleo Make ýn nid, ful thing this timO- 1 lffle cube, wh"ph bé said ho wished m4 ta eVërý you have ta be 'ýWberever possible, onwiette, and édit- a papM,-r botter than tao oral thst 1 will -do ail 1 0" 1 need net remind my ý jeader that -m'y frightened that bas field Rýý d aeal'whsn editor of drîvîng bad been abCntý,,I fait ta »e.ý ý If. I were ton, 1 ahould Put Pickles in cins or bottlu,.#,n, himseIL little expérience Misa Millicen . t Fawoettî sal a Mont amîable, and in ev«Y le letter ; -but 1 but. eëmember eezin&. swils the luSliant seu- acquired verý hâte in life. But'l bail la céýrtsiUtY Dot, S»,SwOrl tl ave sent him. off ity, picklea. 1.8w lis abont ta -.béiin a wu èl-wife, Bd 1 h mrwia,,gloe Of aptitude for it, and Il could foël, ah,6uld nous the leu keep îb sas a: curiffl kl chi thvt ho hardly as l< e whieb, indeed, it rnost'n-n tïonoàbly in. . To keep le business sngineer. CIllicago, eve, no happy took the reins' that the bornes Ré W Yeu b-rine, add Ualf a"br.,i Of grape loaïves ta career as 06 Civil, lu know what to do with biniself. their Mietress, and -thst I»rd Àshwell And whatever you do, mind aôon as Anise De Barr, thi t4 am married, and have got -A éll.to your. a barrel of cucumbem, The leale,",-alio 'bas her couater me what yen haye donc, or rather could Bée ai Muýb. seif, t clean ut of evoiry. Y"tly va the'oolor. ý If a goum rises Who la -1b duly accredited and practising, tic When woreabbýd The Uplande 1promte- ibýt yon make'a close me firat, who your victiM I& join bîm ait the rusiiéhou» tbîmg; te him', and lesve hiM. ;nOthing to find -JDn top of pickles, saveral ilicet, of borie engiÉeer., e ish will clear --7if Pe W the 'Thê habit g, if net th geDiÙS9 d that I would rad the vinegar of writin y viotim asýyou are-pleued ta - term by the campsýen«« Satin as I had Change ont, There will be 9 sec oubt, st . 1 -- . D to hich. Mrs. nu in bearing up wOnder- my traveling dreéý. "This operition 1 pets the first, but thMugli t at you muet jar. rune in the fanifly to mphrey ini limý Udy-Cravent The housekeeper uqually makes cueum- -. with gréat care; trying ta make, lâtruggle, "a you will- end by- biing firilier Ward belongti r , eister,, Ethel W- stances. Allow formed bers the buis of, beî supply of pickles. ex ýully under &11. the Circula ver and, botter thap lovera, Arnold, hwjýjust pubi Shed a novei -entitled uropp myseif look.at rèy y best, and I really -li>verz than'ever, ne ta inquire aiter ýthe beai h think sucSeding, ell. Thon 1 frienda. For friendahip in botter thanlove The emalt-airÀd, shapely youag fruit, about -l&tSic&ý1 It in èv ýdently not a ý4Robe t- idM'ini ils radiant wiLh 4elightý and, tow, made my way down --ta îhe water's edge, in -proportion, "i it bu . confidence in' itý four sa in diam, 4'Marcéllaý" foi - and Cause- et0r, are prefërred. ; thise, after beinq wiped R1snýeW or a at wè have each -of us hocked and proie- "and there foun4,, Lord AshÎell throwing, ,Whîl. le love in ý alwaya passion, ly lnîtO the !Iuently mpre or leu irrational, capricious, with oft cloth, are pm,,ked in liyeris with Mr. Clevel d h boisa a atudent of in 'h se we bogin. ta pebbles. more or lesà aim1ýu the juice Ris reading covers or Lical;y landed out flèhs suppo Jy and uncertain, If net,, indeïd, ait time ersb1yýîn atone or wood litersture iil W70. wa;ter, and evidently in an extrelinq, a e t è Who ý in y 1 our - fiah, wb4t. tirely treacheronju Marty him ait Ouceï My of the ououml)ëi With the sel f ormsa brine a veryq ide range, and ho je. véry fond ôt th Ilompar nows. restlesa frame af mind. in Whieh they romain till wanted for une, 'te." HO eri Dickens S( how - old le ýhe, and ishe- in He began et obee abolit Myself» and dear M iriam and thon the výery day &fter- the EngUeh novelis pref lus ho geale, wheâ-they are trouhthéd by nosking three irer of about our marriage. HoW, so ards have the whole thing over." ta Thackeray, tndiiý si gêëat adm TI eeasonable condit4?u,?ý on was it ta W or four days, in tepid water, renewed da t fbvorite:Engliah peste wW,'ýýit ta t4ke 0 II will answer ôategor7igally- My fish la be 1 and when and where -Bat yen do ni t seem ta undçrstaid, thon Put ihtévine&Zai.' Caremastbetakôn are not, English, BurzW bein a -scotchman tc place? and how acon mighý ho tell',;U hiè Ethel. 1 mean ta tell Lord Ashwell eveýr y, and aloo ùnder omaê Jackson, and je an Altier. ' At present ýhe had g before I marry hîm. I ta keep them under brine,, d Moore au Iriahraon. îe Damed Sir Th freinds about it? thin il faCt nluet -he,,v.inoear... in old plate turned over an a] man auà ex Lord Mayorg and very present- thought It best to-keep stri.-çt1y ta the very tell him before. You, forget 1 have seen Mr. q illard, 1. Towmb]yý'Of Portland,, Me.0 1 imes in them with -s weight on top, duos this %bie in ove ' respect. 0£ hie exact calling I' Ictter of our understandIng; and ta tell Do W-ylie, whose advice enfirely Chi whor ýreceatIy built ia bicycle ta be; prol et -ry -d termination., km,ý'W nothing as yet, except tbat ho' la elle- But, of course, alit thing muet, be ;with My own proviens e Be' There.is nu equal ta the vinegarproduceà Zèlled by the vapeur of etheir,' bas now ci the-City and muet make a faîr known sooner or later, lie chi net -really see aides, as Mr. Wylié told meif I married ln by the slow aci4latfon of fruit-juice, 88 finished un ether-laùn.eh, operated in- a, fi semotbiug in any reason why it eho#ld.ý,not just as well any Dame but, my own, tille marriage wopld vinegar. It -in' which f when eider is converted into similar inanner bytn.echaulam, Le , and the Pleanest the vàp air of ethe' takes the pý ace Of &MOunt qL.M»Uoy»by pgrsuing that occupa- be - wad publîc at oncý. «NV hy should - we be sa idle deremony entirely nuil and veidý je ,lie Most bealthy fortin 0 r tien, u hi& private retidence -and Flacti Of not tell the Fox's whci wire -k,,,,d peo le, and thon ail sorts of -complications would of the apple crop steam. AS etfier ýàporiW at 96 -de- reaidence ffl of business heure in in Ches- and would be sure ta bc * ý'p1ëased ý ad hýv follow. for the past two sessons bas 10.6irgely reduced grecs, while water requires M2, the sav. d hain Plam 'He MSY -ut? only one thing certain at cardai, and tbat the supply in firet fîýbnd8 ýa1 ho a mosp boilqr.- for the whole th.4ngl.,Iput fia éthe Poet iù the 11,Well, darliùg," said Ethel, -there ià id pure eider ing in fuel in said ta ile importanL t 0,11 that.1 care a«lnng u h ' e in content ta do shape of the c fomarvý,announcemf. vinegar bas baisai hard ta grit. ýBut it ils miss M. E: Bradd6,n,, Who bu written- t what is right and handsome in -the W&Y of There wu not the lea;tlcccaisiGn for aay je that the carde cannot alwaya be against so- much More desirable for pickle-Téaking Settlements, pocket-money rauch mystery, nd for his-own part ho wanteil' you. of that I am quite confident Your and every other culinary use, that every fifty-four novels, quails bifore the camera. is in thé matters of d6tail the news te bë- Made publicproperty as bad luck up ta now en _r 1 t nt, - very il matteris nf detail. it farmer's wife abould plan a year abead for Oýe hundred dollars înd a royalty a de&rMiriarnthat -the ýwho1t Secret of thiis gonn as possible., Cruel, and almost malicious. It is high au ample supply. loîcture sold have been offered ta ý her if i lien. Look tý your detailsand He was evidentlir in earnest, and nOt at time that the tide began ta turn. I for my en," but she is i world really AU sour pick lep, and ail sweet pickles net ;ha will consent ta be "t&k, the larger matters will take care of them- ail in a humer to bas put ofl. AU that 1 own part feet pretty * certain thst it ha% made of ri scaked twenty-four not, tempted. She ý knows and fesrs the t ady, and I c vote pe fruit, are resources of the enâp abat, selves quite naturallyi' could do was ta bee hfin for a few days turned alre onsequently beau in a brille, the uàual proportion, be and when shell "Se 1 am comil)g to:beliave' 'FiristbG'W- tu let Matters resý as'they were. that we keep pur own. connael auf4for lâg a large aup of sait ta a galion of , water. in abroad, is constantly on the ajert ta efér, let mocongràtulate you with, all my 661 have no donlt," 1 said, "Yon will the prezent say no more about'the matt$-r. The use of the bFine in ta draw out the ac- protect herself from a. Possible.' i4deied a beart. W a areý In There la- the luncheon belli, aqd 1 have my i d or strong flavor of the green fruit or probable kodak. 1 In these ý such very old, iiiende and think me fanciful, 80 perhaps 1 am. daysi' of sthat Ireedhardly dotoinaiset fact, I think that all women are îsnciflil old Aldermau to ý pacify. ne will be-fur-' alp ready te aýb- ubiquitous buttons ta be preatied, bolFrèver, 11 gpeechjow let me in tutu tell you all about more or les& I eau caly ask you for loue at My baving ta go Over ta Paris, and ho firet v' Mine Braddon cannot hope ta escape uch iny own Wýe affair. 1. -have mude My fiance this once ta bear patiently- with me, slèd 1 do not' mind tellîng you, ýth&t ho in the egaç into wbich green pickles are put, usu- longer. th 1 ally. draws acrid PrinclP The Cm recentlyý gave orders, of ýen, :nd he in-*l believe, et ta honor my fancy. A day or two, or éven kind of animal Who wants a ad desý of dreami;ý 01 me, -or, a couplé 01, weekalgar Nyhich'I do net;&* imooihing dpwn. ,I shrewdly s . nect'thst and eh& d be dira , *qVMthire».w«âyý and > attheaug 0180 rùi 10ÉL W frésh added.- The pickles will thon keep gestion of Rwisian 801561ars, Xhat tbè uùffl f- 'me '%ivoir :ýb1a alter and have no int fion of askm'g), is a vi,ýrY ho bas iï-e'd hie digest ar and bra and sofa. For iitti WO )ives are turtle soup and M anifion House punch, and gro, d roomsôt the- Kremli at MOECOW-1, k ie ýý withotit fernienting. un breakt t, ci Ddy e matter af ter all, where t Ileaven'a ma ahould be ae&eÏýed or hiddén treasures. It i ýe, if ho ahould come up, sa ho concerned. As for Car marriage itse14 -1 that hie digestion bas ruined hie temper. ýnay y mornent, don't look full of have no wish te poistpone that'indefinitely, ýjou& verrons. When 1 am Lady Jackson, u . a )rary ,gllilt a few days and pi A Randy Wardrobe. in hoped that in thora the famo lil aý,ýaG1rw>ledqe.' Try and taJk se if no- a 1 r in fact, at all. 1 only want puta . ring in his nose peto bun batever W&S P&SSIP in your Mind. M 10 i4wil, of Ivan the Terrible ffisy be found, whieh thilg re. 'Y and My bear,'o'ball dance te my own tune or contained more thau eight hqndred Greek, Pu -Well, my darling," ho answereçi, 1 will know why. Yen abail see- my dear. An old housekeeper who lives in a large 1 t on what I havi ou Call a cuùal &pPearýnce. It is a very happy phrase; ex. in idle-to, pretend that 1 am notdisappoint- 'Yen shall a e. And we went down to and Latin mannacripts, unknown -ta the actly hittiug offlwbàt it ed for 1 am, and I think I have si littie lunch. 'cage, Western world. In the vaulta there muet P03- rZaon, ta be. I alw&yà Éated my'stery, declares with great emphasis that itis- -alfio be ins-ny documents relating te, the ùlar tradition l;q %ýil1 look, My deer, ees casual as (TO BIC Con.TINUF.1» [V 0116n, àad I L-ad 'botter perhapa bëèri and l'wanted to have had the whole.thiýg impossible ta have tao many closets in, a faistory of Russia, while pop, te i&;ï sa si once, f orhere' coules the young out at ýénce. It Muet be, however, as you mon- bouse. fille them *ith countless treasures hidden gentl an bîmaetL" pleate. For the present- 1 will say nu in times put it, but we cannot, of course, , a -very IÊss Erannes Willard divideî---her 24 Th:lynouiàg geutlemanhiroself was bearing more about' FACTS IN FEW WORDS. Our bouse is Our castle, but, it is dowà upon us et thîâ juncturO sud *alltiug prélong our stay here indefinîtely. ;Th untidy abiding place unlesa it centaine a The firet publie library was established heure intc, three periode : Eîght . heure for te kaow whence we'came, and vrbither we best of thé people have gone already, and great, many receptacles for the clothin .4h ta on Massachusetts now has a company fliat rurome in the bouse. Whon such is the Case upon no many q Plifyîng. conditiôns-r-ýthe were going, and what we . thought of the the re3t- wîll socn be going. For my part, in Athens, B.C. 540. 9 work, eight honte -for eleep, and 14 eight -So ont There are 9,000,OW forei and oddfi and ends of avery description tbat I pleam," she says. Most weather, and gave me at last the 1 thilik the sooner we let the thiaig be heure tel do as o1ilesny un. women would find the latter period the hanee of telling him that 1 wae going up known, and without giving pe in the United States. accumulate-in the béat resulated familiea, te Lcindon o&buirtàýa that very afternoon, neccusary time ta think about it and British filshermen daily drag $100,W0 Aèchitecta are often unwilling, to'mar, bardent one ta hold ta its teict. The doîng ýiavii4g in fact reêeivèd aý letter which made Chatter about it, get married up in London wortii. of filsh neýeifý&ry'ýhat 1 aËoul à do Io. and ar off te the f 'om.the ses. 11rhat they call, the artiatic effect -of certain as she pleuels Of any voman je contingent Continent, the-better it .Lord Ash,ý!11 ci rève me up. te the gtation, wili be. Cànnot you give me any idea?"' insures againat loues by burgiars. wardrobes muet be provided, but sa thons pleaeure and convenience' or comfort of - ànd sjaw me Arrived at Paddimgton, Upou what -elight circumstances-, ou.r - te are eýpensive,-the busy fingers of the bouse others, accumulated duties pressed out of I felt atrongly- unual taxes of the world aggrega procured a hýnsom, end, in about twen; ty. wliole lite often lingers. The a wife muet ha. depended upon ta provitle place by work and aleep-tfiat, the oîght mintitte, fo4d myself once agu-in in the almest irreai8tibly--tempted theu and there the enormous aura of 84,350,00,000. aubstitutes. A cerner in the rocliv may be bouta wouldoften ho consumed inIfinding- offiQes ýf Me4ro. Wylie & Wylîe. te tell bim everything - but mi evil destiu«y 'Several E-*ropean. journals are being utilized as follows time ta do as elle plessed. me ta Dut cff doing sa. I was printed on Amerir-au paper- Two &trips of Wood sa long as yon desire The parieh register of Greenwich records Mr- ý Gecrýè- tWvlie rèceived me -in hîs 159 -made L-u «ý - . -1 -,Oile -8461r-k- the plan of physical geo- Fry**,d, a temperat'a and k neéd scarcely aay'thot listributiôn of warmih is nor advaintagéouq, and al- onibly be productive Of nO iediate hartn, yet it is in tion. ta. the laws of bealth, Pgement distinctlY -tO be for Rhe=atism- of the hcaling virinee rigally >eing mde- On", t oelery is a cure for, rhet tas been asserted that thv sible il the vegetable be ly eatita". The celery should and boiled -in water until atprattie 6ter drank'by the patient. never produces ' but simpi inemeï. Try t'aie re 11-1 not do without elicious disla fo ut sýmp' oàducive to the ,hat Sn be menti in the Siek-roo of "naense hu been talked_ rions effects of flowers ili -Thepresence of flowers, dots îtý,-.uarely Offensive to lth, 1 and, of coursé, is mach invalid with supersenaîtive - )resence, hqirqver, of flowers ragrance is generally bene, 1 colora are said to actr n thezervous system' Red' atimalating, while delicate la Scot ing. Dyspeesia- off'dyrpilia, attention te of the -mind is of as much im..ý' that of tibe body. It abould ail, for nothing WOO lîkely to ýarrin-aeý- thedfaease as a fit âtaxiety, 4r evýn intense study n aitéÎ;a)neaU- The influenc, x he'digeit ive4Drgans, indesidn erallyibiervee. and haî beet r many, atïthbqýI both 'ancipené Health eints. oig beýn&,sccuséd*of apreading it iw lasserted no1w, from mesui ave a aise for îf AýaýY èýda after bifing a Yel- tient, ýh disease whieh fol- 14 1 haît jaW resultz are rare. a sayà tjiat niné-týrfive femilin- are àrettly trace ble to tight- ibat i «Îhe proin2lnt toast at quiets should beý-II W, Oman, ift toi man and thç chie! sup-, Dctors. w1liat: îS t4m'hest omn - Ûda eonte r& ït ,,, : Takeý:=rc&hýiyld by the heek ,d do"wards, and pat iton ien the article will probably be am thé throat and disposed of. jat is. very soin (says a medical -y), - wring a icloth out,'of cold àd bind it, on the throat when cover itwith a wollen clot4. tg for balf an hour after meais ra. 'Alicè Shaw,,the lady whist- )est poïsible: &id to dÎjiestý10D. reak-chýtsted,,I siendei--throatýéd - i9 and piofit by my experience. toyal, Apartments.- > by isitQÉ ýlatýly.-distingu,.,%h- from' thé een comma" il Qý at )It the dis rocim in thý, It apieýndici-ý apakment isr th ý the BostoÛ Ilerý.1d. 1E!erýtOfOre les Glqqýs et Versailles and the ne in tlié câstle of ihe latè King have beên llýýnappioachablê mod- oallerv at 1 unewore thst I had mot an' yet had ýt, the Bradahaw, and &II ýthe 1 bave looked he is able te be &bout. of appetizing and delicio-uti dishes than anY Lady Margaýeý's father, is said ta exceeg ý,time ta tell Lord AzhweW.&nyýthîng, and other.auîthcýritie9, and 1-find that if 1 leare lu Australia creat -inconveniené"e thât mý reWi abject in i coming UP ta tciwn bers %t five aliarp, I can just-..manage-to, do ÎB. ex- obber kind of É,ome-grown fruit. And yet énethousand, pound.8 a day. had been. ta &sk him' Mr. Wylie, perience.a in tâegraph conistruetion by the 0 whit hie matters comfortably. , All my paekîng' la if they were no; more plentif 1, and had no, thought I bad botter do. : : 1 rorr pleted, my formal adieux have been fondness of the natives for wire for brace. , - . Il The man of faw consiýçred the mât- made, and there is nothiiio, lef t for me ýbut leta, ear and nose rings, and their weaknose grester 111 keeping pôwer, thau peaches'and ter- rdiýg ta to ' for the procelain insulators, which, they pluma, we shoù Id, no doubt, bave no more AN HO,ýORABLE THIEF. fer a moment, not bieingi - acco bd ready for the carf!aËe wheiî it comes fashion into ar-.owbeade. hie nausi practice, ready at once, with roùàd ta the door. Meaintime I bave a appreciation of thoir value. A celebrated Re Felt tiat Ue was Belug F001ed bu an ntirè Bolutîou of the whole difficulty. ý A nével suit is being brought by an lu- teechet of cookery, whose word no up-to. fetter for you which has been forwarded ]KffifýLept bis Word. Then,' having thoýght the matter out, from Paris, wheïre it was addressed cave of dîaua woman algainst a number of promi. date housewife would think of quâlionings lie' replied eh myself. It is idle ta pretend that I &oýnot jaent peoDle oi bliat stdg. She wishes to sava that apples eau be seived-.in bearly or et 1 once had' au experieiâce that prove ,'Of cGurýe Yeu muet let him knoî!, 80011 - know the writing, for it ha;ppebe ta be that recover $6,000, which, ahe alleges, hér q -îtc a hundred delightful ways. * It is ta me that therý- is' bonor among thievee, Ur or laitier, and before your engagement of Prince Ballanikoff. Open it at ones, ýmy -huaband lesù ta tilleul gamblinR. doubtful, howelver, if the majority of bouse. said W. j. Burgess, a Montr:eal ýdrummei -gets abroai ; or, if yon do not, soma enemy -w wives are familiar with onetinarter of that It -ha, ral child, and let me know liait that must Tkerels a man in a little town about ten prove supe ppened séveï yeara ago in a litti _Rusaîans, and least bearish'has miles from Dallas, lex., %vho is landiord number. Ta xio ty of modern townupin Manitobai. Iretired tobedi or jother wili do thething for you.ý It is estimable of ri luite, necýeppary that, it should be doue, atd t 0- say f or hiffiself. of the only hotel, the storekeeper, the only me bhadg of cooking, one kas 'but ta compare advise Vou ta de -ft. at, once. The only 1 complied, more or lesa mecha nd the pastor of the a pie made of thinly-aliced apples seasoù ed the hotel at th ý usual time, sud: placed m possible question in, wili yen dû it yéurfielt, nicàlly, lawyer in the place a with allopioe, with one made of quartered watch and poc'ket-book under the.pilloi Nowii 1 and NWh a certain amount of uneuiness. only church. or àiball scimehody du it for you li and cored apples flavored with a little Il empire lemon or vanifia extract;; br com would glad ly go beyond th 3 rgutine of pro. I was passing through a very severe, land In the dominions of the Britis -pare the Aîter having been asleep for some.time sharp criais, and my nerves were etrunt ta m 1-duala vanîsh every richneW and delicate naturel Ravor, of al> was awakened by hearing a atrangeý noil eszional duty, pnlv that I think you -had the mriost extreme point of tension. year jývithout leaving any indication as.to plEs&uoe made of sour apples ; pared, quar- in the room. jetter- tell Lird A7shWoli yuurselt. » ýTheu ' The letter itself did net, take by ýany, their whereaboute or ever appearing again. 16 Yeu cau'imagine I wais considerabl ýýomes theý;poînt whether tered and cored, sweetened with augar, Yqu sl'all writo te meaus loligto read, or ta master îts pur. A Louisiana man was bitten the other diawéI,ýad in plenty ci hot water, covered startled et beh Adîng a man, with,,,% handke ;%im, or whether you ràhall tell him, and if port. It was - net brief, but it was ulren" day by poisonous enake. fhe tragie re- eloooly and Soked until tendert without eh-ëf iied over hie face standing by mý bei .1 wereycu I should most eertainly tell-him. chantly ta the point. witý'out Ile is a ycung man of atrong'ebuituan sense. sult did not turn out exactly, as expected, stirring, in a hot oven withthe old-,taýahioýned Bide. In Ilis and wu a dark lanten He is au th know this story 'alteady. in "Jockey Club, Paris, for the, i3nak e it was that died. sort; or bytestin any of. the recipes given which tholle itilly on tu --face. Re did ni hinki but re 9 it t y 1110ctober 124th, 18, bélow. zivemeinuch ime-to in a grie pd ai i h U'mati'probability hl has hcard the cage d several times, and froin every MY DiLiM LADY CRAvENý, and core sour. voice demand mir watch and money. possible point of view. If so',be will have î«It is just possible that it may be éomI 'AMateUP Maritime Law. : . don'It know,,,ýV4at évier put the ide& into n dpples place- 4em in a baking pan; fill the head, but, du, evévoring tý be as - c« iormed hia own, opinion,ý andi 1 have-very time befire this letterwill reach von. little doubt i where you art-, and' j Landsman-" When two boats are in hollow of put a bit po -nysolf as te whaît that opinion -do net know am eact apple ý4th angar; asible, I saà danger of collision, whiell one bteers off - te if i tell irhere thejr will be. -aware that in England, ait this tiiùe oý the of butter on the sugar, 'fill t4epan ta one- -Y)a exictly 1 "But the papiers. wer odownoume," year, your movements- are i the way will y lu se not ta moleat me and Ida ou ro s' Fe-ry 1kely týo be and getà ont of eone thaeolastpaintedï, third e cl th of the with *:ter, me ta tit ýý ý 1 or i Yachtsman"--T'h th . op 1 1 4pples - fiiipiih sloop . 1 erratie. i é andbake until tender. -ýRoïmove" thora 'care- Well, y are. a one, Imnat s-, SiLeadinq articles newepapers," he Why am I writing ta you? Of Ourse 0 ý11 fùlly te the Wievifig dish and dîp the syrué- hireplied, ut yen Muet tell me whe reýlied1 -always accep, the fait acjompli, I bave net forgotten the.-stern interdict Clergyman (ta youn lady acquaintance) . avez the= gerve cold, with sweetened your'veJuables are, &nid tivill prÔmine b alw&y3 say the t -they ad foresoen itall. néder- which yen have virtualit plaC64 me. -1 feel sure You woulin't be willing ta die. Whippéd, thein. ý to yoù, - Of course 1 wn wrong in breaking it. M cream spread, around- harm".,- ù' Md léave yoù iu'1:îéace."ý Albple&- Put a oup M ii ur eilong; always makë it c t worse than it îs, . 1 ri au you arew fui Of andRlways moralizî Stewed , I ta 0 y a w;rd;" sai4 _ab ut ît in a manner, queï«oulëz-vozia,? News, somotimeqe, me g Lýd -1havens 1.: ient my bat on yý water the se'àle N _i j b ý,. ii lackg repà %rhioh is oiten sublimely, impertinent and te meýdu «Ad ways, and 1 have heard ews nünnt of 'aupr, and la. r ý 'ce sýaight 1 ed and ove y I aves ed up 119 y -Ir few bite of 84ek ëinnamon, In, an agate thý am - dowl gt sickeni 1 li riticaLNo man with any of yourself, and, ta tell yon the truý,ý of onfidence iù iis own epinîon'*io ever'in- 'LordýAshweIL Ihopewh&tI--,bearm' be A raft, contikining six and a bey million fluience&by the rapers. Lord Ashwell, utitrùe,,-u ý'his Lordsbip is a mùst eati le feetof loge, Waýrâce4itly towed intoLW- saucepan and bail alowly ýý fifte6a illinutes. ' 'He stared, at rue si ým!nüte, or twoý ave re ai, Paris andïcore eight inedium-zized xVini ta tell ' -by, my 1 if lb %Vhateve . r be. may- h ad ait the tîme, apeciolen of a young English côuntryge , e- !*pples ; though. 1 am will "ve fortr.ýd hie own iiidgtnentupon Man,:ý and would, no doubtmake a,-pýë&e1 'Vour hatid ? arrange on the );ýttonl of a sancepau; re- spokeà the tr#thi- It muet hayâ C'onviný your h: you bc en y MO" the spice from the a, ar ýàtory, nnd 1 ehould iay that hit and éxtremely a'ffectionate huaba Of . She--ýUlyill 1 satiafied th wr4 and po it him, tor, mùttering- âolnething, I did v ju-dgmginý,would Le rune. 1hat 1 -have no maDuer of doubt. Bu'4u.-itlis Eleý-YS& over the apples ; cqver cloiely ààd stew nu- ëatcb, hie t1araed- ob hie heel r and weilk She-Then ýy*u cm t kin 'ilà but not brâeàk er'vecoldwith.loutçfthero eQ, without a w,ýe 4*Ana-au there 1hýnS2 Lein.- so* 1 canna'. only rny.j-;Uty ta let-Voil know, u sconi au I radencei a seasige nome-1 Dot tu Bd by - sightsecrâ, as ýVindsor even Buck,,,gham Dalace, lis when is absent*.' Cholera ln E.ur.ûpe.ý i from Ëurope dtiringtbé,* pagt ýcerning the progiess of cholera leting. In Western ltumà the revaîla with greatvira'-ence, and alîty is.ipereasing In the districts ig the'boundaries pi Germany and, But the outbreak nearjAege m- stern Belgiam ismorealarmingfor Probable that the greater part.,of e, valley will, be infetted an4 à new qtablishea two hundred miles fruni t - wu 1 just two years atio, that experienced itj3 greatest scare. ihipe were ûÛmerous in New Yûr-k and Preaident Harrison mued hi$ ýtion that - all veuela carryimg 'nts, 'abould< be quamn+.,iiied for layoi- The veeld ofý--vîgilapee-at the time> is hardly léis gr+ thau it The PeèeËr,ýBOre.. e death of > old linrà ý Deumau the Elouse ofPeers,,Ioses oueýof itë-gr' eat- Wb'CneTerý làcr'd Salitbury ;ýlýD kFon his .Ç&s to Ma e a býpeerhi 1 W.an -%vruld at duce rir c to address tke àe'-Lcra-e object of dpWll tý-oý Marqria, er-ys the San, ,,o rona at. -As ho 1 was stone (leaf,ý î d Éay ho liçe(l to e-xPostulations On t, cd, his brutter pe-rs ce of tile Lord lor r3 rrosiiing officer, and w" to pe:d irùm further utteruut.-.ef3 ouly L-Y ragged dQWn-iPt-ýý L"* Icat by -bi.4 Chure - T - -7 Wàt ni0t, )ldjy into tome- breait in UPOn hel.)p ,IW,%Ys doing,-or aame thing, or