DàN4Id rltto*1 Bodelin o Hlda NMurteY Lucy Me Pheraoii Lloyd iI B" st-b.I q~bo VPitby Contluw4 tri* pposîte page. IrvJ.inytg,.Trto ILr. oll , Gourley, noe Gert rude I5etwod, .To1'i>to J*unioLif. Mis ~I5>~>4*4PPO3A Nw York. i Mi. S.Martea ~ Loti Aie%- pmder, Sattle, Waah. 'Mrp.DaVldOm, n .1~. Alexanlder,1 Vot erry. M'. it4hell, n~J"ma eFraser, loronte. SIre. 14bee, nes Iheattloo Deoker, Odo. ý l si 3%tL l, ouons. ~~tzt u t Tborý AV.0 kw no àe M Q o ff44 ~ DBccke eeker Vcra Nithot6oni Clara jerrln Agonea eau Ida 3Moore Reta Zeufeit IIJr. to 11 Sr- Lizzle aviIce I3ertha W'orfolk Glen Allin Jean Johoaton sophe Colich l.1;aie Hljtiiiy Leida MCI>herâon. ArthUr IHaWley Gleil Pip)er. TII Sr. to IV Jr.- Rum"eU Cwuin Arthur Wî1kinsos Rugeme NàchüWan Muried YëUng Della Moore IV Jr. te ý S. Jemi3 Corïnack lietena fls*4t1ar FlorenS e ~wtonl Elaie Ard John Smith. A1bort Gil Lflian Thoump»n Lhix Swdo town. 7,% j, i ~ I. ~1 Il I I .1. I Another-Sait-rd& ty~te. 14ver~ Clara 1S%8, Inlpo. DoiphiSa DteW Toronto., fr- T~O~ tiCli4 oronto. 1 ryx@IlJ. MLr. eIOl» Strcklotld, 'f uioýO harTw Smh Il0.J.1. Ati18011, nec 4UEl Wi mth piaxto2i. Toronto. - OieInri* Mn.11.If.Pêlnr, nec Edith Thom- George janeà M I A '3 a l O . ' i m , ns k G r y ar., Oulvu nec atn=U 'ig Vster KrCeSrl elII di hgi.i Torontô. Dorotby NV~i1 1r P.Adanis, nec j.I ,.Mls rd ao Port Perry. 1Cr.. R. S. liamiltumi, nee Malrbaret J.40 r Camipbell, Galt. e.rlr MisaJoy WVotàon, Syrnees, 4%Ra &t', * sFthelj Ileati'. Co1unih48. tsrc eyJiol¶1 mi»e Hattie 31. Grass~, BrqOfllI1n Aboie TZr )Lx'.. hlershey, nee Aunio John- j<pbn Forr..tar eton, OslSound. <1*o. 1:r M'.GritiO, nec Margoret *6 tyrd, Toronto. Il ir t î )Iim. S, r14. Melatyre, Toroùte ia Cetctit l1iCehtlii, aarwituWtl Sr Nx'. %Vordssx, Maunc»e4rT peafr Hlibit xr 1*Mtohoil, Tforonto. ul xr.N orrlay, Seuit àt.6ý Uîtw1 £Ao, Mr. ubid Mnr. 6. Sebrt, Xvok Os Mie >4nnle btt,T.vm1Ts, t Ve"% bol%' M".J.,Iie IdtI !L;Oll W#iMS' Mil. P, 1 i1gb. asm4 ,%~ 4-., il