xGOpt tLflhiu 110Wi de'o e Aietttloeiup IIas beon repi&tred. orie4on lnoUbOlock- d Co fortY.- -t itucé the 'viovsk the e4 nb dam- a made in iovetopol IWD AN'D WfiTEIt. :A depatth tr om London aYs: Trharel s tlIl a complote Iack of Imn- portant rklab1e newes 01 the wsur, ail theoreperts, excopt Gen. Sakharol Lad the flood newe.. çomtpi frem Uou!ztfui sources. It lubIIchved here thattAie déluge pf nuud and water Miakes land movemonts phystcalY AMpoeimble. A despatch froan Chefel) dIeribes the valleys as being filleil with ruahlng water, oeopliig awaY trees. bornes, ,and translport carte. Pires caii4ot -be-llghted., Thé troops of bath a;r1lOO'aro ýsufferlng [romi the want of warzu food, deite the sweltering heat. A tolograifl frotU Vin-4<ow rtantes an incident that oc-ý eurred in one of the 1tusaian camnpS. A 'mighty wftve si4ddeffly rolled doemi- a valley, swept aWay 4Auo I<cd Cross, b)arracks and hoipital tonts. sôIdit ers Illtd the Sistees of Mery lin, thoir arme and rushod ta the bill- wîde,' escaping with dimfculty. ]GvorYý thing that woîald float rolied alouig ln the, flood. A nunbeor -f bornos and othor anlmais, ivcre droiod. The tehte vicliî 414 notclao wore so fihlodi wtth, wat4r that hy had to hoet t open 4O~8 doxu» ui WOI'0 .droW< Seng the lmpoeestuulity of abouit a doai Vo battis tin cdfl*u Ce of the rtreuiCet ofthe JI$jpâÏ andi the hoavy r4tll, Gon. XouroN4-ý k in. nccoinpanied'by thxe inii1t4i7 8*ý taces, te returiU1g to Bat-Chbou# BotAi conIï>ftatftl aro apparènt Ut active. ,. Thée Jî losti hv,ý'M tu a dry èandy part 0f the . to awtAt botter weather. elanei hava rooccupiod their tion. thilrty .1niIek eestward 7t ë Yang'. Tho twojarflil0e are 110w bftvo*ekÇ on GiAýhc 'iddê of 'DoliIl 'si>ý, awnit thloeSindob. -01,U 500810 to 8*PjU*the AUce"ý I japanose pl"n or onb* ai the nr.t and thlrd JaPua80O.I and IfS I1olattOn Of the P«9dJý - ail. ATLIAO(-YA2IG. Fr c Ia yaul t#uiofficial rc that have = in rcoivod.in -L coucur in atating that Qox. 1 patkhu ie rotretlns tovards ya.ng, whilo the Japau ilflar ln Tokio 110W 800814ta, IbO ,tb Yang. Thle, IUOSAU' &ro again -degeHbie5 9 &hWo.Tho n I08 nt i 080 et -thl e- to*Ageâé. pôgu , to, COIIist Of@v ino Ofq pi maionts tewargýte egs tby punem., U fe » it A Y4miO t lx,8,p iMb1* 1o,»# 1 inge. etterca4tr -The mmoa~!4 0 ci Of 00i>~g sA but t ij, b Me.41: >P't Qhwang 0. sasê ed to 108ve i :to ON _û i.