Whitby Gazette, 4 Aug 1904, p. 6

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w i~07 $8, pq rlfte 4aofone <lollar and uw notice or ckÎiîy. InteÎest at highest U 5UdtI*8SPoîîî ,tt~tli1 gVOK toFarnief', c Dealiers, rnd to out-o(.towfl *ccoiu0t@ idiscouoted. Sale note calghed or takl &t IOWet rates. B!aulc formi froc 15 PORT PERRY BRANCH TIIURSDV'. A.UGUST4, 114 MNr. Hienry -jickle, of Bra,iI<lin, very kimndtY atiowed lis 11v. ume 01 the fpilowiilg beuafiftg on Iie IIPiI1. élit- ,nationl as Vie ved 1%, uvn Gre xistrket, 1.ondOb. L-agilad- i n taknK th,, 0lbibort)nhity cil 'hati Usual thi eri o r dV'tfl r re!PCtitg the propc o aî Pri nti maricet duriuîg Itîe cOm- ing applo seîisof. th.co, te witbout specifylflg tlte crp f! rhi diffefOflI Europeftf Cetrs ra whCl t O rjtwV Our suoîîiêti tî a'*oy QfruU-q<IIC at acordiflg ta pcv- inidica~tion, mêe @hall have ta de-il wltb a large orop of îîPPies (rnIli 1uarters. Of wbîit qîîaltt the fruit Witt toril out i( 14% )-et. tootitifi 10 gay, but, with our proffeat advjeeS. frein the UJnited gltts and Canada, we think tiiere en lbe no doubt t huit the prices thitt yei'r Moslt le on lowver range tItan usual. tud it il rqrograt euie and1 discretioOtiuo aipuPk àit part to See that 01,Y wVeil- pioked fruit i% ment forwîurd. Aatipating lýIâ <luo a iiirge croît throughout the Unitedl Stat"-, On- laflo &nd Novîî 1ztit have îhought it advlSSbto tu bce in a PoiLtiof 10 <tn iu ,if [lece4%Iry, the var- 'JouaStuuiga<i anîd for Ili Purp~o tae u arialnged t t*aike ehipilWflt. foi iiverpo'>l. GlagowV, Malheter finit Iiouthtirnipton, and any coIlyigiYIfl2l1t- for" ardcd tothose poitt %viH receive the batilS carefui attention a- thouigti tu-nt direct Io Lonldon. B3itta of &ladi ng and ailI biippiflg tiocuuient% Shouid lie addresbed t Q Lotidoa.iu the usu;l îy Our M r. i, n(l, %%ilo . 1..noi Amn- e aWitt, Do0 coul>t. du busne1! the pla-mof ciitltit upiu y-ou. and on wt- arc Ln constant comulunuicatiuaby c hi' e vitli le auble ta keep you îîdvîset i .4 thu isenson prOgItribe!à. - CHAS. BALLARJ i 1u £100,ooo SE'I lo Lend at 4, 4j and 5 ét cent.on go0d Mortgage 5ctlY ,D&NID J. aS&1AMS Bauker and ËUr, j' di inlb 1ad 4 .M work dune Wio.d divVt' où 12, V7.36; .1. Soinorville. ,Ork doe lu road divî- tised jin rond oi Si.* 8 1.25. WV 4Sîdier, wor, done in yr 4division 1l15.48 G.Va1vidO a' - M-kdoe in road divî-'tçL < S $3404,ë J. Loedgttt, mork donc in roiad divigoi 10, $78.- 42; \N. MCeKaY. ork ao.t ot i Vi$iof 14, ii~ . Johnson, worlç djont. in rond divWeI1glO8 1*90" W (;i tOfl ,%% o r k done în.IrOattdiv'siOn 61 Vea3 W. 1'.et$hgrireVl tiud in 1id. diviajion l.~l1.4, .w'Pý.I1do n IIin i l'aimer for bonus ut 246>,aep3r ccxion about 40 rod, wi1l tenue ODon w e.t sidc of hartbur road. *0G-. 1; m. NitintN. îs.ptiirlilg cîlvert On enat towf l ne, -C0[l. tîtby te '>--char- god one Lhalf, AG61... -David»OIi, payun bflt lilf. g25;G.,Oop3r, put. tir4z in culvt-r1.' aunnot'th town i, 1 Vxbritlge to pay o00 hoi 1.;. tnle.raOn, bonu' u ofc per rod *W, 3b rodai wVire f(acte OU .w6st laldé uf Audiey road. ttof. 4, $8.76; B. Hnaight, bonus of 2,5c. per rod oni 48 rocis of wirc feace ou eaat ~e Greenwood road, con. S# ase l» rço, on eas.t aide ut sideil8 ebctwein loits 14 and 15, Con. 'à, V-825; &.. Brig=*' bonua oi 25--. per roio G *0rodsW v4m fence in front of lot 19eon. ,# J. L. Palmer, bon"s aI 2.5..rod oni 40 roda wire fonce co'.9Jarborrçuý $10; C. Palmner. bonus o0 15M rod oU 40) rods wira tence on sidoi ' Uno betweeul lois 22 and t21. ooSn Il .$0;-,W. Gibmeon, gravaield in z>ai 1diviSioD 6, $14.38; G. Cooj>a,,work,I4 1division r d 15, $81.904-. OsW.i"Dbd )work in1 road div sis> 13, !$130 4 ;gravel .for Ilitadivisia> en.Id iépuLii'f (grnVo pit, *512.6; Shê$U&ia 1 «on, . fur cernent pipe #44U." al cuttiflg ilees $3.60; F. Bauderso for draving spilps, »g bridge oa a line bot We I b >azu ayards -gruivet divi-'îont .8* GorMani, %work in road d iYiskU1,'fin 70; 'B. Wilbur for operàtinlg .-ai> 1moVwq îu.aher V42;,(î. white, gamet * QrTor" division.s.1aà LaO.O;1 wxork dane in roti d dviIous S3and *15.; . . wibuiÈ,ý4balqoe « .cant t o» i lt 11iottaIgP Wood"apopoll l odl jr prry y C. 1 Ionnt'ÂL Dvis, and ilu Whltb y J. R. WU1m anid A..13. Aila. -Hgeve yon lothes Ifopay a viit to wIll 1;e4oe I AUUS Septeber6t *êê#sp4~*$ L~~ &1- STIFFER 4 4 .4 'OLOOK e,.*lL dressed you Clothès should j 4e~$1o.~in4è.Lot &iakê B. A., 141. ., mresSb'*foe4îadfrs -Sueeusor to&i * l officesor the , a";?.! Yaruold. 10INGI AI Overeigr hoe at 48 00; &5éIanid $400, W. have -hadnt hs Une for two Y«"aâad apitl Pai Upire cali guarautee everY pair. Surplus, thé.~30OO e-vëeàhôwn li Pôrt, Perrï,; àn- wu £ W.ý A. SANGSTER, ci*i theaPoeC ova W00. Geo~Jaokson F 1or the ouyo ntrOsd~. COTT au S Toma, t Evri - In O, GereEverilt.of Cawker -Ili C ,%ife of F. nv Reid - .11 Maxi 28flit, ,Vif -of «John Hay. - ïn Oihawi Ille wif-2 or 1-ughý Owifc ot lutî1c Erit Sproulc - la t vitfe of jaMe'ý Sç ier. Burnelt - ln (X ls.,the -%ite or D£ a'sofl. * Wagner - la 26th, ta Mr. and da ug)t ar. *conhin -I %Oth, wife o! Pl daughte r. I3Bounsall - In 22znd, to Mr. aa4 oeil, a daughter. Wjtlberidge- Zbly 2-9nd,- to M.r.- ýýridge, in., a du .-Bicbardson- 0a3, >bawa, à te1B.v. J. HOdst Bkhardson to both of Vhitby. Elliott - Moun jouly 2th, by 14evý B.D., Jarmes Edwil O)nt., e.nd Edith9 per of the late T 4*t the reeideoo . Àoàlborne iat., .byý :t. A., james Pet Wilson -w i '4onoe of the bpi j#- »outh, on N W S eY. J. Uodlm ktason -M 'oY l r.W tenson JJi Ct., rio 1i(aby'aI oule. fTllê roat- ms uflorU)of cb1ol)tdbood Î aiuesd <~ -,~~eui, ,..4 '.-ad, ehàfinui oe ottîtif orma ku iîs rritationf or cr. Value La the. boùw hwaro ltr o o.ntit culdren. >0 io îthlt'r m ha bas teari ".d te )",ra o! waym in u lich tir. CbLvie's Ointfliet ca r.n l tsed %oid ltlîink o fbAng t haut it In St 1)I0oU!**. bridge,. PSJ in lOad divaý nppltcatton 1 P'arker for1 atbout 20 -ro emlst borner In regard M. \ýewtO£l4 A'- 'roadway PICKlF.BING Col NCI. iti Mr. Ge ruta1 î<'î'.î plti The tlloYtu .ctil ut'. (litIr otgh- Urtv t rôM LUIn 011 .uiy 25Lt. *br~ti r-coa-*ent os, P<'a1t, thle retvtt, Ilt,îb:î. Th e Tlî'couil r a1and a lPpruvct. t lie t raîuýë Onmotion Mïr. Squires wtt. hourd. ru., il' Ii ond 1 WeeCil ltâ 14 anîd ft t ctrl, id ttnt i "~ roid tle bOteeCn lot, 15 ui ;ed '11,and lot M ioWuiýd by J.XR. .mt 130 Y %% utitd e tslimtt-fr"' vroa n lie' il t>f Oitltinlt, road iiowtlnc,@. or f raid . ui2VOfl.O .4 rîuadtu t1akot ~Lý Xreltfr"i ' m~ M. Newtot, WhÎtby, cuiaplaCiil Its'il î h oad~0~1dnsiOlOrîad outi,> sak- t îîg -tio" on erdelinoe I*t ti'.n lotsIl 3mait1 15 ;n con. .atontîi On u itowell propCrt>. a. GomimunicaIliAtI îîn-% r(ad f ronti Mr. tcxie e iso! atlallnçe th t ,m tîi pposltc lot 16, COM 1- M.%, fo', cQ01n>isliicatÎofl was read (rom .1. * ý Y 'aroelll, N. C.. county (isrk, *âekef ,j lting iliat ijhe county rmte for the so o.~rît yer ~Ment yi67.71 Comamunicattion train .J. E. Srlîiler, sutphlm l 'u-peti of! oues <f M etige, m'('r ri) bù. l awfortl. otîjý,cted ta reee'ivilg hlm vitoo ck taIo Rdu9cIt' hntine lit' la atd- Iowurhp Dl. K prugIt îwave not iOîice tm hp wIlltIbr« O dCW 'l Dr. cbaseg love foti tNt' t.o iai .lir' tbylaa( t lI . c lu'itIup oM rrrta'r roimi q;àie usti .,mgtParker W"t-shc.iîd re :.ýmU4 Dr. .b tUI optu<isite lot 28. cou. 2 ilpyl tg %ýilb% Nt iaui d m 2.w-. 1) 3r rod fenSê oO 1101 éomplâat5 o rut the.Iibm rgi~ ~tOI3&~ti0, i :1 urne4 f0 or-. bis p~SiÏ. mon lirl ibstwelsDr. u ni 6 lidpeb&e u mao hm of skeeb iw WMslb-ne LbbdiÏM fbevu lu hi t.w I oomp~ ý 1 i ', . 4+ffl "d crown work

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