Whitby Gazette, 4 May 1905, p. 1

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SCUGOG. s o! those wkho1 in- S. S. NO. 3, ionth of April i licjlrts, o! Tforoftto, 'ba ~th oring, May re o ~b-'corded l order of meflt, the f rl<ýnd% lhere. bt oaa~My7 t14, .4 xo .) a ào!f wrlt being ef!IocIeKCy lu.- m4si4>, large botl10, 25 The sacrament d f «i re c4aSUip- lass work- Aird ae Holida4y & CoÏ -per- will. be atinie at the Â11o4 UnsMcGIV-r, SYflI plan.ta for ,ale. Choce close of the puibl~ ic 'VC. TheGrgoStnly James SklfflSiserQurtcrl, Q.j ie'Gerrow, Thdmias JHoward, Nc*'xn Carnes la -homef rouiin iithe baseetýfecu r ct Atldred. tni MGrgü,.Ge Ig n por leath. MonayevËnig it 8 oc4wl. le Tlown. l. ¶de flatten, Mamie.,Mc- WU;11ks, of iia! Pn La ren, Watter Wl1llans9,, Wilfred -aa ins ia o e t The clou& of BQfrro~w êùttof gloom Gerrow, 0rvlai Demara, Hasel - rIioens. of Ha ' lbur ton, haiigs heavily oVier OUi' vilage at Kinley. Llewellyn Howardi- on the rallwvay @Lotionfl the present tim. 3" a Iw's con- FoiMi 11-'Ore#Lha Sanguine, How-, Idtin sstili very iiDus aud lit- "rd Aldr.d., Fréd Pearce, Louis IditionPearce. ent. For' lntoi'IftOn tie hope is chierlshed for 'ber recov- FrnI t Ilo ~nMra H. DartiuIgtoil, rook- e cry. M3r. Jas. Croxall is growing McLarezn.> suaesor o eotweaker day by day, IMg friexids -, t. 1-Ilene Gerrow . Leon'ard :~vwveu~t, ,at a distance bave been siunmosed àBu"e to his bedside. M. ad rs D-Au. a. onvalencent Food. Mr'. WY- May.ard leves t Ia~r mouut thedea% -~~ *man N.'Ttmomi.s, 0iupa,,ddsg'ton~ Maynrdlpâýe.àbQu Hat MII. thdeahýo thir n- o4ont;, wrltes:-Xy wite -ha4 coo. Ir - 31ar, to vsit Lrleàde-fanf-chîld, who lfell asl1eep in J esus 9estion- of the 1 a laong wlth oth-' during, the we k.lh cnmunity er trouiAes, and beeamne-eïy-weak~ SMnerh ~ne om'atlage kas.lt we of th- aDd rue_ down. By the use o! Dr. -wmt lukelïy r*nnsin for babe's ilinelse. The funeral, whiirh 1Clases uerve food she ' use 'maGe as strong and well as, eerO!oue i.,anld Mrs. Gra.hami, was private, was- conlluctt4, by Jev. I I h-ad a. doctor, ,but she was wea.k. ecn îtosC.- Adams. We extend to the iam- and IÉ iwas, Dr. Ohase's Nerve Food ee Y.-ily our heartfelt sympaithy hi ttheir wic buthrp. *orolAnderson and Nm 9,nnan weýc, heme froin To- rt aster. Rutiedgr'e of BO'Wmlafvill% te easter holidays vlth.hem £r.R. Moore. .d M.is1)0îts have rxttîned ielr wiIltei sojoura in To- cnd Mo nt r eêl.- ï. B. Rotbsuil is havinâg bis hojsee ewly uheeted and nuproveinSi Lu- made. lannian, _ of : Raimpton, and ginua, of'To.onto, vlsited C, ,lecbuan'u tis week. id Mmm. OBrien, of-graven-- ýpeut the eastem holidays, ýr mother, Mrs. Chinu. leNeey let for Tilsonbiumg, day, %vhere hem father Iu 4t -the point_-o! death. YNý 4zhve afuvli assortment o! mlui dfishem. Bing lu yo-rr AV . Hdiiiday & Co. 'owe!l. o! Toronto, visit- SintMiss Chatînan and J.-.-laqyraft this. week. -D.Lideyor Coîýbomne, was tast week. lm eow rep- the Eqity InEurance Co. ILR B. .Hayward aud Missi d are back. from Toron 10, lwy impenit the wintermon- t'hat 4Mirs. W. 111 thc past speedy re- gdâýliday, o! St. Paffl, Ida ILý Brown, formieriy, o Geo. lloiliday bau gone ýback to ncl -easr- Medicine Hat, N. W. er ispendlug aliout four-mon> home. ~are now quite a umber c o! whooping cough heme. The 3 ls so far of a comparative ,d type. ~7aking powdCer with whleh 'f rkent lot of premiums le poaind. W. A. ,Holll- MISS A.-B ar- this week, stant a firt1 -G. PlaskItî and le! t for Oshawa, e they iiutdud ta benralng bhouse. ' Lace Curtalns-New ! Goods- new patteruus. Prices are 25c., 50c., .$.fO.$1 an sd $-'.OC'a, pair. .W. Ai" Holliday & Co. The grove adjoinlung 'the 'Yii la ge au4I dbeiong'lug ta Miss' Nlcholu,? wn.e sold 'to Mm. Juto. Vipould sud the fiold r. C. Grass.1 liss Agne-me Fowile le! t for Man- tcýba wlïh tIc intentions.-o! reina îe- 1 ' thcre. Bbc .hlÊs the Mfeut wishes o! ýfnany Brook-lu frieudaÀ, who mach regret hem departure. Miss Wln nie 'Ph.ermlll spcn-I casIer, *wlih frieu-dm -lu -Toronto,, sud ili renialu to attend the annual m-ecl. i ng -o! 113ý W. A.. whleh will li3 e*d ,on MÈy 411, sud 5tù. T he R. T. of T. Ield au -'At Home" at the reisîdenee o! Mm. sud Mme. NieNeely, on Mou day eveuiug'. A .:os enjoyalbletinte waus pent in gaxm, Music, etc. A propet lucot withou1t honor gave lu i14 owu country. Oea. I. Wilson le an old- Brooklil boy, but hoe eau tale utp-to-date: .photos just' the swme. Giyqebîvaa eaUl. Rêrv.1 M. E. Wilson' ,pald tic vil- 1agota-e flyiua-g -iiéîton Tueslayl o! lest week ou Ils way f'romt Toron- to tO 'Petvrboro. 111e unaîty friýîîds heme were much pleae«10m4ec l Last viweek lu giviug t11e naines o! bie neiw offibers of! St. Thomtas ehurci we etated ex-wardeil John Godson hâd be-eu dlected'Tresturer. IL shouïd have ead ex-wardeu 'Gh Çordon. Mr. -Noah -Luke lias got lis ,hop opexicd agalu- a! 1er blig ciosed tam th4e inter montîhu ou 0aiccoan t of hlfil 1-health. Ve -elucerely hope frÉnl ndLaite'wm111 ot lie ohiiged Io -rmepst tle -,1olàW gproceimu. Bennett Acdrsofl, iucunvlbent, Thoînas' dhucié, lluinf uil >here now. Thc bwô services aduy evenlng' week wcmc 11gb- crcstIng and Weil attended. lie right 'man lu the igît - We wlamh h1tn success. EDMAN, Lindortaker and desler, Inds of Farchture, Bro-ikle, ont. arr)ansd. ploture -tramnes made to Repatidug lu ail Its bratched >y attended to. A large stock of caskets and ail funeral requusfteo-. itiy 'on haud. Funeral carde 1 u ehrteet notice. pi Àbolutely cured. '1T heme émedy In my opi1nI*n iaI eau ore promptly tkan Dr. Cîast's of Linseed and Tumpentine. ed W>' son of crôu'p, absolubely uln4mt- -We gaw. ehlm sdose he *s Uackln he faee with g,-t gave hb»Inatant me- Pd/ »Mr W.-MCG£,,49 jbereavenent., On -Sa-turday after- nooli the communfiv was startled Iby th e announcement that Sam. ilughson had passed away. We could hardly crédlit the truthfuhIess 6f the 'report- which came so; sud- denly. ' He ha dI been Iii but one sotweek: 1-p tîi Friday after- noon everythxng pointed to a speedy recoyery. tarly in the even in g he becailie w-orst, but not evMen then, was 'his condition pro- nounced critical, or that lie was in immediate danger. On Saturday morning a doctor from Oshawa was cal1ed in to consult with Drs. Moore. Alter a careful examina- tion they concluded the coôllapse was so severe tiiat an operation was deemied out of the question. Hc sank rapidiy and about 3.30 p.,m. lie bréathed bis last. 'The funeral took place on Tuesdav afternoon. Although the weather - wvs very, r ough, mnaking walking -and driving unpleasant, yet the attendance was very large. Apart from the- màny xvho walked fromn the village to the residence of bis parents there wvere seventy carna,,,ges that were driven ini procession. The 'service was con- ducted by Rev. C. Adams. The floral tributes were very béautiful. Ontf froin ',lis compagions, one frein the lletlfodist Chùfdch of Iraàd Sunday- School, of which lie was a member- and one. from Mnr. and1 Mrs.- C. Grass, ail expressing deep- sympathy and love to the bereft, family. His montai remains were laid' to rest -ini the Grove Side Cern- eterv. His chair in the church choir wgLs suitably flraped on Sab- bath, and the choir sang, a touch- ing'lu nMemnorian." lHe wili be mnissed'in the social circle, for hie was genial, kind-hearted, manly,ý afd true. Hie will be -missed froi the home, for- he was a devoted son and a Io ing and true brother. We are sonry to hear that 1Mrs. Jas. Delong is still unable to leave hem bed. G'REENBANK. The Presbyterian Sunday schowl, Greenbank. have uecumed the -Sher- Iocký Quartette f rom Toronto 'to give -the concert in corînection with their anniversary on May 241h. Rememnber tbe date. The 'Sheriock Quartette is cômposed o! high elase artists, andi something. firot-eliaus may be i ooked for. For particu- lama s2e bil3 Inter. COLUMBUS. SEt. 'Pauils, AnglIcan, church mis- Sion, Coluuiebus, Ont. Missioner lu charge, !J. Bennett Anderson, o! Trieity _College, Tomonto. Ward- ens for 1905-6-Arthur John How-. den and James Robemt Stork ; treas- 'urer, George, Brown.; sidesman Hugh Howden, ebairman, Ex-Wamd- eni- Win. 'Hodgson and Wm. Howden elso Fred Lee, Ed. 1{odgson, Harry $Etëpney. and_ Geo. Wilson. MVRTLE. The farmens have finished their 4GLEN IMAJOR. Mrs. Jas. Berry front Siiths Falls, Miss iComa Sykes and Mm. ]Robert Sykes: frdm Oshaiwa, spent the hcoIiday here with their niother. 'Misses Maglie and Minnie Joues htnd: Mm. B. Wilson. af Uxbridge, were WIth friends here Sueday. Misses Lucy 'aud Rose Prosser have gone le, Buf!falo for a short tinte. 1'Miss. May Blça'cklburn- was aI homeë for a, few days last week. A icet'Ini g..aueounced 10 13e held inu the cllufmch "is week for the purpoee- -o! reorganizang the Suuday schoolb Il would 'le ýleasieg to sec 'the sehool energetically takeu hoild o! and run through the sum- Iner inonths. Theme lu uo ressoVý that, wthuelt3d heamisnd mied.s, the scholars snd orticers eould not ha4-ve ýan instructive, iuterestink. and f¶ouihiug' cool. -Mr. G. D., Rose whas at homie for a f eW days sut week. 'Miss Janey and Mr. Gco. Meflow- 4élI visaited with friends lu Flue' Grove Idtely. We are sormy 10 hear o! -thte mccide't whîch happeued Mm. Ped- die, 'reeeutly, but 'as he learned thWle tailoring, n doubtt il will be re- paired by Ithis lime. G*REENWOOD. Mm. aud Mrs. M. Adanmsou have moved lunM.jJ. -Elnmer Il's8h pu sé %ýesss Wrod,,rd aud ~Marshall xilted t M _ ýmoore. 3 Mont treal,'-vislted« heme re3eenUy.- Master Lymar Dalles, o! Uxbridgç,, visite4 with Stauley Disney'for 'a f!ew days. Miss Froncy Glee3on, of Toronto, vçisited at M. Gleeson's for' a !ew ,days.: Mn.: al]d Mrs. SiefLean and fanm- ilyý su1d 1the Misses MeLean, o! Toron to. visted *at Mr. Wes. Gèees. Mme. Laue, o!f1Port Permy, i-isited at Mr. Win. Wilsoe's jr. 'Miss Ethel Stuart las engaged at Pickering Ccoliege. Mr. ErnE7st Ctapmuan, or Pickering took thé league topie, ou April 19t11. Mr. Lon Lçdgett ?v*isited at Mi-s. itainer's, or Brougham. Mr.1 Levi Gleeson visited friendu in 'Toron-to. - Ou,?: hotel- wlli change banda at an eamly qAte, Il harine been ent- ed by Mm. WWiker, o! O2,hawa. Mn. A. Moore lost his valuabie regitred etydesdale mare f roiu i! fla. mmation. Mm. Lew Disney,, o! MýonLtre.'l, visited bis parents for a few dlays. Why cau"t we have church every few' Sunday nights? Ask - the preaeher Mr. Fred Seidon 8pent hic Easter ho'lldays Inu Peterbomo. M.Niss Aggie Byeru eztertained a nunber o! her,,~YOUn9friends one day reeently. Mma. 'and Miss Ethel Meen moVed bo Toronto last week. ,Mmc. Pasekits sdater la ataying' -with hem for à short time. OUÎ football boys e-xpeet tolhoid a toumnamnent on May 241h. ASHBURN. -Mr. W. IlmasI lias imiproved the appearance o! lis house amdi Igrounds by a vemy pretty new fence. Il is quite an improvement b the village also; ati.aI the ti$mc o! ~writing - M~r. Xawrence's new fence is lu the process of construe- lion. Two o! our intelligent young men , Walter Kerr and George Da- videon, who have been altending college, a7re home for the summner. We are glad la sec them among us again. Our leadher, Miss E. M. Hantbly, has returned from bler Easter - holi- day, whidh she spenl wili 1er sis- ter, % rs. W. Moffaîl, aI Raglan., ap n pro&éi eed. te Nor- etChemont, fur 'P rooSd ite E uà »rw, i0t,-.4L 7il pOU.., nîg4t. Pickering, tW XiM.eorser9a, Kinsale, Thursday he wlI pi'oeeed to Gor- for' »oîm II tbeflIêBto hh. owm stable don's hotel; PiekerInje, for, noon tintil tha àm)inçondsay morn- and- nlight.. Ing.Frlda.y ie wll proceed to Thos -fah, anaer.Maddaford's, KIngaston RoaLdi fDe GRAl,ITe É HUI9TER, urday lie wm ipi'ceed to Jao. ~~n- , ' -~~ stl $t1rýi~vant's. bame - fline, for noon!; l.ion Gr ak U4~ lnable tjnet l w tbeu~l h bred trottine, staütop Vapt. .Haut- tfoîong ,Ce o d on.al>uÊIt er, Jr.,.the properj Of'Mr. F.,G. folwn mnylon Rogers, of mtaIIiake the JH AKR aagr soason of IM de5 oe mna Mày 8t1, they wili Ieaye WHY DO WQ3MN BUFFER f4c their - own staleIe ýUCI'eI Hotel, pain ýand 'endure the torture of uer- WhitIby, and proc t irooklin -, ous headaieewhen 25e. -buy« a foôr night. bure cure Ilike Nýervflin*e. A few di'op-3 -Tuesda.y t.heY w9l Preeeed to- ln sweetened water Wirngs untaitiog Jno. Çorner'sé, KingM'e, for noon ;ý relief. You feel, qettei' at once, thence, to Wýn.- Bell, kudley, for YoWre braced uip,. inýv¶goUted, head- nl~2rt.ache goes away a! ter -one dose. 7Jie ,.Wednesda.y they iiIn -proceedý to oc-,caslonail use of Nerviline preveaWto W.ý-Badgero's gdl4W, P.Ickereingi indigestion 'And etomùïmh -disorders- for noon; th'ence to Wm. Huits, keeps up health ýmnd . trength. Every Wetgate- farb, for àgbt. woman needls-Nervlli!ne affldsould Thursday they wiii prooeed to use, it too. ln 25ce.'bot ien every- X4'.Urerpooq l otel for noon; thence where Fboto by Elliott & FY140W.S~D MRS HUMPHRY WARD England's. Great Woman Novell.5t Literary prophecies, like boomerangs, should be handled wlth extreme cauton-tbey are so prone to recoll. When Mattbew Arnold affirmed that no Arnold could ever write a novel, he dld flot look sufficiently far Into the- future to sec- Mrs. Hiumphry Ward, the daughter of hie brother Thomas, recoguized as the greatest woman novelist of ber generation.ý She was born, ln Tasmania in 1851, and when six years old was brought by ber parents te England. Her tather, a, college professor, cbanged bis col- lege'as frequently as hie religion,; hie intense conscientions yearning for abso- lute truth whirllng-hlm from one faith to another like a cork caught Iu the édily of-a. st*eam, and making hlm the fit prototype of "Robert Elsmere." At tbe age,0f fourteen, wben the faniily mlgrated te Oxford, sb e breatbed the University atmosphere that was joy to her heart. She acquired knowl- edge as naturallyas a bird learus to sing, and she wasknown as a'marvelous lingulet, beiug as perfect lu German, French, Spanlsh 'and Itallan as if each were her native tougue. At twenty-one shle was marrled to Thomas Humphry Ward' que of. the university dons, whose work as! author, editor, critic, bas given hlm a place lu Engllsh literature. -She was ambitious te write, and ber earliest efforts were sa weighted with learning and researchj that they were as heavy as dumb-bells and lit only for scholars io read when they Wantedf tu get away from'pleasure. She wrote many articles for tbe "Dictionary of Christian Blography," which, paid littie lu. coin but more ln.,credit. Mrs. Ward was thirty-one before sbe undertook real fiction- witli "Miss Bretherton," .followed four years later by "Robert ElsmeriB," whlch captured the reading public of two continents. Before _tMfs, It le true, she had Written av chlld's story, a- pale-compleitioued, anoemlc piece of work, fitly named "Millie a.nd 0111e." lier translation of "Amiel'w Journal" from French into English 'was an exquisite literary gem, expressing so perfectly the subtie windings of the thoughts aud emotions of the simple Swiss professor, that it seems as-ifîlie hlmself muest bave re-thought his whole diary lu Englisb, wlthout tiie totuch o! a trauslator. "David Grieve,," wljlcb pald its author over $100e- 000. and others whlcb paid fully as much, soon, followed, among them, "Sir George Tressady," "Helbeek of Auniadale," -"Eleanor" and "Lady Rose's Daughter.'* In ber beautiful country home, -iu Hertfordshire, she does ber lterary work, seeking tu escape from the storm, o! publiclty her books have 0,togsed and avoldiug ail society but a Mite band et devoted !rlends. -Entered accellInZ to Aet ofthe cPaUaînecaof Canada. li the year 1»4. by W. C. Mdack. at the.> fe',a-tent of. Àgrk.ItU. GREENWOOD. FARM TO RENT. Tic Howell fart, bctwcen G mcc-j wood lend Broughamt,'Pickering 'toweshilp.. 200 acres. Good dairy fam'm. Wi¶i ent saune for pasture for -111e summer only if deslred. Low ment. Apply -M. Gold or S. M. New'ton, Wbiliy, excutomu. PRINCE ALBER't.- On Friday evening, April 2811, H. R. H. Kenner,. B. A., o! lie Coliegiate Insîltute, Pelerboro, the, ,pend lit se r.School lias opened again wili bbc 1 cultured son o! his worthy parents Sanie rude boys whi> corne- 10 the additïon of - thre uttle foplks wlio Ilhere, delivered his lecture on Rome, League act as' if Ihey ouly co ce b are just coinimencing Iheir sdhool "The city of seven hlis." disburb the- meeting, and inslead ofcrer, Accompanied by Mr. Roy, artist, acting as gentlemen lie-y sit ulear 9Q1ur cntenpnising hlacksmnith las lo! tiht city, who'deflly manipulabed' the back an&d stick pins or back -7 already mnade four sales o! -the fa,-tlie life-like stereepticon views, tic olliers who do act respectable, ous "Roberîson"' buggies, two o! lecturer, for 'an hour sud a hall, in »01 only dislurb Iluose near t eni beiug the 'genuine solid rub- presen-ting tic; streuglih, pride snd but al-so lie speaker. This is r tire igs fast becoming popular gtandeur of thaI ancient ciby froin lte first lime thal the said ho ' idctaipe lad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 10b pkntbtw ~T~ general favorite for a higi JVidutoaVatican upesed tie à vehicle. These buggies are*- large, suad . appreciative audience cerely hope that il will be the th d for being "'easy riding,"th 'he himself le a maýster in its turn. e runniug," sand best of ail gas IC ore, an Romne, te maflY, Owing o, tle business inet« y iu price." Cpme aud selis is0 bui*eld ihthe past, was made te heid in the churci on Tuesda. tiful samples aI lis showroomns 'staund eutbfoettdlgedvs night 'the League met ou Sundam taea hiebfrete r in f-o bject leesoit. Tti niglit. Mr. Dan Black read a Ngry -ilgen.-- treat wasprsnehole huc inheresbing paper. We are glad te bear taI Mra. ini henor of bis parents. Mr. W-ii. Tarves .>as returned te SaIn Johnson"te tqccoverig front ÂNE MlisBi, e Oiua hem severe illness. lier daughter,' ~i~ WInui1ie. -is vsitug iMit J~~j luesfrei 9Soiy1,was Nr servant. Tiret In faniily MisBr, fOhwi i itigM% onI s ronSna a us kqm't.Mr. Buraett, 'M6 liee Piuider the. parental roof.j witli 1er for a Week. - Avenue, Torozfto.t RAGLIN Mr. Nathan Gfrose las returned ta Torent after a short visît. -Miss mGbert la speuding' ber casier- -vaation at home. ,Mm.lUd Mmc. Jas. Harper spent casier in Torouto. The eoncert giveui by the Eck- ardl Bell Ringers was very weli atbendzd. eousidering th1e bad u'ight. 'Mn. Angle las -,purclased a utew rublier fired na- forut aur local -agent, Mr. Jos. Hazzlewoq. Miss' Bell& Thobatson lu zi(covering f romu hem late operatian. 'Miss Nomtme Bray is vieil ing f i- ends lu Toronto. Among pur cas 1er.viaitors, were, Misa Mary sud Lulu street, Toron- 'te ; Mr.*WM. Squerich, Toronto ; Mr. Chas.- MLean, Bayevillje ; Mdies Ed- lt1 Couh. Peberborougi ; Mr. jno. G rose sud farn211y, Peterborough Mm. Nowh LuIt sud fami(y, Oshawa; Mm. 3110. Squelch, Oshawa; -Mr'. Chas., Luke sud farnliy, Myrheý ; Mr. Albert Grose, TOreQuto ;Missneielie Kester, Torvo-to. PELLI YOUR OOLD FOR $11t Yen uurd.y *WOf1V totet 1a sdollar bilto cure- tislt horrid elffeqleg eldi Go; t6 a'ly dmuggist Ued- get 'Catarrhe- -zone' and yeum 0014 wli li e a hiflg ot b v1enptt. Thera lealmijo t wlteb.. cr7 le u e uwft way Cabarrh<>soue kil11-ecoldî, But wlieu you cousidor 'ihe7 nenetratlnx halniuand, nwi-1 uain- it ly Ititti, for col 050B.- est on try IL~ - -M CýpmmunIeaýttpn& 'were read rr w -t#, Stratfoi'ê r1egPeWorkS, J. E. go Farewell, A.. ceClerk Tir Co.of E-igs,OIlé Cty.Of-,OOT o 'thProviu4l - of eaIth, 8Iîttxd ASYtIIU. nd'Du ifb u-enl stitute and U;- MargaretE g - ter t'hl ~Messrs. IN00little and qiiftord et" moved tILhý the 'Reeve g'ra ~t- hià lic ,order on thie treasurer tom. -f<ln favor ot 'W. 'Parker', retund U t . te Pei abor- Cared. dri Meisur. UtterslI'and DDolittia rft )Put thro«ig a, by-law appointing met Dr. Hoig 'Ueàl"a1 -ealtliOfficer for no, balance 'M"bë'er .4Ndessrs,. jjo3't4tç,.nd -Mothersi..$: S] 711 extraict !i'n t oes to -make g o irlm muscle, steýdy c'd -healthy bod3 ritil lreftd*ehes, imc Wey. sý6ts bv.!orp- >', or diuAânesa, j -liehai't, sleclesi ,onach.trôufle, -g m & ml-ô-na f éoi ýhitbýy, and -L . erry, 'two o(t'!onu ug !iinswhose .medy la s7howzib3 bturn *11e money t give coxnplete s 'EPARATOR FACT put Rirogil ~Y4&W ~FacI ýNo. . letha.t there is a big ~th liiey an Irauner 0 br-difference ln e sqWjïtors, and that rew ýnmèûeys for townghip PUrposeZS. ffiesae !e>nlgt rokz Messrs. ooli'ttle and Gi! lord mov- ta aI ed that -Ile CounCîl go imb Com- Faet No. <Z We-ihat il le the'.hsârp- mitl~ o -th whie o îl by les cuTubular that la different -and t, Mupxte statute ta-bor. - Car- îstter <tîai others. The' by-Iaw- ws kle" inco F-acI'etNo. i 3 le that'other s>ýamt rie. "ilad ~ ior agents -àre saying, "-We vlel ~ I!!o~ ud MobesiiyoUu u ,exact imitationl ot,,'the Tutu- pi#tII<ours.Giffob-iaappoteîîg lar,but 1wà don>t recontmeid 1t." Oyees rs et hwaàyý, Pound Keep- Fa , c4- le that sid, qal to er ad, -Faib î ewge rs. j!S. onîyan,- Iwitatioli of thc tubular M s. GÏII.Ior4',nd D<ioiitt .mv-sud made by tlhe irm of "steel range et~at t ]i~e ga~tluisor~er f&lnesfld. nobedy 'wants an imitatibn 911~~~~~~~~ îl ms1~ efvi oW.mciewhen Ithey> ca getthSýgefl* ]î~lhael A.Hall Joh Coell ni n (s.-»ueTubuijýr -for .Iass money. M1l; A.$HullaJchnte py orpo.-FacI Nô. 5 le lha.t 'ther, pagents $10 pre onca ceoons are pr .ozlahning it broadcasI ïhat. Camried. &~ hrde o r ~esri. Mthrsli ndGI! od lotý o! lcferior machiîiarand thexu meved th t îeReeve a' 'Gf ls j theý 'are giong to quit>Cenada. aMe oi ~te teasr~rlui!~- o!F e't Ne. 6 listhàt eaid agents uo--,ýad2me fbrm 1-59 r - . am f .or-eeê *luto a cornier by lhe me! ud. u eor - seilling cqualities, a-ad te '~ axi~ t hü e $to tuçent soine r e4 d,- ersill, t, -e lSszg tb.t~ tee 'f e at No. 7 la that accomding-te order on the Treacumer iu tvôr o! lthe daily papers o! lasIwek, tht R. DFoIer fr $.13 forposageSharples Ce. are negotiatiu-g fera in conuection with bis dutY asi fsom luBafod d Coilctor Camird.th2y uow have theîr headquarters in Messrs. Stocks sand Mothercill 1Torornto. 'moved that the Audi'tor'c report liFe N.Sl ta h Sa~c received sud adopbted, and tha t te Co ave -'beNo.lu h t earrbac Reevé grant his order ou the 'Incas-jines for the past 25 years, aud aug umer lu favor for -$12.030 ecd. Car- nel~gs eaao mu~cu, ried. te-lr,ýt emao mnfcur Mn. ilfrdg've otie ibt, ~lers on ibis continent. Mr.Giforgâe oie th Concil Fact No. 9 lus that some agents the next lmeeting aroprzthe g Ic omanily ! lep wili introduce 'a by-iaw to *-cc,iteiî- machines by poieting 10 a pine 'trees on tie 911 'Con. hue, OP- separâator on --,ugeo- Is*-and, wihl posite ilota one anj two. they say, las bècn munning foe Mr. Doolittl3 gave notice that, "t the past 18 yeams withouýt a entý -tle. next meeting of Ibhis Council, o!. repaire. le iilmov fo lev& inrodce Fact No. 10 is that Fa d s-parztor aby-law to comutute 1the statuite Ivapurcise 'a19 b I n latbor in road division .No. 26 aud dersigned. sud lu 18bG il was* seul add t11e saime b Division No. 25. t l hp u a 20 ot Messrs. Moth%3rsil sud Stocks tothe pacput'niL, d wau nîot înoved th-itt111-m assessmueut roi', ac sedf tal utason ,and ail.It ac metmne by111 Asescu~,13e LLLsince lad- s fualsel o! bearifigeput cepted, sud that' the Ileeve grant isdi o iotaces n hi.g order ou the Trea.surer inI fav-t"ein, ani other $20 expee upon i or ! Jhn elregor for 1$75.003. ne t aote 2 aene pni orrofedohn tomake il auyy satls!actory. Carried.Fact No. i151, taI sinteetaklung Messrs. Stocks sud Gifford neoy2d tie ageucy for tic Tubalar 1 bave that the following secouuts be ps-id bexm repeatedly importiined - w - For Itoadesuad Bridges-T. Blackj î row up bbc Tubular sud bake the $5.503, Wm. Deambome.$.1O Win. agency for oller so-ecalied. lèading Manning $3.55, Wmi. Ireland $ 22 5, machines. 'includîng lhc Alpha.ý and A. Annîs $3.513. Thos. Short: $2.030,1 the Melotte. Jo.Pierson $270, A. ËPerson $2-501 lad Né. -1,2' le bat tc hae i 1G. Pierson $2.25, R. P4éerson $2.13,1 nw hv î~îwS ls LeviSmit $1.13,H. ¶-almr ~ LII, . acieci clcancd, ese'et rmn-m WinI. Dearborn $2.03 W. Winnacott uitg, sund ceaneet. skimming separ- $3. '60, Win. MeGe1$6.133, A.î laId- sIen; made, sud bbc Co. bas lad a inson $3.130, Win. Jewcl 87.00, Juo. $100 challenge 'out forn'the past Vinceut -$5.130, Win. Mannin g $5.00Itwo yeams that tiiey wil ceut the M. H. Dmew .$2.503, J. C. Ci ford1 skinmiug recard i* auy 011cr ina- $*6.013, R. WadgQ $1.75, Jas. Crowle e hine lu two. with bhe- Tubular. $9.813, W. T. Henry $19.813, Thos. t Faci. No. 18 le bha.I e ofthe iead- Oke $7.65, David Coleman $2.213, -iup -'machines, viz.,'tht AIl>ha, bhe- Joh Baun$1.91, eo.OmisPDUu. S., *and tht emnpiire, book up th-le $9.40, A. W. Farewell $7.713, F. /. ciallenge on 'Bec. -lOth, 1903, and Wilcoxsoe ffl.60, 'H. 'Pasce$28.13 Itbcy *werc bèste bto s sba.nd-ebiil Wm. Squeloh -$81.703, Hy. L;anea sd %pst bier mrônèy. Thé Alpia $116Ô, R.Somervfle $.40 A. veu- ,t Un e mamuci fat in- Bishoàp S10 W. MeLean ;$4.83, Jito. Jtbe ekhnm iWlk as thl1e Tubular, snd Hurnitton $-3.5, OGo. He;ýburn $1060 thc -U. S. 2 1-2 bhlhes -as muach, aud R. ftott $2.513 W. Ormiston I$23.4-5, tthc Empire 9 fiîmes smumach as the T. Hall $2.00, W. Wilson 835, Tubisr. John Balles & Sons $32.79, Jeu.1 Faci NO. 14 is tiaI bie con test Beckett $20.513 , C -Wtlcoxson, Mis- ïau çarriedi- on at the Mimeijota cellneou *ý-0- 1State Dairymeus 'meeting, beldl &t CouicutIten adjoureed ta mccl Faremont. Mine., oe-De. 190;3, lii 'tle let M onday lu May at 2 o'cLock the -presence ýo! l undreds of the p .m l'eading dailrynten sud experte o! Minnesota sud otier states. - -Fact No. -15 le that tiese fadt aia A THEORY-PRIOVE», lie versi!ied.- and 10w, is the tintete' fbuy a Tubular sud save $20 or 30. A ew Idea- which mcais -a great o-ver lihe prtces o! ot-ber machines. dal lu iîle -3Treimeet sud Cure '.xf ochasAgecnt.Pr er Dr. Leonhardt, o! Lin6olu4, Neli.,l the f omemost "physiclan o! thée Western Sitabes, has -palý fomward a new Theory as "ta -thbb cause o! disense. s~e "Thte lie, cadoulit, freon the -t -hbud, that the stm ~ nd las always beau the nue o!fcndy percent. o!' -nues of! maekied. The fai M -f'ýtha Stoc~m h le digest thi -propefil resulbe in fer and deeonifpstion, an, sono arÈlinZ from the fo ttiu nÀ se gel Inte îhe -tissue a , d nerves sud -- astie! ofevery. ind." ehamdt las foundarmn- t-ày-*for Indigstion, Dyspepsia, BIt-, ýý,ds »-ild Constipifonl. He hasn trled f in tlousands o! caseswl'th- ont, A single falluI!0. le alals h Àfi-PilI. ItIs la d at 50e. byal1_druglots, or thle Wu-- " A 4- .n.14sd..A e n p For er -,9 years Mm Sootbing SyrÎup bas, bSée.i lion» o! m'Otters for the while teethinag. If distitri and broken off yQI'remi child aaffe-rin& sand eryl4 o! cuttieg Ltet, suci at bottit o! Mrs. Winélowse rap for childrentehi, lieve-lte poor littie. sufSe iateiy. Depend upéa it, tere la no mistake about diarritoea, regiîlates the i bowels, cures wipdi Doua gurnansd reÉ1uoe inn1i gives tons and euergy t system, -¶àKa. Witslwl Syrup" for- cbildien teeti sut to the t, :and iall Th1e W. weJi attende, ing was libe llyfield and4. iug by Miss address byt ceived. The qitart r. visfted her report1 s been for, ai 50e. d Co. ~1 - .1 %e.d 1v mil-

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