for Ms good he only ýried for ,edicine gt Ao' riith.lI sa the Garâapaxrlaa.1 Ils'of our fiat are se tim id and I erneS the Seat AI'S# we çould do- our quarrellng wltlu- ont belng overheard."I-ýCleveland Plain Dealer. _________ Repuiiated Advlee. FrIenS-If yon weren't inch a gooËl telisw yoiu'd maie. twlce the. money ue do. Wby Son't you taie. n brace? Gaysapio-Bracers,-my bey, are the rery- things that kecp me from work- UI-Detroit Pro. Presa. - Au*otbr Abount thse mNeen -On goln.g ont on.e vcning'for n walk a»th ber mother 'Marlon, aged glve, Iw'Ss sown tise ncw quarter inoon.. 'Oh, Marlon, look at the new 'mour "No, mamma; that la not new. 1 bave seeu tint before." Thp rca(Èers et th[u îppr wlIl le 'pteosed 'te ilearn that there Isauit le sttanc drcaded disease that ei- *Okw bas been alyle ta care in al; Its *tages, Isnd that la Catarrh Inall'sOatarrls' Curç la flic oniy p1os- ttiw'e cure now knonta ýthe med- tout f ra'tor =Iy Laarh'being a oonst1tu -iona1 d sma., requires a f coatitntlons!i 'trcatliient. Hiall's Catarri 'Cure la taken interna'lly. aàtIng irceoIy upenthe-bood acil nineous Sur'faccu of the.asjstem. theëbydesroyn heo ond4tien o -thc diseaFe, 'and g!lvlng the patient Wtreng;th 'by bliId~lp7g, u'p fliccon- ettution and Zksis'tinW nature in dolug Ils worlc. The proprielers have seýnlueb iai'th lu Its curative '»owers tha't they dl fer One Hund- s'eS Dollars 'for any case that il faili 'to cure, Seiid for Iis1ý af testtlnn'ias. Address F. ýJ. CHE *EY &I CO., SolS by ail Drugglsts 75e. Take allHFa'mily 'Init fer.>coa- Hlstorkat Mansilon, Sold. Thre Baby maniou, oe ofe the baud' marks o! Essex County andS eethat le Inimately assoclated wti the history of tlsat part o! Canada, was sold re- o.ntly te Dr.. Beasley. The lieuse was buIzt by the Iatêr Charles Baby, lu 1779, f l.pon ground Civen hlm liy thc Crewin. Tt l9 built et waluut logo, wltli stone and brick trimmlngs. Its architecture 'il be. preses'ved. . The Brock Famuly. Ms's. Quin, who Is now 'on a'vtslt -te tngiland, wrltes to The, Toronte News in r5,ol :te Sherbourne street's' lu- *\ QUlIIT about Sfr Isaac Broek's descend- ant,,I cani say that niy nmother. Mrs., WpVYmnouth Schreiber, w-asm a 'Miss de ile, dauglterof rapt, de Lis'le, and of o!Mary Czirey,' of. Cuernsey. I and rny two brotîjers, Mr. le Lisle Schrei- ber, ai-d M. - ri Schrelber, Nver- this childre-n, and mWr are alil married anSl have ChIldren living in and near Toronto, m;Y dau-hter having the fam- lIy namne 0f de Lisle. My tather, Mr. Weymnouth Schrelber, 'met- rny mother at the house of their mutuni cout;ins. Ms'. and Mrq. Laurenîce Brock, at Col- c he'ster. .'Later the>' married in Guern- , sey anS rame eut to Toronto. M us. Laurene Brock %vas a sister of tie then' Dean o! Guernsey, t he Rev. Carey Brock, Suad - Mr. Laurchce Brock, the son of Mèjàr Brock, of Ceichester, anS ilss Selireiber (my grandfather'e sis- * tes', 1h.eye. Thomas Schreiber), and brother a! Mr. George Breck, ln Toron- t* ol.cuLoLvell's chuidren are uîow liv- 'tng InluCichester, but are unmarrled. [ -tivit nnda -muscul ar-action go accu- raté?;' te thse suggish jiver aud bow- els, resteringr thein completely. * Suppose yens' bowels failed te move for a weelr or ten daye. Den't you ---know you would ý be quicklyPros- trnted ? t. taust the smme, diflering in degsee, when yens' bowele do nat mnoye at least one a day. Yen know yen swon beceme languid and tired. yous' bleod gets bad and you feel mean and sick ail oves'. You should * have a full, hcaithy passage daily. Dou't let seriousaàcoaditionà de"'Cbop. SsitiVa Pineaàpple sud Biýttierut Jilaiswll drive bowel posnot of coi sytemnd a iiregulari'7 4-myaepurely 'vegetable, ana cure in une ngt. 'WCwill n enO a gu- erut~s spleof tii... pille Ab"oltq» y j ptu o d dPostpid, that viii cm;4no yonbeyod dout ofthcir det*f4 curatve properties. Ad- I rmW P. i4ni2thÇà. ,s85SL I mes 1 Buterait W1u0eo mussup<pin borne on from min:u la a lôfty one,an self admlrably te Camipbell ibas tres effectively, leavIng Unes etfea vlvid au .omewhat, sombre, These are the titan Iamn a slave, both Ujpomi a iourney The, trou billeIlie The. seas cf iel A«.s.. -:-- , 1 Le poMin! .4 bliP4d Thé. etrall4t rOnad e'icse tlme-begafl ,Where nô foot turnetie bacl<. Here rosy youth at rnomng'e prhxi And weary man at uroon Are croolred abapes at eventirno, Beneatitth. haggard mon. Faint. elfin songe froin eut -the i>sI 0f'some lost sunet land. Haunt thia grtm pageant drlftlug Vas%, Âeross' the. traabdess aâand. ÀknS often for moin. nlgbtward Ï 'iL .W.e tnya space, end hark'ý, Then leIave the aunset lande bebfflI And plunge tata the. Sark. 1Bemewhere, somewhere, far on ln front4 Tisere strîdes a. lonely man ýWho>- lail strength, who - bears the brunt, Thle hattle and tic ban. 1Imkow net o! hie face or torm, HU ie eos' batile-scars, Os' how lie t lic hehaunted-stot'if Beneails tic wintry stars; 1 know not o! hie wisdorn great -That beads, this elgities heet Beond' the lbarren hlis o! tate lYt triesame ldndller caet. But oten 'mid th e nle blaclk Tlireugli tus sadý caravan Astrange, swcet tiril is whlsper.a liack, ]Borne ou tram man te inu A sirange, glad joy that filethe nîgit Like some tas' marriage hemn, Till eveér>'heartIolefiled with light O! Boeebelated morn. Tic way le long, anS, rougli lie soad. AnS bitter tIse night and dread, AnS encli pear slave le but 'a'gond To las -the oee iaS. Evil tie tocs that lie lu walt To sia>' us in thc pass, - Bleody tihe laugliter ait the gate to AnS blcak tic wllS morns; And 1 arn but a elinivelled tlilng Beneati the mîdulgit sky, A wsstcd wan remernbes'ing O! days long wandcs'ed b>', .And yet 1I lft my sigitîcas face Teward the ee ight, And tread lhe bonely Wny we trace Across tIse launted niglit. TrHIRTY SKULLS IN CAVE. &4ýRmarçableeDscovsry Ne 'pj -~~Cové,- gritlsIs Coumbi ' Th%' steamer Qucen City, tram Vile s'est ceasi o! Vancouver IslanS, brouglit news recenti>' o! tic explera- tien, o! a cave at Rtafl Cuve, b.- tween Quateine and Cape 'Scoît, This cave- wae discevered saine 1lime agu .b>' two prespectere. Tic prospee- tors on tie occasion ai thels' visit te the cave wes'e arnazed et finding a nurn- ber of ekeletons. A lettes' trorn Mrs. Haîstad, wife o! one af tic discevereril oi tic mysterions cave, states tint, lu ail, lie skullg ef this'ty human lieing liaS been tenuid. Hier husband, Who lias liaS a greal deal o! ' experience amoug the natives, ta of lhe opinion liat the ekulîs are nett hase ofwhlte men, lu wiici event tic tinS would lie all thc more remarkable. Tii. Indianu on lic coasl have kçnown o! suci a cave, anS h lu -presur&e tIsaIticheskel- etens wiere exposeS te tic air would net tes' lie centuries tint have clap'se- sInce the tIme when Il le alleged, the natives-placed Iheir dead lu caves have remained lnutlIs ame state o! preses'- vallon. Tics'. arc liose wlia have an opin- Ion that tic SenS are ail tic mortel re- mains o! corne sipwrecked crew. This tiseer>' las occurred te man>' mids since tic report o! tic discoesy Nwas published. The loi-so! the seaicrs Maggie Mac sud Ma>' Belle (thée termes' wlti about tisty VicloriSns. aboard), whici were bncI seen. lu tic bocalît>', le stil remembered, sud discussed lu connectien wihî tus report. The cave lias possibly been crealed b>' sene ac- tien o! lie cea, sud lt-ls regretteS Iliat some o! th i sulls have net been sent ta VictorIa tar> examination. Like Canadien Mne United States Consul Day,'ai BraS- tord, England, reports lIsat for sorne tîme hhere lias been a stead>' de- crease lu lie British coneumpIion o! United States nicats, L.e., iog preducts, 'whlle a correspondlng or even -greater Increase lias ccurred lu Importsee! Canadian meats, anSdtes' the time be-i lng I lboks as ýhougi United States packers werc ispîdi>' losing tie Engliseli IraS. It bas previoualy blienpointeS ont b>' a.correspondent liai "1wien lie UniteS States paekers- realize liai iog preducis arc produced te lie consurned anS neftotegamble Nwiti Il will ble bet- tes' for lie United States provision trade."'This tact is exemplifieS b> lt, ceusiderable shipinents o! stale anS overrket-pt satstefint ouns'y wlic courage? Ms'. Truker-IIs fluage, my boy, tint enables baisa poor tfeed'at a swefl te go ont wthbout tipping the .J Ica- go Tribune. one View ot Il. ,.But If She mukeq al bIer ow'n dresý- ,es I sieuld thinie shc'd b. A gooti wlfe Ifor yen L t shows slse's indutstrious apid i"set fer me, tlsauk yen. Ih s:mply shows liew paor ici fathier sullet be."1 -Bosteu lieraiS. ' gr using six boxes of thu paio miodie 1 wuaso= ueand weil.1 i ha ways reommend Dr. Chue~s New Ftood for I bOe ie < mvd F&the gpeat blood bulldet aidse e resomive. 50cents &--box. To -protet yn ga ndmtations the portrait md lsinatmreof D.A .Chas., ýthe anou laceauthor, arm on .vuy buof o! b MR. SIFTON'S CAREER. Sketch 'of the Lifé of a Man i the Public Eye. The Hon.-Cliford Su tan, Irish bly Se- scernt, waborninluthe -townýshlp of London., Ont.,.' on iar.ii 1, 1861. the amo f John W. Sitton, formerly speak- er o! the. Manitobia Legislative Asgem- bly, anS bis wifc. Catharlue Watkins. Educated at the; high school oi Lon- don, et the. Boys'. College, Dundas, and Victoria 'University, Cobourg, ie grad- uated B. 4. and Prince of Wales mnedal- let, In 1880, and was called te the Manitobia bar ln 1%82. Removlng from Winnipeg te Brandon, where lie cern- menced the practice o! hie profession. lie licame clty solicitor. and solicitor to the Western Judictal-Board, and lu 18à-5 was created !Queen$sCdunsel by Lord Abierdeen. In 14&8 he entered the Manitoba Leg-: islative. Assembly as *member for: North Brandon, and jolned the dreen- way administration on ý May 14, 1891, as Attorney-General,&ndMinister eft Education. During hife tenure o! of- . lice he codlfied the law relatlng te civil' procedure In Manitoba and conducted the negotiations with the Dominion' Goverument _on the Manitoba sehool question. lic was one o! the represen-' tatives o! the Province et the Ottawa ,ýteforM convention ot June, 1893, belng' elected a vice-chalrman, acted as Pre- mier durlng Mr. Greenway's illness lu, 1895, and lu June. of the latter year lu- troduced-- In the« Legislature the reso- lution, refuging to -carry out the Dom- inion Government's order of council tor the restoration of separate sehool priv-; Ileges te the. Cathelles o! Manitoba. lIs February, 1896, h. Introduced the re-! solutions protestin'g against the Passage o! Parlifament o! the Manitoba reme- dial buland lu Mardi was appointed a cemmissioner to meet ln conterence wlth the Dominion delegates to dicusa 'the sehool question. a-On November 17, 1896,- Mr. Sitton retlred frem the Manitoba Goverument and entered Sir Wilfrld Laurler7s ad- minis tration as Minister of the Inter- 1er and Superintendent General ýo! In- dian affairs. Iu thc samne ponth he was returned, for Brandon b'v acclamation on the vacation o!, the st- by D'alton Mc-CaÉthy and au 1 t bar au .no.ot8197 personaý1ly, tnspeqtd the ý.arlous Inlets 'to the Yuk<on ,région, Q# bhi return *Mr. Siton visited Washington and ne- gotlated the arrangement made with thse Unted States Government tor 'the treer passage o! Canadian goods Into the Yukon. Ho acted as agent ef the British Geverument liefore the Alaska Boundary tribunal In 1903 and through- out hie official career*has devoted spe- clal attentfcrn te lncreaslng Immigration te Canada. Mr. Sifton -%vas re-elected-- rneiber for ]Brand on ln 1900 and again at the last Dom-iniion elections. lHe le a vice-president of, the Dominion Edu- cational Association and a member o! thé MethodiÉt ('hurch. 'Mr. Slfton was inarrled in August, 1884, te Elizabeth Armia, daughter of H. T. Burrows, o! Ottawa. In poritics he ls- a "11e-long liberal." A View cf Edward Blake. The Hon. Edward Blake-presum- ably with the permission o! Mr. John Redmond, who had allowed an heur te clapse without making a speech-led the * resumed attack on thc Cemmissioners. Mr. Blake. le somethIng o! a Parla- znentary mystcry. lie. was a great 'politicien n u.Canada, ieader et the Lili- eral Party, among other thinge.: A learned mani and an cloquent, lic jota-, cd thc Irishinen at St. Stephen's thir- teen years ago amnid a perfect salveo! tlattering predictiens of inevitable dis- tinction. Unhappily, his adinirers have been disappointed. Mr'. Blake lias net moved. .Why, a lieuse cognizant o! hie great gitte otten wonders. The only explana- Plausible. Counsel Foir the Defendant-True, my client did caîl the plaintif! a donkey, but- at the present higli market -rate of those valuable animais ls Ibis net rath- er a compliment than otlierWlàe?-LJon- don Tit-Bits. e e. e e e e e' e e ee J4EItIETE CRf STIE -,rets Sir Wlliam' e-ugtnese la vel'y fine, but Pd. Ulke te hjear wha.t the boys dowi In ChiCago wliJ, ave to eay about It. They -used to cmli me' juet plain Tor Infants* and Childrenîe The Kind 'fou Bave Ai lway',Bughdt « ]ears the B ignature a The <itrin of, Wilam I-Icks ILL TI7CKS bad asthma--shook -the floors 1> Wlth 4âè1, recurring paroxysm; The doctors made -hlm live outdoorâ, And that gave hlmx the rheumattsm. The doctors cured hie rheumatlà; 0f that there neyer was a question. Stroiig acide stopped those pains of hi% But lef t hlm 111 of Indigestion.< Dyspepsia fled befodre a course 0f eattng grain. it would dellght us Tg clieer this plan tili we were hoarse- But Hicks then bad appendcltk&. He rallied from the surgeon's kntfe And lay six weeks without a qulver; The. operatton saved lits life- The loafing, thougli, knocked eut hbs liver. To cure his liver troubles lie Trled muscle stunts-you know how thei From liver ails lie then was free, But ail the strâfùs gave hlm lumbago., Lumbago la a painful thing; A masseuse with a visage solemn Uubbed the lumbago out by spring,' But twisted poor Bill's spinal columu. To rid lits batklione of the twist They used nome liraces. They were careless; The -padding, for bis head they mtssed; This made hlm atraiglit anad bit hini hairless. Drugs were- presceibed to grow bis hais' They acted: just au represented; They put hMs: scalp In good repair, But soaked ln and lett Hicks dementede Then to a sanfltartura They.Aook BUI. He waa wiseiy treated; Uts balnwtth health liegan to hum- Then asthma; ward waa poorly heated. "More open air," the doctors said. Bibi HHicks cried: "No. you ohall not lure me,- Jll stay In peace upon my lied And shoot ýthe mxan that tries to cure me!" Wlb r«esbit ln i5aturday Evening pont. Dyspeëisia .of!fuW0oMen ABSOLUTELY NEEDLESS AGomy1 Caused _by Uterine Disorders and Cured by LydiaE. Plnkham'sVegetable I.'mpeund A great many wornen suifer with a !orrn o! indigestion or dyspe psie ivilci does net seern Vo yield te ordinas'y treat- ment. While the symptoms seeni te be similan ta those. of ordinas'y indiges- tion, yet the medicines universally pro- ffribed do not secîn te, restore the pa- tient's normal condition. Mrs. Pinkham deaims that there lu a ikind ol dyspepsia that lu. caused by a, derangeinent -of the female organism, >and which, while it causes a disturli- ance similar Vo ordinary indigestiàn, icannot lie relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonie, but bas peçuliar uterine-tonie effects aiso. As proof of this theory we eall at- tention toi&the case et' Mrs. Henry Beaubien, -58 SPark8 St., Ottawa,-Ont., '-who was completely cured by Lydia E. Pinkhiam's 'Vegetable Componnd'after everything else had failed. She writes: Dear MÉà. Phkbam :- - j1 "I lid been tiroubled with indigestion and gnr lstoinmcù disorders for nearlyv a year. Jida soreness in my stomacli anadw u- able tg digestmny food. I dieted ud doctored without sucem.; but Lydis . E. inkham's Ve.etable Compound brought me permanent relie. I used three bottles aud ft.cured me o! my stomach trouble and bouit up my gen- oral bealth. I now enjoy a splendklap. tite eaet alknd !f oo, bave no troubl 'Ih idietin udknow tat1Iowe it ai to Lydia E.1'nha'Vegetable Compound.11 Nd other medlicine li the world 'ha& reeeived snch widespread and unquali- ffedendorsemént,or has such a record o! cures, of female troubles. as bas Lydja K. Pinkham's, Vegetable Compound. "FROST" Ornamental ^Gates Llght lu welght Artlstciludesîgu Reoablo la pre Aise a large lne of Stazdard Parra Gates alwaYs on band. Everyy-rgreaive &Md upý fariner insistaon having PROST GATBs. Cataiog aud piuson roqucat. FOR SALE BY C. J.IIONTJOYr Enniskii. S, E. LO CHAPWNN mfC cainnot do. j.»rgs uever sus germa. Poryour own make., asieabout. Liquozone; then. let un buy youý a tull-. ife b*tte to-try. W. PaId $100000 <For the Amerlean rlghts to Liquo-ý moue. We dld this a.ftet testlIng the produet for twoyears, through I>hys1- ianus and hospîtals, miter Provlng, la thoueaude-of diffrent 'cases, that Llquomone.cdestroyz the cause cf any germ dîsease., LkIÀuozone. has, for -more tbau 2 yrbieen the constant subJe4 t o 'eciei2tM and chemical resea.rch. -ttIa, miot iade by compouundlng,4uge, uer wlth alcoliol. Its vNirtues are derlved solely frora gas--largely oxygen -gas- by a proceas roqupirl iImnlense appa- ratus âud 14 days' t Te lhe resuit la a liquid that does, wbat oxygen doea. It le a iieîve ! ood and bloGd food-the Thse.are the Irnovu usm- dleases AUl -that medîtîue cas, do for thse troubles la to $elp Nature Over'Sme thse gem' a5,pndsuch resuit. are Indi- rect and uucertain.., Lquozone attacies tisa gerins, 'wlerever tbey are. And wison,*he germa wbicli cnuse a dSlsease are désts'oyed, thse disease must end, àud forever. Tlhat la - lnevltable. Wild land ,$7 Vo $15 per acre. _f22i5o per acre., CIJT OUT TIS COUPON fox tlhiâ ofet . May pot appeau apan. F111 eut the blan "s and mail it t l e Liquozome- Company, 558.564 Wabash 4ve Chicago. 1 have never trieS iqsczone, buit if yen wiU auppiy me a ýoc.bottIefree will take i supplied for a test, _ I I FARM AND GARDEN SE'EDS, I -have lu 9toek 'a large snpply et nearly' 'll kieds o! fas'm seeds, inclndiug 'Red Cbover, - Ait ai! a, Ailsilce, Tino'thy, Milicît, Trurnip, Raupe, anS- Mangüd, bots long s'eS anS glan't ycllow, Also Complon's Ear1y, C:oucr'ss Cern. Ear'ly and impeved, Leaming1 ]Realizing 'thie impartince o! "-gead séecS" ' o tie fermer, I am hainding uf ly sucli goods as may lie dépended upon. No't a eounS e!fcilS stock e! any kiud. Al tic varieties a! corn 'ceà to b e i the kernels 'being abnost perfect, wel Tic>' should ýgive unIversal -;atisf action. 'rlgis't" fer higi class goods. o!' moet excellent quality, cureS, hanS. and, bnigit.' My 'prices wiUllie tound I Iasose ave In- a ful assortment af seeds fer lie fiower anS vegdta'ble gh.rden,< Carload of Sait. 4st il*Lded, 1s6 a edrbo1aÉ[ of Windsi"r-Sait! of excelleént qnality, In barreis and bags, ineluding -ed o'neok Salt and fine dairy sait tu 50 lb. bags. My 'price wfi li e $1.50 a barrel. -MAR IN Myrtie MARTINStation I seli Everything, and won't "seli" you. s e The Myrtle -Store- :Cali and se .1mY Wall papers, aU, I have =my new ýpints oz show now .Aiso severai pieces of ladies 'lest- ings. These goods are specialiy good vaine. Gents' felt hats and ail kindr3 o! Caps juit opened- out$_N0* 'if on want la new hat, Ical and sce what WC have. À. fuit Une o! groceries always Om hund.. J Trya quart o! our ne w maple T. W. !31OOKES, Mrtieý Sittinge 0f The Divisio'n Courts (OtUNTY Olr ONTARIO 190s Wb4itby -1). 0.-Macdonell, W.hitby. Jan. Or, Feb. É, Marcâ 2, Ap)yiI 5,.-May 3, Juna 6, July 5, Sept.,Oct. 2Nb*. 7, Dee. 6. Jan. 1906, I. Ozàaw - - D. 0. Macdonell, Whîf- bye. Jan. '10, Feb, 3, Mai-eh. 3, àprUR Q, May 4,. June 7, Juily 6,, Sapt. 7p Oct. 5, NoýI. 8,,Dec-. 7. Jan. -1906, 10. *Brougbam - M. Gxleeson, Green- wood. Tan. 11, MarolbÇ6, May 8, July 40, Sept. 11, Nov. 9. .Jan. 1905. IL Port Perry -ýý j .Bubm.Pr Perry. J an.- 13, 'M'rch 8, May 9 July 11, Se-pt. 8, Nov. 10., Jan. 1906, Uxbridge - Js. . ould, UtY. bridge. Jan. 1121, Ma.rcb 17, May 1Sý July 14,Se. 15, Nový. 24. Jan. 1906 Cannington -Geo. Smith, Cannling- ton. Jan. 11, Marc.h 16, May 18, July. 13, 'se-Pt.14, Nov. 23. Jeun., 1906, il. Beaverlon - Gao. Y' . ruce, ~ea verton.. Jeu., 10, Mardi 15, May 17, Sept. 13, Nov. !Z2. y Jan.* 19M6, 10. Uptergre've -R Gaugisan, Up- tergrove. Marçb, 14,f My 161:* SepIL 12, Nov. 21. By erder, J., E, PÂREWEVLL, Cleri o! -the Peace. To- Cure a -Cold in One Day > 'r&ïe Laxative fromo uiie Tablets; c«VeTr MMllonboxsw sln plupa 2 o TI&s Signature m2 f 9- nu e > .-W s Setlers- I se----.. * I g r r I I z s a' I F I. 'Il z Partially iinsproved land, $15 te Improved farins, $30 Vo $35 per acre, Easy terme aof repayxnent., Wild land at nelt fer fros Pull per acre, close te railroad, schools, churches, etc., - orwarded on reque st, e I 3 '1 I I 'v Intending GOING 110 TIIE - NORTH-WE-ST lesure Vo go:direct to ABERINETHIY, N 0Te IF YOU WA.NT ýTFMI BEST. The R'eai Estate Dealers of-Abernethy, - - Assa.,N. W. ýT. km"