GOift Buyers, We côrdially in'vite you to give us aS ell. if y ou poSos.B-a love for the eatiti,.for - exquisite and dainty workmanship, we can assure you a very pleas- ant yisit. Our supply oÎ1 Cut Glass, Silver etc., suitable Ior wed- ding gifts,. caninot fail- to arouse your admiration and please you. in -the niatter of price. Nýo need te buy,. and a pleasure 'to show you our goods. Weda'ing Rings,_ of a quality above criticism, correct ini color, tip-to-(Iate in design and a proper fit,_ are- the kinds we seli. Br'y THE BF.BTe Our prICeS .range from -$3.00 to $10.00, and are graded according to 'weght. Diamorid Rings It willpay you to consuit u118if > you lare interesteil in tliiso. Our stock of diiaînonds ÎBsInot large, but our lihe is colipplete Up to a ring for $10OO.O&. WeUuy for Cae4sh to bcst advantagc, and can save you anyway 10 per cent., on a pulila3se. - We have a solitare iaind ring, for' r, () a iuîl - fane v -l'ngs i n -PIIONE 67. NORMA N BASSET Jeweler end Opticlan WHIT-V, Brock'St. ONr. South. TH!JU.-'DAV. JUNE 29th, 190<t 9-erstngNews froin E've-zy Part of the. Town Picked Up by Hatling Reporte3rs. Ju1UHNII; TIIE TD$ Th'loý:îl atthorit:e-. h.,Iv4e.r bisr4~ y the.Ontario Eigh andi t~am" Proteflw NociatlÔri to u tuti' all bteyis who are, elt'et- -'ti roW)bing bird's nut.so *gs Tii p 'nty for thl44of.ewe Is- a ln frioîn $1 to $20O.or an op- If y0a Wan C tO e.>oy Our, fatQnai hoi~,Joiti h" ýI)ptplar exe.ursion ou iîh- l'rinltl(' on1 Doinion Dîiy. Ail ýour fri-udnnd nergbborrN ýwiiI b' 1e,1»,an'4 yrouuti=y enjoy the lb. iwuy lrcef* fl lLaW nbarîo f rom ii' d1e<(Jc aion(% of the fineûs.pa-s- ,s lgelf E:tv:i'rs utf thr lake, NWýhlt- BAND STANDT. Tho fr>ind q.,tind hra'e at -Iaîst riaeh1cd conpitio, i a ery natty iti" structure It i.reIm0w. ln thie trpv,ý ,it the forth vu t . angle -of Ph(- -%rnoury., and m- way novw expeet the sirwrnr-ser.. - ttltdswliich were a sourep . of 'flli'i,,inunt and pie-asire to the, l41z1 ast .a.n DEPÂRTURE. 1w til enpxaged. for tho ' pa t Ira"' offiep,- leait' uns'; ja, kîutown N. Y.. to qci C'1. flosital-aNa vunsý- NMi,,s Palr-.r ha-< ,b: 4,rin c~a.an J we veny m, 1o.'iug b r v.1tutl -r% et'îl thb ianie tinte wlshi uo Mt'e' 5 s- to iriîcih h' r &W faiothlui diserha-rgu' c w Il cutitle lier. eew ln thet a e laIe lIeon 14i te Q14 . SXEÂK TIVS TtxIees - tr'ge intui th@ otae -0f Mf. Aeo. ROSS and -Mr. %Vair.,Gold lu»t week. Fro n, the char.cter oi the !bthe, it ls Plain that theyr wpele elther boys or men wUth boys, n ot lone. A F3JCV;! JOÇK&Y. Me 9Edi one; popinlar;y kIiown, hure as John Glpin, haK madie hlm- S'if famîous at ti re recent, Windqor ra"-~ t.y 'winning on a horse egaihrst whleh thc 00dd, etood at sixty to O-IsCý- '. On.c wl 1 bý! reneembered as tire tiero of the race- at tira fair grotunâs aýbcut six years1 ago, wiref ire lnu>, bi19 debut oh na hirlght lttlP runnàog pony belong- ing 'to Mx. J. E. Wijli. BRIEF LOCALB. Sýee Fanst at the Music Raln Wiuby, on FrIday, June 29th If you i ant jour silocs repaîred la a, nttandtlup-to-date kstyle ca!l on I LQtatr. pruilcncec i a quality of mnd that resLraîifl tire wise boarder lrom try- inf. fte 'find ont how the .Iardlady M akeq. lier lhôsb. Ttilacci' im za nîuseating plan'l i.it' is con!ýumed .by but two creaturei; a large green woirm and man. The wrrny doesnrt know any better. Th-' floverniment iras appointe-i John A. Ayearat, o! Thabmesýviie, lroviîîeial Inispî'ctor, under tire ii1(liuor licr'nq,? act, for tire special puirpc, oro sŽa that tire law is' is'rieîly enforceâ in local option dis- trit-. This -1îo-it ion is provi ei for unit-r tire'od licen4e aet, but wa,4 not fîllRd. Mr-. Ayearst will irayvpi tha-ogiroat thira-Province on hi-. mission. andi IL is probaln tirat -h; prsjrincipal work wil ire to ýsec tha i t <aliîîapŽctor,4,keep iup to thn iir-k .inatire enforeenient of tire ni,; rnit t andi the dutieqi devol-îing uipoli hni Klo not îuean that tire [o:ai ol'ficla!s eau escape any of lb la r4s'oiIibityii lins respect p4ýtîws & o.7tir--lat irrespect iti brea- ehpes of the l1.1W vlitseveral loeal&op- :%I lt. IIODGSON, RETIRES. - TM... E. *Hodgsoti M. A., tiereae- tirîng lispvetor of Iligh Scioo!s, waý4 oinand rrecîved i hs eanji du- eat -!it n lthe' tow-n of MWhi1tby. f ,- atir r îas for ' niy 15i ta-I1 d misti'nof the-, Graînniar ,sýhoi ýMr.-Ilodîgsun. turingiris' viirer a% High S2irhool -1îîs'pee! 'or, 'vas a g- humiesouirce of iuispir.1tion1 to un îry a youin-g teachtn. fa-'-s'h1 fui'eu ourge with 111-4trouiblef4 ait b--ore lm. E'specially to tire teacir- lr's of '-la-.s.t anti Engilsh w.ercl- is' iluispt'tions. a sournce o"f ligit umil elua-iing. Possesseti of itigir siro.ar- ship and an k-cri and i le.iaeliîtr- ary ln,4igirt, thr' lessois ire oecaslont- ally tiîuglt on iris inspectoral tours, î.'ne lè isteneri ho ivitir th-"keenest re511Mb botir by pupis -andi teachers. "othing couiit outrpaî4- tir" rnîluin, eAio1areh.ýp wiili. which hc ' wOUlI oeea,ýionaly f lasi thire l;ht-s and stiad'ovs oWVxth~ ie btîtiful lyrirs or 1îorace, in-1endtai-theiwith a -iiig riatity. which niatie tirtm - to lis.4 i-ar,rs 11. tiriîîg olfb -atty andi au joyToîe. C.as'sieal jiien every- -h ue.ai tiio.] best eaP1th:e -of jiginig', niot of ait, wiIl regret tký' ritironient -o&'Mr. Ho'Jgýon Irotu a- fL1i1 or rie-Il and va rie ilus-- fiiics-. an4 iv'iil wish him a- con'- tiiintnoi" tairigir 'ueeesw. wh'ei hasii-i,' th'- pnst. dort-' so iînîîh l'ia- th- lusI. kini of erha on" n', titis 1provinue. TiEi- ENTPIttNC'E EXAýMINXATI)N. Ttir Entrance Examination ls b2u' ontiucted this week iiiti L'o;egiate Institute witir 67 cin- ditiat-s' la attendance. Thre nuiwber lm eomtirSLht les's.thauî last yenr, owing ro'babiy- to th?ý fa-,t tint litroth--r Eritrance Centre irai to Who h.bitaÇcYrLLEG1xTE PRQM\OTIONS. syear ini Fru. b to 9 a-HononS-B. Hog- - w-eek for art h. AX ura' K. Waugh$ F. ter the W. &ý,ott, M. Rg S.- ermîtii. W. in- training. atx . ,-Fotheirglîl. pass- G. roo ne ti- M Denyts,t. Pirle., E. >yee- of thre Ibaýilu. A-robect-;ni. D. Cirsutiers, ["'Ch -'regret ~('êrreli, F. Fergtu'aor. G. Hall, e.but at B r a.ttenn. r henr t (Pn 2 ,to.3 b-flOnor.s-Mk. Iad ,DDsclctlonki a. Tiu* t.c.Rqàiâ,C. Frasto.r. .Dt of- du ty -$0 o. riton,. Iei L BHollLday. p»SC Gol4ring, Do)eIpd Kerr, V. - w , toit. .Robir B. Sznlth, t. Brownt B Ho4ps.Me l-oum, A. Ne>wport, miurtethe ~Forfi I to 2-U<or&--. Kemp- M* MG 0»».hE C. <.>onnor, JK. ç 0. 1. arer-e 0 !*oiàr . ;iit i- >1w. J. £E.4105M.0Ç>cwW.Ti,. )(Weion 'or l~P #,a.'Ot Ç . Sftih. A. Ksan~ . Lan-%â!i& F. rb,* ~,£.Pawaom' . iùp s$lW~ Ba.rclay, E£* Brown.. W Uuth»m Drou nt joemu Clf-y LCpty t fl r A. Joh»Atou, 1D. Juug. I. Long,. I be Jeen aro*.- . WArsmI . ù.lî1p~~ glo*- wIe e Z"a . &Aàmy, B& Met4Uï r su oi ~F. Wapi',r - Y_ as te bor> *n uâàd. M Ibïgtsutu ofthe- fat t*roe- 1 MLA " '8Poux la a 4 igsto. E nutritiouz >and e s'orne. Plain or L ai or, Tomnato -emuce. njoy-. Perfectîy The strem e cr C6MPanY are nowB el -I raavu kg b$9Jled and very ceXteildi»g tbeirl une eastward ta the? w.OfloffiCS1. Cet Iighîa»d ywl and-a lamge nuin- borea "-iii Chili .5. and, 1me. ti1ns. Qu1t-c a feat ln barni rovIng a accoeili4ihed ah tthe How'e or Ief- ugjf îast wetk. M1r. E i Wlgsri. or Broughant, with -thrce nssiktant.,'. dîvidedthtr large barri on tirs fartu anrd -ioved tIt -north oonto a ne 8s-oaiG or Ctire cernent foi'Iatio)n, whlch h&4 ben prepareti by 11r. jno. Pmith, or thns' town. Th",y tien bulit a flw centre sc"tion tire irtth of thebarn. wizh inc-reasel the width 18 leet. The barn is now Qf-et &-uIwre. From the -timec thp barri wams raise',d 0on IOliers tunt it iras eet in positibtoitonth ireîîw loundatien, 3 minut,.;4 hadIeft8d Thisi 1 pretty qti2:k work. Th Tire Iabernaele iun4ay Schot>i wiîî boit tirei.r annual ohting at Ruetnk. on Fri*ty next, July Otia nitire committe" lunctrge, arc pannirig :to nakie it m~o.-t joyab-- A. pirogramme ofrs'ports will be provitiet for tire ciriltrpun Special la'i excursion rates iýijl bza provided. Tire B-îpt!i'.t8 will holdth ieir an- nualpic-niceti tkireC p!aelatt-r on. Tir!' glves thre people or crir town an oppotunity to lar. a -gon days onting. Tirey wli leac s' tr" Uptoui station - by tr" 8 o'2,Iock înonning *train, andi return on ira ýlo2al, ýwiinh riiachir- th!r tip-',ow;'nsin at 6.10 in th- evening.- THE RETURN 0F THE 31TH, A ve.ry thrit.iag ijîtle fiînfa.rouîaje by th ir' bule band announed to Il»' tire buiglers, tire returît of -thf. .34tir regiîment froru Camp Niagajr'-j on ýýaturtlay i-asit, and-tihie how-n gave tireni lits in-su'aI -eleoll)f, or munsine <ni tears , iit thef-re w-ere suilles too, nauy olr etii, Ini ':oju of tire- gallart tiefenders of our common anti belore t boniry 5,mirpd il li away on In tire alte-rnoon, anl tiray hd acquired tire fjvedJ habit. A TLry gallant conpany tirey were, as tiey iacrt ~ iantly tirrouxgh tire pelting merci- ittsirower fr'oîn tire station to tire aninonries, andi a body of ien alo-tier s>tiîcr-ilke anti stalwart, keeping step to tic lamous' regiunen- tai manrch. peaieti forth* nicirly ant] -,ononou,'ly, anti in plain defiance nf a!l atmospieric contiltions by tire banner bandi of Camp Niagara. Young îtIr an about tire strePets' ha tl1r-ss' anti uîbrellaless. in the- <eaintl:,sti of gowns, anti sweetest of pin1zrîbbon-tieýd sfipper-s, al regard- t-egs' or Atie elements la tire fir.st exuberanne or tireir welcome. -(auýç> Niagara' Gid mua irto improve tire apptaranice of isoane of tW btiys', an-I g:ad fatirers' looket witi pride ami joy on welcomed sons, extending the igiatd haut of irelvome ratier than tbe enxbrave ", - 'patesfiuty,to thos" recomnizeti as bai ing enterk-d iîpon ti,,- ,ranchi'-,e of wanhîood anti fuil citizens;hip. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. H. Mi.ynéari, o! Toronto, 'was lu town on' Monday. Ma-. Alert Me-C-i-n an:1 bride vi.s- iteý ti ah ii' ionie ire. Mr. Ji. Mo9r'ý, of Lîtid-ay. i., on a visit.- ta iris' ii4ter, .NMrs. il. Corffey. chuiid.r 'n are vs1ting ii1ecng MLss Nora Lraw"!r. a-f Torontto. ir, s'isiting u'z bot-rAM . ..T. La wr.. Mn. Frank M1athî-on ' of Toronto, sI'îdwitihM'.anti Mrs . T. .Mati-on. - vis'iluug h .r niî>îh-'r. Ma'. Gorge Th'ie-t-s reen îvpo(d arte bai-k tir »Pend thetitis vacation la th"ia- )(l houe here. Mis AgriesClenowertlr. of Toi- rwitoo, ï vitsîting ilt tri'-~ui of cl Torontîo Jnnetîon, 'is;it"-lhîi. fali.r ;rr 'm it aturtiay. M'-'Vida Pe-a-n, (>! BitTialo. is' Dn a xisît to irer parents, '.%r. andi jnol Pxrin, at the-Royal. )&r. Jaek WVhitBîa1w, of Ilamilton. sD-nt Sun'IaY xith bis parents3. Mn. and -%Ir-. Alex. W'hitelaw.- Mi-qs Mille Smiîh. of Toronto. vit&- itel lier parents. Mr. andMs.. , L. S11with, on Saturiiay. îMi-s zKate Sbn:rl and friend Misý_ Povell. of Toronto. were tire giess OS .ri Suntlay of Mis$ituSeoit. M._ G_ E. GMharl editor o! tire pharinaiýutcal jounal. Toronito. -iras lu town un IFriàay lait. -Ur, and! MrQg. ppittand Mr, Epplai- a re on 3 viSîtiri tir triend-l in toronitc ani Western pointë;. Mr. tie eKean. eof-Toronîto. xp- tSurmtay ta towm ,'th ii parente. Mr. ani M..Jo- .K"ar. Mn. andtiMn-. ?arIiamnt'r, 0f Can- ilington. 'si-ited witb t'he latte.r,$ psarents 'Mr. anli Mrs. Jno Ca. tie'Coriffe. Winipeg, is ri9s itiung ber yparent*,. Dr. and mrý, Perk. Toronto. i XisitiGg witiMr and! Mm, Johnr- iié and Ms.Ille- Mn.Wua. ~Iti1~ "litd uring the t!êsm»"t, cvutcll week atUr. . D. ý r. Vin. Auderasoù. 0 o rf bogue oou a tue umeka Iait wî bki pUýa"s,3L aMr.1~ Ur'. iiiixy Tbwomp. wIOha,, 'bhe4 Out *. IWI'*UprftttIga jar"o eh4~ 14..,la O-a la4to hisg M r. Thouoa. Mr. »Onal4 Fra*", wbo atteo.t Qmeue'. Uverti't,.at lçte1 p of ben. aÎ~nd tcams are bnsiîy elngage-1 in i ~dlug the.approaechez t-O thr' owerliead bridge eroiîsing the G. T. Il. ai thre jÇingtOn roati. TItý-YNER FITZlIATRICK4 At,~ n~.simri~vnttook plae OiIu',-- n oyrnDif lu ithle Romqa V cathOj:k. e Wh FMls Josie Itltri k. dughtcr of-M r. M itptrick. of DroCk Road:, wa "'lit 1 in jrntjriý%gýto Mr. jo'qeph "MikTra3n r. Of OWPn 80Ond, Th~'t~~r~f0~y wiî-' perforntetj by S'*Fatther sherriden la the pre-ý Of or ntilu,)ht of-friend.orth >r and groý)Ifl- Thc Iortuvr w aItý11-jed b '-r ~ter. M1,18 'ni btturk hi? th" groom b' ath aîT!,nyÙtr. Af ter _thre eeremony. I'[ r Paired to' th<> hinie or h prLparints wihfre ,an _rît-gant '" Idiiîg dinfier Iw'a 't Wnti, -?n The htîppY COtPIPl then l"f tt rr tht-jr future hrome npar 01,11 eînJ aviere Mr. Tra.yner iras ai valinabip fitrm, followed by thr. "b;et w:jshiet of their- IIutuerousý Th" marriage of Ms'Etiia Louise %onrt. younge'st tiangirter of tire 'ai--ý Thorniis Conant aui rs Con- *anr. of Bluna 1'ista, Oshiraw'a. to l).William Hi. Waltou Bal, of Ml-,'tirorpe. Toron to, eities'ît son> 0fMr. and-I Mrs'.A- IN. BI.-o ltgtip s'okeMaor near Port Hope, u-ýls ýojt mize-] at tie Con-tnt irolîri or' Saîxîrtay aiternoon hy the- Iet-. Dîr. hry.ps-stc t>)y 1Rer. Dr- tL'bh .r"ctor (et St. «Maýrk',. lPort LF>p . Tir-' r h wî-sgi'eî away by la r b-ioý.hîr. Gortien S. C7onanjt, B . ir-Z dh-' of rici wite tiucliý,6,zg satin 0f la Princess, trim- t-lwihh fitne laceý anti rope-q of fas.A 1lo1g9til1V e itiwas' wornf m-tI a n)"Iguiiîep.t tbouqtuîet of llu.ra->,eî' and i hle8of the va.lley ivas carrit-t by tire bride. Pearig- w l.r£ite oîtly ornaments von. Mis -,i -iie Bker andMis q- li- Baker. w-cae tire brtdesnîùs. D)r- atî.Bl wa-s atttntit-t by Ili-: iýroîhqr. 'Mr. H. G. W. lta 11. aS' b mt'an. oth.-r gI'oouîs,,nu.îîî- --u Dr .Dck,,oii. of Toronto. A,"SSZE Ç)U1ZT.' Tii spr-lng litou-jiiry a.-siz-' was' hp11 rut W'bitby oit Montiay of las' tEýek. Thre c~- were entereti. Mn. ju-stlcI ybee presi'Iing. There WIre s'ome riiroaà case-s, on tir' l'-'t utnda. lar-,t- array of Toronto ui otîu-r coiiwit.1iras' present. Tir'h ic- :tt. ri '1 was tiratila--f.. W.'.\Mr-irrry vs uîs Carn-gi- aIn ac-riQul to rtrover $325 eoni- msiafoi, tii ' s' ilof landi. The~ Plain tiff i a s -ljrÇsý-nteJ-by tire îot. Mn.St. johi n*an _Mr-.lars J iit-' I-etndq n t h.- '-\r. lar---l K. C. anA Ir- ;. Tire Idilu- liff istatti litu li.un:' 1!>05 the ~-"e~i3 t -ý4j4 Il itu to t ry aud clos-e a a QI(' t61 lamiii pnoperty to Mn. ~ fo 41se i-,.Ooo an-J M. W'as'îa-~ a-'a .a.t h' îîroireti an off!ir fr-ot \V I Wa t so n toi t i - l t r i ni . - t . O O - z a , f o r on,- mnîtli. L t n at offîa ramn rais-eJL 10 ý:12.0, a ail extt&ndeti for thr"ýe timys. ind ,t, t h4 >-,d of thirr-c lays irs' z itultiiAindlefiuitely tire -offe-r ln A.ngi'.saideniployeti tir- Plain ti to-s P i h!- ili proçîer. ty to M M 3ua- a iii 10-00(, an-J iii De2entb -r 1fr -l fi-ndi;, n ti:lIy aIepei luwritn; t!hý- offer uTfM'.\r Wats'oi.rn ithît t t-- th, p.u inn tifr stet:ment wli;h 1h; t->;efiv'ts wiîir tire protuiction tf iiiiiift'aOi-writ. iligs tCO':5 iui] o- f tihIplarinf- tf'scazs-', d- ti -ile-net' inh ire'frf Id coni-t-,il îtaeCy 0of eha,,rgeti for Iri â in] ..A~t thi, en-t of the pl'îilitî!f' i'Of-,*ý Iii Mi îon. 1> -in -I.'I if lit- luitd m.asigne- f- r: for wlîiclu lie wa-; suing. '-ii tiie--h -hatifor cer- tain rpasonw al0ui-<*Il On' :G 1 haut. Tirte 'î- -h' 't - in't ) toniotilon .n i e--nLii ia-r i- stu-ti as to who g,"tll'i b-ý th4' pý;llii- tiff anrd w h -thr rthi-- ca,4'- Conîlti prt-errei tiralith- i" rs m-îrtiedýîqontV Pr(,'A -iand lit-dis- pOtti d on t n-rt--Tire deTr-n- tnt antiiisw:n-"-w. eo'od ingly ira'!. 3r. 'i.'tOf rs' tiro '01.'and Nr. Mrio.a- ti ire cora-eettaezs (,f tii- Plalntlff'fi ver- MOrt Otht' tiffea-ta' incidetes. andi Mr. -Atinis e 1 t"ruie among broknýrs'to <larpI 3niy wireea sale is 'I!ýfectcul. hi'- Lordsirip ne- VI'eel th;-,eteid'ni -eàre'ttilly a-nd eriiealy i sn-'-d tthe- acti-on wiiti >m OCrr Oiarm There ls althe difFi- die wodd bei wee n cuits -and in& One PkMêiys perfediof à j distindlY -. 1»w là km!* »yooeg@w VI LIUUOOd e It is impossible to exagge- rate the value of FRUIT-A-, TIVES as a medýicine -for children. They contait i no alcohol - no morphine or cocaine-no dangerous drurrs (À any kind. Fruit-a-tiî'es are fruit juîces-con. centrateti and conibined with the Mîost ;valiable tonies and internai atisptîr-q *k Iown to niedicire. Friit-a-ti-es are- fre Of caloinel, cascara, 8enna and thre host of violent purgatives that sixnply act by îrritating tireebowels. Fruit-a-tii-es are miade froua fuit and tonics and are pleasant to take, -and so mild i ei action that they itever gripe or pain. Duning the suner, when childIren itre 80 apt to cat itproperl-v, irothers should have* a box of lzruit-a-tives always bandy. At the first sîgn of Diarrhoea, Indi- gestion, Headaches, Biliousness, Pemi- ishness, Yomniting - give Fruit-a-tives accordiîrg to directions. These splendid fruit liver tableta will- instant),' correct faulty digéstion-clean and sýweeten the stoiach-regulate the bowels, kidneys and. skin - and so învigorate and strengthenthe whole systmmn, thiat thre littie ones can quickly throw off the tenrporary illness. Cet a box now-to-day. 50c-. a '-fl box or 6 for $2.5o Sent on receipt of pnice, if yourdrggist dots flot handle themn. FRUIT-A-TIVES MUSIC HALL, WHITBY 014E NIOIIT Fr .idayp June 2. Edwin Patterson presents MR. HUBERT' LABADIE And his Incomparable Company in his Original Complete Pro-, duction of the,-Iminortal Mr. HIUBERT LABADIE as Mephisto [14YVears aDeiai AN ALL-STAR CASTE ELEGANT COSTUrIES STA'RTLINO ELECTRICAL EFFECT J Prices 25c., 35c. aid 50C-.- Seats on sale at A. H. Allin's dru-, store TAKE TH-E - Erindale: FOR TORONTO, DAILY. SPECIAL TRIP -s - ot Re&y-to For. July, RIats at vacation wîth bour &sBi Hleadquarteis for yonr1 Ladies Ladies L àdies 64 ci $9.00 Rats n -7.50 Hats n 6.50 Rats n, 6.00 5.50 5.00 " 4.00k" 3.5o 3.oo f 2.50 1.00- .90 .75.' Buy where die Wise 'AT THE ýCASH The Empordum of B.OSS WHITeY, PAINTING, WALL. PAPERS, - AT GEOdi Satrdêy 8 Dominion Day Le;tving Oshawa ah ý,.oo a. iin. Whîtby a» 84; .i Tickets good going Saturday and returning Moniday. T. GQ JACKSON, Manager. St art fur- a UMMER TRAININ i~i'\IZSHORT}IA \D rBO )CEP.ÇtxN Cources at the BRITISH AMIRICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE whicl fior 16 %,cars bas taken hie iead for effidencv ndfor p05t.oas OptU all vear- Dav auxc. igir d(ecwu to T. A. WATSON Vonge and McGil -St., ARGYLIE' WHITLY IoTooNO jSýrvjce ini 4ef t W.edne,ýday, May l. 190. after which date ..very Tu-,ýday and Friday, during the ,a Lr-ave Newcaâtle at 6.3O-0 ..lev c8shawa 1)2sm. lale Wh b ae; 8.45 a:rn. Xrrive Toronto( at V.2'turnwcg le-ave Toronto &t 5 p.m Fare-m.-Newcast1e to Toronto and rrum ,T3c. Bowman v le- o Toron zo and returu 70c. Oghawma and Whît- hy- to Toronto ahirturn 40C. Tfrkete insy lbe extended for the >-4-0 von appl cation to ýthe pur- Freiht .olielted and bandied care- fully and ;pouptly. -Meali and tate-room accommodaà. t;oq at'tegaonle rate,. D. GALHJRITH. .J30'. HÂZITT, Agnt Wbitby.rar Q..ena.tAgnat .GoeM',WaTt, Toeot& pixounMin 1O75,Tong* et. Wart. Ko. TH( Tod's OId Stand, Brc WHUITBY. At "tho Cash Harc Seasonable - At - Roc7kiBo ttomni- 'tWood yatt" Lawn Mowevërs C-.50 upwa Screera Doors Coniplete with H anges et Window Screens i 5c. ho 3-0c. each. Blue Flamre 0Ou Stoyes $400f, z5.5,, Refrigerators, large size, n.o Gasoline Stoyecs, 2 Burtrer, î$4.ro, 3 lii Garden Tools, Ail Kindis, Lowest Priec GARDEN H-OSE COUPUINGS,- CORNER HÂARD-WÂRE STORIE. 'W. M. PRE1 Jsta of Coa lq butOu tbrough. If yon pig longer and hurnebwi vant entir. sd= wilget it by usfi oi season to '8 on 011 h( ir oihto tlb we ý 1