aif do hope you \vil liaiIot p us 81l0- 1 gettier. t>! cums, iiw tI at e lunk lIat Ir avrenue vaquer, sanus. tinste t "' <""""" ba>iod 1us tu 'OüU 15 lJP,> it' u Sdoor 4of8 a nowy Moc ih êusW11ôseq 1. rs, kbut ha !de1e-ithe 14hi0t4lO1' Swhi1W",sh )sbw zinu hro , he u, rage that a lIke phendm«0ù i n ' i--- ntematee, o!fa 3ouginvIl li1re h bll h-producad u xi-bhr l iaggalil ver- iW front. îîîng î<> îrold yciu 80Y longer; but 1Iý Twe minutes liter ia i8i&standing btr lII;,ust 'n tqittirwuso SybilIa's Cetoué. hue la holding Iîbis 18 deýo l ng>lr<leWbttîrsous ove1 handit UL-oer,,nd there is sommetuîn sliyderai Ir, waysuid I1 là _hope t litai you and ha"a'as e1 in ber face Whicî tels lm l tezo! lriênâs, and libfr o1 apeans ltaI ho shahiçl ssalier. shall see yau acîbie inlaWaboreneof^yo U"Wfrn 1 thnk-wtien 1thtîlaRof our 'o -* oe %fhE ~iLU. hlu! meetIng" site srs haeraly 6You man hua ia I sh m aîyWi ho g" e ays, ga*nlfg; l <?, of ho)ue"-iw,Ïitl a recurrelice le !ti course* Wlîst abaamfîvla'you bat e iîUsîaea-lbke loue- whtdb hait ai"a amused lui forffnerly la lier dïscuas Tbci ob"ervabon 15 a IruIe. Ittoh4 I,lier affra ýSo!fbthert-"I 1 ouglii for the maeet, lheias n le iast have a becteër chancîe naw tien ever, a e4ah -wether il 15 beautiful or nul, ae'i sl1 av ml'lt frue t urns hie iorrnenhed eyes round upon a lapse mbi delîresalam-"th8ls l t Iliaedeicioefi111h. ecurt, w1111 is aia- gow iplace fer nîei-l m lEgli * hii cowiitbltieo! aleniter twisted i m inîc. 'Fiare tire Iroopis-o!"d ellbiful-kio ..&08>e p.U fountain. OrginallyîIliha-s zouaves; but, ilien, we do liot 1now Ze slo.ltdbls !1WigFecaea lser tlqe w,... i ~,been <open, cootiesa Ici tee yeand the a! thetu- nolaone. Weil.peap dp I - » breath and 1the irins,,o! heaven;-,but il-s plÏilophlcally-"ýitI s for Ithe bai;1 rangatto TolOBteO 0 NOrtiterI'pùrchaser lias cavered Il la always hears thai Freachltai n the Ks4.Mwith glass, snd set 10w idivans anmdlux- very bad lusiandS." ùtiantly cushionesi baniboo shiaira abôlil u"i'r lm U - bI* 1b ot4w»hlug wfter. 'CfiAPTEIB XXXIII. if4e1-*t$ Wbtbi ' ybîlla-hlas let talI ber hbands, and lte â# e P.fiM expressIon e! lhe wsl for a sisieri> cml- NoIcQ Darne d'Af,,rique-OUI' Lady iý '1,.,bruce tes,,disappeared out o! lier face. Aican-is ani ugly lady. hoffilY 4#Î Ê L* .. $0P. Foi a tew momentes sie reama sa-bau>- blac; aàd_.t cîurch liahaddc - W -luiely silent., Ho loRa round aaxiou~iy 1l. he iigIy Ioo-nevandnui for Geciia, but site bas gone hoeItike off qrsi;bt lR ey mUe her bonnet, emd Mr. Wilson lias not yet - l tadingdey ol pa Ltst Couu ln. ,Uxw rpreteuce oel-exaffilgagra aisoleià air. l t Licur tie S1los, ha walks lowards tbe, tuvely o1 Africa whu llu'stgivssUs5u,'ge ~ ~ti~ oeonaiad>e ethorioes aces thatia~s e>i apiaawr5 iUior,-eeOfieltresla, scaroely aeeng 111cm, upon -Ite ver- poi lrb ev5 5 and C Iiii. I'OO#t. W11111 liu lseso! lvel el taelie that u- euclagoffice ltai follows- whlhipri 2_____________ t t eiwhiewash wlti sotalblues and toylepaiout o!flte chucal PUW dLt IL C.0 Ba aNidgreens- nd >'ellows. thlit,111epiaieau oittiewc'es ,CiW*4L ~I4 whec will Cwclhi# returai Beind Ogainsi lite sky, stands a saati L b . -O*u*t2L111w o ha1 pi'eubnly heurs -te 1nvatid'o Cross, with a plain, andC as il e ' olç@, stuedieut andi coldened: crtll-s1Laped siene hene .alhit I, onw ______________ "It 15 verIT Jui anl;sd, of course,-ceereats th *e inscription: tac jasa ou MI <elà f reaI -upoui, i peri dans'le mer, et -oùteeces BIt1l. iIlh t otittI'sJUe-]â1ugh-'¶hat we, -dans ses fls." L - "- bi.On ufO#4b heyes. Was ano t.- "AU Miose whê-hi-Vz p esd -,"*y..X> . r at>ce IuPPOaêJYra tbIk we a Wlt a, gigmnife cotupaiy--10--b- 1K<ot * tOa.Ie~ you hourd lt ews .Hw t- e 4 mi'-one lit.e qtpttIh ~~ O(<I@~ 'bis tIoetteunpt it. ' -, Q k;ê. l. -b ilhineedlesa te -aay 1Mev lh9eenS t jÉ, !4 jas, oVerokinig lit sùA.»Wý thIe nmental ejaeulationatrbiuled' iili> r=et debs1 sue uagonzitdly pr ~Jinn lias batti, sMd the consciouszknasof<>fi avent. vhose cruaîty shte as semaI à,, tfr miaRes hlm luquire wiII hasy bte. owllb , asu 'nw .ilh ~ ~' ' "Out you were noue te worsl yon Vouti i sflo, wile%1 ', ~ ~ ~ ~ e ovie Its.. J g'~ lb alil rugitr' &autllwatts are OoverOd etie, ffice I wameau> wonderful,» ýreplies she Of tb IPOt Otit.. b "wo ski peopie-wllI a 111ile -air of- 4m"ei, oh ma m'ore.",- 'tdlc* Brok tte«,piay!ulness-"teg$e o Weil hues > '".roipre,,e 'tai e44)r exaute", - i*eok. Brook ~ tiiese surprises someimes*, but 1 niust---"aeI>si> M % not tnke îlevredilt W mysel!; 'it is realy "IeconniPIISa!Iott h ~ ~. ~. . L. ~>evelrybit due la Dr. CrnW> Mt> net St a1wq~pR a w4ys ell bilm laut4ie ney'errocaewatlier cbotasaat L ~ OoI & ro',neesi asi; 11e divines hov ose ta; le straight, out'abc>e the 1>gha tam ~ipon. ~ says bclaa mare bundle ofserves hani- icw tentîerly these poor liebtir ýoS rats. laîle hlm upon, Sume8 t M rc sealOC hbrougb.!1e ak liaPleiàte or books Wl Utànefs ueist and: 4earest.' jean, fox l01ruuet ~p S, Duent. Otites evea Heo," ih 1a& a suspius tréwen#iu< j -- TeasetDroc - à e kioka- aaw 'o phmniîvely lfor- lpiatdt-,bàôan d by bis, tIr-ê'itottmi lowardh 1,1e t# iversoIeu'!e rvlsg oolursnâ j th', iSt te 4qugh>t- l e Nr0 tS- sudtd n lga h, , wIcr i>êit hJ <Alue o .k* t u s d'o tIe car iell, lhat lys toli a1 xib t- liyh and aled ,ad ls lia. Lests à> te àheer YûShàli have my jacîteét," crle. EJI; aliéthIilneeluctisW, but sul It'.htb*he satnà perfect sèîa ; "lw1- be abo Pl Siurly sbork foryou, but, .ai leasi,, LWllitth .keep :youwiirm.uYSo sayilfg1 ale wivilh PE lli. sp943d of lightxting, whips 1off-,the S gnêliet. allucicitot, and procoetds 10 iW giide ber, mo rs s ntci Ils larCi ventently ulit aleevecs,'laughiIh lxt wl ivithi ler odd cldisli Igit- 01 lieartednessand crying. UVWl dueuV di thing, you doi lok i-iotdiculous 1" 'Ra Tite iiither laughs Ioo, and aids ber i daughter's eff<>rts, nor does qIL Semu ic '1N ccrur 10 any of iie tlirep hhat the faal-s] F.aîithern chIlitrnav possily strike the ih uielicaté te 11 lafneé'Wu{ litabeth, now ex- Ik pcia0d, so itghtly ciad in ber tweed gciwnfli Ini ls iBI4Ous influence. T "I Wisii you lad a inoicinggass b seê C ;Yoursel! 48,ý" cries s r npplingintd P tresi rnlrth; "dons nul tshe 1001C fun11y, V fater?" ýappeaiing tl)u im m ih ns 11111e res,%ntlnft forhis pas sunliness -8a 1.-woJuid be shown by a god dog Il con-f not put fIL -nore stronglyl. and yet, as it i seems to Jiaut witil acertain nervoua depreoiin. Tha next moment one o!fblien-he dom flot know whuch-has cauglit sight ut - hlmself, and the momnt afler "he ls shaking lianâs villaailtbîree. It is cloer tbat the_ tact of, i s presenc A laigf'i'5 hâa bedanontifie jo tr. Le Marchant, fOr theré la no, surpriise inîis bilaOly -Civil greetlng. Hiemakes ~i as shiort as 1)possI)ibid alJ àmost ai; onlceturns 10 1Continue lis, ctrfuit &f the hUÈ ,bi w %ite ai his iaide, and his daigbter niecu- Iv toliowlng. Doùt)tl»os tley doi not w1oh rfor' his {*lnxts) Coimpany; but yet as lie 1wag originally,, and %vh0ul any refer- yence ta Jheml, gong in tei' direction,- 'itl Oid sean natural that be shoulit r %alk< flong wi1l tbem. 110 Is Ilesitt1ingas in wietier or no0 hO ad:OPPt tii& eWurse, when lie 1 d ecided h <ivery Slighi nove4ment* o! Ei&ta i' r bOd. Site does -nul actiilly lock 0V( 1- therahoalder at hini, and yet It seraisAte lIlifls i'a f, were her gesture oinîleted .1t- iwou1d amounit o- that;-,butiI 18 rreý5tod, S, k bi~to' et sîde; and i té-ifo as sac m qï lunmr pootak,1ur it over six Our po>ônrjWa01 '%àci. six ounces'Of Sul p<rne îb~potrfvanii1 lfa, à'. Add twIo C 4ten'eggý,. 1 ut4 n1ùïi muld, slit sugar overit, pou h t~ nixti -re, cover witli a bullered iéé. rd ~sleamf for one hour. Si %th à ehot,. custard. Iiavcircd deilcu '11h vanilla- Miton and Polto Pufts-;-Take ýôuXId o1 bolied potaloes, add, te 1 3ver lbe. firie one ouince of clari iripping,, salI, and pepper, and n il mboa. suff Paste. RaIl Ibis redging in a Mll1e flour, cul il, are miouds, and pince on ench a gpoonful o! muttinminced, tlnely highiy scascined. NiMalie each roufm te a bail and bake, or fry in deep rg fat. .WhlIe, Slewo! Eggs.-Put two ov e! butte inmb a stowpan, and% illd d çlirppcd parsiey, ah >lece o! oOnion îininced very samal, son»epepper and sait. Stew Ibîs- tIk aeasning la cooked, tien add a fui o! mllk ând a ltle four t10ti lhe whlte. lloiilfour eggs bard, cut- lhem ila suces, ecdiegg st tnake flve slices. Give both -eggs Émuce a bol] Up, and serve on a s( plece. o! bultered A Good Plain Cake XVthcut, Eg For this the ro-quired ingredienti a quartier o! a pound o! butter po'finfd, o! fine flour, a quarter of a i of castêr sugar, hli a Pound -of ranIs, haîf a pint ciooud miik, a 'ter of an ounce of carbonatle o! ilub the butter int the flour, adý -sugar and currants. Mix the, .wlh cold mtlk, ia wlich l tiraidij lthe carbonate o! soda. Tie cake ý lie put laie Ilie oven as soan as ml'ned,. and Il wlll take two le lftubarb and Stone Cream.-T ,a, very simpje sweet, and more, sorne Ilian rliubarbtart. Firs!di hadiin ounce o!' gelatine in U wàteré.- Taie a bunch of nice iii waetcare!ully, cut . inlo tl afliind t Stm in a covered -with, a piece o! lenion-rincl. Just the rliuburb Is doue, adit sufllicie ,r4 weten L[t..Beo We plat4 staud aside t1111 cold. PUt'ý lb.- ri Spour «eNratioer 'an4 nany I PtC we '10 e Jet a- castors are requirling' the sanie attefrl tlon Tits hit' stend l l gjreit ~1(Sniangle, etc., % wll li îî m<wrwithout itie-£a5IT su Ts Lblt3 dlhliCully'usually experlenceci; Ift facp sTh* gsat eéuibi6 ea4oue4uhnt rom li Igl lhey will* swing on Iteir rollers. Tura Iesding médical w$itets, of alUtiteseveral thr le table OnIl$ s ide, and Oil the Pins osbhôsà'opuetiee, for ste cure not waly er and axIes of lhe castors, tIen move o! the dîssees nasodeê bove but 8,180 for r Ini about tlioroughly. , adge tb Sepes'of lUer, or bIllons- 1pa. nome, clwfute-c sI-alokidney sud. carve If boied or mashed polatocs must blaidder UStebles sud .r>icn8te îîystand for a litt1e while before servg.we lctd they May lie kept. polotable by layiag Yu1uit ae te takïeDr Pec' one tlirecor four tiieknue-bl o! ean saoit Ior he«L %'M ry" laakd pb thê ' ~ ctlh lreîlyover Ibein, lin coverinfi wrîîlnls ut -tii. noemlbntimonzla te- tfr he keie ciosely and .4etting il. heemodiesprofessIon. 'A r<iOt 1byps rnake it wili keep worm. buti fot brorth. Set- card or letter, addressed te Dr.-i.V Out, tmg int a pan -o!fhot water is ihe best Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,. for s litt!. bookC haomelhod. and is that enîiployed ibohtels- 0f oxtracts freo éilnent zuedical au-, înto horlies edorang t e dlu îonts of his ea. nd restaurants, wviIcbanust keep pela- mediiées* wil¶f1rng- a le bo hok frea and loes ready for serving for two or lirelilat tu worthy o!f your' sttontion If, ,d in. heurs ai a lime. TIhe cloth absorbs the needlng a goof4; safe, reliable remedy of1 boj. steam, and prevents tlic poabues froin lm n poUon for théecuiref1almoat becorning lieavy and soggy. asy cld chronle. or ltngerlngmalsdy. mnecs SkirLs for Crtildrûn.-Purcletiiaene Dr. Pterco' Pleasant Pelleta cure con- when omans whte crribrc peticot, tim stipation. one IltUIn «pellet"Ilag à- geutîs Swh l en wnans tvhie o v nî i pne l c e l1n- la xatv e, and two a m id catharte. ald ,,rti druIa o! a tenienne laeDi- The mosS valuable books for bath min antI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Wi srin deayad usrue.D-Sdwomon la s-Dr. Plereefs until tide tle flouace in twvo; galber aind fini- Conimon Sanse Medîcai Ad- k - h ilh waist band. Tic underpnrt Viser. - A splendId 1008pap* icîcen witlh lhe dust rufflie ill maliet, Io more. volume, ffIth engravinga and Tic plain upper part o! pelticoolt carisuld coloredpi&tes Aop houl<l b- *slîapcd, firnlshed witt deep hemn cr aper-eeverod, vill ho sen and liny tucksaai hein, and you bave îwo :n in on setg 31 ntéla niuare dainiy akirîs o! solid lnce aind tnsert,',.n, the coet of iingR onty, ta wodointy sludrs flnished wlttî ruinle,1 Dr. R. V. Plere,BuffalX. gsone dainty skirt flnisted witi deep heni Y. Cloth-hounz, W0 Mmp&. 'S are (,r hem, and tiay tucks, ail for tie price anc of one wmnspetlilcat at 75 cents. .-- Pound lnme Made Rlug.-Tiake two slrips of fcur- wood, about -one incihty two, and as £- quar- l-ong-as youî waat your 1-ug. and two soda. pieces oi saine as wride as you wanl IL. Id the Tlack corners togeîher ho lorm a square; te -lm wvhoie drive soeeshingle or li hnais antce W* theoaiaofMauitaow ssleMIirt pieces ns close as yoaz con «live ueenwo"1,Ut hioulndps ri is al noesikS a pnd tlem togelher. Gel some colored warp b7 UxPeirts. reiml adviS free. cbargts s~ kmn*ps rmfrs îl n01 lii ~ R e Ne*taon ,urs la on tle other, unlil ail are provided witî NtWYOe1tfu t a warp; then take four rags. tear cine- his hs bal! Inci wide, tiread -on tape ileedle weIetae-inad pass firaI under and liien on top issolve c! warp, until you reacli otier side; Sfttlflgs of The Divisli nCcuLrts, Moiîl in bock luke dnrnîng, alternating the - juharh, <ver and under, and pusi mags up light VOUNTX 0o1 OHqThRIO 1Lt7 - vo-indit-1o make flrm. You con make stripe on basin ends and middle. tilt or miss. or as yen1 . WHITIBY.-C1erk, D. C. Macdon. baera cboose, anC asew rage, ia lengilî, (r ent su- balla, as carpet -rags If %wlsbe, and Rn- nadi. Whitby...iJan. Oth, Feb. liSt sm ik sh wîth - frlrago or Warp. -Mar. 18t; APrild 4U Iaylat.Jn el, add 6111. Ju1 ' d, Sepî,t ltb , t -i d, and ~Nov. Gu. Dem.0M1, Jan. 511h. 1908. Iuharh p~RAwA.-her- lî., . .4ed~ as POP.- ao11, Whtby.ý-3aft. 10t1, I leae IaX. 4thi, À prl 5î,, ltay- ;h Juno7L ~th, 7>h,Ôç a-gTîl. , i , Ja. rt saoy SHEEP NOTES. Oreen'wood.-Jan. lth tr51, t a lit-' Ac's-! SuIo nraao Cl ay 7111, july 15à1, sept.'lOtit, Nov. WC Wrk wold- ewes produces a good type o! mt 7th, 14,0. 1311, 1908. Idw thon sheep. TIc> are Weill ole n .PR EIt. ~ J ph in buayecomÎparalvely al6se ileece5. Buerahani. port, P ,ry.Jl -7111,. wta 'I11z1. oSwolc,lis 1a 'benvv1 wool-Pro Ma, r h MA-y M, jl 8hotp It sic dcrýnü, W1-im. é,11!av. _ .,Ja. t.-1 - Souhtlidown lamb& are vafttanhie i1îy blue- grass seesi sûvotn u ices lu tie posture befcire n min,j tale - motand keepthe posturel 111- ,a- 1, iE NTS Mist., a4 Guranite GCo, ay ont lDo" ré no.W-rtxt »erties er "i b. idisttob#4 Saab And &tbertst, Oepts; L "Mr nd, =ybe ho».. or £&a Mal$ lut, bc so aauoafp ýb a d tg1. f ti « t. a WWtO*4' lereqtred I; la ooodttloaa oos.o<4, ont o! lbe folov.0 14nfcýbïo. 1 1eff1h01a <i y h74kasan PQ$I. alhoglathe, coOl d54ng wil its txs beautiul oitd piercd stuSo hnLI Onuità iashnging bas temips, lrbtrIls -port handp£inmely lIr> witat gshould le enjoymnet, T ws no evert i uly quarre. but 4eJucugb 0Ocientrectulsmnon n acld wparing te makè un outsider lbomnuglalîy Unconiortabte, audito p -itow jlarnmonkux a whole th (,$0 lutIle faamly nov fofns. "W4p quarrai wmeu'e thasw.e ud tU d,, ami ave r' ays Cmltus, wh«woMI LiIlIe taler, takR lçoua eud'sti* umder ber c" sunShadi, up V drive vite lain to:e , na 1w , é4sund te-day owe e t& ' ia Gel k - A iý", cpi MOU ýl«thilest