IWlLjr s ars are evenauseam-r w u..iy. d1 theiti I tPreobratuiafliky R~l1t for te" ut 4bU C=r s erved in thù itxth Bqùarn u rThey et, the b. lt reghfletate te epoke Inoat el110tafIelingly ai how proud he t bit aibelng entltied to wesr ltse unUforru 01 th.e ueu-fainus regimeut. theO comtander of te edHu4rt NAVAL MUTINT THIREATENS. CnrlP. rvo Solove, aidé4e.c'mp lb "ad tperaon1 rlerllI. othe Czar. TIi. A despaichti ta aLondon news agencY1 O*1et1 mi qOU']vey-QG ta SL fPeon- ZIom Sebastopol says that ViceÀdiir- ,btq and plEa uipder domillary ar- eni iren, Nwbo recently was appoitiledA Mst lnte Win r Palace sucéeàsoro! Admirai Skrdloff, ln coin- ~The laurth aimn4rT of t1heregignent mand o! the Black Sea fleet. has ýSlfted1 .b bce,4prve, _tbe ~prIvII1p. isi sd gsue z dsMce a-j c4rrýiIthgb e i, t tilt aoor. À'imeni atIhaat port and placed, 00 cl mnêé tersi have been arresied, and lhe tiucm u bourd* a cruiser, under a reginet, wIp'cubaly be t.razkrrdta alrong guard of the. Pragski, RegimeuiL MtvitVft, wbcre the -apaifteim'prisnei's Additlonil attesta are betng muade, an>d 114ded nd wb4C1'#,thie.I>r.obrajehsky it pm"sby will be necesSarY te fit cul gB"tpnt w.a-.eut 1584 >'aarby *57 <.1 another penal Cruiser.. Thesemen, ai pujulabmezut. A serles of courts-martial the fleet are exagperatcd, beenuse no0 will follow In due course. charges have been preferred against -4he Froin pçro investigationus It la srrested men, end It 1, said that a mu.- ocr>cudeditIthe mutiny was flot Caus- tinus uI ibreak la likely to accur. *:.uo:I*Ios UtI PeratuN Ua tan be drunk, la 6 smos1 Butter-I bUMlen incases of colci Io 20e; tuh k oe~-av~WW r oVr.t5gu#i. itsauo selil ver)' qulCk toits arc qi I ULA'oreindgrteuL The effect of hot mhik [S sal 1 aL 21 flj1 A, J a, mnot bienbiai snd lssting titan elXc.,ý thal of aloohot. it gives tes) atteuiglt, Eggs-Cu as well as acting as a 11111P. doz. *sp ps~osb spSlT ltlsaid tâttheaistaUa<ugaphy, Chess-_ icmay bc giveri te chidren wîthOUt Dt., and, t LUMBAGO. 'h ouble by previcusly letting tem take Ihis~~~~~~~~ peppermintpîfu afeton~ lozengue, a place o! aluru, 1isila dresne4lsm pa u afeto w 'o a bit of orange peel. Ntany people lng0acu.ees tq koae in. the iroike [the mîstake -of glving a &wet tif. Bown-4 TIRr. atacke ueltelyois o qlttkrwarde teo take away the disagreabie .u -. 4 ttaculy s t a ell ir co i c fo - :ute 't e; il, La fr betier to destroy it :n t. inhort Or In the Miidle ci awalk wulhout the Suaî osscfociIve U r vr kne.an1 i nîn. lased P<th suh# Uscîuî for children who catch codle beai 1114t111e Ofhti th'oy cat1ly. Trhey stiaulci ba given two .:r 5c.ac Theu* ti f lm b agory, oth z-cire limes a day, directly afler [oodi. 1534c. Tii.,o vî cula luunoany betr 'l is a great ruNaie la give large doses Lr- boun' ofy mausar ofrheuînacts bic pet- W cod-live- oit; they arc net digested, 23c ~,aufuli aareaiIhela, wic pa- nci re4luîy <[o more luarin than good. itaps e 1ud net beote z-ealtzcd, cf lie 'rt)ey creati dtsgust, andi generalIy lead Bus] gre«te e)Xlity of tihe bodyadc le 11eudcebLnginuplt- M1Ie Intilmete ~relation betwecn lte diflet-ent gtthi =er.enggvn pel- ote --parts af lte boedy, for [t aceis impos- güther.jfhlîY avn No. 2 wb Bible for hlm ta mare auy moution -one Pok are, ti~ïcalpa-4~; No. 3 sûre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e exoas Win ept i rcu whstever, af [ha bad or of th1e azrms, 'tans, an aflacIr seem imminnent, you V; exaip without feeling s siLwrp twiruge in thxe wliout pu'1 ete igrmbbk 5 t bact, e dre uottut labcd tit lisIng-soda. and tub each tonsil watt with <.M* at =Va~ even raamis ab rma, te andr ihuis evety haut or two. Many attacks ec li b perormledu seem the hae bockmnsles. bi-a.y L'e cul short [hua. A rough du-y Fl'ed-Mai pertarmd b ha acrte bockin ofuuthe tiocklflg. or a clolh wrung out ai ile- 822 pet W Titre sy e a1111eswelifg c 11e evd waîet wrappaci round the naac, sud ct<eeted region, but ustially Ihere la nlo «>v)ered wihlh somelthîng dry worn for amoie externat stgn oi thc great well ci Mits- Tu:ght wiii do good. moulle 1 ory lylng just bencath Uîe skmn. i lue - raIncul pain Is a fev days or a week, andsoi u niey thon disappeat as rapidly 'as It INMPOIMT MOItER; EXPOOTS LOWER rels, $11j, cM»ýe, alîhougu [lure is allen consid- m.Ices orArlm ia to-t erable aoreuueas or an occasional twUuge rd IamefrAil ndNyM pain [u lte bacir due Ioa cher caues a's trad6 liguires lot th rotw wyn by thce lta the agorty Is extrema mofté of te preictit [Isiallyear, êndut llbc;tever lIbs stighte&t mavemelit la lng May 30 lait, show ýan trncreasê of~ Miade,' sud la absent or aI heast bast- uic tlattard,0370 sdualy2 -ble wtecu the. patient lias pereliy pet cent. In ltae value o"hte Importa bao, gulet int b.d, sud a&W tiat te muscles es comparea wltli Aprüi sd May z ai l 14 aetender when geutly-aqueezad. Tite 19W6. Imports fer May aloxie woe figa 1 affection Is more con n luM'eut titan $3,M3525, an increase' OU $7,275,s64. $el lit women, sud utiacirs adulte chilfy, This5 îargeîy lnicreased Importation >na- -17 the muscular niteumaisuu a' chuldtcfl urally resultad ln a aor-esîpoutlng. ln- O2%rle 1hktng [he fouit usuaiy, ai -wryuectc. creuse ai revenue frram dottes. For l be naro VJhy 9991 shoItad We se iL la diflIcul b two nlts lhe dulies cele t1a w Ced - Lumbago- mcurs mare frequently Ini lb. coespo»4Iutg perlod 01 lts >est. gouly persous aitl>oughthato iâ no ex* Ou the alter [xand, lte exprsso ~an~on slve o o nt [ov'it~ia coMiderabîS tal[ng Ott, dus tergely Duul i1loins. itouiid auffer -in gouty Inci ,iettna flt pnn tpiu w~uls ot.tho lie uttfclC aituenavigation Il ad lt. ouhiee@' Inil ce& hosirlike al Monîreal. 19%ports Wo te __ lu nul caas hedrtnking ai an abun- two mntha total~ o~s* dame of -water, ta wich some baking- crM1o 522~0 eulatyr b " oa Io added, may giviu a mesurie 'e' de.crease for May alone voas 81»0»7. eM 4 reef Cule tubbIng of tb. Parts Experts, or productAcf tiue soi-mol de. ' E itti a cloth dipped timan t su ree 7721 nml u Ita .,>*- lwbt waber yul llcen lqtgii the"' du ce x4336 g'llhtU M Witi tiis oîniannxa bu la f'o due ne J; gulturelpautavs*., *2 M 5 taxiug, and aller lthe tubblng a clati t l~.0 . iuislt dces [ g ta ad c vereci wl[h a itot-vOL «r bo- pr du l ai th e, d m if ncre stxd U U M.3 4. 3 NOM fie de shud b Il1The toal [rade for lIse [vo unotits wu *02520739 an moseý 01 06,68.90 hi or lxgtyseasnea icxu,anuu eilly wiftbaut b.tee « Or met 4ha ai any [md. Tite bowels sbould Iept open. ý Mei wha [ss$uýbJect ta lumbago sitould caretul tg avold a chili,, und siould tfrugulty. avalding Ib. Use cf mucit hl tls exd food lIn hW >- pl" w alet or tse 4ks A">epreveÜted ~e ~tp1CDtby lhoe warlt9 &nmi elt e vr tw. undert hY~ ~cuunO W~f 1P't~et wîth Ww ctriletvpo M i rreStY, lm 1- ' OIPeer 'ontaine 11bCt "Ô lôto , whIief la *vIayi*ltIiNo. 2 4h01 lxrg çorm1Ued anYýftàCc,4 e ej at 8 to M ýôùIàde- -rised, tao fi dhIfitf- 2 Aérlin onis qi1OW the, 0w. and, nGot tl0,ih Wl5IIô 41 1>~t TI'0kO iak0nd rMil. an elghiu4. I~ra(-~tiOe iuuitat a $19 ta *20 his 'hafd, lue Ses lIt ifWAoclrhtl ,, u lxd inbuik, abqir* are quotedet a purglBt. and made'lg1t 8$ $20 ta *21 BORD. véry mu[Ctiafraîd. 11,Wbleie CALL WARD.et 46 eutonl is wile and Pe401' 7oîtaluefoi- jsaNo white olletedaI40ul Fontaine came doWBtirs tuûdr side, without lulda. and, seeing a strat M 14 a"rai a gen4?f8l row acctlfte#1.The-, pon noticlng is mastaba, lt ibr COUNTRY PIRODUCE. rmade an attempt 10 'aÂhesV'IF Apple.a-Good to choie. WIntet StO0h. Jaibeit. laiSVi r e«Ived a*v"ema $2.30 lo 83.50 per bbi. rMade for th1e Wod.Meaultfmt BnHRdICba -qute et $1.50, came on th1e sceii#'8d tooIç pWar% sudprUes I 1.30a11.40. scufle, which r.s'Ild lnttouafi HnySraitled quoted fLilt 0 20eeii'gsvrl hi14ibaUil'1 per a. anr omb honeetI $2 te $8-50 in his liver ansud iher,Ittust abe' »er dozen, beart, dcath ensuiuýi u a iew ni Flay-to. îi twwtnate lsq*ted-et-$10&SeaIy surrefldreëIf~~ Li. 815 tiare, sufd 'No. 2 à1112 to $13. Sheril!. Pottoe-Ottat '9 1.15 to 81.20 per WON FOR lMMER M taeg en Irick4, sud New Brunswick, $1.30 per bug. 4 New york S>mditte Aitea« Pouitry-TurkeyB, alive, 12 ta 18c; l 1he, es Schickens, oiive, 12c pertb., fowi, 8 to 9eA Adespalci f roui St. John.-' - Moni&ions havea heïnIn THE DAIBtY ARKTS. bs noutilal atete o 19.,large luated at 18C. Creamer)' prIn ta tane, sud solidsaet 20 LW uelots sel at 17% b 18eac Large are quoted atIS1c per vin.s et 13% t 3c HOG PRODUCTS. -Lng clear, i1 ta 1ycPer lots;Wmess pork, 8121 te 8S21.- Cut, $23ta *23. ILIgt ta nediun, 15%c; do-, e toils, 1134e; shouldetS, às, 16%c, breakfast bacni rierces, i23xc; tubs, 1E2c; pails, ;INESS AT MONTflEAL il, lune j.~3anMfhO5 tiîte, 49%ce; Ontarlo, No- 2 at Sat 48c; No. 4 St 47C por buihk stoare. Fleut--Choice lupeng atenta. 85.10 ta 85.0; eods, 84.60; Wintat Wheat patenýta eaight toilera, * W1 te842 mga. $1.50 ta *,extras, $La6 anhtobul bran, ln bags, 821; shorts un; Onttrio -bran li l*gs,121 tc bhouta, 22 to- 12M.:mtlled g24 ta *M, per toand. 4treighl M ta $3M prvlioWi--13arrels mess *2 lu ' ýMhu to 25 to #u1.75; char ftlback s.*0 lo!ng eut. hea utesa t [rer for Mie sale Of Ont- ai thýd- able tracts of Umbr lan4ý C.dumbitt. The ,iix'4 lauVa hami Lsiand, -one 0ot 0 hieCIl 0.c lte coast, andInclude eight square miles, *verY Jý la oovcOed with 'nuifl The land runs ail rOlUthl Nadail Harbor, none. *1_t li more tharu tWO miles 11 Iltasa been surveyedthtee Il and is eatimateci ta Côgaj (10 feet Of timber, inciudlng ond hemiock. The land S1 hy a nuniber Of Wis40'n Peceeutly a New Yorle rsyndicO liegotlatlng fer it, 'and oc rnadc an off cr -01 one Mill cash, The syndlcta &14S miten tiueusand (kIllrs l montits' option to pêrrait of vey. This aller wlIl be'ea MM .»FAST, PATALLY S Tonrrli55Fate 0o! a9aneiI tSound CÇ=elt ' wu le crané oDmpsrly4« mari. Eu sole aPe? e. no oea tab mce Ise; wu'um~r Dao Idlled, abattoir re,: $725 te087.a hlstemndAn,1 vas i-elvd ntu lb; IIHalfl) op ' iwsd a srtkixq 40ouiii.ttrom, Oitali, onacoouu t OMM lire-,o oE lied dec$deil0la ctttt hl Ie 8tt irsunl-nel taI woudb. 4m IIo G