mdý, therc 11th trie fi bavtce 1~oom* 1 liepr vwqth the ie ter co $hori 4e thie ouILt orthe ehi iald, But' trieearfle dred y" -rs go ad inconpeteat stresaMay have an- halle one advmntage net geai- kr 4y., If trie matd wau Ilor- t rai13fress was net.Iftrihe-W Ntied te respead te 111e tlKad- ,f, ber would-be emplopyer ard luI sa appearace willh, sun. d telerope aitrihe appolnted household mutulÎavy went on 'thero *83 no'escape from allons o et 2Wkt(eiÎand tie as to tbM lmpedlifents te a ùO#IIÏê*htd edua lher-j mntie etemil*,eLè"net fUlen, eouvtnce thé, preseut bouse-, il. 'oouatiry ja surey drifi- afiaéhy taced thea enargeilc the previeus cen1euxry- who lier mali "irpertlnent, pi-e- ip1q*' -tud wored alone as t'an 4oquld. Il thie 4lffer-, it some. omnipotent per- ýn lreni a triroule lnthe klnge ie tri te habile; If- Une, e maèn,$teps eiafo fr t he plsees hlmselt lunrne- etemnai -apîritual bree fae-tves te hlm sud is *-FOgHTING BESIDE <3OD; eçte-ring Ibis baillersensb amtriaiwhere rie fhouglit non, md ,been servlug the tuenvens lad long beau wagîng theiein ii $ esy, like old Elijalu. 1pe thluk triai yetm itioe are lefiteowituess for trtb, te tacMIthtre leneliriesa etfsta-nding Ici4f ings noble sud worthuy, -te be-- cirne -oppressed wih trie *ripelessacu$ et trie mluorlty la whIeh youflud - yur- ,Sel. ,.,whecn real <md'concrete triags 'press ttpon us and their uproar fa in ,ûure ar we beceexu des!- sud bllngi te thei greater -forces-triait ram trie hegia- nlug o! time have beau workiu*g for the Every great reformrias locked ilce a les4ug nivemeuf; ilias .bagua .with meu lslgntflcant ailuorfties; It bas met 1%j -soteni sud well eraanized ,poal tq;taSupporters have. etten ,_> eeun 111E S S. LESSON IOATIONAÀL flESSO Lia nxli. Seod rterly Iview. &Golden tuat: '32 A SIMPLE PLAN FoWTa&C RING. consequeffily on JReview Suuday wehe cheven sfoies. te review, Twe'o e bm îJnd IaD r amteelea eonceruhng -Jacb, toura of them (111, IV, V, and VI),$o about. lesepli,Qdtve oft hem 'IVl)kYIII, Lx, X, Xl) sterles about M1Oses. - - thoU!h Lessen VIdoes ý- "iio i4v . Thils detrullleS whether we I may ;cqil our work divine Or 'M. h la to àugd wtbither Its la ne- tp.ep I ilatria WQrk lu- whi lhweý- kno th.u Lo-d eait eau Iay 'bis b-and to trie beli or weapeîi alongside-et our hâuds. WlJ - onsciousiiess Hike this't,0e ,jm-eau etnupt ,amytiing. nethlug -.*I ïn- ger Impossible. Trie practîctil 4uestIOn la not, "eau tris rie doue?" buC lIl à aucr e 'task as "lI entiai 1the Co- Oerablon o!frihe ternal apil3tet trulli asud rlgilit -Wlth trie c«Y.otGideon on ttreir lips, mcn have farff otth 'factnig Laarful -odds; tricir ripudi hatO [allen, bus cnrrlcd them on untîl trie cause is- won. Trie Almlghty, whe would have l4ove, and pence and rîgliteousuess te prévall' aeeda your hand for Ilis sword; ýthie swdrd eftrie Lofd la vain wîthbUt (;Id. en., Ideals and spirituial forces may exîst, but muen muai-be their realliatlens, thefr visible honds. God's wôzlk w-als fer yeu te put your hand te ltrird; yeu will flnd HIls alpeady triere.... Tris helping band la always unseen; spirltuai thlngs' are strange, Indeflaiýté, sud often apparently i.ircal.- Goti eau. net be reduced bt figures ue.r. toma- terial elements. ThiE hand iliat works wlth ours may mean eue thlug ýtoe e and another te another. Whât we idb need la te stmpiy grasp trie greait, act 01 trie spiritual fources triai strengthen every -good resolve, triai give, vigorl4¶ ei-ery good work, aud give -vltdry àl let thre rigrit.- - en.ENRY F. COPE. 111E LAD-Y ANI) TPE DUR~ I AMUS~ 1, fltw_1qI; î or-nse l'thé- eop ta", am, le plor thoug1it -oa ne â a n tratest, orperhaps a gent, we 1c j'vey - h ~ O11~J0?old Zü'lI ýtapest ries or ( oe eend. a~Y~zethv lioenîpsilôr any "aink ajrr;~fxe ia cr enéd, aoti'gs -,té-iétd d.-witha& g eat four iibt inuich te -fed- anîn1gînt~limea trea4<uistat -orsti for à-litIIê groai» heh bug JustnMw distnaying wbl 1e-à Év . -ublcans were harassteotrmrsof TexOs KnaOklahoma, feIvý nSi 8 telu ipplers barITe<l, Then '110 ýl1linois, Ilidiana fand -lcwa, -and fi*up- new 'iêw l*eme aàdead,-,.etter. anld setting ti.busiess Intercsis of the tlgsinton as befere. *Mr. "Plowden e aw ý his, rogretted'it,. The appet-ile -of t he graln-aPbls-tech. mil, -beinÉ -a,àn'jan e-f origInûllty, fIn- rîfcaliy the loxoptera gramlnum but ter vente<t bis own meth~o1 ,Ô de< wit 11PraCticai purposes just plain- Green thie ievii. Brîefty stated, fAt 0OJis8 111- -U-fs Cosling fthe farmers of fthe Unit. hangng abbevée:thé> offencl'~ W &4 1ed Sttes millions of dollars. 1OUTLINE 0F. SGHEMÀE. 'rhMiai l0 o ay, a drunriard le brougrit 'bfe thie coUrt; aàd 'snteneedYto6Ï. term e lmprisqument. This ls- thest10 mitted, on condition triatrihe culprit re-, , #t -tXScliv -or.. hansU-Bh~4 uuaY reI-te trie eort mîisslonary periOd- 'dallYt and lhtriitriaitutùionary,ý.In lita tura, subrots favorabele reports, l trie- rnaglstirate.- ,At trie nd -1 ert a i npe ,r- led, Il trie -ofeuder'Ï conduet meanWhîle be ,been. $seifa atory,. rie (or-ueEls Ic Off altogetrier. Sucr isla triesereme. XI poasse Sioh- 'viOesadVantages, net trie least ýamongliý ,Wh!l 18 trie tact blil e ntals na exw pense >upon anybedy, requlrIttig neitrier "inebrile homes for detphntâf!; uer any 'safcf licials of auy IMfdiS&htever. Onue :-disadvantae, as ,i'W. Plowden, readl$y Admits,-llri'ai- people are apito sl1P aW8Y trom the resrtrlng lnfiueu4ë e- eerddecIsion, more*especially ln * . -MEANS TO SUÇCEED. says trie worthy magIstrate, 'with. triai ràre ,miie of bis, riait Sad. rialt humer- us: #*SOmcthiug bas 'got të be done2e' Andý probably,1 wren eue cornies te tIlInk ThiePInoWdens are an old, Catiolo faynily,, vilo have been settled fa Plefw. den, ilun Shropshtre, fer -à thousand eble 'ancealors i a a tgln Doger * de PIO\vden, who served vwttl Richard Coeur de Lion lu ttrie Ctusùdes. Teflrast l»ver [n trihe iv a a. mnn MATflUIONIAL CS Lady-~ te han- WHEAT XITIIERS. When trie tarmers cf Kansas and 0k. lahanua, lu April, ueticed trialtileir Wheat -was wihering on thie stalk, f bey a i lest attributed trie trouble t trie ra- ber eXcess1ve coid weal-er. Investigation, hewever, revaaled thiai oîé-lu-ber eqnalj octia Sellons was -neta!fected, and ih was fouud triat Wiierever such trouble weq, a aiulîitude c tuseets, se amal l they eud ardly be-;defeeted by a asuai observe,'i r AfferW.D.Hunter, ofetthle United St-ates Deparfment ef Agriculture, ue- pr-rted lest Jauuary tria-itrihe green bug iwas desbroyIng grewing wheal in Tex.; as, trie department decrded It wps lime te nuake husacnqualuf once and prepare fe- hlm. Se- F. M.. Webster, ti charge etf trie cerea ,&ud tereign-plant luverti- go-tiens for trie geoerment, sel ouIte study hlm. Mr' Webster bauüd that trie bug was described from Belogna, If aly-in Mb52, sud trial ten years laber its pres- ence lu Amarida was for trie tirai time Flicevered. Acoordlng te trie talian's r prts, trie bug héd been se iliick ln tre Étreets -o! Bolegna as bo cause the: peeple great .aunoyance. - FIRBSTtI-AMEIRICA. Lîti- ieic fo ýlmwas tal<eu wien 4l'se fi?-L;made ritaapp earance ln Amnen. Ca, hutý wricn,- In 18, rie was found iu great abundance do N-wheat near Caria Jeririmaryland, and sùtutaneously 'i Indiens, Mr. 'Velisten umade ris *ac-4 ~qatance., - ýý 1 -1 'Eiue"eff1clal a et tre oplinIontriat oui- brakts e«thtre peat ilu Europeansd -Mnýerîénare emalte, Trie bugsuden. -ly.-apears ln iImmfense samsnflia or--grala lu il e spiag,,ruina trie Crop ùr~b-trgè GrecseTofo unr nd doesn't, sýapent'agfn Ii destructive nuthers, tor,prhaps, iapyeara;- t Of âh- occasions,&4ere seems co e 1 inq vu> faueL- which,'acaunLa -The uliao.o-ast a44v~f OCWoeîny hflch étlaW ea' aint. rapkl stricles, and- admhit of, many newV ,l OPPlicatlons. lnstead 0e'-being >ahpWd l'O flo-w m rivers and brooks, or. casti iue the rubbîsh heupi ths- se-celled I waste Is now being turnecf te good aci,- count, and Is heing te sweil nhaj bonkiing accounts. In Liverpool, for Instance, houses aren being.builit out of wnste clinhers, whlch 1-rmcprly were regnrded es »%vrso than useless. The dimfculfiyin disposing of lihese clinliers, indeed, 'vas at one limee .so grent, Ihot people wvere paid te le- f meve thern. Now they save the builder f A 1IEAVY BILL FOR BRICKS. r In other tewns, where tannhng ta car- r tied on, leather waste La cemprcssede and made, ie ocegwheef s. Sawdusb,c which wvas once considcred of no value save fer a cirCUS ring or bhe fleors (if pubIIc-housesý Is now being put !0 niany useful purpeses. An illustrationf which appeared in a montily mnagazine8 .ome tlime ago. uhowing an mouiniain if8 siiwdust adjoiniing a Uimber miii in New Zéalanri, drew' forth a number of let-w fers frùm peopie wbo were anxi-ous tc Cialn furiher partîcufars. J udgin g by these letlers,' sawdust la a valuable commediby now.-a-days, andi can be con- verted into ail mariner of îblngq, I aillarge Incteriesanad fronwvorks partlcularly nething la vasted ai tie prescrnt day. Plush isLa nanutacturod1 frem inateril vhlch formerly went te1 swell thie rubbfsh heap, and the dis- covery eft he tact thàai tris-was pos- sible brougit. an Immense fortune t'e the eriginator efthtre Idea, and eventu- aily a peerage. Even the gases' froin lien furnaces are net now allowed te escape, but are captured and put le pracliCal use. SKIMIMING A RIVER FOR GIIEASE. On thie Nortri- Western ilailway ct Chicago semé theusands et dollars have gone te swell thie rallway dlvidend 1,y cillecting and revftalizing wveok pin- prints, fnstead of throwing themn away ý.s waa fermeriy dene. A car ca lied the "[-Ecojnomy Speclal" visita every station once in sixty deys, and collects bent pins, twisled llnls, and ether waste ma- tcrial that cau ne longer serve the, pur- pose for. which they wcre made. Thie packfng-house ef1 CIucago allew nc such thing as waste ef any kfnd. It ls- a vommon -saying bliat *nctWing ta wasted of thie «plg excepit the squeakd Gratlngs have beelu placcd in trie drîq1ns tc, collecit lbgscourings et thie flers>, and "trie elly, substûnce which, cohlected ,on the surface ci, abrook was skmed onf and converted lie olard. Skhnirnng a rivér fer a living May'lie ad to be eune o! the most striklnig ex- amples ei the utilizatfon etwatebTi la donc 'In ,Paris. Therq la oeêfd- vIduat, at least. l, thie French capital *ho MéhesA is dally business te Skim the -Seine. I-He ila oui ft early uirnIiig lun an oId: llat-bottomcod'baamu ic hve been -reached by. frofèMorv;j frigFishwer, thieecomnetoww of~ ve- silty, in.'a series of!-enperlments i fa t- lig wth' Yale sudentsë, izpn whç- nmade his ireportreetly. "Chew and -chocse&$ la the key' fq,,tt -important subjeet-ef ,how te it maximum workilfg acty1Dm td, and the more chewlng iala to s requireci. Gymnaiuru toebs wereifiade-. ai trie beglnning, middle and, od-40thé, experlment. They Weré-!:w 'ig- tests cf sbrength and endurane.: IL wu - found triaitthe strengtii of the men re, -- mained saioinary, whlle endîa»an0e-was- neariy doubled. Mental tèstsaaise shiow- en impre-vement as trie resui" 0t the- change ln trie manner of ealulg. MEAT E$ýTING FALLACY. Previeus experiments made by Pro-" f essor Fisher whth fleshl-eaters and Ûweh.ý abstainers showed that thosi who eitlift abstalned from ment or ale IL, sparlngly had fat greater endurance than those, wo atê moatln-r.odis~qatLl~.- As an eonomst, rathérý than a phySi__ oloûf i, Professor Fisheér .wfshed - ta, ex- perlient la. -reducing the quazitity and. cost of the food, and at the aarn&-m get thie maximum streng ia d dr aS trm -triefood coflimWed. '-- Strict obedience was :giv9àen. lu triýe x- periments to- trie teste -Instinct%, wben, this instinct was given a longer chance- Io oct by prolonged mastication andi bentive basting. Nothing. was iièt befere- the participants until it was -ordered, and trie dictates efthtre appetite were t0oi iowed absolutely. COULD REDUCE AMOUNT. The experiment was dîvidcd into :Co' perlods. During trie îti pari 0f trie tirai period the men shewed litHtle e &ency te change their regular 1ood,. cither in amount or la kind. On trie other hand during thie latter ' Part cf the first peU~o, durlng which' thorough mastication and instinctive- eatlng were practised, there was a dis-- f mci though graduai tendency toward reduction in trie amuunt of food, in trie quantîty ci proteid, lu the quantîty of' liquida of aIl kinds-water, tea, oqUe, - Ccoa and eyen soups. Comparing trie-diet- at trie closeofeits-- entire IrVe stontris etrie experimfi wvith trie diet at its beglnnlng, it -,wa-. - {eund triaitthe total calortlQs iad I&hIent about 25 per cent., trieproteld, about 4111 .; per cent., ýand treie lesh.I*tods ever 8w, pér cent.i' or tet about on"-sxtl 0 thefi" original affioupt. LARE SUPEBIOR FIR YABNS. ci t im & Do Te Cscowe rmA vy Dw and ail Giant AsnougTrans. "if ee mey ibelle ait they tell.ui1 aiabot IN eicseetwpL îIn-the Lake snl>gr- le, 4 rive onJ ei~; îIally