NORD'Ol m HAIUIL Z o TZOIRETONE tA0TIOAL ut4DKTAKaR8 'bom il, demt. COURSE$ IN 1w r t Loilege., Sumuë<r gg '557unyavanigu' isukabimt ea. dUtontnd > £U-tche on- eew a. ewe;ïthat«tU $Ïegatlu; fr eM ldrdale. . -Cui thore wvul<1 be babojuln-là, a'- aur. this wx. .A.4but -t:h. wtjch ia4 thg~m Ioo o4.i4cý tu, tie ne.Igan o,- drewe Out. Lt 2 Pd >n. tii. IG*O&Um bell te=u T< oronto, wlaéd the W1idt by jtu Wb, qThe. y$ito' . wi-flý toed buüOlf> ejtà - good',bater and «ellaut £Wdoers. Verimnv .d tii. 1ocA.ts by àa la t03 Iolowlg wrtf*~whlby p1ayïI's Battery-Roy and4 Ja&,,SwedL P, b-B. Bartob.' lMt Ied-Ç. Re&von. Castre fkld-M. O'Connor.. A. LPL2NDIÙ GAML w AI! rcacui~ Ralfra~çh. g1d874ms~ij wm~riy, And 'ta E rAI boteffl 01 hettc, day vas tI *btby eeukr.. 1Tub. sIra. i *exhbItiOn -ut ainateu>, baiLw athcug unany e.r?*were m%4e. Tbe cm te* t luwe. ry I.Vp. & tte lntqem frý 'tto f Fliei us. ,T!I.find on ew- ,-e e flp4 K W»L scotes. bat, lu tb& fonm*,1h Y k .'.ttib~,~ , #* t lw4b> e-ofue e tà U, Èbe-:tilt& À.fl&tv >w'r UNE a~1w~mw ia~e, K~i*oka ~~rry SwU w~<ca $~RVICE IOtIItOJUSR4MbI,?. 8eviuuo~w SUI .......J1.~ p~m. ~ e~ept Suaday. ________ To. WB IIAVB TRlm is hat pop.. ar.,~* à*â but s % tbe* 'ne 1 b ape'or *nUM-x L4gg, trfiébolmuer, &. Au W," A>Vare h O= a4ahoi. u t,1e4. 'end knet 491eu4u stgJ ie metes sod.» 0 rio, tPritie ug Xi str1"d e~ 1w w