-eoo ai01 tdaîpirit. Thee a mWnfl s'!u tLlction 'n htüllng tlulng, lui lookingoer qu .concee. plece or -7- Icacomlàhlld whea the <la>'ends. rs a stlàladton ttât belm#a~ te Irisan. J l 'iot Paabdblo that ma.ny, sld hat It was a gret Plty when lesuu' gaver Uti 0 uaeMfu a tInde as 11W TOlienu He, setemi.oi te b.but chnsing llle1',ainbuow_. But today wh poflssesesa 1single oe 8%t the things thtYoung carp4hter made? Anidddwe posossahein &Il what botter bff wouid the worid 11e? %»t, On-tho allier band, bow il couid this wOrld attend -to kog whit Ho gaveý, It by those titrée ye4u.cf the erice;1 In cir_ âge ef lhlng-a %e 8o euly $or.; .e-o, largel18te place c b da and'11e -$plitUaî. _-Eve, _ esliumeu»g- ur a~ti Int6 ete, Jwe fatelmg fise ýthtiiOfr, real wealtli lies ln thilghts s4- Wungs ,abstract. 'FTM Permanent Pfliesons of hunanlly ae NOT ACRES NOR ARMIESf net banho mer business malte e nation, but mlghty, comPelling Ideais amd ira- ditliOna. i., -, I eesut, Shakcespeare, BrowmnIlg, Lçivell En>auÊon'left ne goods and chattelb, lm' bwids andI mortgages; they litI Inspira-1 1Qons; lhey bequeathe4 inias; living ft1,1 for the seul, their fouls survive and 1renaite ta us al. Thé, truiy'greati wliý> ebil stand after th1e test e01tthe years are ,ihblae. who have JivetI for the spirit.. This ls O ueof the worker andthe11 warrlor as off the philosopher-antI peet.< Ail were lnspired by giowing visions,; thiey set their affectIons On things abovei tihe trilles for whicli we a4ruggle andi efl>d curseives. Theyendîured as sec-1 'it¶Ilolies te us InvisIble; ýtherdiore 1her nmesendure. --- The greatunder*taklgs ci ur ownt day ame possile exil>' inier apUîrtual. TH1E Se S. INTERNATIONAJ JULY7 tesson L Coul Pecus 1, derness. Goldbo Tex NTHE LESSN woi BaAted on lte texl o! Frolni Egypi tho Smn Inspiretem wid1 fear 'narvellus mannifetattc power," ite wordi 0!( Wotr, UAndr4 Jeracisaw - Whiclh leiovah l tIuupo Egyt-an t' opoweri 3Whm'OOiPuenore .Of MosQes ant Islraç wl liýer, introduces aIt t Ing tblthm o tlifmR 4urnad lb.- ttte toward-- -A-tlo15pIpey te h.4 L This Jï, et ofime c 11111k 11181 a, Ime% _%-as faliei4 becauàe wit caell uwh'ether work b. 11gh or kGWIY by 1the Mko et .111e wage. W need ýeyeS tb e ~11 lory ef the leasi apt ln lthe llÎt 01 t îbègwiýng motive. .A new' ýestlniùte ta placed on every not when it la IXmesurcci liol- by bred aloxie but byth* bhingî et-the &oui. Tihe mtothWes- ,-are-' o! the children, thecli'~ ther's ateady, humble tofl ferthernu, he THE MINISTIRY 0F THE L(SVTLY, ,RE iiive :a new- glory ln the. light il. time> loe hat m'ends lte way andl the BpIAr1t thut ïrgides these who do lte least o thèse things. Ilhea go toi 1 lay a course 'Pl bJrIcksse limai, Ishall be -trueî but t! g reaer'valuze to-e 1cworld -;ban lte wall that stands Bru Is le 1espirit ltat forces Ibn mari te buile aright.* No muan can (k even tuis without an ideni set lu fis heart,- and when -the waii shahl have '>ai- ion te World shaïl sîil hoe enrichod br bis ideal. Tou £nany off us are trelling because veè are net getting on luntte world. Seelng bhe apparent ens. witif whlcit 8moe acquire fortune, w. beôome dis- celenled thl ousni ans, W.e moak and laonds forte anlth tls, mone rtmd iands ewere litenythinsfo wort lle. Yeturmal eykn oetie.' o we ai the b ursies o heriltouse hii. Ies lIthiesra s othe rnlngte us oflhisalo, te real as lite nèrvanir o!te Uicidaite naiaeconditiontee moter thatscervlater sknygow ite core lhe edr nnking ci o! s nrtheng I.ramio ofe uthen. ofutlling uudr IjI Ipraon o1 llite e fui n"th ies forouse ole,he rniizlng of lite best to others. HENRY F. COPE. LESS~ am iuchons h bld1eexi, ad enloyed I l 4.liY reïd Ifre-beaven-Llt.. t«food Pot bnedlin r sems.of lite wrd (oomp. note on I erg beiow).- - L LSSN, The poople shali. . athea da y' L LESSON, portbon every L day-A -sévère -'test o 7. o*eieuce and Ilb, -especially wb4n 101 suppiy foÔr ech iday was auËlhet 1 nIale possible te gatherin'g uf a lurger lmmcl lu îe il. ~anount ln adyance 7, 8. The gory 0f Jehovah-4t IS rot.- Kt: John S. Si. qulte clear %-vhether lime refereuce here lis l.i the glory in Uic clou4, ameo.tioned li BD STUDIES. ver-e 10, 0l' te thite male ýoI J. rovidlng' lte Revised Ver- Joot. - \Ve are ,Jiucled Ioteaccept lte lekter -view, The rfadlng çet lite neuil a.-Tbe effect ort'Verse à$ render'etIln. the Bevisep Version antI awe aIt te eu In m te evening tlesh toeaet, a inh Dui f eidaV ttac momnlng -brend toe full-111 t te Exoàus nar- 0.MdMor094luIeAau, Say- Stae great. work aron 43 stffli lie spokesnuaui, <, ratiier, m lte Egyptimns, tbe-moubhplece, for Nes.,, wbüo1s e ehovah âant tey reibe> atIaphysicel dtllicuiy-of idà b$s servant ,speech wfii h. #appargy flever- oYer bie-eape CoLtci, ta=.': "Ant I eses êald ynto Iehovah, and godmo Ot, LhIord, 1 arn i t, cloquent, nelttuer ltdla lthe Song iWretofore, Tnor hc u» ast spokexi leuc thé bibhiIcai mte piy servPý2j." 1 raxlow>,G ils point. Le4v. speech,and-of a slow ttonmgw Tjo4. lime «M* and,tI M. 1kAt veiý-Ut., W" Îh~lie t"w Alla '61 étnUlse, ven 95." ltatIs, ln hlb. lai*ternomi. tal)dap ci Ureal-14. 4A mall, rOmdnd bi,-ei as lte Idt1e ho r.4me that l heugea WbttMd he 4 earnad a h 1 oa BOce that ."Waa fllychenubrraed t piaeleLia us'a lolgtowArd Zoetng aut- aa sie teruly, 111 a aln~eraotiy 'what 1Z sem. ~rxe it .mafilry, ad ltve taken hiit for=n reraY for mypressat'conven- lejice.1Ibave the p*aver eft -itu F o u a n u c e -a e e ? e l s a g , U ni a tend o une t. Sînce oui 4Zetlr- spc 4Be,..or h _ ve P 1- for te &dearme4 hre&ft«r y uw - ot bho ahI. C dlsCnguiîsh Deîw beautiîuî and theur i the "'tlre Dau4 sW"ur eaUr le * ht, nutrucie4 'the..'nt Iii aotonishinent th threcitud 'Wim, m alar C a i. #n . 'L o 8 , I d e 7 01W 'y u u ea n to te » Ine th t th lsuPerb build iag. la u t, et :tintes as beautiful as tÜt h rrld old, CastIoe "Wllfr.d ,demianded fiercely. Trurning wAY -bhabsarply isad, --Tou hIky -MnY commaýn4o; hé abôut your Agauenterlntiuie cash. Ctme count Ca11ed for bonmethtn# to cal. Au soon bis ol plendIdid. 50141d4 gaver plate Wa.a laid upon theý tableo, ho threw t on te tisercrylIns angrill: ~lw ant non .,o S thei s foollh hing . Bring mea roSty ewtlcr." n ,W e n « -the tu- te th lu.rs, . 1 W5eooU tl tro t w as& ccoi pn 1 y a fi n e l r w~ c r e t la W .111 natned.Grey. it W5he i xrt ale a' » - h ad- w , foU4d eu. ~i h i~sanbl t -ud rsad Clv urruudý4 by 1dOt¶fi "On da, a ~gdrw agera vllae, or f gvlg the. amriw thout b 'v.wer grete ~ythe nMoàt,,frlgýtful Mn, thre4gh by a ps qiuIO yals T es c ie he froln a po r dog w th a?' W brd , fin& thon dam na W r t h W h o W e n c u i y b e a t e n o f t h e b l a c k , w lb u e a è 0 h o l mnd lthe reansn for our being moloat- ed. Thoeamvage, witmout speaking, placed,, hle lingera to bis lips and Di." tl*ned un te tollow hlm. "Quarcled closely on aIllaildas, 'vo ?atraced our ape along tito path vo hast recently travaîed, and wera usher- ed Int the presence of the king vitor w. had InsuicO a fev itours'befare. "Thte king sat upon hi. titroneo f wood and Ivory, and- ve wers led be- fore hln, lthe villagers forminug a flmmense circle round about us. ' Oh, bing!' cried 1, lu a ýdeep volcet, In te natIve tangue, 'do you but touch us and great evîl vill corne upon your 'village! We are goda!' "The king sneared, but for -aIl Chat ha saCmed to be sornewhat 111 at easa. " 'W. saal see If you are god. Brtng forth tae daath potIon 1' he crled to*oueofaihis guards, "Preaautly the savage returu.d 'viti ,a cup contalnlna, a dark liquld. -"'Now.' saîd Che kîug "If you drink Chisand live, I ahaîl knoW--that' you arei.e1, a god., '«I itad ln bte uneantime slylY taken from mny pocket several littie wite -plls. Thoie.1 iad uecured front a celebrated druggist vitile lu Paris, and they ' ere suppose-i tu malie ont& proof against mont forma 0 f poison. "'WIeu te cup vas hammded mue 1 ,'r "d'my ktand over 1h la a mys- loerlous vay, nmuttered a tev- vorda amnd then dropped th. pelleCts unsean by lime natives, Intothe goblet. - 1'"Beiold, king?'41 flnally sald. Hold- ing the. cup ou igit, 1dralned h ltu lthe laat drop. and the" daaied tua emply goble t h ie ground. 2 -Ioolted ernfully, at thinmg. Ou0e, moment Pasoed,-tmeuanother. Tit, savagei lookedat ue anether la *u'oder Noeryet 'bad théime Oigon fall1i tu bilh IteqVfclm lm m'u ntaitiýy.- by, ordse t 1thebIdng. Gryabi(Oad botiel at,,this &Ight Voveig te native Whmo ield Ch. mur- 'derOUs~Oo100kt lah. and demanded that "The paor Selow. Who vas. r.iaased, tbreyf tMBelt 'onÏlime grOuud before Orey a- 'Mdvoeeu? terum gratitude IpleadngltaI hig liéewoulu? no longer e.ss t hylt bhluto the mercy oStebnho beggéd limaI ho be per- nmtedm g longewitm Ch, party. Tii f avor vas'granted. - 'Ofe bn thS lt rbeWasIn luigi ddenat OUr' Interference, ad tle R p 'l bave, imus 1and yQpr peo- ï-jiediclde«4 herd -ïd moÏrn aear.4 'c h orent. -WbeMîfn. ed ---th r ft .~ on Our Wy ~~~~a 'i1a' near êt a to '~ _ýnWnd a hlough: I Wa' co rn rq d4ang~?er obe1nX"'opeared tbarSloî AY1l rogh Pson..,ay A., $Ofly tunt foi' an evenlng lInh JBWuae ' 8illy orchestra. .-Cb Oe nt 'Vergon to se"@ a ýdUetor. Le jrt eve rybody *lse as arn. lur-II a cirais, tach On« havlng agreed to Imitate-C ran Instrumentwhh Beba hOsen for hisa OWf-One a flute. Aftother a violin, another a druln, etc. Teconductor rap. wlth hia baton, (a'cane orumbella>, and as h. raite$ It;fr the - etart1,et ev'ery performer giveOnt he ratnOtt of bis Imitation Inatrumen. Perhaps e niasure or two of SOIflO -familier sèlectIon, Ilke "Lohengrin-" can b. giveia lu tht. way aIl Logethe.. Then the coniductor can cal! on this orne and-that on. to sIve a àfflo part, and Impose a fIne upon hlm it h@ g "7, gles or breaks doW'n. *This la great fun for a party. d " Klow Kse Xnowa. Rfo4r doe. ho know whae to d!g bis hboi, For a nest or to burro w, la best for Il0w does .he-2now wbIere the youug bXO. I'd 11k. teow teholu« - givea a tap or tvao Thmen Ilstens, as any briuit boy mIgku do. TOU can *ell ripe Melosadgre atuff ' osadgro ,lapte very same way-1t'a easy enougiL Chocyful Generoulîy. The pisce of nmoney asbad, Prlth- out a doubt Tony uI~UMe to the Ilt- CIe boy taevwhonm ha iad luit aold a Icy pe ad vito vWU.Walting for "jLeetle boy." said h I«th~"ie nmonee eau not Food,,, The boy ans-wered, -good-nàturedly, "Oh titan ou can keep al of!h charýge, Tony'~. Lu J4uàt Wanuted It Motitar iad ]et Dorotity go fut* te restaurant ail ajae is&a cueuldn't think ai anytling ella fil ý en Èaie or- derad astak &ter % Ltn;*along. tUae the vater camne and gslted: "'By te way, misn, he'v> would you 1",. te have YÔur steak?"' 'l7ery Tnuch, lndeed," ,'salu? Dorotuîy', 'vîti a sîgit. ozeee 0f Cuit a 11111. cronouI- 0f fne paper. StICk a needia trou hl orT. and theu -force Cime n Cedel he -top of a eore Place Cbo'hollowed<ljIt &r Yot ce e slde etflthe Craus. -,-It 'v movde and- beginluta grand up . IDRINXING TEM POMN.