Who aloobel, bit* or iahooUng àt mpIsand peati Ou a,-h',ha beR 8Ignia "bwh giganIfled -tha t ho was <à. W RD I I AC a*d ~ rem y bstemiaus consldering them éd '81. ietr *lor4,Iy en BodýMayt 'Standard setby his t. ercesorand the TIédom ôa f,- a 0ranud '/zir M Tln ~ as !t18 Vou8b1e tbNs employer pstnt m ninal prodlg&ily uioMd IWl4fSlLs. 8~J n e ~ ii OEO ESA tht W-Orkinguuuu who ilse n his taLtt When I wuSa T.ri a vi8 Yatiôa 10Wfln. The orn - o.NII otMR i g I)r4Igrain,%show the amount cf work brnthe Là" 1ReatM, ho had oflly talU boon. Xr1s tIi. deopsed Prime ONOMICAL SPMCUATf<»4, ;,one ln setting up typ y opo&,a laf adozen. Mntr Teict4b stlo n Swho worked one day taking alcohoî 'n fBut wives tare a 6stIy Iuxtsry, andi graoelully ,retirie 19 ancilherwôèldwbr- eiOlration anti the ilexi. day taking perbaps, the fact thattle was lni a ch=i onl h cnno longer -cause axay embarra. if hc luta. b "'One, 'On the non abcoholle days the sitteof impecnnosty may have se- Ment t'à' hs royal mast Cufu Sasr.c lutrt. b 1vork titine Wùî botter and: more qUilkby ocunteci for his harem 7berng *o scantily f3ut the 0r Vzet- had no desire te. MIIO ebcClela 4cnie, . fhoug itn every case the ien ( tcet.n nn l oestat 0 exchange the'$Coltl os Q; earth tôr the- ftedays they lo alooh<lic stimulants raiss money. HI, favorite Method wa.s shadg ,wy delghts cf Paradise. Protectetiokso t< (oUgllt they wr wr ne kpromise tilles, tebeb.conferreti whe10Uby thé fi tnL~k at leily~ O!teef er hoCberfo5o qu<~~I.ha ascendedti 1>0thronct, for se mucli CcS3âeks ho fled1io' Rum1 evereal -Mlls eOfroncn ers th eove aU(ons n- ThtMore PhIscal lalior con l'ecash down. 1fr ,Thra wh 1eh p -ese erinerof a a reumner'aIe bothe îy. t1i-oeby. teetotallers was demonstratM He hns' nver beon outside of Perata, e.slIe, anti t"ons.h rrontutd ftr t o f 0.-stars. 'ries tu alu pu bý' 'talc(ng ttwo paliles of soldiers, one 1fH,' spoaks no European language andi of ye.rs, .-practicalîy di'fylng hah, eSII&ÏIYes eýXe--lll jLofng sllowed alcoholio stnuîant andeducation his the Eunopean sense he bas Cwlng largely to hi$ infltence theéGandare nV ondlie(h Q u4 wand. 1Y pa>Ing them u - e fieu or~ (nti none. It is tnlortun.ate for hlm thM IVizer who succeeded, i hmo~~~ mcon, but more closely resomnleapr tra work 1te maire sure that they wouid h;s lot "'as cast a80'long ini n Inferlor VIIAh rnblng,* nti theo Shdh 1hd- W, or an A09, Iiffôrm. Tan 8zu.siars. ar4 eXert thnselves as muet> as possible. Province nnd (bat lie was so much1 'un- dure the humiliation oifecaeln - lm. rtownowîn (o exlst, five ln4he àlhc lfore the a<ih-oltcs led in the worî<qk the influence oft(he prlosthooti. The persoa] favorito,,of the Shah wasan,1eintq oter'e . <'oe or bot (o lra to hurs, but Tho priests are the banc cf PersIa. Hakim el Mfoulk, who li&d been h This0 my se eni e a vrmnage.eult aflr latther owe fo Nor faggd.but (hose ot Azerbaidjan are the %worst iphysician andi whom lie -imiate iffl oùjse tho rdunacqualnted -,vtt le end'att fhe end o! the day nie non-nl: of (lie lot. They are ranaticat fOlloweu'-of fihe Court. The restori Gad aVatedzler.acjI- Cob.cltCS were far aheat iIn %ork donc of Islam, narrow mindeti andi bigateti regardlag him as a rival, $UcôOoded l sn sas u t hs hod ko .8an14 got mucti more extra pay. and oi-poseil (o everything in tho nature gcttlig hM exîled ffimm toerpn. anti anderatansi thé diuIIlvulttes the -di,é- o!. nmodern reoesms which el,-necesýsity One dey Hakime el lk;OOi teocverles already nuade-,woultid e ~ ýSTANARD ANK 3TATýmrx. %vuld olde 'cù, a ndisI ats ' hat there are lliany more o! S T A N D R D R N K S T T E M I ~ T . w u l d o d I , a s e l e w h i l e S h a h Là ( l e s e p o a r - s3 h a p e t i s t a r s l a ( h a ý u n t v e r s e DINIINISIl TI-EIR POWVFRS. a stnei eSII :ethUe -o! lists a 4omshveYtbt-a lShows Iases.nlaTotal Asmts for the ' rIentis or enemios whom lie desh'es te hanbs.roos aeye len'hête 'gear oe82,81. The lnspiring mcsnohoïsm of Z-cs- get offt!hle earth-a tmagthlng (bat u lied oee. sasaray lcvrd te l te anci.ent rotligions cf Persfia, sur- cMrne Irôm thle Shah, Hakfm obcdlently-T tn4s IcddiaVÉ, The sMaternent presenied te the thirly. vives now ln ls puri(y oaly tiiiong swalovd(leftldruh. ropdlgehrudr legn second annual meeting otf(thc share- those P<1,rsian emigrants, (ho Parsees, The Shah bati not--sr.t il end hli was, erol' title o! pear-ahaped, reprebent zil liolderscifI(lie Standard Bank of Cali- who Inrgely oontrol the finanmesof fuslousOverthie b108e! ifffhWrienti Tho e grees 9! blaleneas. Among (ha al>.4q Oda WS was e nst satlsfactory ane. Dur-- Bombay. - evîdenco Indicafoti preîty cîeu arî iIf arked t thleuse suange pitanels are J144 the pnsl y ar (ho capital hais been The jnew Shah is (the ldest son of hLçts was 'the e QM'endVizWer who ;h- , l ' stars as elongateti as a tOrped or a nM êdb 83M,142, meking ft $1,5«0. tuber, but (bers Is no law In Persie uUw'ed the, royel pàoaîv;bu lodeFft,,cluar-shaped bublon, - wigle VO The reserve tunti now stands nt whicb voats tho succession ln (ho eldesa ài owsa lesaeob $1 di0,420, an Increase for the year £1 son. lTh. Shah May nominale whiom>he cape, andt Iis -lime, ha4VIng In, (he' 181er- NIiARLY 8SPIeRICAL 'IN FORM. 83611 h(its beng the premlum onn pleasesa amcng lits chiîdren te sucocti vat wel ahrt lt onnest, ho led - luIî Aîageysa>elIgr rew Stock Issue. .The balance cars-ted him. l'ho secnd son cf (lie late Shah to EuroPe. Whr hei- Coli e n cmly disro- o! h6ue 'sky a re alle lriy-s re la !erward on (be profit andi los& acoouit (s apparently a much abler man (han gard golden cuise' ant i ned 114tx e' r oa yhesky a alem ors, oî arêey was $105,50~, an tincrease for thie year hlk eider brother. file eally a clorer sasins' dasggems This' hapeet' lneeseakung. lwIin>stors, I h L et0 $7,38Ie dPOsits 1have lncreased y<Ung tellaw, la '"Il educateti andi. years1190, iand- he-sUÎî lires In Eujrope. LWOet ha tars-.dIntooere»,t 81.526,812 during (lie Ymr anti dis- pmbably would lie an ale soverclgn. TUE PRESEt« -,RND- , IE tcunsof h en araee n ierea th- ocUnts aIse show an increaseo t S,. But (fhe fanflthat ire lias a slave me- twas lanseCa ,o( f -thse ltIS Shahand C o'ert ,s~he o ant u (oon n blf',525. Total assets iÇ,hbî~ now stand (lier, whle Mahommned AlilMizr-a's was la hw sc bltyhtrm lig 'e acteyer acehfe; Ot"~2020Oîoü7 regreater (han lest Princess e! tho Kacjur triho constttitet ls that liQWifl Prcbably be ble te, Yeel, by $,8L2 Quicic assois, cash, ais obstacle te lits auceestan, thoUgli by 1hlibis 01 eunder the»ewShah, u'! *ýver éu14uIut, tierefore, 1t' Say po DoiNnon no es, gal tender, naw ran means an lnsurmountablo one. Odd Wlf dt cf , (h. meinhérs et ofho 'sab[ g"è aes*unt t-o 86,119,731. The pereenlege- a& ILnMay seem, thse proftisai,-ho lias 'ic ý . .* . 0Leihsar.- Sulh' sliiieetth s:e s carned on capital was 17.82 pes- cent., gh'en tht bols a man of viger and Thora arem e^able men amopwIn afta'Of kIîh OnSt Uii5tablê equlli- of vihleb 12 per cent. was patti (o shore- ability Would, oount'agamnst hlm rather ielably -'the IniàW kci o Z . x rium; end, sonesê or taler liicentrfr ý hltez-s; 810,000 was written -off bank (han (n lis fayer. ires ed ucated ti t xford, andispeafor gfg eui, the~l Preftsess, andth le balance ces-z-ed for-. leirs Io(lie (lirons in f4s-sla have a Eng lislI luenlly. But h aa'uahe ser, 6%',eMb=gifg eiskytgth erind %va rdI (o (ho profit anti loss aceount. Ms-. disagreeable way et seeking ho obtai siihna Pr a4èas offlçe, whati. Thon h. eoincg link willIt b o- M. -P. Cewan eand mr. Frederick, Wyld pcSession of the orewn betore iltices- eVer ýLs ftrafnin,g lits f11st. consîderatio , weto*-,re-electk'd president and vice-pro- vends 1o (hem in (ho ýnaturel course of is uially lts e pro n, andti t*<>noirw mfls wl~libe bora.! aien rspct-ey.evonis by sterting a revoit, or In sanie Tala l4enerally a buali's tailingl, N Wliomth(its takea place thete *111 obo - ~~Otier way gelng zId o! tbeir tathers '.-' aï been weil exemarlWfed til h.lae btl - as ofi !stupendouia A3 long agto as 1710 hundkerchuesTemr aal nt uitu l h elga.If. setupa unmesl; From'-ee~- ccauaee rW OV hi de n w lcli w er lzz tnt ti h i H s he nmo s-o ap i h o Is te an f opate th o 'e R uss ian leson <On i Il o w n ' u t ' od e " I o e i a a n ~ Engisati,,nathàlt nli isi (h eOpenses and ite defray tise-_os- a Pîrdlitti toc,% ths fL'M éo- m. W- rroe, ange, rairieScratces uai s it lnax4 u 'fIfi crt l 1 m n>~ y o. s lectiôn c Mehemm a Au M lan "béTexe h h r~ ae ~ S tJ~ u elv f4(fy ie* ' rrS booan>è fhorde of- Uimeo 1h. ot'iting proo la he weia-- ed, à l fo d i a i L to . ,lt m f le S a s s oe sor.-1's R ussian policy (o - raising u. wmi. W flt h eo a c ch nIto o thésg t ue ~ hi , -ù (O c!eleratù national Iecy at isIn t<wiÇkeJanti btglnted th pb. 'so anfliC J- The. Wekana, (he leading Bantu ribe elgratien ln orties-thata -Plausible r o aeva ios end tisifèdl(, bwôuld sut i AMds WN AMQ h~ 1«nti, s-eIb mst îîhlyciIlîet (xt May lie providoti for shopping laIlice Io keep hhm poing 19rnamya-~ h wf 4 b bl*çk ,roce-la AiMmca.They liedi a decîmal anti taklng possessio cfl te nd, « et ,,t_~(een. s Shah.,Idou 9r n t' i Yar g l# sY$tem 0f, calculatlen -wheonrfs-t dis. least âe big s10e0<nfIl. Andti bsosrt e! Ihis 111051prizede!tieof yl o<lU is'fei t bt-ath ti u-t xrre by Wite men. Thoy, aIse under. gam ne ce >.botter playeti wise e 1 the e, o' uiiCY Ot-1Whaý te,. afelltahz-c - to4 re weklg atiled. a consider- s e pupeth le' Ilipone, (hanwhen - '- - 1ti-9~tÇ êS8e ' 1 > iý4cu1Wlsgêofe!'music. there ita'a srong mn »sated i l .,4IL> <lEnd.t Il1ou&s H1eatiacle.-Btujou8. Perala anti near te 'thée tiusstan taoaüer, 27 aniest wh abrs,'whbh r l Uu ,>à-,ùWUUS »Mie ex. S7~w lots cautsetiby excwesleMile Ruiai> Influence 1usd fresplayvWlt he i 1X11A iprtet(h r<ta b"~ou ýn1h'*Ùah tas4 liazketi <ffect UP- new Shah, anti the,,Goesaskave 0f fsoebé»ëathwth ~ ~suvoe h.acaclio. ord(lihlm mumy obj esg1uasoi Canaa. aszmI4e-p»1bI-*aelt s - 41*,,ýý t re în4 tea ch o on. hea MIGI-? Ari-PM M " M , jfwli th, SXreIon c i 1 le hî-c o s- I ÛRb fa AN D o z-slJ~>f4 he. ai rmtelees egetaolit , -ege(nPrsa.Jfrh and4 g4ese hro lnoth lnca s es paystlBut ati as t rusI the ngrpy . W,'~5i t~ bah . it éxo trcat m ept f i s e dahe . ie- nfu ence '3à An P erh" aw y n . .~w u t t i Im pu4rWla e If (lienow Shh peaoses tta tbo ga tu5Mn lie.100-tn o h romxw ene r, iwiZ4ed nlt W) rly11 (eIIndid P W bli 14-urlau f e l çdlll ailde vrus.si o0pced 4bft1O an hotIi isttere ot Imm y ofth e r is aa&ie lies. ln P tbe -4* btg 0-eut,, -u1llusâ -, ïesrWUaOfdM" wraîi ll dEeaorf(.re Mns BteTeOmQ sawaBo h 1e - ne ii,6eà. T 'r antdÜÉrrpy b ~uan & sianolngrpfl buth tl down the atv-hemul1leng apeed.FThe I'luu.er'l(isy,'maédê ,iroîtgecj (hebo noliergei Iana Whlle (Loy fumllht Ithe trent4kjr bhc, scramie- 4tsl s Vites at b o o s a d p r s u s î c m d od w p f ih e s t r e e t , AcouÙplë é o!' làXyly'i.ol!eien, 'headeti' thý off !ant esy. irero inarChet beck tc Ale bOuseirliere, (le cdooj,'%j! Dan., glosa rýonms wera' !oind eoWi,' laln1W sliowlng th",lo ie ee lera. AS tbhe-cY WUs stilI wir-n, (fiq poitco look 01r Ilft è heatis la.'ieou hatniurcie d hi»> as a sequ el-tarûb- ting Ilsplae. g 'eui extdyI a tsa ll> d that-nethwni -lia h'én7 t iÈ in amlwes-. Izati icfcked frem in us la 'crime vlu on et êttexaptoc - bi4rgi SO PATIGUING. "CSe Young flichly Ktitdignt'to imary Gofdie Sies a!ter ail f "-No, lie got scaret.". "We .."wIl IandA Ihoordti hey hli e» ovn gene 3o fur as to rehearse fer, lie Wedting, -eliearsed Avtu-imes, ant i lchuey at fihe preàpeattls for JDpmeyiese eueli ld ires-k Ihêwas. -a4frti -h> coult.-]DL, n"L stapd tisp itlting aIliii." ........... t a giÂPOJO~M1çR&, LIFEI .f ie ie6 io,,0,DB eb fiê .ACCOUJfl~.' culâtion....S 10093,4m, 00o1è ldaiii Oliver îueisalDomiblea 'Notes beder- t-19614078 nu iù -wtir ' P. 66, payable lotf l a nslds.¾. ' 14984 9nfflat 'Ulo-Mr R k