Whitby Gazette, 4 Jul 1907, p. 7

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y~~'i ~ a~w~o0îeaction. The. Mlxturea, Il kept iwdw côvereand evâ- QI 'bta1Oôes tu' oVent the ,-t ration preventhd, will- retain their. 0. o exr~nelmprta~ee: stregial aummer. ~Otaio ,prodtÀce4 fceer potritoéainta 'ta mkng the flordea i t te lznpor- - prdcdti ny ta r emnmlerthst'- tir-s. trong "In 1Ya in 1t il ictimb the Peovin. %,tock" Mixtures must nover be broug 0W-i~-~lP~tmev o~ 'griultre avetogether. Pour a galions -nt the-'bine. been oOllecting 'InLormnaîon ooncerning Stone esotiton mb a 40-gallon berrel (<an ttic 0Acrftges urfllmuIly dei-Oted tb farra ordlnery barrel holds between-40 and 50 OMPs. Wthin. liePest 1:W year thie glons), haU f111 the burrel wîth water, a1NS plarited 10 po4atoejý, tin1hfs province adI 23Ç S gallons of ithe lite solutUcu, -,asdecreasàd by ,00 ri;liipro- (ii Up with water, stir hhoroughly and, d1led b>'approxlmately G0,o bush- thé, miblure is ready for tse., - Ue.6 t resei$lÎt ilcatkrns are that the For appîy:ng', a spray1 pump wail b.' dfy 0 107'II .lgNr.a»ls î»decnoïnîcaî of labor addxnater- Pi r'aWltt'hob. hgb pricea liai have tais, and tbe gain ti product Irm-one ruled -kesomo Uime strongly malntained. yçars spraylng of one acre 61 pofetoes- Femron lie ribt lind o1 so11, wwhîî lllusuaîîy pi>' the entlte stfshfucb V hava planhed a8g90 acreago b le » cci aq appiance, but ifl nane 15 81 hand,lý tisi sprlng, wll; ift they are ebMC to suc- Bordeaoux may be appiied aller thr ernme .cesfll blngthlr~eopte Maturiby. ninîer es Paris Green- would be aeplied t tea Mar' rtura frqmp le hn~Smiafor bugs. The. objet,ls te thycU liliel ' derlv<e (rom any Unei keep bhe crop covered witb tie mixture nI farming.in vîim they ifight engatge-, during .tte season In- whicb bligit la, and il is l point out brlefly onie or 1«o iabi0bocr m hl odmsry 1111e Ut» iaiIn hies das nushb. n~ achiner>' does Ibis a. 11111e better atended 1ô,, if potto growing is to b. thian anything aise, therc are scores of- SAUcoessfuIlY eêiinUathat thus farmers In Ontario who arc. obbeling lP artice ha bec»prepred.quite natlsactory results from epplylng - IubuWilt Wcopî> wlh lho4rot ha» Iben tbic Bordeaux b>' wbatever.mea»» araeh ih. e4t ceuse 'of"(allure in polato '*àeir d's'tosal. 1» Proparigtha nxhn:- gro'vilngig nt (rIo, yet Ave dollars or 'ure wh vo un>' klnd ol powrer Éprayers ,even lesa,,will caver the entira cost for- oŽe to be used, aiways airai» the lime mabea-mal and lebor required 10 treat..one sclutlon W,»» mtxingvwîlhelb blue- 'acre Of potutoes 9,vth Bordeaux Mix- shont.- Thc lima sometimes -slakes--$ tU-re, and Ibis' mixture profcrly mede lumpy and clogs in the pozzies. Il re- e anmi conSistenhîy and intelrigentîy a- uired Paris Gmezl nia>' be applicd with. plhed il a 'aCertain 1reventîva oi rot; tlb, Bordeaux, addingii 9piidO i"ronucexperîî-nettis oliçiilly conducîe6d al Parts Green to a aaharrel of the mlx-. Guelph, aI Ottawa, and atL prectcail>' bure. es-ye experiment Station In tic .Unteýj Sprayng should begin about ul'y 151h $tales, and fs-ani Uic practIcal'- 4,peri- anid the vines kept ceviered ll Se>tem- to anc. O!fgrever» evcry'wheLre, Bordeaux ber. Four applications îsrequlraa, vil » Mixure inapove» th- ,0J1>' effective ilsueli>' Qccamsh htsbi.Somje.have gqt remelOr' PotalOI Rot. MAttawa dur-.fssîrhy satUsfactory resuls from éeagod -& lhmt'e Put lb?.. yeara, lbe average in- ispraying just etah e lIme tisa diseeb- ceuetn yî8 i fomsrayilug wlthb Iis gins ho apread, anid as we 801» ti pray- <jc mixture wus 94-S bisiels par acre. Ius: experlerice, the riumbe' !applîça- 1BoEýrcceun ixture for poato apraymnfi thon rmay pes-baps be deCreased, bût LW ,0ad fd romt» ticfoitowlng formula :- crdinariiy, 1h 1» best ho use lie mitxture CoPe sulphele' <bb1sone 'or bluo ai leamaitour limas.- 'Nlr Pi ounds, unstaked lime ô Bordeaux-, is e on l>' ffec1lvys remeMy Pourda, waler 40 bo 50 galions. yt tdeVised for bie contro1, o! -poteto 1 A» i t»teInconvenîenî te wpigbibe bWight it L[s eaSy te make ani easy teo 'i lune aand copper at tise lime Ô! rnixing appl>', an4 i wlere properly made and Ù1 andi quita impracticu bIc tokeep a s pthoûroughly.>iipjlid t8 cerlai'n te hae fec. Sb( ply, Of rciY-mh.xed Bordeaux on bautid, lve. The only precautiords tIùosrvin - stockadulofo the ÇPpper and lime Iliiki»g.ijj'ejo se pure'fras maeril$hez are usually' Prcpared rîcady for mixirsg -end mlx thèic ~orirect flnpoto-às 11 at requlred. Tô prepare maberlal sifil. end la tie proper way, andin appl.ýit : cint Ît rftea acre of potatoes Jour tû kcep '1h. rnixture-oft' l i nes dt*s*ig tihes, ,Proceedi as fofoitw s Place 7e tic. seasnri blat blighisL »kely, t<o ap. 2 pgundb, ot"-bluaeêto4ina bag or basket pVair. ' a$siutrernd t neïritie urlace ti 36 Vt lhrset -B ùuingpýToro, 'Julie, glions cf Wter-1fa ,..t. 1h l w11 OZdis., et913e oulside,- wîtls89C bld.ýN. rédl>Wtater, 8934e bid cutide andi We* wilthout Sellers. - No. e. ecixediOffesed et PICcoutside. iitit bid&. BaRRIey-NO. '2' %vu 530 bldisie [and 48e bld tor a lpad, Sept< ber l', Oechebr 'deiivery. teSexrsuo48 bld tÔra logdi Sept mbe'r _o Qoberi w thut fer gs .' a~riýbo M Blu ,sidwde. -wllbout bids. à1deind eat 45x4e-on aàOc rhie Toro»- tôi vibi 4434 bld. -COUNRY PRCDUCE. Beatis-Hand-pki&e qs4Ied 'aUt81.50, and -Primes at '81.35,te -4O Hone-SîrtnedqMeeti 1il10 o-12C p'er lb. and comb liane>' a' E k42.50sz pet eoten.- -na-NIoN. 1 ti n~h'l.quohesi ah $14 o $15.50 -here, mno, u-t 12 10 813. Shreaw-.-$7 '017.58tootbrack tharo. Petalo6es Io r$,#b5 1,20 par sgg'on track, '"a'Nw BrUnsýWickfi el.30 pe-r bag. hliekens, Sprlg 8 b2kpar ILb.f ýTEE DAIBY IMkTS. nulter-Ntund roils are :qttoted 'et 17 t 18c, -tuba nom1ril et 17 tè 1,?4c; large '01s ara qpoied ah 17 tb 17w4. Crearn-, r>' prinla sal at 2o j<)_22c,m ançac-lidà t 19 % <- r-gs-cai lt$ ýe1sal t 17te-18c a 1 atnÇ12Xé,, and- - ~ u m î o u n n n n i f a q u a r t , J - W h u eite r t m i ne ~ R s î n , f I ' 0 4 1 fPet down the shafLland W u kiflled. r .The. TèmiskaiLnd, & -NortqernOntario>0.6 lillay will be Om' ee< b_ th'n -Of the,ýpresent se èas n to tb tw » - E dred-nilie post. Mr. f11ehr OlBien, K.C. r a Ietter pil 1te- the Mayoi,, stateci thàt, 1 ýchîild"Ci-À il dI'-Toronto were probalbly the"won n-Düï -thecanadiari Northerri Rilwey '- ru»n a -branch line Into MoogeMôunîain eti whývero Messrs. Mqkezie,& Man hllaês ýVe.-y 4rgg Iron m, dOposits. The ondon &Sutwa arnfl'tlwnyIto bas seffied wlth MrÏ. Walnj3arývki Of1 ler0tc, ,$«40,W, ona Dc"yF," Theb British Gommons by an oveb.th wèmlgvote favored r'striction Of thi I ,poWer o1 the Lords« UlnitaddSia railmaker8 offer a pertecli r"i for M338e on. Wreek.causng rauas co s b *2M . .- S av an P acsons v% ere killesèd lm a ,Of a lanement in - ie itallan quarter bi 14W York, oèn Tusday, ,Coil. L .- Brewsvter; 0f Atllante, Ga., 9,. sot afnsi kiIet.dnring a riol on-'n- exctsion train 1 PyIreels Tari>, a i3 cu e hhW pare nits o1 * . t o » î e ~ <fChicagô, 1014 e c te 1 y ould iot afford"to g» ehec e a'Mmivgraduation drea, lhegirl eft er )xImo.- Mss. 'Ian agadvoný e Md<mnk 'toige lan. a is an; o Mdicne ~~'&5 UO no»n '~enmber !11 Ji d: FALLINO OFF, IN WUAAiA. MI tcMatoUba mpr4sentIssues a cr kdaspatclrfr~~n ' là. pg y: A ! ofmbr bonDo Anio~~t Palsi Year~K - A deenateh Ola'Ys* Dur- Àdespaicis froroTomsnto sa",»: lZy- p N1 c lý'leerenderi -Jlui; fae edown ra*d n<lhe ilcor, wRth e U.50>1 I M811 sU~bsldles paii ed paec Jc ccte n Uns$B "ftnmous»edto 81,.. and 1twsted 'fightly about ber ubroajt, do, 1in i [42,b0i.tii. luil)fMargas-at, the .young wita o! bukiiQel F«d-b_4 Mq $M,,« ~ 606was f Iawe, a enrrener. îîvnsg allo ti ci>-shorts, û1 Englond. Tiiej nqj$nSh«t W251, vas feuMddead 1roixt iia$ arille c inai)l ervleOe aîranuatdsby her1111. fUr.e ioj~ai, ernounied Io 0372,.?snt.l ~lc -9 -ii e &von-a- - O ntThrs..Il , an CANA»,% AND 8Q1UAFlICAO : »p olvem Twe'Cuin ,ca téb -'Developed. A despatcim trot» tAnon Baye: &r A Jlee, referrîng té his grant cf freet passaeg bcçmmercial tIraveljet's W- lveen Canada ansi Souh Afriengays 'Ib.see, shouid ha an enornèoscui(rade be- 4we l vo ountrîlos. The EIder. enpîrCôcpans> would do l1 ubey 09111d t(o develop 1IL 17OXFORD. A despaîehcina Oxford, Englanu, [lae: Wi Ihisrty use» utnusleil wlntet'~ *oU~rs, ~l bran, len;two rive UtI 1 gci rlola I t41e Wma W. Bali-er would like t. ae le» brexd deliveresi tsi rnsums las 'W 9.~ lie Io now brirlsMIll ili berxmmtise beali> ouit ci-hlfie,,è MOV-e- 4leng 1h» ltUea gn>'h. o-

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