1few at Intetestlng prdces. 7Ladie'shopping baga, ieg-. utar OGý o l$2.00j ut 25c', 6 Ebony hair brushesp regu-- la' 1,5,for'76oemoi. 10 China piecoi, plate sad rial"d bo'wle, iegular 750 to $1.25, at 50 oacli. 1 Doy&. enamellèd coat of arme brooches, -repulat 25c, et 150e aci. ý.1 i only 8-day dlock-, $8.00, for $2.00. 8Twin rings, $2.00, each. rogu lar and singlo stone regular $1.50 -and soid gold, for $1.00 5 Stemn wind watches at 81.00 >eaoh. 6 only Whitby cane pins, W~Ul 25eat 15e oach. 6onty O. L. . canoe pins, regular 25c, st 15o ench. 6 only fountain pens at $1.00 eaci. 2 Photo (tanise, regular 7,5c, 250e aci. T3Photo frames, regular 81.50 aud $1.75o at 81.00 eaci. BASS ETT .jewler and Optician Brock St. South Whitby Phone 67. Local uap penîis Bec a~atubtU'guîn Adn. on hums beld their pknuio te ¶ orbO«th'poLi o00 T4eody atteraoon. A. Toronto mubucriber recontly oent poStal note renewinWg sub"Mrptiom for anotber yoe. a, it fôrrpwt t enr-, '25thl. zand haye a rlI4on Uibs Ume. neûdlst, -Isrgegt and rau~t-eit spteàmwi____________ et' onti'rn*Iimtters. eee iaffladvt. $10 rewalrd otfered fur i;m c n kox ati. n ne e 1 vict1eii o piarties 'whu broke wîý- 'tS detve wurk. ,1He found 4tluit dow.s and saoh. aloo utoie kitch,» ron niron, eorreoidinw 1<> t'wa0t fiiralture f rmpav Illôn at Seyden'- neind bhd b.oIYu i0d te NèêlI, ut' mhoro1Park. 1Park .AfnocIai1on,. Dîindu Street, And ho 1cArned thêre wrb» wsoh1IL.- Watlflut, hi* chAiee, IIAL HOLD~Y N ÀLOUST * ilv aroic4 the mtun. They camo bho- it heta bepn propwoed Lhant the, buq' IloTe PX, liihareand r <in.- ,Iaew nien of Vhltby c1o»c thtir l«e runi w. n d d the sey ploice% ~ ue b4nessi on Thur.4ay ai- 1wr rncwo by44tedo tenouw; durinit thr momth f lAug. tv4t. This., if 15Is uderi3tood, bas lseen' gener-nl1y greed tu. .& tart vili I: iun4d, on Tu,,çajum 25~, wfen i bnzebta it th will bve twId, te Otlhawa ague teanil v. Whtby. li VL'ohoped 10 ha.ve some mports eîiT I.dL !lrondtr- ,ru carr esnanth.o Oo.K. Thomn cria ie. -gant Une otrwuIpp er. . Border same prloe. ptantieg Oand papet- hàngirln bin hg etyloet itf., Tvo Whît by young people haiue entered Vbe bond of wedlook reeeatly naç wili b en by a marerIsge notice ln unother column. 31r, Vha. PaIx- ton. elde,4L son af Sitriff Paxtoù.v and 1S Margn.ret Louise Yulé, were, thte contrant inW partie. he Gazo«tte& Chronlee l'aheia the ygouig Coupe -f VerY happln' gs onr the jouraey ttyoigh lire. Gat TrIplet.s *Currenevl, »Boiba"# and lt&ag" chew!ngtobaecome n big 81eMee t long. Ti> 'J. bbthength oftb mgn~.~ifloient ost.ear whioh 'wlllI carry thle Dubm 0i i Byj ïmcm Niazara to Toronto. 1it i Mid lo e tohe lagoat, faust and 4n0ut steady stesUn.W on itr.ih wt- emw -DOn't f1,011te, julatI4 .jOUy7 ;roWd. Sec large a4'vt. fer tèept. Ionalli low rate.. .Pb#tograober. 0. I.,Wilton hàs cempleted a. fine photo oft *bk p'e4" uatlog Clam -and staU f etteacher, of tho WC.I. T'ni i lIjbe a o.voDir, gre&îly te be prloed. Tiofoor eea brectes 1 mkoka, Kit- wortha and ail uwelr ls.k point%. lreland. SeOtlaDd. Single, foud trip .or prtWpa1d. pfohee or ail boat or oecn Lâ.8. liges and alR. routes. 8OetepiieILsn, oPPosIte ýPoot (rffce, Wkîitby bera travellInt anyMvwhere., $tepbensoi wAntis a Çow bagu coce i3!XaVY cts. BAPTIg!' PuuClL' Tii.> huroh -.ervicem were vwltl- dra-wn Iaet kunday,,diiria.g i ti. torla abRsencOe, permitting. 1hUe Con- <çrgation to nuite wlth otfter con- igrffltiogw for the day.'-1 SNeit sunday btebantur Viti lpgin occupy ,the. pulpit. TU~E TU U . eyc~. Kllwood Dowc-rman pftache.4 botit oorning aud eei4ig on "un-1 day. At UM#4 elogoarl.eM m ]Laura .?a.naU.au4 Mr. E . .£vai[4 a>msied fbr 'choU'ir n bbc e rTIç< of A OJEML'l'iLU3ltMiA GE. tq- (toim ta.? i3oioo t Kin gdton (.0 îie 'ehrtQný of- tSL. Âun de'O sg.aupre'. thme 144fl dvî. T4epligriam eu go- liv io C1Ttor tl, T.lt. nt ieîaIIy ~redice4~at oFr lnJfrnion -eee neor npply dIrecLly, toe leir. P. Kelioe, Galialloque, 1Drot TUE OGLUlRIOUS.TWELTL. 'Tiw 00maty OaneAmi0eatIon Xe North Ofitario roy,411y ceebrstted thl4 villagewesai rîydýoito~t eON'rgreon art)heï, flage and b un ig., Excelleat m»eeeheu ee iin< P.Cv. Mr. Baurber, county ýdhàýIn; LegtoPr.FrelS.S. Shati < c Uihrdge. aid 1ev. 1Er. mtzwefm elàromnt, E8touffville and Canning-. ton brasa lund8 and i (v , fite aud tiruha bandes rurnImhedt he. maslc. 1 *A nuvuber ut tmeber4 0f thea èwly orgenIsed Orange lôo il tWhtby. 'went to Toronto to take ýàrt in tii. telebration tiem.. wtchob thie paper for auvounce- meint. onW riosedealers. A ad - disoa tmon ient awalteti thoi~e who w*onLto 1 he Park lest Bât ur dü y aJternoon expiotian to m" aaod4gnoiePt baebtaU be- twn' the OI.iiwa LeAgite tearn andi Wbltby. Unotyrttinakely the (»hawa teain 1*4 1*.,, ordurçd to play a Qve? _hIlog14, nec.*sltatlng. a.mrta- Menor the Ca.wdiafl _p>aIf 1 ic i'- voy -xty under M.r, Hittnun I ue mnà ca4wtp et, WhILbY htL4t win-ter .Pilei maU8kë tie Wretchedj. It i ýmwbtâedCOte Imagine tlrnt the ectt4t or plies &re loosi. fgr as ia m'atter., or *tact, tbey ADmp the itatity ot mIndý mil Iody, antd 4IowU' Iend t b l; f~idsn1d, hrlIW4 almoîLInNtant re- every forn of tbi4i wretched, tcirtur-, pbioDO poler le son -th Waftteir the- Pl'1,kexinlg e «t '0f <fe.bcMn~rk- i.nm iotoria1 Î1orlé blI, but becÉka n ltérâ mntof t farthisr enl ment and4othèr tnwôrovment4 wL:'ht the. Augist os. ~n unê2St, Mryjý-ordanlate, oir Whltb What is IT 18 NATURES evening, anti played ae. i -« lour lnnlugwiwti Wt Ç010 LAt Itheclose bbn< ut tIi. vIsoo?. Tt wûs ver7 oblIgIng (< &wu boyqs teo onie o0 thad lhero! Sitght flot bc *K,obiateL-tt fi, i know it#*tt hueO*sbat orenited te roturn to 1 W~iP*Wl WlA ~4~8I~~ ILstiAd bout thée gol t AL4h om- beautitul t mtertilanneli cai etîif aDgait o ae4 esi loi' pkcate part4iqat Uyden-Péiin l-Dxed.01pae4 ~-~pir~.~ ~For-quallty anti quanuti 8* 70U1 tisalter for' the ew .CV b gp u o» ob el$pLer next. week wili be j "aeag nd :'Cturrenez ioy" ObwingTol> 0, anan fienent garaliug .1 ,Inauguration or a new reNt 1%ei. . mUlesu lu WNtbI. Po>s Lq'ONau ,ýAiqatCheçan l and. 8matâ $cheol %whielà waz tiut»bave beem . kei 0'~M5Dt.Apply 'kecretary,' la, VT it'a 4 nttako pMe. ~fbou~k.A.1O. TIemA1orniflir waU'P wt anid ~gre ~tonu e n vemsr ii a w 1ablê. and only à amati numbr get.i for îe icoed *4 lthe 4Ltiun. l. t'was* thon 4& herehlxroou for ;1 t'Jhuat 1iW 4 uway <coamp.mlh"~ -t4 o "rinu v*ry .<>nx-f st ar'anged <or ttckeimi fr 1tha XW'. uffl paxy ele" he le ikets *%èe pet lIa W. G. WÂLTERS' r, uLy Il Pieceis olored muslin ât 15e.eoledmuslin r'edurd, us "24e.