Whitby Gazette, 18 Jul 1907, p. 7

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A dospatoh (rom Quebeo ap: Fur- 'Iber doetailà rencbed town on Tuesday ln regard to the death (rom starvation Of a Party cf twOnty-one ludions In tac woda, whIe o n route (roin Late Mis- loasint to flebarvall. on thie Rend ef Sarch lua.sn India n med John Bos- n , ound Uie"ematIns of hre of the YIOtinsThvn a ttlt, MlIer end i 1g kmoh, afrut a hundued miles (rom Lake bMltassni. lie tnterred tue b'oct es wbere they were found. Ancther Party U I milans (rom Mistassini lm *xpectc-d utPL cinte Bleu, the tlidlan reacre neur Bberval, thls- woek, when further de- #fils 4f the terrible tragedy are expected. bhomas Basi l ai aMontagnais, (rom Pointe Olue, where ho leaves a wtt. and Uhl1d., Miller was the son ci a former chlet inf thé Hudson's Bay post at Mis- tassifft, whlle Mig John bek>zuged ti Mistassii, but was malin g bis second trip to HRobernil. The wlfe of Mitlle, who .accmpaniod hlm, xas brought >I Pointe Bleut by 3dm Bisotnalter a tri p of great. diMtTIy owlig, to ber extreme wealcnesBoston reports UmhoIn f-I dians, driven to des3peration by their hunger, clevourcd even ibefr caribou inoccasina and the leather atrftpa with wvhich the packagesci. furs they-wre bringing b fRoberval were bound up. The. bodies of the other Izîdtanh*to tuo#=mbetu, privation, ooid anid hun- ger 4urIng the long Uihrte-hundircd-me trip througli the forost, whert no-.tâo of habitation of man wss ta b.loundt havo buot.been reoov4i"riir bave their nornea een mtentioned, -but Ibore woe In all twenty-.one, oomprlslng five or six tamilles, the heaclu cf which bad been huntin gduring 1the wint«ral, the headof the Musteuint JLia1' IT,' i aen were knocked down ln a trolley -NEWS > lITMScar--by' lightnlng, and one o! tbem laed >'s llti trouser leg anid one seck, ripped £IAIPENIL.sfltO AV QVSVl ~ The1.Itersiate Commerce Commission bua decided that ralIroads selUing lrst-, GLOIL clou tcketis to negroos must provide -ecomue4tozmequal le that glven - fiat-casa hltepassengens. 8t~ 'ePbîlolrletls Prom Our OwU nad Mrs. Elizabeth -Hunt, c!f Brooklyn,] N. Y., who wiii be 107 years oIc! en Au- 0111eCoustrle A O teMi gust 31, enjoyed a st.eamn launch ride Events. n. monnîn g recently ai Derby, Cana., and WoI a long automobile triptin the CANADA. aftemnoon. A Mnon depot nay bc built ut Fort A big pl"ete rock hurked by A blisai WNlliam. crushe« thrbugh the aide of Mr. and The esifnatod inecae in Lcido's Mrs. Hlenry- Judd'à summner home, fleur population ôver 1906 La 2,M00. lkwella, N. Y., making a bolé &ct feed Nomin Aiguino was kilied by the Sqluare, anid landing near. where the C.P. express near Finali. vjuipbo wene standing. Pire ln the St. Croix votto mlai caused Janies Galiagher, o! Hlock Island, a lom of 819,000 on Friday. wile painting lhe uppen tresses of the John Young, M.P.P., died auddenly ai «fvermment bridge., ai Davenport, -la., Tracadie, NB., un Friday. kiuclîed bis trio. a Ilve wtre, a 5,00») Thrte cases et ptemal.ne polsonin ict currcnt passlng threugh bis body, (rom eating canne<lîmon are roported vhich burst lmb lames as lie toppled trem Winchester. over and dropped dead Ioe i ralroad A rain givlng the naine ci W. Fi. War- bridge below. lie leaves a wile amd Itii wu. arre&tej et Port Hope on Fniday Oîve chidren. for passizig woriblms choques.- The cliveway le IRideatu Hall, Ottawa, GENEIIAL. wili be Improved, ai a coal o! ovor ý Tt-FechPriaei doindo «0. hïFec alaetajuedo It ta latended tla baiethie Watonal Frlday for the aumnier.' Dairy Show, -il possible, nexi January In The Welimani expedillr on the nort'.i Toronto., polo will be delayed until the flrst of In the reont. rush fon Doukhobor m. Augus bthe wrecking o!ftino balloon iuken omesheida, 1,350 quartera werowçeA big tbr e ,f b>'a storm. tae% p M AVOsrke>fa grîcutural ishorers ls Twolve familles were rendered boren~- leing prepared ehtlKiev, Russia. The ' Ion by: (m tui a tenemfent bock ln St.. Governor tireuteas te have recourse te Hienri Ward, Montm'eal. milltary force if necessary te meet th.e A wlrelm teblegraphy istation la tk> esituation. erectod at Comox on Cape Lave, Van- couver, to report vessels.DM I BU O MNN. The Athcriiey -Generl'. Deartîment PE NIOS FCMOS wlll laite charge of'tino case &gainât Ow '8h Alfred Blilson Expired Dittifi'ua 11alged cocunterfeiters et Lndsay.Dison .A whnlo bas beeni washed #shore aetviin Wi~va Bay, Victoria, B.C. TihealWti A despaleli froni Londan says: Dur- c art ont bas ta remeve IL. lng a division ltin e IoUpe of Gommons Becaufie a neighbor jocularly told hlm on Tuesday evýening Sir Alfred Billson, JO eut $Oon0Paria green hhoebotfound, niember for, ha northwtweicn -dvision ((*0. Plunibroot, at, Comwall, did <sofAd CI Stattlordshîre, suddeniy finted and died. - f3h1nMte' fOtw.thon explred. Tine Bouse tmmedlately The w l !Jh ahr !Otw.adjoumaed. Sir Alfred wuaborn 1In CMaP0S * Ot e»eshate 4f 8690,.andi 1639. A patitteurise-of lb. tact-ý largo bequesta are macde te Protestant dent was Unît Sir Aifred!a daughterw.e* Inaltutlzis.la bbc ùladies' plier>'alth ti ime of S'oins four mililions 'o! spnnx legs ffther': de*tIn. $he was Dzot uware' -wero fIiated down 1h. St. Maurice Ibis' hib selsure, and thes news wes gently oeson, ýo! whlch twe and a hall millions braken to ber by Jçhn Burns. Sir, AI- wm'o for Canada. fred was Knigbted ah ib lUme d thIe John Meehane 16 years oit!, wa.s caughl lest b1rthdoy honorq. Iby tho weigtxt o! an elevator ln Wood.- ward'a departmentai atome, 'Vancouver, A DOUBLE ໫&ga -both jaws were broken &nd htg&fae bMaslied. Ho mày di.sdlonnIlg*ta tm GPEAT BRITAIN. A desptch (rom B3uffalo, N.Y., u$a": Peas-No. 2 quoted at 78 to 7ft- out-. aide. , Bariey - Mfarket quiet, w[th price purety riciiinUq1 Wheat - No. 1 norhhern, 97%c, lake Port&, and No. 2 northem~, $5, lalice pcrts. Ontario N. 2 white, 88 t o c, lad No, 2 red wlnter, 88 to 69o outside. (iYe>-No. 2 nominal -ui 70 to 71c out- side. I Cora-No. e American corn la quoted ai è1% te 62c, Toronto, lolic and rail. Bran-The marktlila unchanged« wilh bran quoted ai $17 to 817.50 In bulit outside. Shorts arc quoted ai 819 out- aide. COUNTRY PItODUCE. Iieans-Hend-picked quoited at $1.0 te $1.70, and prime~s etM 150to $1.55. Honey--Stralned quoted at il te 12o per lb, and comb hoziey u st,2to 82.50' per dozen. IIay-No.- 1 timothy la quoted ai 814 to $15.50 herê, and No. 2 nt *12 ta $13. Straw-$7 tW 87.50 a ton on-track hei'e. Potatoes-Delawares, $1.15 to 81.20 per bag on tracit. Poultry -Turkeys, alive, 11 l'o 14c*. chlekens, spring, dre.ssed, 18 to 20c per lb; lowil -9te te1c. TIE DAItY MARKETS. V,. 18c; tuba, nomnial ai 17 to 17%c; large mllis are quoted at 17 ta 17%c. Creamery prints sou aut 20 to 220, and soelids ai I9DttO 19%c. r*ggs--Cas lots sellilng at,17% te 18e a dozen. Choese - Larg-qutjod, nt. 12,4c, tand twtns uet 12%c.- 1100 PIODUCTS. Dressed hogs ln-car lots are nominal. Bacon, long, elear, 10% ho l11,,c per th ln case kits; mess -pont, 821 ta $21-50; short. cut, 822.50 té 8M., Homs-Ugtît teo medium, 153%t; do" h eavv, 14%c rolis, 11%c; shoulders,1 Ilm~ bcs,1%;breakfast bacon,, Lard -Tierces, 12c; tubs, i' c pulls, 12eXc. BUSINESS AT MONTRÉAL. Mentre*l, July1,-ra-A(ibu- ness continues te bo done inn ents and prices ame naintained. Manitoba No. 2 white aold ut. 49 to 49Xc; Ontario No. Z_ at US% to 49c: No. 3 ut 47y, to 4Minâ Nu. 4 at 46% te 47c'per bushel ex store. Flour-.Choice spring. wheat patents, $5.10 to 85.20; choie seconds, 84.50te' 44.60; wlnter wheat patents, 84.85; stralgil roliera, $410 to $4.25; do, i bags, $1.00 Io $2; extra, *1.60. Feed- Mmnitoba bran in baga, $21; shorts, $2 km =2 rer ton,* Ontario bran in bags, 818M 0to 820;' shorts, $22 to $22.50: milled nmôuilIte, $24 to M2 per ton., ami shi4gbt,,,gralp, $30) te $3£. 1rovisions- Barrels short cut mess, e2 b 822.50; htlf-barlsl, *11.25 l'o $11.7à; clear fat bueI, *23.5o to *U4.50; long eut heavy mffl, $30.50 k> 821.5; half-barréls do, $10.75 te $11; dry sait long clear bsck,ý 10% to Ilc; barrela plaie bec!, $14 to $S4; balf-lierrels do, 87.50 te 8,25;- bar- relu- heavy u s abeef, $10, baîf-barrels de, $5.50; compound lard, 10y,-to 13e pure lard, t2Y. e to1>c -,kettlb rendered, 1! to 13%Vc; hefl, 14 to 16c. Ibreah-ast1 -becon, 14X to,15c ; Windsor biseon. 15M eXP e' lw minutes Mer.' uer rm iibret had been feartully burned, end Ilt I thought ttal b ack *as broiçen by the ahock. The rlilId wes <i daughter of George l'rites, -1. C.1 P. set.- tien foremian. The bouse was quite badly damaged by Iho boit. RIOTS JN TItANS VAAL. Dynamite Outragea ln Connection WIlIî tie Strike. A despatoli(rüm Johannesburg, South Africa, says: Tho.. dynainite outrages arlslng froen-Ah ut>rike -situation tbrougbaut th>e minlng - egkonscon- t1Itue. Tte firïtfataIlU.es occcurred on Friday, ,wheft Kiltoii*à iHowte B1o)cs- I burg 'yas blown up. 'Three. men were ktlled and severul wero Injured._ An atténWt -atao w4osmadle-te damiage the Juinpers' deep mino. A fat4V. was cought lni theact ci Placng a-stick ef dynamite at a point where le explosion wvouId eut 'off a nIumber of. whitte miners ln the underground w'orklgs.- Tufre, strikers wiII appeal to Pr*nier Bflu te force the mine oomnpanies te arbifrate the -diffrences between them anid the DOUKIIODORS ON TIRK. TlrIy.slx inaticca[lave Started on PIirma«e lb the. Caf$l. A desjpateh frôizý Ottawa says.: -Ad- vices recelved by tbe govôrntnent are l'o thle effect that 3$ tanatea.l 1Doukh<oborýsý have- etartod ,on a'plîgrimage to the Ecost. Thcy havo crossed from Sasicat. chewa.n InIo MûnItoba and Swan Hiver, and It wIlI now'devoIve upon the Ment- tùba governnent to disposoe of theim. 0Jof the slaying of e -atone, liin O Pr=i ho mnn-ho CIIINA WAKING UP. l?.stblishing Police 1tindustrintlTéetais rand ModermLaw Court. A despateh frm ,Peklnsays- import- an t> edkcts bave been:19swued orderlng re- form. la theprovinill judictal systein and establlshing police, Industrial tac- lais anc modern courts cf lew la the provinces. lho changes wlll first be ln- troduoeed on Chili" and Klangsu. The officiels andi people are Olso called updon to prepane for the adoption of a consti- tutional form cf goverriment. STIWYGIININE EIN Ut=EIR. 'Mose Intended for lRats Nearly Killed Addington FamhIy. A despatcb froun Ktngston says:- The, family o! George 1,ec, living near Yarlc- ce, hac a narrow escap& (rom deth by stryçhnlne poisanlng on Thursdtiy. Mr. Lco- lad placed la the> cellar a. pound o! butter we)l dosed w1th strychnine te 1<111- rats.- By, mistake -,IL was. used on the table, and au héIam4ly were pois- oned. Medical jaid was securcd la Urne ho relieve tbem. PRISON IIINDÈ 11TWVINE. seventeen Canads -ShipPe&,From i lnu- A despatcti (rom -Kingstori snys: Sokventeen carlonds of blhder-twlnc, com- prising Uic>e'output .of 1the pnitentiary fnctory, has, be forwarded by stcam- cri~ ta Fort William andi thence by train 4o thé> farmers' a5soiatIon o!Alberta Province,.l'ho prices paid range frein 1 cent te11%cents per pound. A URDUR -AI HAMILION Jacob Sunfield -Siit MrS.ý Radzyk, Theri KiIIlie r liHusbanld, A despatch from 1-lan-m tIton says: A' tragedy ocbcurred bore on Friday'at-r- moon abouit 2.45 4y whkcb Andî'ew Jtadzylc losl biis 1rlit$ -.a bullet, eMns. ituâxyt WAS $hot in lhe breast and jaoob Sunilold stands arrested, charged wilh inur4er,. Theo husband and wile resided in a sall cottage on Shemmn avenue nortin, within 100 leet e!t te In- lernatlonal Harveeler Wonka, -and Sun-1 fileld was boardlng wittn tnemr. The ncighbors were startIe4 by the soumi et three Mhots, anid Mma. Radzyk was îeen to rn lowards lhe faclory, Upon arrivinu hieri aine was fQund kt b bled. t'le meantlime an,*ambulance was sum-. *moned, and tine hnjured mian, who w as conlsgelous,, was placedcit an md burted üL 'O tethe lieusc ct Dr.. Cunmin&s. He W~uld net' speak English, but mention ed a naine-once -or twice before relaps- Wintol uflcorsciotsnes3. At tie dock tcr's bouse theoK-rays wpre put An hlm, and a- buletý was <isovered lodged ln t!' mian's brain. He was tien transfîer- red te lhe hospital. Suiffleld was hoken down to No. 3 police station, and wheri asked wiiat had inappened, wvould -offy rieply: 'You wIll find out. itl l» bc cieured up In the court." When search- A despàlci from Ottawa says : A bul- letin wag _lssuéd on Wcdneýcly miTrlng by the 'Bureau oi Gensus anid StRtistica, àhCwing *the growtb o! Caadaà m'enu- fàcturing estabîÏahmerïts durlng the paut six yÇers, and givIng *the comparative average production per establishment ln 19G1 ami 1005. The varlous industries Mr divided I frithreo groups, First, LiIOSO With'proclucis cf betweeii $200,000 and $500,U oPar establishment; second, those taitli-products.ot, between,8200,000 and $1,WX),00 per establishment, and, third, Ihose running ever coo million dollaors.per estàbliohment. Comparecl with the census of 190, which was for the calendar yeur 100, there were in UtheOrsi tcm 178 workn produeîng eiloh 8500,000 and over iI 0. (15 ligaiflt 72 ln 1900-;In lbthecond Cîns thera wero. 62 works proclucing *$750,000 and over lnI 15, as agaInst 24 in 1900, and in -hie. third class there were le# %voiçs produclng 82,5W0,000 and over, es against ô ln 1900. There wcro four works ln 1905 reduclng eaeh 65,0000 ani ovcre whereas'nct one factory had reached Ihe amount lni 19W0. SOME GiiEAT. PROD)uCEI.s The greatestvolume cf production by a~ singlO factory-4n 1ff05 was oveer$ 8,000,- 000, and thte atest ln 1900 was itrider $'4.5-00im0. 'foe>production of all work(s Iii the year 190 W&5.$481,053,371, and in 1005. ilwas $717,118,092. PUSIIINO WE.STWAIRD FAST. Good Proureoss With Une From Saska- toon to Edmon ton. A despatch fÉrm Edmonton, Alberta, snyr>. The pregrebs' ruade during thle past two months on them Grand Trmànl< Paiibelween Saskçatoon and Edmon- tonR, gves Mo re reassuring prOspects o! an early eothpIetion - then the work hitherlo. Indleated. -ýAbout 120men and 900 tennis of uiorses are employed on the wvork. Seventy.flvo iles o! rond ls graded from Saskatoon west, and, with the targe force aînployed now, It Is expected that ovor 100 miles ivcstfrom Saskatoon will bo oorfiileted by Aug. 5. Tien a, large force of mon ai woni< on th-, 13attie Hiver crossing wIll bc moved u1P botween 1Battît> Hiver and Edmnonton. V. S. CIIOP IIEPiOa .T. Present Condition of IVhent ta- ýGiven ,as A despaich !rom. Wushlagten says. The Departmenl cof Agriculture reports conditions on crops on Jutylit e s fol- lciws.-Corn, acrcage 98.090,0, condi-, tion 80.2; ,winter wheai, condition 78.3; sprin.g wileat, SU.; ail wileat, 81.0. Arnount in (armers' hands, 54,853,000, equivalcatt b 7.5-per cent. oft he crop 'if last yenr. EVEILY LIITLE THINO. Pompadour siilks rimte charming even- lng 'gowna - uzider transparent oversklrts .ot point d'esprit, net'or spangled tulle. As a relie! tram the, ubîquihous brewn there is a Medium tint o! rather yellow- isti green, knowxn as,"ilel"whlch lu seen in many i~of tho>new summer llita. *Underskirts are growing miore x1md moere elaborate, and.i brodtd ribbon plays, ait inmpotant part hI hem, Mhal'nY are cf 1 In the third clasa there wèeoMtur Can, .ailan sugar rofnories producing on thie average> $4,288,063 per annum, nias asme1lng ýestctbllahments proçucing on the-, averzage 82,89,M7e twelve olaughter- ýing and maaacdgetablishments, averaging $1,687,481, ýsix. flourïng and grist mil 18 averaglng 8,318,942, four olt- bof mills averaglng S1ý715,S33, and thret agriltcu~ral Jmplement work.s averajlng 81,125,7.17. Ail tld, there were in 190,5 eighty-ene establishments wilh an annuàl,,produe- lion of over one million dollarseach, as ccimpared with thly-nine ln 1901. GROWTII 0F POPULATION. Canada now lias a population of over six andi a hall militons. 'The departme ti of Census and Sttlt.s as recen Y madle a coreful and elaborate estJmate tA the population, Il found that -on the flrst day of April, this yeur, the popula- tion o! Cenûda was, as nearly aà could be estimatéd, 6,504,900. This Ji; a growth ci population in six years, sinc th esWt deceninial- census, of 1,133,585. The total populatlion ti1901 was 5,371,315. If the~ present rate of growth ls maintalned Canada wilIl 8how a population o! over anven and a bal! millions when lthe nexi census 18 laiton. Since April 1 last the immigration has ttalcd over 100000, se thal, the total population ai, the present date is in tbe neighborhc>od ai 88,600,000. DISORDERS IN BELFAST. Strikers Spili Suqar But Prlnk Contenft of 'Whlskey-Iade4 Von. A despatcin !rom Bel-ra soa ,s The anticipatcd disordens grow 'i out et t ino strike here have oceurred vl.an Car- rylng. frelght ho- the docks foraBrzl .Jan lino steamer wes seIzeti by a rte and burned in the street on -Wednes4ay. Another vas tlîrown !rom a dock, while stIl anotiler, lonaded with sugar, wus heid up, the bags ripped open and the.r contentas trcwn In tile street. Oae whi.5key-ladon van was selzed, but the Whiskey wvas net.poured into the> stret,-- thc nioters pro!crring to balçe possession of IL Two cases had ben l octed' when tfi'3r rolice arived. NVIIMg SCRUSIIED OUT MS MLW. CardocLad ,Tbrowù - FrornVagon *When Team Took Fnight. A despalcin freni Stmaïthroy soya: Hearry, the .oýnly son cf Mr. mm ad M s.. John McWh1nneyý wlio Itvg about a aie and a hal! (rom toWn on the Ntnthn Concession o! ,Caradoc, lid is lre crushed cuL ai, an eariy hour tyn Friday' rnornlig. While his father' was bltohiflg up a leâm 10 go for ù bond of lumber,, the l11111e feliow, who was six yeaira o1m1 clImbed ifo thoiwagon. .Suddenly one of tinorses aprang rerward and-,hrer- thoý lad. The bi nt wheel passed over hIts body, de aIno 1.4l tnty biul*e.'e ' foreIh dotr _arnvedi 19- KING'8 PiISICIAN DEADP 19-- %vWlam 'Henry Itroadient Attendcd RcjtFamlIy. A desnatch fmin London zava * Sir Mr. Hiarold, Gos, MP., la PpposIng ltae &al-.red lin. on tlierund'tinal the roule IDNPW ba more dgngerous oea han the teNewYork, King hidward lias gmnnlà afree pur ion to Col. LyQch,7wbo was oonvicted tri )IXh tr*aon for havInq fouglil on 14 ,e0 0 lte BOMs ln the Souh Afri. -UNITED STATES. VnAtod Status frmiers have ' M%' CrOP mi l I teir hands tIII ItalJan mlnera were bledernp ln a mine sear MARKET. wbeat--caah. resum Ikge4 Ithe1,fc ',v ý

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