. Cf4of th. e ttîment-bYreminding us that ho ta 4ô hu>irnýaïi È t eêýqtt O nee~e amai a f110t11 01 a Cipher that Ntîe ni fréedôn tt1'v a~0 a drt' pý' hI le heusrkher fer a rieotpoIrot cestiit e aetae> 1tojaprn 3 uhsof tIbe Hellen. him'aîdid>i1t"caf aitrsnone the t0orer Pies. The>' am boM cit hie reognition 1t: T the 1m e n4do >'Artitie a rn, Ncima l be reigous Who regleta as rtUal hrltageS a£n> a$Pa binkI 1 « * k ,tec e fro he SP ar la e nlr M world in Àrhich ho Ilves or tu . n . te a i'e4 ,wd ded for thes ni>' h ' t h r h c o 4 < o m < o u h r î s lio n C f w h ic h h e is a p a r t." P e > 5 o h > 'a seo t t o i i l d l y d ~ ttdupap~whîi tr bla toricai tact ,for the cdosai or the church, aot fer the hufnanity andot 111e ifat u  bt wel a n hU.ie oînauc.Pîctuü' sparnaePlaceà alone, but for every lro- le over ail. dt' ittI~n "Pairadis. Reg ain-1ton ot human lite. You cannot put No grenter toit>'ci ould belog au mide ýe ýn1Àld orCetJýeâ1,10Unof.Your relgion. In a -compartment by to-day than t ulkrha e mi~tt1 rIOdforceauris te '<~ isatit i s a spirit, an atalo8phere, and ràWaiu .propeit wad eranaan &queratbl, cMuflirpoe 1oth11e Roman a Principi0 whtch nst pervade ail. po;«lý adpraeC WWdLWih lbîa 4 la endcos hrlon1 &g t. differenS etween APART F R(O M SPIRITUAL IDEALS. aftèrthe dalh f ýIoa#nmê thesway he rlatio whic relgion ust hld tlove oesiO e I0nd19wland dho irese ~vfthe (tillphua 0 Mi treai 111te Hindu nationalIllte and tlb. Clation vhch rell. flothing bélier ,r reater for hrta --K008Wto, thePYtglnus and ewlesiastUcl <uganizeiit1 ttift'-~Shè aille icin- tabuàhàjls 'b Kolun tb. te 11e r n ne, In laless hold. The very separo ion betwen wheaî ma d billion t w o kt. (reatr than lltnvtWogeeratos lac anormous do. churcliand 31ate maires the more neces- Our need 01thit is tha 11 e ed othe MSfiLOWvOlVe-j by-' G.igdsKii m ary the deeper prmeation of our whole s(rong hand otthb nation, ta hold thain deeenltsexltitded t rom the natioal lltg wlth the spirit ofl and theowlae ieart le édmilaîster .tirem. MÇ]ghboiThre toundetloes-of a nation are. laid- hM& h o fe ho Vistula te thÈ Chcina NIORALITY AND RlELIGION. . h iuman ilJves; wirat they wa,>b. là Soi. 'WC w keeP ln view îirese pre. You cannot escape frein religion Jfi forai and whether tire>' sheil ondure de. C'edets eîtýrastonishment. nttthedevel- hlstory and In human affaira. it tmaies rends on Ihe e'haracýter ef lire mèa ai opelent ci lapan- In pretg l-ne.0 difference -whviatevcr wirether tr oc t11 ain ie'ei uI nanme 01 Illc deity be in the constiution wlaely who build trom the base--Up,- ho OnOlce mithin the short fipa et torty 01 a nation or flot, the tact ofthtie ratIl-glnnlng With character; sattitg the Ye!ars lo oonîidlrably qutlod. gienus impulse and motive remas. yeu teundations. fire in religions motives, 'J7at iipn wuldbea Chna e (i t(alto tbe mention et religions mi lmoral ideals. Ina-the final oiaaringl ThatJùPn wold eatChia tothenomes trom ail bisfor>', but yen could bouseft fhlstor>' nations have ne aur- greund ina1tthe wa.r Y 1894-95 migîri neyer tell the sîery et thIrle of a people rency ther tha-n.chaiaèter. t1CnM bêntoenfo'ÏanedIf yeu refuse 10 recogniza lais mighty Tha mostwé can do foz' orcut tataa en t<a fr hte onte spiil.le ho makê man who hold prihciple and i moen. ha tr orer Power adopt- The (ide in human affairs, 11he move. ldoals above, ail e1hêý1 who $0u lovê hear sdi the mllilary and naval rnethedsq and mentsiliti mark humanaprogress or ra- and hala lbe,1te4,so look to'thie thinga' elle PQrtcçcd aeapons ofetl \.,est. [lut cession, these are -o!fer greater Impor. that ara hlghér and tfrnra[roma UIosethiit tMI the Islanad empire ot Ihe Pacifie, tance Ihan nmems and dates, builigs are lwsr, se catch t110 vision et ýinflnitei and ndminLsij-atioffl .And lacir of hest. values Jin Indlvidt,, js,aseclety, ad 1 as lî08lttqy as 1807 bane no arflied t[ides are arlgity terces, gi-cal, aQ cen. thetr ow0ves, ltIne balla or b àe 1" whl~lrIosweesitniltecl palllng Motives. These forceswe ocl 0!,1116 Plt's devlsing oattura theai troni- apsetotteace te lihe sword tradition, religion, Patliottsîn. Thre trua thera pîl of dut>' ad ight, nlsuti tIr'( 1W, Shdüld have bean able ttoia orinrth ere.spirit fillllng mlli, ail nmove togalirer te We are what we qrwe îc>4IaybecausCe orthe tultillhneat eoftira purposes ceth11e r 0et1904-05 le deleut on tend deeP convictions ltai our tathers hein, aMost bigir for 1111e people, 4 thé Most. colossal etf Enropean because et aspirations ad Idealelcb HENRIY P. COPE. ï f 'G .r u nndoubledly mn achieve. Ment whlch under aitlirhe circumslancies E C I frbdala4. ods Tuaiat u httbeProniouae>uaparallin tha11e 1 1 . .P.ta~ u butfor>'ofet1he Weslern werld, Even handwit the -WiokédL to 1ttoere the oulcomaetf11r ceabst wilh Gus WItriess" (&oôd 23. ». fluala bac> Justificid Japan's aim le a 17. Thou shalt. no et vI-niuaep. pacentr ie rîke eieated- INTERNATIONAL LERSN. Io rgtereguute a ana's Ii&thoufrt nionstrattoa et litary end naval eut- IULY21. lite s«'wlas I rse-Uaàfîri cllncy made b>' berl ir e avOr witirthanszan tier$Ys t&iriW,!1aws Oe' r- "te ,CIahic> led tire Western Powers l ugt Io h~,Ta~ 0d>g,1 relievel"er lrom the edlons regirne , t Le&çon 111. The Ten Comannents. iië cpelmIIy Ii urmnmapro- r e'cerrtornlly y wtlc Chai ac GodenTes: oecde on tira assumptila that man is t tîtoralit by hichChIn andactuuîiy tree.Ile coatrol hb&' hbeughts, i 'Turice>' are sf111 uumlîatec>. Net unlil THIE ESSON WORD ST-UDZES. ac> banc. le r'Qsponsible for ltelr4,3s s Augst 12 195, oweerhadanyweil as for lisa actions. t A~rg sî i , î o~i, bo'v ver had any B aed on te text of tie I ev sed Ver- T ir>' ziig iborls hous a-.f the W ord , Chisla Sat eleec lIeLu are-Sien. "bouse" ha tah-en genericaily, tirealthe> hii cint i flsd oi tire assumptien tirat la- Classificatien oethlie Cormmadments.- tirst clause ef tris, eommandmentmay11 Ipan- weuîc> bave quîle as mucir te glve Tire statemerr liraI te Moses wero gîven bc takiea ecv ieetîr poîlatYon enrn aiiy as shê oou'id recelve. The Ang. "twvo tables of tira tastlnon>', tables ofetpîn>ec>, tira Àphiowiùg specitie tring î-.apaaiese lrcaty, sîgaec> on tire date soe rle vtr110fne tCd"sc swlfe, servant, ox, and auae Just inatti1, was'based thlt a esump- orrglaaily suggesoc> tue classification etflrîg-adc>ed sîipiy au exempii ng . a thecomandnens. oealythecern- tIraI wilh 15 to e ha 1 .1 0 undkr lbe lion, and IL b h wloloed by ne- rnandments [ailie to wo groups, tire oeewrd "Suuse,11Hen05i4sutIle con B ettAIlmlio1r tamilur tirouii nQt jc>n. irsi t ofwlichIr tcludes ooîrîndrneats clitdlng phrase, nor anyting thut îsth ti ' tboeI compacts wIir h uxskansac France. 14I. wbicir daine certain duties whliei neibor'is. -a the Deuterozoiemc ver- Wber tresIgatreshav ben ltcir ama owes te Ced;ad tire sond o ino h o!aetli.cMmazrc>mert thre ercer t - nhrit e sgtrilonave bsha tt. whlh, embrailg .ormandmen1s 5.0, esUgtly ditterentý -the 0cen1ia nc a eri te these ng!aosv hl .defina man*s obligations bts &.feliew raadlag.- "Nether ahait. £hou covet 11>' r.ess lire arnazIng spectacle of a nation nien. ILt bas beea pointeci out fbaýtbanei rà' te 1ele'saato wîtlcir orty yenas go was centuries ittir conmîandmenî, whioh relates to sirýe tir> netghbýe' lus.,-hta 1ld, n beiln<1Europe or tire United Stats~ ~ dty ucee> lieil iepo t aratesoriirsladervant, hbi 4beriteetotenîr. d etnere cedlng tour, ÏMd wittheMti R Y eain> oexor is OU, orayting Ihît la isty 4-h'ots cioffnsve nddetnsVewa<r-placed inl a group sttlng forthprocepts inaîl<irs." tarcý lilkeci by treatles net rneroly cofrn- of picy. la barmen>' witir luis-grenç-- nelabut political, t'OSomof, theîj i-g, 1the remntlg rIve, whlcir emplis- Most elghlte and>am i mgity,-Staies sita etirlal, rcuber then relletob lig>- ~ SDCOS . (in euu.Lion$, oeaatlt. agroup oontnlingoeo - ý .à. -.. ' - SUICIDE FROM SAIWAITggES Anairin Arnîy. ThIûirge nulaber of serious cases 4d Wl1ftlenat eof er.Wlttcir iav'1rM. tentben bac eported hava caused & o. f- ,eldcéable 9cýndai la Austrla. Withirlîtb last few weeks, tirrec civ- r1' beiongtnir te difereat -'a- m1 > ,hv Oornrnlted Suicide on &c- Iûtorrrel treatarea. Oaaetl hani -husr,a sict hinscîf wittîln rearing ýAmhrdâke Jose!, who was reviewîng oi vgntu at 4he îîmc. Tire arcirduke -n c> an Iitrailate enqutri'>ile tie ougrecritlo tire dragoons alf elle latter ho a Boirein iih%ewpepr desorlbtsig bow ire was con- sta$~beaten bnci kiookeci about 11e- lieuse nt cuc ot ride. '*The oMflers cetrniycuit us t'caile ac> 'swlna,, md 1nà~t us aa such." Tire tter con-. Cdudfd«L, ontgO(n; (o killt m>tscifha- .,oe I ltster da, Deprinted ,as I cmii atznal il t, ogere" 'Thre Jtllr and the, prrralide Uéâ-ýjpf am et tir a me lie. W14 her f, rs. Som$e sixj o0ptâ Or là*& ut PmN1)ty.ýTira Second group les oretlies i4udtvI4ed accurd- tmg aûs thea separete oo>niradments cua- On daeÏnrtnality Ii atifont <-81, la word -M..a (,and t 1UthoUeit (10(, - cr verso 12. Hnrthy lather mci tir>' 11 moie'SxC6 tie tunie O! Argutie tiree. l'onn Cathireothurc'h- abï[d Sul>ee- tVe qumnîl>' aio thea Protestant cherches, *Pl have regarded thie tltth eomaîn<lmen ittil ax lreadlag thre second table. 'Tira re-asea *111 le'- ibis iresbeen chiefi>'that usdv-an sIen seetnacite make tire ameunai 1>1: i wrltlag on tha two tables more neearly k< à' eqnal. if, bowever, o a isbteen su#. naine fgested> la a pravious stuc»', ti4a original Cih forietftira Coanndmants waucnavet>Ifit- briefer, Il wonldmmeni nmnesmry Io mako thirdvision'betwen the touih and q nnd ùMt eonunandmnot.sfor tier"Mn asun Just asigmeci, ains la thete eriginal Iilia sîmipier lrni the Tara CommandM"enla' M WMr doUb)tiesa ntCh Mot# néasiy eqtial SC In lezgli. i Thot. lb>'days nia>' halong lIn1the lad -NI e wtrcir Jeirovui t.hy <ted give tittee-41 f D W4 "anre h o nk et a sîrpler originailDThOWI forai for Ibis'oemrnanffinent, Ibis at. . As 1 tached rusen <or ob&tmm ay pu.nrIy *61 haépa b ha a ltramptincetiôn, TIra wwd- ëê uIng ofe traomnandment t i ,peut >-n II umy, tucreevc-r, f fiî 7t vluo Il< 4t~> this supçOslflorr. 11useYe I ct ao p met resa*AdionÔ thy ag.*MmI Lhti a tirI tIi>du". iay ,Wg,é that Il nray 0qo lW M e.il*,,41ê tand wvtrli JJ*rovai h ty,(4 *%mmnatrd e rQof *f~ uaba 118i *an laternaien? for, with ail bis gar h1 ias neyer "tîb the oth-er'.day,andi I 'thrilllng adventuras Capes, ac> o'alýre CI-ifrinlans. fIh,riags aVery nation lanSur _sourl'ylng. over tbo' v raurderers. countMrl ailerasacan rh Il worUld im&keïî Io but ý ira-vo spae Oalj Mn. Walls l laa thèt 2 tacÙhes 'ana I c t e e a s s Il b r iri lite, LW~I5 blIÎSlii r a anri r' u g ,ý e a , u n c e w o ti re r a, ha d tae4-(>' ipression -01t hie keys te u frout mý arMmk iers eofIle ouse. No. 'aunderaland- O r..ht h- e, ad gIvenlIe t alsi~,~i sodd lte . C MonM toc 0e nO) log(<and401fthr e244 caea rendre - i uni -V40 ? r.fnWacire ~ nd,. ac oh the railreadg a at g ,enup, gaa ah 1'mn, t h ire cIn . thé s8êrn. periocl là ail ovérr tira >eari thé- total tnmber 'et -doàth enugr v. rdêd waa 1,015,1Ënc> thOaa làid k vIl ac] ýde dcI thctir ly'alndn5frles lnîribe1 leu"oi ettie DEATH$, EVERy- MONTE. ia pr. Whil, TIth* ggeaîe ies. ',,ligni4 01 1 ùlu Ili,àem abÙqrnznal tbey are i crdi tsar io tan "ih ré I w~ ru rc"-1 I Mes t %Cantft [l eý il, t4ý - 4ouu. ý -ffiail in ýýt.ou