Whitby Gazette, 17 Feb 1910, p. 3

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We' sec onl MEN WAMED TUE YACHTS 0F ROYALTY FROM BONNIE SG0TUND,; ivnpay II OA M i pties. 'TheSu , 'O tonsirs 1lGILUJETF01R TIIEM INCOlST FORTUNES PER AN4UM ONOTES0FiTIETLlOf 10 election TESAE ~ AAA. TO IEEP 11N ORDER lIER lIANES AN4D Bit, L$., T rr1 iru uea 8a MI~ tTcrU -Tite Crls"Sipnoart- ls a Spiem- Miiot I9 <bing On ln <l'o 1figliaui;U~~ 1 'SV " der construction as Vcanada Ilid. 8I-O and ofip r' 111LpiItnli tAulil il thec olcri." S.ylç ti. n Y - a Il nl 1867. At Arirroath lbut year 112 elinu'! Tlo Lcep recruiting thre raiute of The upkeep of a cese1 of teho nozO ere61iitdfrOdae e the onrtpae lgreat armny of railroad empl)yus Of thre Stand4art, which ' là plaIPi weruofubhittc153fuir udae é 1 VthaUnieol Sirte!Is q.ltea but ta4tefuriylrtrartrsecial sou f h1 suwr iciau ttid<. 'This le the largest' standinlg n fseru 1or thre1uea rr reuu, riL lya* eu mo icvc ri ali wele, Ou l uraf amiL'ic the' total for ItOSqýeý ' iau ly;, s'il ecpin htofte w iïiùnuo %otirnuobeît$i,o rai Jant ycahr 02Omt brIis rom - (G ov erun ent, - Th e rsllre ad çarm y c- y tirh o r lu oIe 0 7, rarn0iu D, 1 um frae ib e n is'e to t reop l81ha 'vI ofteUnited S-tn umbers aboéut Z'euda (<loe Star), oft 770tonsha . h n led to tmacola11 9M 31 danger, and 1î00o000-men ;' thre standing arlny wilniir Vausbut at S.PtrbigJsllena uao l af thre Czar is.strppesed o bire 1- i1888, àrond uhioh1 oecrdpi-Arl 200,1150. rlaliy by tr UuuinArlrrîralf The 2roOrkney hlrbor chm1ni81~onl- With an armv eof 1,000,030 ur Ijetir refeeinar e lihtly.arrinued.cers have agreed lu irulld an1ltWIe thAIED mre eAnlnal Ios tirughill1- On thre oenuqiete utfthe meeting' sh mortacat Strurusoy, aud ps-n s, Mut orth accidents, ehangeofutoccupa- rVrotr tueuo uern.en'a officesu.r to. tiuu,' nctrement, rt., la largo, an Oenralyhi è fo raunop the- There are stili twelvin 'do's~, ro. for' yearse ho to f !keepînig tecuo nrlthe paeuntie Aedependents and 22 d53ldreflie-; enyI.San- séreeruiited bhau nut, bt on threhg l"'c, 1Biteo utie~Mn eif ~ou DS mmerd osrltiifcoreFinnrfIrOaster Fued. ha ~ p&~I PlYObriu Al 'o Wtrr eaathrê AN IMOIIED CRVUISER 0(jotheLinlrt o!eta series of lecturecs ~Inu o. Sl e & b18k.~Jti ie ceàsatu 1 ilo-asi n henliïe.r llric Thre ImpueralGcrm 011 r ttuulti'ykerýpirtg. r' .,m 'rrure,oorr , t,,v y-"."' ma"l- '-- "-eU ny _i!ý ofd amiiarity oc eeu t' ir onoyation o h - irhj objeet lr'i uundéror 005 Lvernmeut j firu wau btir de- u107hubeen ueialltd exeeptl nIee.extisiIi tlie eevelnpmenit selthre rallwaiy sci ,- dig .. . . - . l l and rtf rtemC intn,, cangeI tirect 'cc th sl Crl Dlus,- t ver ntuno bad wa-m ýstooelidgu - ltLucII io' un- CHIS Of Ur unnn-.ur. tse cui Luc !leretice IFeg-siii s tise t2leie Se esti- -Tire nassees are ignrant. (bey h'uug (i iai lut VIst netensines gesuel a' Ae lury, 1h07 are drusiken, irupru- i hie la sliti',andcif o to-us on> the udent,' prose tVo u,mmtheir rilera ilowlig Yaogtte hbas ot a guod feng-sbei, u n tleti acte if nul lunuWord$- Loro'A tradp will flot. cupie o it, andlt 1PLACING IILAME. boitir- un e ire-nrac.,A. Leurs maeel Pci- hiýroseaîdla isthe, gentlemen I rusder $silo mkd tf; pagodo la tire ucng1 pire> ias laimieel tho igin t o gm" ut ununj jlarûu-2hlt tar n ou1u ltson tishenu e ducaite cilpliul'tise 550" P oUdit riaer-ed Ithe rrecuit writhaal al pie' rjrboel.5u51 tnàffile tesenb situnl e LntCoune- t,> N ituil behliI't in atise ns1- ontlfde sic"<ius a% lcipast, Pe'j-lShli rein g sînen surt urlibaeinsilsali licpîify ieft suaI iibuCh el. The I5OPpleludsasnure rmiDe lapon tthentîsAi. ni ftiet1>' ulild (,, i nthee paguelaý, aqelili t TicT ei isehve becs ne> ignorance- soate5ial eatiEr onselu is e supoeeieigt non -ue, Fnu "isfectbu1e, no lasa t witti spot, dolaeting voulel cus-'ince batreel, neo 1enuuPovertY be-t tfern ut tiremtottire eepreastie>ocoulais the tèulîsg closruleel%% îsel>'. b.i trema an - other rainse tirais tbat e>f Thesnanee - h nu dis"stoc boni moea anel teog shul. Tise iit7r ut Waa- Vise rmIng clans donc ilair dut>'. us>' hie. uhlein, ('Li thé eter band, bias a Tiere. eed lie ne> dîaStr )yçt, if tir ai part pirfnt tmeg-shue, tue>fisc pagode s,' rles villI ho brave enougin te tel ina an)('l lus-oer>' ProunPeraun.But 'etrie eepeople Vie truithId nleru fnput act tirt Wan.shebn il;u ntrated li n i hea. ule'iog frtile irîlie>, ubere whet, barle3, A MA t'i1 Luo;rn-t tire prpp>n flinsenin buuebatiy. Bi etier ulsle ' ei-Sbihile baccenand te uoiser- Tire Empire 'su indaniger. It lu aj you able <not nuL eesOO5"thessinolati" nul suel ultis us at buome ; t less - nu ire tastsiL ' " oi au Vie teng-einui site. dans fer ns abircali. 'tj yý. n s. einaratui de n heséChi- Whate rinoItisnation idessin ms.. n-se inetIL eil(une utfVinoiEanda met Is need fithIis portteitousu 'k -A like it. boeu sia a ai* ensB, pliting it t Sprinsg. He nowed iti lna e houly plasr-sus n(j wbtat-gi'owing tril thon beeveist it stou4 i wbers ail te he hl,.ý btirbteusl ted rustli ç&refulln 5resei!ied 4 andl troue t sprang !b uill perpeteiate bit 'Ceaada. The %seal ccii oritirisiun blas e tuenenul un tisnclniei' ftu yeern agu tht' tk centrai Paru ir, iscee ut hiu importesi user cia (tisree huiydree ntili zig) sas e>mpleteli lied File. Canda sig ein Vohe i ou n The eheiti' et sues e>! e uilngn5ess tu pa )&Mreeng u ither tailIon or a comproru Bctter a bilsdingg hî u idi elot. thrrmorlesk' bbuildinglu thre Unioted irtateq. l ID ippe,,redt ou>-maruc y Guermàs n - " o' 'r.-. ""0~~ - In. W,117 in ail ut Canaaâ tierc. were Tr rt ltor. Wrenrei iedt enre tKlan u ntee~ leved lire,'jnt 2,278 subira ut raiway trtiek Crmt sauturmouns Id Thisitie, eove"Y Of tire irut rase, stops urere aid b')me; Duirng <ire year 1903 tire sour whirh cardon tire Srottieh colurý bmdirtely taken hy the sitiori-. hlm, irutuNve ton rtrac n ct quoleil about jis tire Anrriro Cnp conten;ta utftics- When hoe one-fouirtirthVirmtre uriilengi u 107, agrinst thre vitoriotu Vulun1- The loto Miss MaeFarlanc, Hel-, d le b d h s M 67 in 19( th ne %v rui eag tu te r.en b îrg r, lef V t re s ai $801 1 te> i ireliedun 187; l 1008tirerew rtlege tu bertireWestern Infir-mary rnIl 50 e yr 'uhere our, alled 514 milen. Thore have becs TAKEN FOR A"SAIL. huRyl opia oc$S6k Col andr distreesq- cornutruedidrrng 1910) or are un-'hiRylHsptlfrsé en bc rnoter der consttuti or.cetntrtct nearly A Ilretty inideit lbappenedw,;itlb- dren, li Glasgowr..j uhare in, tbctuice as many mtiles of track ousiit tirarorullectitu of tire uriler Tirhe G(lasguw Scirool: Board deelled tiere 'uere len.Canrtd1a lu 188, or ouestIrle pregeeft E 'r or's love te> adirere toe>trir former preetice explorer wà437fer' paohtiîig. Tir.e Eunprea -i Fred- of uaking 5 peno oragoet a-as 4w 27 mi:e. 'erek, thon Crewn P rn u ut ofcr- for tire bservtin cf Enapire Day , at a dinruer 'OTO .SNS manyv, was stainig at Flehr, one bY 'eoliri. uh (if Boston, Wre more> tirno'î4,tl miles utof t tire Friuii tulalsdq, mitil lier Lieu huriug 1009 there we'ee register" ai*îlway ere. edded te> a e0tntry'ssrss, Pniiinse W.1ifla ud Henry, eod 213 uis, 1(32 deatirsand 491 tud,'ey nyten uun eril mens places tire s maîl boys under tire rare e ofrerrtagen for thre partih etfhRo eteil ard Rn foi thiçostndri ut uNrkrers, and the a' tutoe. Tire welie, a youlrgc wli nldes Heleibnrgli, Rpw ries, noV ire- ompeteut irailivay rmers lu Canrada yoelrt, cueseil iv vouneHaunburg Sirandrun. Qrlulhe.e.). bie or iisop. have net develoe lnu un)rumb iv erchanits, uaLpç,rred ta, arrive off The deatir of Mu'. John Walter, à(- irc-mine isan lorge enouigir te sipply thre wrsit, E'elir, sud Ltire Croren Prtnc-'su se.nt ruminent Alex:kandunsa poll lulr edThé people t eroseives have nut a reqireot tu, thecnte<oe tir elttt uircr.tc ij n utire' Linor erra- rolied irow rapidly the werk bau heu Prinie-t for o i:iru. AcerdinglyWsen biiuay rsesue bstaclis aond l gsOwu - lioeeWilliam i ' rrn l l"e iteni 'l',mnir hregret lutire Ville nf Levell. ire licretofe> £ Cada's entire railwoy stlbeage hird tireir firnt tari-l vt. su ad Tire loto. Me. Ogilvy, atlt- eveInin10the e s ourabout 23,000 ieTror utrudlgitsrur o- ojr;hr n n bu's left $10,0 0 mre ifý tftsin'en, one cole to. overyr 300 inirObltansteOauthat i>eoaur.,nn 11A<V e taken as ceýVouraY, Vo fourniltue> $150 bir- ýt grew xuhen i; c ompored suituna unlie fur tacir o sign cf tht i nrqsnrnt lave for tlerienîlo Vu sist 0V Clau.gour Inivrr- rasl enl led 3e 281 luhabitante lu, the VUiterd spart wiur ai inoi bse cir ruwn u iii yuIl mes onnet.ed, witb s8 obèe ter parionin GraErtou, suOaCrsr rtin t<r»ui> peakýer's rite- imile toeover>' 1,590 li France. .King Edward cdistnuelr ir oupital- aPrced(l o 'nfea tire Ireodoin eot - praiso. «len" Canada liraisurerly lwice as urony ià% on hoard tVire Yctor:ýl, sud Ah- EL!nuick uprun 0enlertul aden Pour- lýt euaoMr. liles (ut rouaýi o s irés-Austrabe, bort, 15,005 tous, blui 1 et Feurbnole cli on tliseoccsOio ut bis laeleom- y umore than tuner" rs oaauy au Itair u181frs hogs' un Sicr WII-iug Inluit in-Maretb to inepect thes -nluwýlym pain" .s iiurouy aouGret llrjtaini nearle luam wite. Same little flou w ia rder Bo y lcoirta.. I uiti el .os- trieonasmany as Mexico, oluroa> t urdurplacc"mest. usichtr i di s'. Mc. Adams Pringle, supeiirtu- bldlfrtoumony:ulire -Anstrian ri m ire veý,reel sud rrltu(d sous litter dent cf Ayr C meterydidsre- " ut Iiniipock- thréeeimes aau nanly asu Spamn, ber ]aimne),irorrnglmLber tineerVire, !Yrecently. bu uras tatou ii white ut ire uougir.ti -t rL~as many au France,1 usupicion f br'nu or ireov.in uerting ilaiose ut tire ,greenheusea ' irho I oulk-,tuo-thirds as mtrny an tir eLiraOu Tire rurder otf oau csa a paio" ut threQcrmietery,. Me. Pringle bil noe pporseEmir, nt mreth ion sOOlttlf as t- s]croft lu tte Giralda, h r64 ius, bren esperin tendent tue 13 'ours.' unis>'. noan>'.-n Russie. Canrada hbs huilt ou tire Cloche un 1891 for Cnr- Ier n , sertrouoceirumausion irel ultntabolit one-tenVI tire raiasnnetml ba r. M(lumecstRing AI- ierrue, ofine building ou Loch rte- kward'sminute oge tiret tire United Staleo hon but* fosso, t-qc suan entbuiînt: ' i-r usebar side, uaairnrned duion. A reet bernImilee ge is ,greater thon (bat etofsg hçtsian.servent girl test ber lite. Mes. i uet u sorir i SiirsAnein.Cotieprpittirix, vrseau edeln . It uns suot )Mn>' mles ut railus>' tract, even SULTAN ANIKIIEDIVE. a-nb dlffeahty. quera ,Vicoria cap and uith tiroiigb tiey repreueutanmnet Amang otiiet' aeirtqu oued 'lvell ir oa l 09 )mpnty asone il .ulent et sean>' $600000pet' mile, nriers o! ditterent cor'eries a Po" dont ailtirhat wuîld ire ut littIe çe>sequeuecoteVo lrtio istereat. attarches a fl eet ot A SIMPLE MILK TÇEST. oft hlmi, teo tlirer wrker if tirey uere net ope'r 1 s1 beonsn t. t1:t. ulanut 1; vledgunent ut ted. ln 19008tire total nunriber o<ýut rkey Tire larýge't utihese, tire'lo Determulise lun. 'a e Eouites ceivd nper" pnseagrn crrid urs 3,00.,09, Ftirogul "01 In ue bilt in tire (saity of tire l id ' to <at Liv- virîir en adouble the nuimber cai osgadu 04 e>or:ieFn Tr sl~u roestcVr e Ls tirt Liv- rid ton yoars ega. Tr rlir iul 88 tonrin d tire Frelo. 100 tectien u eelwo for tet sie trmeonoutel a1 f. ,1> out.tns. ire smallestthtie Trrieilyeh, med milk ini ordinary umila a nre et' tbrte (ies tire anout cRrrird 7îitons, ural .csotructed nt Con- ecct ie ienbpcueu 11 - lt . t3eel-ne Years ogo. Tirefigures' ue"rtantinople bun1>93. Tire Ki<ire u' [Al 0E oou arcexepeeteci to e>,egreattJy, a- ofutEypt hliaalarge crstith ie Inctedesmetet , ultiroseir tire crocamometer eheck,. Tire suble u la'e l'odged cred. i.hiroiinio, 3,51teu. bilt at L.cut- - ~V1eeet. ~don ini 1805. Tire King cf Sinm'n tcest, Bayos the Scienti 13iseirn L lvh2002 coin lbe iade ln fine minute«. riief sodrce oftu asr. tir ua dt i t i n Tire reenît doees sut show urietlieal îlot aolrsne 0 iiÂNG AT HOME. ln.'o cntr'rr t et thu ie edulteration consiteri i tiread' - ýse h atmOuis - .îoo. Tht, Kinmg utPortugal owsditien of water or in the-esbt.raeton lced as lonsg MînturO )tuney Sufes for thp a' csîaats<iveniorernvaritth ire eubtasE uetit ntem ;climsl, avi inal Depostor. Ainelia, 899 Vao, biun t atLeihlitir omt s conulsrtiti m a in~ "Canada i'l 1î>00,- minustlirePrince uof ltt teMheeossoenWrt r The naa Tise Britisir Pot-offe SaVingu r- Prir>cecn AVce, 1151ý tonts, ut wnst nwl hte rnt io Rie uéatn irorities avbae received a it lirkenhead in 158. is u ite a guI w batlire paid fr. s ulto large nueiber e replies toe> tir- Cii eliar rbjct ou the 'oen, The suapectdnril ins trired imithi Baeit, sopton inl rder te> disuinater lpLe le*esutrli $culrs distruted euoig deposi- lience ie reruenti>*y' uiturchaOn Ibe woeIqi h r-&,he -gor n cr teqiest i l torLo s ire expellitioaa for erientîfislu esearei ir lxl is rotdn bpsueo i udeig i rîsgVt in ni orau iem Ilahave eu4ls# (o tirs urtace.- p g hei non th flia ad fiiii oftheTisnon oe volume ut fmlkilbu esci front Diantzig. beauisoms miti oast'y seesrate (cana-de.irofty oue use - u th fipeesui'a tions-posil..Tui tdeurlu i aci ,tIeprt irinbun e yvote da - Wlnter iboO( An "ntereutiisg eevice uiir rmi tragu, ii a rcasliy .tlrelnn'e fA cr ince t is llautd lui aPJer M IO us ýkept iutil sirersld tond Ltufuctior eoomur4'lu itortiir. Tuie bunamgio uttlii eaIo- cta.~ ieu e s oto n la.Non ofit hr dmninstrationi ut tire 'Soiug>' lleIlet e>uuiod inirent Bnita, oium Vi xemntrW Nou lutIlc b1* itbfoeLten.rnry driskisg gisesmo- itir faUt eare, sprung, 1 b benbrug elteth î"noita ( 7à,00,renne- nlvnbtusodhedailn' - llskle jlaeL.-a mneieofthtie nithoritiby I' Mr ,îting e ceoltalri iu es e Ld otf adre otmadhlsi ie ainertablo E. 3. llowëli. OfthLie Baltkerb:. Sor utc t $48 756.00; o-ad, wthout dimsnelofabu ne ire enierut l# VO r....-.Cj.. Libsied. t'ti . .n n n . uirsir asii' tuee ut abuo t .e tot troun c alteel e ube i costrlearâeeilaae smei teeli îonev uraîy a very cunsidrcrale'itf-in, o, athe>enl hoghteb0 saisindtrelu, cestenibiing a miniature, sate tibu assta cutis>' ton its utci.' flir 0 'rie tirgtapie iutg r and savait.la thL Lioe leay etOf s;7eOe thLIe ginue. Ho hnpoesieur reprecorlious ads raxt hfé led sed ly thie diiriidilnit ute reglane. tise telleoinre gbu a numirer ut trustee i i.0 - in s enlecne es tleur I os iste anihanke ini England anrd -Airilco -A Teflir emie ei tbtirtae IV iris hemn uggete d ta tire WIITLING TIIEE 0F NiriIA Irilît ais tire iruel ut tire liqullf ls usg-3et st Compteetler tiret b> sistriburtî gfonuc tm-o,îam lregieslluwhe fi2 free trust cnet tinsse bores (lue SavingaSBalin),a-euh NlesSay Spirits ut Desd Sin ceurir',i oatrrlut irî sin tire seigle- eseepe a large uIImber ut riliciiuitru-I- As gBace. A IittlPle rînr neiqimrd eluurlr uriv'i 'nr 1 If l hi'ai51depu>eita asI nd itiar'aals thiriow o ugBace. -n nr-us' rrurnic. warrrrà, tir.' the'b. tiî'e ut 5r.' it -i u d hu" liamnn" e'r ft~ irouýlirer r lie sed 4again, iwhtiih pro'e suioovya1 an ,u ire tt oao hsln rvo jjiýà.ýl htriii,ýt ' à viset theot- Llrpaetmenit ude-s'.xistitig cn i. h ,o iltlretrru ns'uI l lntrtu, . r fores-or iu tin,.'Tire4' are se, couni',<'sl (t itlniWt'tls linbm-crr c."-. ierr ni;r utme- iVl mpossible t', eatract ay ruin ln- ' trch iv mutlu-ll i".nrunu,-c-'"îr ln reeurti>'be-en tram (hem, an - enurrîr do îri ovine-s a-n'ftilu i-r-ni-.'rn"u'u c- no'I< aing stuc>'. A teint ttnteata - t rotmgrac rrn esforrurnt urtc Imrtrwutr-i i~tfuei toifi. av en nlodil~ile t sthe rill n irurr ciilluunt tule! '-eaibat ut tire oce .a ew seietg ntr - ltire tlad ieging aogtepr.I i dj-anýntoý 'eed tiratQune saved. The te>'pi aI rribu. oxusrd arngtie -at 0 vtciiqromu rr n as trom GOeil lu.' etaieed hy tire banut efiiahieirructh ie natives uap, but tire ur irmi ir,'112rrî llehin cm ie, tustDot- -h uolde-pu i iu ireîr - rtifin mue r'iantaircs thtint (e Mtr '1 rti u ilm nie f ront D inthtvird eponli'sd ,1r in h re nutuulds arc drue (o myriridu of oiol raid tutti as oruerdtrr iunrch ideniicl wth tf te dpostor nd lac to ini ,,es utimh afne'rntbru ri ite b ahout ne,iglr .tlt' of ,-iutnu.-h greatont' urIet credit pir}' amusit cuntaie mirndnte -fie e&tIebreiin. t 'tr1heurae lun!Otnttu.'" "i' once groin or ste. sireesftebng ec - tr' 'iary boir rCoe ,troe et uill ,undi ite wlserpano ie4,fbtr(le at. hui îruîof ut a-veil, .il n dis; n Thi s u trot' in thre dret ct ather s deptir fut ot"ir nd une bot ctiu'n le men consista Gracie-'Oh, Mrýc Nnes, bout l luinduii boutera fronr its ,depth orutwotue> uhes butlmitr- ri' sue the bat. In.aeyuf y0u tu Sning aerethere iemveu, rurre'tirenatiu"u gaLber rein tlor peruralyi mm ed uielinit '- 5 a ccue abautitul ttru Il-tu iwsuret fiethe atoer truantire pool furnrd at atutrrîu sevoruecfe--t rillt aiu« ,e ansd hou trelr. I do belese- tire fot o f tire trust and fisel iL t-ihoeeof ututer. geisissin(tari tie d W~ei, On théit vuet?' purau-t df ce-oh.Thc tro raites 'i gas e 9CInus han Ye, thTýêin; huratec trom tbs inuaiurble T efilesocmaionolvgý lil - bt riI pasik otte> torruur. - poes et tirebase out tiee. Uêeolut.aa$a hiciaeekth in ua. tc,,u%%olat it>' s-l l îlnitruol ti fenii.t J. tbreak 'of glandera

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