AiR. ïidiS 'Lre: Udingand iighorte.sI t-i Omrz' - s te contly at t mon3a ta11'ed th '41b.#pie'i mena for $1M, to 8210. Oe, ourse -of ýtt yar O&rickon-Suir in. W bave w'ýrteýÂr 01: f~ ~W1'2c 150 ni - suppfied f rom Crotty Lake 'OY 11114 the <ht.r da~ y the -0o m$ Muiles ditnt. The.cost c i.W O IeTippori ',Hufi n- acherae wil b.e 3W,81. frto edn .~eoevc The odis ofJoh andMicaeieôn otpermou who haVe pconed. Tii.bôdes f Jon and ichal b6diuuds ,diritig thee reqpun. XcNamara and Patrick Houliban, huts who were recently drowned noS? i ecuîtÎng for the. ucient, ýOrdtr lhkee. have bSexirecovered. <of Hubërniaüs, ïkÏ,vî*a'atïze "XoUly Officiai statisties show that the Mauir», isb under-iel value of Ireland'g.annual impo4tiýof taken in thet souta of Iréland. lui boots is $9,000~90. ce, almost b*À11 the city oÈ Cork alousê it in aaid tbh.t the total eéprt f bootai from" Great ~ mea to en.erol Britaîn. -An old age pèeisioner f rom the. A fe -w days &go Win. Scanlan, an Kilkelly districtj nained -Mary American army pensiôner, was Beisty, hias fallen in for a legacy of hanged at Cork prison for the mur- $8,00 through tke dÏath oÇ ber bro- dor for ijis wî('s sister, Bridget tiser in the Statés.- Under'the law G~aver, in July, 1909. ' she may stili continue 'to draw ber Rumors bave been current that pension. Lord Aberdeen intends tW resign In the Mullingar Lunatic Asyluni bis position as Viceroy, but jo far rtcently, steam hesting apparatus It has been impossible to obtain connected with a large mietal table any confirmation of thse rumors. used for cooking purpomes, bursi An inquiry han been held into the and smanbed the table, pleces .of request of the, -Ballinasloe Urban which fiew in alirections, injur- Council fer a loan of $37,8W0 for ing patients and room.- the erection ci 4ô cottages under Tii. Earl of Aberdeen à onue of the iouingof tue Working Qiass . si. nblomen ,now l1ivigg. wlio, bave Act. filied the post of L4çrd-Lieutenant The Board of Wonks bave con- of Ireia.nd-the others- are Lords sented Wo advance a Bum of 412,00 Londonderry, Zetland, Croire, Ca- Wo the Roscomimon, TPwIQ Comumis- dogan, and Pudle.v. Lord Aber- ioners fo~ i e.buil1ding, "O ,'cn artti deen i. tii. oèIy nobjeman noir liv- san dwellings at Antogher on the ing who bas 'been tirice Lord-Liçýi- verge of the, toWU. tenant of Irelarid. IIALF TRE WORiD 15 ISSPYTNG ON THE OTUER. Thse Nat oral Sequeuce of Wcrk Donc by 6' Inteligence" many of uiiom are ent.irely devoid of technical- kâëWifdge and -. are thu8 badly equipped for the. task -,f collecting useful information, wmule those cf tbem -whe have held comn- missions in seme army or navy frequently utilize their own know- lèdge'of military and naval sub- je ts tWinvent steries micis are quit. untrue, butwhich serve te >u8tify their existence. 1)00 EAT DOG. L.i There ha. been a curioue display liberi rtf indignation in Germany over ali 5] ,,."'Britiish espionage" in donnection nocel wîit te trial o! Capt Trench and ment Lieut. Brandon, which teck place servi, ~t Leipsia r.econtly, w-rites thi. Ber-",tu' in correspor lent o! theo London Pi<>ni Exp ose.prci Tii. uniuitiat.ed xigt gatiier tiat cord lroùi this atttude tise ipression r abbqvs *11amot =, w r pouiginformation abo ut thse "M naval and nilitary zatters cf other Or. powera. But it wu,ob a fal14.141- ~resioa, hcaue rian tjiesthe I»ùthr, neighsisrs, aud tisoy spy ou ýbd %*ruid seou through &iH tii.mili- t îy powera o! Europe.- - from a, hW ell1-infornis.ource I have receiv- coll :%the. followinp particl$qre d tý.8 -metisods fef îon'ge eipIc édby"OD Centinentalu Espion& U-ct cfth' b' ii itelireoebom wing te ti unoonscicua or de- rate unreliabîity o! profession-' ipies, it hue frequently been sâsary for intellig-enee depart- La te enxpley one set of secrèt Pice agente te match tbôse mWho ally engage lu the workeo- lage, ia very ceatly - me"Ldp eodure. Cases are aise cn te 1miser. pes W"l sevu ix cmn Qývrnment,, have at tbe L tisne b.eayod their ow ocrai- b «o 8eryn lltaryu aecrett th. Russan Goermrent, ,and LIAL FL ~4IE I JeliOvan. xogoefr ha tierequired both faitb.-and, tb te ,famine t tei.moddle & someniiis, o41Eliijah. -lnu facte -the royal 1 wrath, buvet into flame as soon gas h set oye. on this troubler cf Israël (11)>. But*, mien h. point- ed te EIijah as tii. source of the treuble,, h. simply, evadedagli mhicis ho knew was hie oint and l'iii peopie's. Ris bad conscience 1s evidenced in this weak asquiesconce. iu tise plan -propose by bis accu- ser. A strong king, sure of bis in- nocence, would have taken, the pro- pliet into custody at once. 18. Theu bas follomed the Baallm * Elijai doesn't mince matters. Tii. sole cause ef the famine mas the. idolatryet tth. king and bis people., 19. Gather te me ail larael-It is moe than a challenge. It je a fearless command, the. audacity o! irbicis stamps Elijaki as one cf -the most masterful mnu of the- Old Tee- taraent, as mcli ns tiie meat Pic- turesque. Carmel mas- a fitting place for tise jropeosed contest. Ricli li arboreal growtb, commandini; a splendid view, of the.-. surrounding bille sud plains, it became l id- Testamf'nt literature, and else- miiere, tbe type of *Iofty grandeur and fertility. - Tiie mountain stili bears the. ppophet'e néme (Mar -lias> sud the epring of mater wmmcli resisted 'the drought _§nd, "Elijali'. grotte" are tii puiuted-eut. '4The wbole inountain murmura mitii hie name." - The prepliets ôtfAsherah --Tý do net apoar in -'tiese tery ~a Their eatmng ý't- ;e" e'table. means that ýtiey more Malutaîned thtie queenIs omu- expenie. 21 Âd lija ~uou._ -ide everyrbodylsea-prioUsaking, 4pee- ple. Tii. -propiietbo God stands alone. Ris first- ,éppeale ste the people. It ii trred ii. patrlcttic prideeof Eljai to eseé bis emu.peo- >pl.e ieebl ,iping along- lun-1"- ol cison., h zuw ixghm nel 0u et VadlUation, n à ric eehovabh ow-.'& à evû* ef 'Baal. r:ft-4.neoomitkua soft ti.ecu.o ' têat., 3ilal mas,.the only propb41 "4 the.'test Mlsrl ol , 7. sh - mi -t-- -ab ut- - f tUe Tradition of- w .91- n jteié. 'At vaYtoia y s tiete are ietruct a motor J>teàdhou&Ult,. »ý 1le5I l581 joîl.& va battleshlps, thrée a -oved only foundation -for,' thiâireport t of 'ta oruser tor poteted cruiser&, the tact that the. AdMliralty ha;o* quillbzv*u BRosin Chapel, in the. <rounds of_ thirty-uix torpe& e biset -detroYers decIded te experlment'w-ith,:-ol it - E wiWrthe late Countese c f ,-West- aid fi, aub a e uider Cci- ginos fftted t. o bslset bas been tise family hurli lace 6'of dispiacement. practice, ,it ilu p4,inted dout. o,ýPIab tlsê toh 'he St.- Clair famnily flor about1 4ý0G '8ttitltics front auotuier source-ito&fittc ass tt, W PUi ahotit t A.codîg e nold tva'- ho* thiat tise totax niim er co at ta ye ÀnVus~ A.p -Y"" Acordng o a - f'b#- of atps h ave n en test- fa tr dtitiontise early Earis of Rosélyn tletbips sd qr rcuiisers !tcÏ, I previ6uply and,' found satisac- vo t. wér, iaid -iu tise vauîts -beneath the 'being built IWb th,*'n&tlâd of t he toi,? lu *sraller. vtselgs. chiipel *ithout coffin, -clad lu, their world isn. ty w t onae t Greit,,Biïtain la 'about - t tr-stesli armer, and havin g their wO"pon -about 1,5m,0od epeenî $700, - duce jute ber n a hem a type e ft'in n by, tiseir aides. Sir -Walter Seot oo,ooo. Tiia ' xclus 'of a epac vs;icpal e teI-tit-m ini bis "Lay cf' thet Last Minstrel,' czaft. itig betireen 38 "d-,40 -knot$ ÂÛ w haâd1y' refers to tibstradition, and aise te . Germany l* buildiug _153i00 tons hunî.ý Several, et them mn lbè: laidalebt thse legend t5n ",w1lÉ* amemb.ev Of and fitting out 125,000;tons; théedmuat au early dot- ' a o the. f amily died, an ueartbl'y ligbt Uni4&j States- ln building 80,9)0 - - of attali blazed from the. chapel. Harold -tonssud fittxng eout 70,000 tope-nssd - singe hem- France, la builin 4,0 tons sud L ER L>EGAI i.p fitting eut 11,0e ,,onâ. forer i. It "lured on Roslin's castied rock, Thé nival côr'rtt odetof h eqi i-'ruddied ail tise OOP5Orood Londen Daily Newrs eornPiled a Coin- eur Sien; tpaa*ie t bie ! ttlcships IauncI- *_ Thl BOT31l o i!masgrevs .tulls us <cwisaen f rom Dryden'a go cn f .- d Co ompew yt e mr u BULL Â14NDUIS Vr rd rmoent ek, 11910. KArmô red shi'B.-com pieted srae And seen from cavern'd Hair fr-sev'cNareurfeacret tiirndn. I,.sl'~ceslula . LaniTiasIanceIs thorndeth06 ina Beem'd ail on fire tisat chapel, GREA.T BRITAI, epeu a I . the u ano zireud, duriug the, year, get ready five ar- tiuBpIQe olad Where Roalin' s chiefs unceffin'd mered ihips. These mere tuie thvee merciaI WerId. port in 1 liefrltemcie Ljacis baron for a sable âhroud, s ~ During 1910, humming birds etd br Sheathed in his irozipanoply. 0 (t.Vicet, clin- ýthe. number of 37803m orýe substauc Blaz' baulmen~and pnnet lgh.Weod anidVangýùuatd),, mbich have odniLuon ha i Baz'd evevy rse-adrve bttresi been ,-passed jt cminslcau :the>itede. Blz' eer os-crvdbutteNeptune, bch seoimmissioned Priçes have advanced. $1,20 per tnet fair servie 1e.ntîysud.he w< t en ail ueeful.'*iùa1ities pf! boPs.ery',u in stii teyblaemie fae e '<jcruiser Indefatigabewhiph h an nigh Raased' er tiali,' bukt wbhi ii A fiii.otter lias boon killdmxlewcp~ The lôrdly lino of isigis St. Clair net . smisind fr&tmswr garosa the. Thanios t thqiOdief wc~ mekz yet.' Gookbei ,9PENED FOR SAgalust thi ttal c-îf fiv6 ships .Medical officeis luIslington are T..vaults were opened"tipec4lsI1y G.nnau4y eau-sheow thiee (Rhe$i- t s~ upplied f te. with 'dipltheriaà I ,te permit Sçôtt toe 0thOelu, 514 i tad and Posén, *battleships, and qtitedueum. U *hý bias always leeu undcrstood that he ,Von der' Taun, -araiered- eriaêrX; 8,-olu irheid_ýof, the, 1aMa- iide verified i. tradition 'as I- ~thaLFrance, noue; Tuted Bttes, 1w0le-ou escontraéc$ng f-v',d e enetly withn421 Lan blngbuiedlutisei arie.3Japah, on. (8atsuma, b~tçbp;at WltuPark, B. aonûald, l. >,Cènily it mas dise6vM e th4Itàly, one (San, àMarco,',*rmered - taù teialo ar exd T0I bodies,- had undoubtedly -b.oh bùr-cr14ar)' - --tail, two (Mîis Ger- î uti zaueyreu&î asticu ' lu inthe ebapel mthout -pýoffmiua-sit4tQ'ý-au9 &tlsiý)_ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y wbl i re d5 A14 ~PXconeorning -the! educatiolu ald-exai- 1111115 investigations "ere note!rachar-nz -netio n4f ebemi ts&n<l s. i - atin 4d- 1-meis acter tê idisredlit tise tir d#"6 uIGs.Blan ietokfi xle ý, , ý im<ce VIgo Horels -That 'ANVONI Can, Us., Noui DyKlic à 8Iways been nozm leus of adiLCuku =6 takmg- Net » wà INu the SAIE Jtop 9 es, te. ard izek epl., say erte glibly te!l tiseir rapid ad- fe -lu tise Lthe ques-, ed lu de ;hae iers, or and the. utof views BARD. PRO, nIEM. chblorin ti.caéo! sà Complicated by'-the- Qn tisecoüquest,<of ce wiçb aowhat me. baca again teearth, m e -daro te torise fÈrm li. pecial met-or ai required te kep -aS or tei keep-la satall'Pow tise air l>y i*ùisaOf Mc or yiiug a bt t ou. tisait !ET. nk +~ LA -It mut be rèe4r>ed, inaày details about the.' eau thuis ho obtuin dm difficultyby colLecti rt] - eOuttingl !p Mrs$triquestion. Every Continental deartmnwt saiftnlu nevipeper roaders; mwh perua. ail lthepublie"t val and military subieol civilized coow$*ies of th thus ma&.1 ail tiiawt *1 thi. fret tb.a futo a soiuid, and eqger to do Dos.t let a Sprain. Ringbo ne" keep ye n CureIt wltb Spa' Tte; wit DotbliSster. ]tort .11ve bec. i ye*rdýau fin& Rave inotbeeta * ,1 £ 1otU *Ask for fre 'a Horme " UT wz JOEL very -hort"cc C&Dunno.", fore lie sets,