~b.p»cit4n0 ci a re on le t o tttoi. <eme% Wl ment i bes arwe dgoh eui upw wWord I spoken brinça pride tg, ,Is, 4-t-ottd pÏiarente.1izn lythie bi sikly bay h7 tnmiakes 'homne wret- ehd- n~,mot Cis, 14la dot bab.ys * kilt whëla h1 I ek. Yêfu gre thre IL ", hm candies, cakes and tet food wliich hi. -littie stoiusçh i. unable 1w". _gsl -en *).»ai ie . croiss 'dâ al1ing you gle hlm orne saohing ucîtüree-to quiet him. Tain wog-eemh hslittde dtlt., toniaeiisnet un SUton& an ap;ow.n peroont ,, and Iso Xeemrbel thit moto injuy-it dees net remove thre be Ou Tk ause of hi#--fretfuness-it merely as dopes hlm into an iqnatural sleop. m ên. L Wiat Is needed to make baby ireal- thy and happy is Ba>hy'm Own-Tab. 1et-a 4Medicne wlth:a g1rTaZItý* of salety. About thhem ia. atities ItcernrwkW.ait Bt. Y>ters writes. "'W. have usedc Bab'isOvuTablets w.th eood ie-, su»o, Thejv,'_'ë_ e *t"1ÙIÏ ýâbiess- ing for motirers tint have cross, sickly babies. They sweeën thie tentel g'v terelrng a cep a an heileaex-Make liaby fat iwd irealt4." 8,61d ,.ms' MIedicine IJO., ircCivit.ý ai *ool. in --he SapaoeS onthe et4l8 are obliË.d te. ýwear1 iba3k*. Tii lu t pLe nt ~ the 0tr, edi-fk partieles f rmfln,.being inhaled and sd eaUSing Cie'st troubles of a, fatal charuher. [t in- a - Very différent, 8UbbtaoclIOe hm ih*eec atla obtained frein sheep.. Ile amuiftien rooint hein- sulves art kept oô b ref riger- .atlng plant in- addition te being Ciolthed in-iminerai wole the e&xne y appiylng tt ic mmntinpas- sages.- 'Me woël leis sopaickedb.- tween ,tire doub le builkieaend whiê, separate the beilr spaces frim theI other portions of the. vessel:. AI!' on board are extremely nunierous. E'ven reindeeèr bair is te b met wlth on board ln the capacity e! al particuI&r sert -et! nnderolothing.1 This material je very light, conid- erabýl.hgter than cerk, for in- stince,'and isnettse mn1>ject te de-1 cay. Fer, hin, rçaâon, ainongst itu many ume it is of gret valu~ s a fllling ert th. lifebuel. Thre'.are uMan$y-ether strange material used'oný board for tbr purpese cet, provlding a protection tû delicateto oltions 0' fthe ve 44-Û,C ahateiy. Stili,, tics. are o! nil r importance einpared witli th~e mat-_' eriaIs mnen'tioned, tbough, they range frein indiarubber te muiid slate. ROINEALTI FOR Antem i sta into wl ~uses tèià<46i Jleart Dimesê'n 'x troubles* ýthe railroa II.Ve 'mt'nE c oses him tlMd 'et$.~ Puis a are So$tVêr~îw e'c~ o those KidneY 1118s thlk.alm est-hsËvar- iably foIlow negIe çI 8 "Foer four Yéars .1 :sf«iTed froin 'i ~~magO E~rt ttse and Rheu.- ,natsm, brùought en froînaà',ld, aaàys Mr. Miller, '<îIAùd I sot theý very best reîRults fremin 'liiD0dd'a 'e Kidney P»Ils.I'freelyr reoonine1d Doddý y idneCý Pillii.te anyone duf- fering f rom he8ê»41baeaet Short and >to--e. ie 01inte tht statement. ign't i But it sjui like DIdd' s PIdne5r Piit. :1 right to, the Éint. Th.çy <niç'reth Ysdne a -H thy KidneYs strai~. all the impurïties oui ëfthe Pre blood méBns sou.~ia~o snd renewed-.lite ind energy7 over the body. Thus Dodd'a Ridney Pilla ,nct only cu re disibae. Theyý touae,-up the. wbole body andnakt -a rln teel that he has been given à, nOw lease of hf e . That's wliy peoplëeaIl over Canada ar. sotigthe Iraî es o!Dodd 18 Kidney pille. FIBST PORT OF TA£1VIt~ $7$gO0OO te b.Expende& on t port of ILundan. Ïrhe ond-on(elal)pr t- thorities Proposei te lt han*'7,OO.O~in 1mproving the- dock and harbor VeUiVS l Thames estuaryo wîth the ývieW- te! 1mnaking Loridofl 'inr. 0%tur n u iii naine the, firet P0à ft ', th~ world. Ex.perts have >e.istudying- tii aubjeict for'fitteen months ÀÈiU theyhave DoW i itd a, p c0 "bei.Cl a f ar-ta4chang ôou. btis in no vise more elaborôiât't n. cessu.Y,-to preveit Loinrni he succunibing tte -thecoripetitIof 6f other British and forelg'- 0î% If ,in.Iudes the. dredging J channel frorn iNluiry tno 'B'd'the. part &sd t.êlarge ý6 bingwideeed te l. OOÔ . ent e re-ý 4 . tie r 18ýTQUAJ) r 'ROUS. They are -mw rnicng wkàt l called vege table leathr. t1.* ~ W. Suppose i1h cân -b. yogetarianh as a ubstituite fo* tie' ordlnary ýrestairent steak. é it 1"' a 140& he uiarsÂLLWH LSAE itiG eti $ abox VM s' Glandutr Enlare =n* land. tasL isyfi li e. ___________________ l OU *adtOI4'yýùe& anýY,dI~ ' yeur . tggritg andl live ,quttIyw-,.. oww 'Cmmavn Sense*.$ (r Piles will do : ,,wr> 0 LYLE 'TORONTO When a girl of 8si% talks nonsense ib s Whéâ agirl ci 12 tlsJOlOlS thgr sh. la nstupid? - 1 When a gil 0taiks noun !qD'YIEl NI Whnawbùan cfe4ô1 taike non- jfis 1a ,sesete. lakitteniah? ll, Whe a omîw o! cf tailke nn,ü -4 1ut~el Meae sht la unhlnd Most people- are oontent-whilé Be Iatart@r ChICS for* el