Whitby Gazette, 9 Feb 1911, p. 6

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4+4* 4$ 414, 44 4*~*+++ 44M x++$4++ CHAPTER VL.-<Cont'd),. A blush dyed hei~ face, ami a 'N MIlecrept round bit corners o! "Hl i ideed rny knight,"' she laid So!lly, te hersel!; "twice lbe acerne te my rescue; how stroug, ~ow brave, how-itow dear be iis! 1 8h. picked a, rode that was unod- gllug with several attirs on s bi»anch çiose te ber window, sud carried il abeently b. ber iips. 8h. vas thinking o! her -episode wibli * william,.-and site ciuddered aligiti- "How cruel, boy horrible b. look- ed; tha.nk Heaven, Mn. Darnley sw'os se near; what should I have clone if lie had noat corne?1 1arn al- meut a! raid te bhini. Bow rigbt xny instinct vwas 1 1 always disliked. tat man, and I vas right lb must have been intuition, I suppose, for bow could 1 know that ho vas in ramley gsnced aIt the Ivo picturec silemily; azàd then, as Nancy dios" the loeket snd tiey tumned te go. back le the Hall, in amuver te lie dinner gong, be took ber litti. baud lu lis, sud theu, suddeniy and with tender oourbezy, pressod bis lips W i lb was bie siZaf contrition and delight at Ibils proof o! -ber onfi- dence aud frieudship. vas beat to h maul ýwei'e whiel lier deep sigli o! relief, "loienjegene, Nsi and 1 niay diaris. utm frcm my flowe uiuud; and as for titis great 'Mm. psse Crawshaw why, iy Ibis lime, ne '«B dôubt, h. han forgotten that sucb aloic à person as Nauey Han»iton iver infor existed at ail, anu so e'o iii not hava bo likely te trouble me much." ilsa AuJ, haviug arrived aI thilt at- "0 W toyconclusion, Nlancy began non. l4pr toilet for dinu4er, singipg soft -Jee1I lI, to herseif as te ressed. f Titi gong 1ha4 nýit ,oundeJ satelove, #]Uded down te glaira in ber aven--re zug govu of whlt, Thndia musliku, te von e!f ber owu ingéra sme, ba4 time for a mnoull itegrouuds un -be!oe dinner;,so sie stepDed out oble the t toraee, aud' as going tPe Sý0wl)y te lavir, *ien ahe !ouud Md her progressa barred b>ya bail term., It e9loring deeply', "bCw yen startIm CHAPTER Vn.: ie day o! Dorotby's tennis fête cloudesci aud -gorions. The L as intense, but Ibis seemed iave no, effeot whabever upen exuberant spirits o! lhé, Ben. ide sud Ella Chester. They 0 drecised 'early in tbeir wite ka, madle a la bebe, a style h Lady Burton d.eterrnuned- tbecomiug to their. large, ra- e luitqfigures,4 as belng se* 'g sud'.inuocenb-lIooking. aucy was busy aerràng hle ers al ever lhe. bouse, 'as tby wd through-tte 3etennis court4 But ybu*,'willb. baked: alivëI'> cried, Mirr~nlac, sBl ried bier- they vr on ea good pr .tioe.'<Te'tà lmething -terriflo 1"pi ah>, we don't Mnd i" h.t 1. Mande answîred;"and"' ie, [amed, witli 'te' xno4st neuu bt lte -1ot 'rzoru1g ýsun .Step on ý»he slairs ,énd 4a0104? whistle arieuw d er. A rusir, of vivid, hot' yd e cheeks, but t'h.unibrela mîerçiniý. ly hid Ibis, for lt shed a i'uddy lin. ail over her. "'Mr. Dsrnley 1,,-tvhat extrsaordi-n- ary -7eertior& -.re Yeou 4bundfor, the, tennis cQurttý Yo&i will. find~ Miss. ,ýChedt aund sElla ltée. "Tana,' observed, D.rrick- :)amty, 'îIi a.,emile , otOokL ber ertended ,liqnd, dtiugt he la4neyer Il, '»p anyth»g t dainty or s eicno t.iaizn as Nancy iu ber cottongn, viti ber soft wnhite throat ' imbarra- ed by colla 0o iw-ying hair , tthe proiqiel àxcimocit tempting, ebut XI liave other fiah- b fry; i',i-p1ai wordci, 1 htve juct bad a vire frein rive to-day, -snd '0o, 1k, &adutiful son, I arn off te meet lier., Are you going to the gardenîe? I viii aik wîth yen. I -bave iteapu of lime the wagonette cbn'ýtb. 'resdy for baif-an-hour' '41 ea I thinkyou 'uught tb go and- greet the Cliestergl," ay qbcierved, sll, as bhey- sauniered îêross 1hthe t grass together. "<Do youl 1 don'tI!" «Please don', ho rude,." r-. Darnley"' '<Please slow, me ta b. jucit what I likeï Miss Samiiou2' t'1< shah 4e' othing ci! tb&sârt; bte day ixmucb"bo* lovélj for 'peo-" pie to be in bad temnpera.,, «,My ternper eu epg<&b. I am with Y<hxý, NeacyY' "but' You-càbt always b. mue, Mr. X>ýrnley.'> Ie. pîcked tup ablado f gau u~d Bt. -bis' ne sud ts Repn,"U Oèéthe *hM wIifmmIo ýû~ cmanberrîes. --One'quai o!~ ~ tw oruer 6, w upfu}a4 ate,. Ibme. up!ula !ci hie 4sUgaj Baieý neou.They ~r ê~h1eaud look lTk Cierrie(Wlhen d&ne, Nie are Cey eder. Attratie alad>L-'zTo bye bricks Of «eesin cei mix in one bottie ~o ream Ua form a. paste.. Tiien aýdd' -6grabed rnedum-sized oxion &n-a hall! s cup o! eopped pecan nul met# ansd sait ta t«ste. ýF*i'-1 ýpimentes v illithia mixtuire -and serve ou leuCe leaveci. itit a sprigý e! parmly placed un top o! tbe pi- mentas. Titis vil serve, six per-, Buglisi B]3ýf Pudding.-Titree ponUdo o! et fcba c imfrund -ne-lai!pounid cf h..! suçtoe quarto!f four, two teaspàoonfil t. baking powder, eue-bal! ýteasipoon. ful ofa! sait; oue and three-foutts cups o! miii suk ad vaber. 'Cul lite titl> là, pieces- about oee mci square'. Put thi e at thmoý,ugh 'the food chopper and, mix il with lte a'er' aànd allh".been a e; addý -Mi ý') M 1 IFood.-hisreçlpe 'éggz1 'but- lt 'nu juake c>ake that« Iýý4mêx1tyo , ixl. Xo' cp i 'ofai f youfolldètjn orfiy Set oee oup!ul .of'- mJlk mb apanof boiiing -water a-nd. heat to boiling point. Int a sifler put one cupful of fleur. <nï> more> oue cupful i o! 5gar, thztee 'tes; spýoofuls of baking powder, phicli o! sait; sit ail wgiether,. for' times; mb t s lpour ti.- cupful'o! hot milk sand stir samooth." Th4n, put in thé weii beaten whites oÔ! f twe eggs, Do not utir cx, beat eggs' io mixturie.--Foid them in casTe- fuly drawigg e ii coon throughl and reioWaed: 'Thalt the -,j reetors cf the 1 %dà Pl&-e on zDôfiniom Par' mue..t of&l c rnon4 oall chr déectve7 ai L.rzin-ed Bal~ uÔe tuar. lu 'i, Thth&'o t torwugh d nussprad u tstI~er4uie zixture towa'dL yen, husoigt7*ace" tiiktke oriý-fourth pound Lieit-back with the -back cf the spoùiiii ' îtii. - Cn mb 2malJ$iees -and heu draw the -'spoon fYoinrg he.sud Oprntkie ot1 0er Srea-n Îi, --a te lI. suad shove mixturelaek withýbg":n 1apr nocv -kee, Ii cdixfécti.oersba.ck e! spoon. Repeat Ibis unàtil 6e mn 1 augar, ôon. 1taapdnfui oôId waîer, l.witc !ega'r vuyfl moat .xa4icaî ôh teaspponful lemon juiçe. Pour djuebttrno e aes i ati aki ov, 1 'tk , 5ides *1ycl. A or flayercake. Bake in mdr,4etysr~~T Iitti. -pink .colorng; added bo frocit- oven. [ce with nater icing 'made Traders Bank I.u iproos.7 by siftiug eue cuplul of powdered con îii.ù. tanix ",Cm»ht ak.-Put sugar and adding' water and liay,Gvrx.îi uhi!ba .VglI,< masuin oring until it will spread.ueddi a cup unbeatmn, thta add sôft but- Ilent beyond 41 ter to fi lb.theup ta tho hlai mea- sud efficient il sure, the. butter mnust b. sot but THINOS WORTH KNOWING. banku vitici, siot'melted,. Iheu fIl the cup up vith iApc.o! soft flanuel'icibetter bhrow their iî civet mlk. Ut ne ep o gr th ian srusih for removing ducil tien deservei latbd sugar,.one asudpoe-hifeuitSfrom .11k. 't he ]Public. -of 1o0r, a»d bye level teaspoon- Toprevent lhe va&Iboiler fron t Gîer oubti tuis~~ Mf.hkiu pod .rt .gherrusting, dry il sud theu rub the110bies tite limes, zrut ïbis iii mixiYg inaïde o! the hoiler with s bar of meeting are I>owl aid- then, put'ia the eggé, but- ludysa.wl ae e ter,- and .znilk-w«hici are, al lau1rt6 wil diS-J wil m. vi getiter-aud ibéat'seven minutes. Sosonushwl isp zif those interest Bahý.A =i iderate oven iii les!, le- mubbed lightly sud rapidly wîhh al gro'w$b of thé iug-Feur. tablespoozfuis c wet d cean, sofi «>ttÎneloh dp 'd i' Depomits in mik udo. upo!sgae < i boroform. < Irow ~1 cctyeev.mitoe, remove, and When about to swep a carpet, Q>> beïýt toé ceni et mb &ý.a Pst cowao «>x',éalý.growth o! thé< 1)evU ood Cae-Two ujps 'waler aud ammonia aud sçat- ~ w 1dakez>m<wn ngs, ~ ,~ter èver 1he arpeb.. Lt taies utfr0 Pr~ o!, butten Io g . uiba! p cýai i te dirt vwhen swept', wiitoôutbs. sêrmkthe~t1i o lonr . SifteJ fihliiig lt e om iit 'duit.,ms ~c 'three 'times, apincit o! sait; mix Ti. ilaeu vy clèaiinu9t&ser uuý, thoojgby. ake uebal#jî ! ixieeit hat aS te rubli prepated. *2,3C0, 1 00 iling vaor sUr iite ., oee French tchalh-'well iimiansd-thenamiu $ toéaspoonful ýof 'soda snd eue-balf bruit Ïoff witb' a bard, lesu, white- noI!Yj,813 p of 1 ,grted cliceolate. lli -briBtled, brushi. BIotk magne be,,~.Traers 1 1Sto' ~ -b' ar b o ugar, 4 eirubdl as sas ht 1 >tn) ha f eu !butter, oxnebaf cnp f1.11succtUfuIlyO agmet lbas ewetmii ook ti t Wben fryiug, potatoos' bave littheof the. Bank U ft very hotî ifutatal ou ha ~,. 4 b ~ Y.B.Johnu eiareholdrs- and dk"* r4éprd their hearty myle1giilation l q thiýf liaàmoùi wherety a' oelfi3lation and audit' eio !u - the Govoru- su a.Banks shall aôd, tiat- - whiist th< Ijig ,Sîhould be de-' ~cQo rumëDt, it il -thé puiiîntereat, 6lie dev.iËs.wiii b. .d tZ' ijure thiocewh ced -to jOly ou. reptirt., unction cof- Goivera- offoiciai -.aulit.ur.' cf ti~ rsot the b praeE tii. Miîcited-u iù'radera -Bank ir- ndito, in~uae ra.4. àL-B 'wol aaa e n d t o! tii. tha le rdmmp ci upoei this eo mipctomn atik.i tadd<o uiak. uI' s 0t- jesion t q mut ,id h ci ,b ewoid and lima.- r' llb ~ ère. T ad , te*m àç 'o mud and, e "'t, i

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