Whitby Gazette, 6 Jul 1911, p. 1

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ýd* Th& Whitby K0ystoln PA, THURBZ)ÂY, JULY '6,1911O. .GOD LLW ~ucI lii put li a Batne of rpair, tha) 0-Yte> Day hait coal. r That au action 1bc laken ln reapalive èpîiai 01UCaucila la ide rdjueaî of the Qamebri<lge ýy jane 27-.-AiU Grange tual1the Coulneil take action /e,eeî except 10have 1the Gbod Itoada Systera Jhrk. again vot<ic on by th1e couaiîy.UE N SW E PI K S àUllcations were Thalt the report of 1t1e Specini ram- H I I S EE I K E à, jef th1e chair milIe appoioted la examine 1the ol- to mort. Nein bridge bavlog heen ronsiderüd, UW aum oW$1,000 1he graajed t 11te Tp. o! Sean towards thie crecton ai HAVE NO lE QU'A . s wasa dune at saad bridge. n. iRading, e.i-That a grant of $12 1e made îe> Oce 'imotioji, Braek Tp. towarda 1the erectiait of é1 able lime , andth 1e Gordon b e betweeous. à M ixed 30e-uar car ia or and 6 That th1e Warden Mrt. iowbray ani Pde, Clerk a i M. Scaîl ho a cainttee to proOOOd Sm l Gherkins - 40equ r i thi zoom, vaa vi1t 1the te-building ai the Green- uar éthe Wardrn. woe>d bridge, anid the McQuaig bridge, (iomîtee u and tintr. Wilson bce a membor of iran id utedicamnittee on 1the lmter bridge, 'Nrt 11io Te Couaty Clerk vas autisori.zell Also in ýBotties. $200 1<> th1e toprocure sucblownsàhl ap i ire 13ý' Assocition necesateu complote the tqii sot of exhiMbitioi nnaps l saoft11e County.' 111be Provincial Tiie Cçmmtteé' on Legisiation snd tToronto Ibis Iiemirala recommendd-Tbat tble Coalicil joîn wltb 1the County a1 liai- . LW E è Township aofcroment liait theLegllatlve Aaacmb- ridge, aid that ly so change th1e lav that railiway ulit, maintaleed campantes shail11e madlefiable for aWHO T the Comity qai fair proportion of!te ceut of Invet W ITBY, NT .rat and candi- lgatlng acidents on Ihelir ine, nd à, rost o aiad- that arc eausod lin1the construction of Phono 47. Prompt delivery. to b1 paid b.lth Iir line. ýa tbe routy The folloving commttevas ap- v ay ot a roâd POinted tO Prepare a letter oi candol- le abandonmeut re4Sta the iamlly of the late Jlidge igbut Ibat VMCCrmeon-tite Warden, te Clore sha1 b1e mals- and Mera. Meiviray and. Jackson. Fi ti ToVnAblp 'Mr. R. J. G. Dow iras appointe<l ai 111theraad trusts. for lte Colleglulo instituin, e County ,and for the. uneeplred term.o f 1the halo tee, jedgé MjcCrtmmn. Côloicil adjournod. id ai t111e War- kes CImý A CoôlingDrin k 1eraye, Mdli This ils the vonîher tbatî a nice cool drinik males yoo 11the NÔoC ----- r ee eae. ,Try theso à ofReacb, la As a resldent on Col lege Sfotebeter cil. (th1e Street ieading tae11e Claege) . Dalton' s Coricentrated Orangeade, )Oc bottle sel appoitin g I wi sh te use yeur K lckora' C ol- D alto rt's C o n cen tra ed L e o n d e Oc b ttle iditor af Crion. ami"taeoalh jatlierui e oae puce ai Mi. . ~ .. Ohmesia Lie l ui.m.e. Sheriff'& Pute Gi-ape )Juice, *25e boule. FIy. Gatcher s of AilLftfr Fly Pads, Tanglefoot Flico Pyramid Fly Catcher Another nice new lot of Jmported China and ToiJet Sets. Good Goods at Low Prices. ) mo. E.- WATERI-OUSE WHITBY ) phone IL. Prom#pt DeIi'eery. t U4 eg uwivym 0 n usane. Inseaviecais are etanse 50»l 'tO4 PAlg ta % 'Towluibla( promecut4ouif teey inaintalu a publie 1!Tbrahle q$gpllng SINo. e and auisaiee. Wbp' ahould 111e corporation a Tho r sand, be a~need tute ta lmam ennh>ie taregulattans ? if village al Diaerto for boutteea- tetreet voee prluleled, ai tiýrade tion Scho4 purpases. This clause ai Strçet is,Alt waalllbc a ba.ae.hie thei report vag defcael: t1he Streebe Uonmttee la reaponiible l ,.~ L. Parrlsh, ex-*aèden, vas for tliinuisance, 114y sboule! vo fita44tedit1 a seat büRiep litWarden thIuk, taJc atepi l taabate Il11, J ag * ,Hucbesonandaid_~ Purdy ONIl (w ~TIIE SUPPERÉ~.! n. vo t eelnvitedw1tbln 11e bfiç- :b;;egentlemen, witb Salcîitoi 4ew Ibtat a local draggiit bai hera liee~~ er ~sipitatioga to,» the aed for aselnga grson eiaadayj, ç V~a,ee 3.4Ad round a geUtIe kil about 1the cet lg owaghip aofSes- ln.11-loî machine uaed by a. local - meroaait aidexpoaed on sda tologiai, lio i the oputy Riais- mght.ual 1e outof cier. Nouee tel ci EdOeaI0itt9â sread, aîssroving alakitg rural ai one and îunh i oan- ol têi e rpoed alteratieu In thme ohiier. T11rn Ibero la the S0.dzy 0op- Insee>rai- divliins orthe o0inty. eratlon of barber stops. Il zbe cr- 4 11y-4'w w put Ibrough asum-rection of abusesilas IIun, t shouid iug thes Qir oer 1t1e Blck itver 11e rarried ona the 1exotent of deal- On te hUne béWeen cons, g and 4. luig ailbail'known vioiati'is oai1te Scoli Tp., on1te conitîion ltaI% Locd'a Day Art aid olluer l..ws, 03oû11 as$1 noy a th11eCoauty hal l municipal or legilative. jour ehd thes bat of ereetion aînd fture mais- frlend, teulweee and repaie, PRO BONO PUBLWi.l') À, by-law waa Passed to 4ase the 301111rta'Wt raise bnaýney far (County r. Editor,-We aiupreciate very jPthfPob" elTiamouint Il e il.tsaimarh1the appottaity yoa bave givon by eaefi municlpallly lu as ueilfrs: ai taventilate auraricrv la in t P ickrig.. ........ ... ..._.875 "Xickere'l Colun.' And nov i vo W hiy Tp.,. .... ... ,4& do nol availiourarlves o! Ibis opplor- EasaIWhltiiy ... ... 4,0te buty, then letI ai roer bold aur tee ............ 185 pence, stop lirking and gel ta yack .. .. ..... 45 and da aametbifig lorth11e beaulifai U;î1.......... ...., »tainlia vich wr live. Wr admit the1 &euIl.......ï,.......... ......83,400 lIOW la sal yet perfect, neither are Broek................... ....8, 151te people living iu il. Bat Il 11e- Thorh......... _..... ...ji2120 hoOVvefry tineofa uta make th1e Siza... .. ._.. ......:z:,li5 longent slrides vo rai la move un ta- .A&...... . ....... 540 "-rds perfection. Our attentiox bas W11llby Towv..u , ..... ... M beeui ealedtola eevery important (j8aw ...... ... .. .... ...l,15 g whlch sbuold-.agd 1theratopay- Ulbridge ...... .. . ....... jn oners uight esa lu eutowt avo era, Pot e rry ....... 1.... ..... 1165 Mai-lie %t$euded 1ta atonce. I Canihlgto .. ...... .... ie vU44 asi the raiepayoni vbo ova Beavertan.... ... ... u Ibe benoutil twhabal vbicbla gel. A mtion . atuai the «M 1 t4g a 80oriel aifpaint, a bal ai ailotirned el ieja qdjo-e4 1411whie vo sMayi uutlty be ptoîd, au it o.y. ë', ai 2 pm., arid. bas oiteui bers naid by viîutng lroops, A by-M w-aaedas lIg&a&tai litote la nt), bellot belveea Tri Wu . ný brýerato and Itingalon 1 voul ask the th4111. e bredagee 0" b aO e pasimacheyn nid deate 1 betlieeo 0Asy 5 d m a D5klzehp. prvat p of a as dog ta kiRgiSa the Dz. dra4m idgse, 1 ia eraîiin 1e adbal au tbi liano~t diaaamd Is ssay h a raped asute hort-ga a a l lati a oqssa t he a igtuit dTitreot l o wn ly u nil g oîl' sp e C oai rag la the Cowtsuato ledetre. Tbke of a buelmintin ,%oa].. id vis lie ail purebaird 11 ils' 1'la urder lu complais 1the buslaeu C-OmiUlflthle atrtte, and ster-d fotr Of lte ecsiai itetore the Warsimaa et. aiverb veeks lu Ibe ROOKERY, rursi e.on Yrlday, a slghýl @@ud=. viel ow lainla avery combustble vasbe d11. ef ajioa. Ite moue-y espeushev fr A voteUsi1aUàtareport of he u a de*. witieh 1 pIesve bas'proIves.a smli- asi Bridgez Uommittee vie& 'e ere enffdedlu tearnt o w TdaIs lie.. Items : JâS he c building hIn-tse rear, and -e- 'lIaI Mr. Raibam be appalaal ed thehdg if 'tvqaired for vêtes r ois I puai lte Park Poned Bridge la thse,&"l tto itotse, a suitaitte edirtea, leva, of UxrIrlgo In « aie couffjîlos, WltUhM bave msh-p bellt&-rbausas t Thsl a gisit of $140 lamdesuais e ISpaiting, v111r11 as mbnsaiteded, stas t Wbity L he uectios of MiO have vald amother vea ra th-i two bridges«aaltd lte township ask- eut Ua a'asaleg surit a riai of houlag ed the cooety ta ashsme. a .VILwouldAssidagthtieratesayerz tei Thatahle RSe"vead Dblpay Eesrb go ssua theerner ansla& oitir of Brec c 1eappo~inte tbavae tetbmm"w.j Coia buIýV nae StU b.medarl AIfOTIIER KICEEJI

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