TOICHINO SIRIXE SIORI ut e bre is I h us eiver Tise ncxt moment bo.a rnui ise a startled hure, mtagtu h A&N *-:oCInEN.T RO!! A 'WELS iff-ide, like one huted animal CO0AL-FEL. aking for ius Iair. FrM mBorne- where behnd him came a doll! r f may VaoinS, but whetiser rieur orfar l4o could flot tell; and when toverty and Roùnger Stalkc ailsto tgred lohi w Abroad, in Uic Sodeon Streele doorway ies srcngth wae near 1 ýç , , pent. d ofGaoEc. Tbank Hoavesi is wife Walle A strange mafirIvor Orrga aioi ie rnie ie oe dour, saturnioe indivdual .whoe isoad wibie trombling lips, and eý tacitliroity toiwarclo hio fl!ove had thon pasoed out to face hie puren- oarnod for hîim tise sobriquet of o e,, "Ivor Orunt" i Wbon. ho .cmerged into h pe A mino ofrniddle- cge, bt metb a dazed expression rcpt oser h ie hair alre'ady thin -and grcy, witi dran featores ý: ý .ý atem fleatores carved with deep, IMcd it aIl been a gbastly nigh, loeb ioand wth onc-stal- mare 1 wart framne boni with ,,ears cf ro-, Stopping forward, ho saw, with sctorsolese toiling athsé face ci tise wnderéing oyee a long. processiont. coel,,Baye Lontdon Aniacri. Win1ding througi t ho,:valley flérm9 A -masn who tilI rensained a rid- thse institote. Thore ' ere mon P dle to ie 'buttiis," thoîîgh it was choeing and womnen obbing. And fi now nigis ton ycars ince ho, had again the wlldn rang vush a j 0 b5 bronght h ie girl-wile toe tise shot:"Tise siis h ettîe l IThe I "MHille". and carried bis lemp in- strike is setîlod 1" c.ý te tisa Gwaun pito. Going indoors, Ivor OCrrlg fellon u Xowm as. ho st-'od poering tiraugh ie knocm berside ie vife. a thse rain-laihed window of tise tiny e cottage on tise hillsido, ie face d sisowcd groy adgi nts ep À TRUNKFUL 0F 'S. l ening twifigAt. Iain and alcci had ô fallen Întermitiently throisghout Exiis l'bTat lIrs. eliIops Ueed i tisebrief Novemher dav; tise fail- for Mfr.Iilitep's lleforinatioli. P lng ligis, tise geunt framework ai Er,"si ir.B Pîoet thse iL-isac, crowned vîtis idle Ez81sadM .BiIo td aboaves that told cof abandoncd ber admiring hobanci, 1"I1haved elise and pnlseless engines, tom- smtngbr isiIdsr o ereci beacon-lîke above tise wreats B hould ec," and as oho spoke se of driving miets, in visat vas verily, !sremv beck thse lid of a big ironSb a valley cf desolation. intise storcroom. SILENE. aTise trnnk vaslfu, lovel full, of THIE BLACK SLN . avat number of litile ihinge cft To tise omt tise lowering sies uîiferm ix a that mnigit have been veo crimsoned witise glace from Oats or grains cfiviseat, bot visicis tiegreat stel vorksa in tise àdjac- opon auie oeenseto ent valley-a Tantaîns Slow, moek- Beemod ta hegpili type lttars. lng, wus ite pronsem of warmth and "They are letieri, Ezra," said5 coinfori, the ciilled iher of tise llre. Biltope- 'the>' are the S0 men eat tise wndow;land Cerrig, Yenuisaved Ldroppc1 s tise lat bres I wtis a moitoreel impreoatifoi, turn- ycare. ý.ý cd agin te tise blecis silence bang-I And tisemeenin< cfe thiB exhibit lng oser tise colllomj' ard baby vwas ce&r to Mfr. lhîltopm intatly; E im, vier, a fit filjIr f ligis ho vas Dot a doîl man, it vas n ot( ini tise, paer-boume eppeared only neoesary ta. bit im vwitis a.meuh te accenituataehe prevailing gloem. te mako hlm undoîieisd tiings.1 For tiese hado* of indutrial Mr. Bltope hebas lvaye been a I trife lay he&vily &cross tisa Wesb great mnanfejr dropp inhl g's.e coel- field, silling tise wirring Whetber f rom carseomnem or 1wz- ieoaand qulligtis e éangor ofnos o n~iOi~ teec, ioe.dod trames.Joltlng over onsteble whatevcs' hie proouptimig, heaai- *àll.A mentis bcd lapsied ineswa y smeid eon'for seeiog, and ho- ~h.or"on oe"bdge in' for beiig,, and demn' for dolng, lorth et Gwaîn Coilierime. and ibis bas alvayB s ilnrhd lre. Q1l a monts, bt al ready tise hilltopm. Tinse and egainii bai. tWsin eotres of povriy and bon- eugh t rtbmi ePeccî 0, Ler talked abread,la itise sdden inenc ishie ays, bt tise habit bas le.rets .f Gvannicced.ý Scatred proved tan sirong for hlm, and s0 r oup of lsiikers, listifloseand dis- fisaIly-she resolvcd te give hlm ais ilrited, loitered about tise Crners. objot lemon. ,grith voîfisis cye and boîte tight- "Tisree yearm. ega, Eza,&" se drawn. said , "nbeknovn te yen 1 began 5With tise rems of thse men, Ivor gatehrA %utise g'mYeu drepped ler ie d bronghbis i#tacle eut ofi, p speo.aking. I taited out to kep th it ith aelokoening soueofo them in an e mpty fruit jar, bt I [e ho hed taken hlm plea ceanfouisd ilisiswould't do, se luiihiôg linost sretching from tise fect, I wam appalled by tise oumbor 9Jay-offie. And tshe trike mght 1 collected. let fr months "I found tisat moci s eyen bcd A CR OFDESPIR. distnrbed me in tiîeeey I bcd nev-. A ClV Oh DESAIR. or realzcd 1how bcd yen vwer; se 8îcasging acry Ofdeepair in bis 1 began taring tisem. ln ibis tunek1 thet cswn rmthwno.andhîee ou enc,00Ecra, a truînkfui Tru eava ir etse abr fgstisai yenu have dropped is" reem, ibut bie vif. ley asleep hi this*a Fears, Don't yeu teink tisai $hèe, sed ho wçuld net riis yak- h'àerîbq 1 isgber;by nt5riOg. Mfr. Dhiliiopm freely admtted tisai li.uffe 1 'Bispeor Is la e Maven lu crtaýinly vas; and tisen anid lhdqlk haritheëre-in tiseprsnçeoOf t open LIke tmre fragile floyer, msbc d trismiho vomwed » colorie. àJ! e cardage assmeaauI ait *àYýéuW& l - aay hoi Sa hovan1 ad wy aain ries n- A>thsomi1 proseolgosileid hein gradually facile ee ir ovl! tsrvma iee g, e edvy gidm s Thepisleurnl cd coi -a - ý-love vctis a oerta: emaisc-" ' + bcd bsought 'ber iL teebèkgl right now, ta tise let oea, ho teln thet le a paicêNeord for clean-or thaan atrr.- tilraTIO2ie.I"h isrig upleýnds. Me remembaecd ber e voliMoslmet earnetiy .5540-vos'al- inese tise yenld over peemesars is in fD.To'Elctrain1 mie s tif eePlacen AR ~ei- TS, LEY' DUCll daiiy ingsig isis, ed seisd ay t rmember ta ismle 1h oeerservice so Bhockiisgly dirhY ile verY Se or-~--is o f e achiof rocommenda- taraud outveelI hopel" ~JR =infor hec te tari asother f doai tT brongisi hec ttui ins"vr "c l to. ".E e ea omnF.AVOR~I tsi1 e a mdinterssally *h tahin uth t s c ot tell ber any- SCIEN¶CEI, ilnçlsIel Tise Mass caimcd his bond, and ekd lise taaatioisi5ster'a room 0 A gentlsean, in 4eliverieg 0one as mucis succes ae 1hceai ntward- t ,Oî¶EEIIO agaln tise sains vispe rinig came et a large station, and fer pure dirt o! a "ries of ai4fhe ,evcnmedj ly. Sofferere frein astisma mcd ______________ soyta, bis ears. ~Iver 1" FLO.T AND FNY hcuc bv ie ont ae4tbmnuelf. ne eveiing faor teing un- Ctci iifcihtu.01vsnTise Acta cue mesy bm aies by Ha stale gently ie tise nner I hetan aragst e h" o p aisonmees'5ipointe, tile uto drections yulo rmle MUS attenmdmmones rsaiqL chuemier te tise bedolde, and isiet ln Mexco, every iedgor, day- heaP- Intiedw trhi e r A o mnelieseaik O nsgdet- e u accormding _relie$.MRI! SESSIOI! book, cash-bock or tisor reord fleeru are CQVere v ,ts Pti e l, i r t CE m ica, te s . fbei~ ot o r ia erian here:le Mny sua-e - qrd'sLinimnt-C in- - "Yi h encaîliam lve "ieai-ms saOeenttamp.on ageq. cigarette ends, orang elpato i ntS o e t nm ihee anta bave )ctgep. r<Ctee ed a F mfu&bc - _____ mass-ei h paperm auti ntervali 5B terwbil hasti s, heneigb fond reliof is tiaARTSan bav ot<?sÇ'mE'm1etd e %of -oasSed one ma: "e-e Sent tessimoeialm. crammis sce sm es bse J-11 led me Augso j Idl Tho trouble &bouts a turcicg peint rier salieru, ih ri cd, sofily. Tiseiarsis linos ised van- cveory page. je ,nwt ra n i " l leod fro mn Ls face ý e à,rt .iedeR e u Turnin misgitly te h lm, t ise vo- in a nan's career l ht isi n ovocaeulyeByr- bo re , -1-ueores e y l ~Dis- ,0 MW , 5p .. ni emîcsiraugis ier palier, ham any aigri Post. a flo isniig cmif Tadle an' O vus, yer you eold me rus eavay, bites, andci jes'Âu. 5Ut,754.O "You're net gene te, verS thon, Wosien sellers are cernerons in closed oes'? vnciose, 60 tisaine oone-" Ive 1"ais momurci. Finland. siow ofn- diacosfori, or infection ias'aievtim, restScsdvstsetallea ______________ Nover ceuini youc chicisene hoforeshaIle lott il~~~,,> - o - 1 ___________________1__________«Icggeiaent-shcg iser liehr FO I IESSK."Finelly.ha de. artp ,ielavlng ho i 1. othm tyerpre îvull' FOR IS WFE'SSAKE daysroa. bld l ia hru 1>1011-1a11dan at- R ony-Tne yl 00OidOva prtWoit.055f50.J nyl"I think ii'maltile tee "Notetyo, eriad," ho replioci Mosapisore étargoJ vus germa and ai, Yo er sr" o vni"ALOT ssî,M.Lvr s a tsu efeleoataniniU------- ALI, OUT.trouletiasghiLo fv ien a afisi eieefnly 'is od ngie~dsu! Neariy ail infgats are more or gngry vord. Toy4lifass iMAN IIIAUN TUI OTUIN A0O (HIL.. " ynr atse teî"tno ubéirecit f Kntetiile out of action." au, porters i5dm Nvssdm.vm S01mmesleamring. 5 tse di RG 1 ord ol t il Jimy - fo-e cl aoobr' No word bcd roechod lber o! tise legs eubiWet ta diarrhoeca ais- il ncbali teiishlier. sinSe M bc tkoi areo!tiai copline ile e tihg andi ae.removtng ni1's from nePlae Whrc lie Qui Ceffee. sossS a5siClik H l ie "No, eofui"tootseelyisilr opaesvisi As ha rose Wtareina littie milS this perleci of iheir llve je ise fcs teanother- To change çithii n icg se - - tR:lcr'Scc- -l110 isotN thrfykle oprswt on ise emers he vlemet crtical, ciothers shouid coi t rvo ane.e d iri'a Life Insurance COompanies'ahI oiTtour505C5a "t, i lse'e.n'a Pud" w expbia s wtou. urn o r.J. Pai e tea eJapane t tiveie - e amac bflorin f remiS tatëc:rmsiLO iDI îGsJMc "i$ib- s .ou ehe ~ 'lo' ae r, l n myhpiy ev-aasicm erL 5 yu igbuThe liactor-Freddy, do yqu Fo eviîl toytalceo, but ev- Kliogg'e Dysentr Crilrissa sems bphyiev i ,, hear troe.1 - Wi ,i,"m ,e5'iinO p1se sae. ,nusbi ti e >i eS baS i-modiclne hia a pcille for sucis coa- of relief if notisingg verse happomis. Tisareeso is je biots. .ýice.Tm - Sr,,ia'isNo, ha'a ut." Scov viser-eutile baye go vise go - enuyte e nai sakb n ita n ahglvaoe fThis le a serions mattor ta ,the-P"hon, lione in n asc ohitsy f-b1sa tI Sahisath Day 1 tesa o",aaddCer I, rtisnig viseisolhcti- "ia m the is ire ontîl tisy et rmm" Fe 0y"o i.Follnv me, and doth ni rg e tuitrnig pansad abgl pke fiy"e an't; ili cut, toip t lte kitcisc, sacit n tise cdan- tisose e ohavseued it. Tise pro- hsad:rfthiWociTu BakR n oieyi e- _o posa, andcitisougisi long and bitter- price ai-lans h ahIcure esi7 case BAGGAGZ SMAMUIIR STORE --afr Dfiuep idu 5e.rbe uy heMrln Ybsli showa yons tisaplace." - 1y. ~ ~ ~ 1 Thniers lcsir rsme pan.Olten tise hein rsablelee 'aS C'ec band gsi a lutter threaiesclcg him Faunsseilerngan an ghti,] tinsifh ddln't A Cure for Forer %adAgsss- Tiscsuiu'nde a ofnthore cen hesthfy 'For ber sake!' ihe mutteraci.t,_ , kyt-iuy Tsl i. à TaiebRoi s euepvei iigedcl ii rbetisinga lnho " Dsturhsuiscesof tise steminis usedte tise ite o MtsrGcvm 'Fo berlleFrn sako" Dot ams tu inçi espet f ombo orrected if taken in turneand aend a tect.en aura ofl noney.speeo tcc f e-~omEtrio o r, h a e s' f nom teewn i yor aistPÉ(-cl gu e, îiîsus'ing orf eeui isieu or m xperiaobec oyumse 4*e Tise lqewovng day daneci crais buse yen got mues respect for yonr- iFresein us,e te t traelue a poa erlytes'd a isClr tee, myui saiti o-tDo. letton liSe - liver asisihosYso-uli adctïett vrGribak e 1t"ise railroed Mec, "tisai veonti' "I vas a gieai coffec driniser for ltue iscotiouganis a'ud doter7 andisa esmahs Uer CerrigbiseS-iself i '1 of thehh'atise [arevelloraaiSiciadosvniies.Itisatetisser lÎe, sta o . andtie eng mOioyéd a i nadà iien ur&cli, sEr éar any mure stories îew-a-daY$ 1 a m 'rmans vsnoiaoe f Aflermaking a incitcarefu!' bu .su ihiurt t u l c tie wenNo iai olovc al isrs tmmmsCiasCs-t,~ abiisitise haggagc mmsr" ts issus fet fts a tu-dy of Use matier, U. S. (hsverislw is- liet1'smlo' ee lreivea-s t isat h o n l terc iras-es o! ie igita verS freninnbi i Wel, id tise railroadrmass, tii I becam- a proraieel inv;alic, me eenit tgedfntly tisitabe ' La i-vé heenfluida ,1 Ves i igsmsit r, ihe fa-e ansd ian<l. Wiib tise jingletf Tse' ofW The' sisnd- al--Isls ssptot ntcsii h ,a e tassig wp ofosgfse ier tcbe r'-ohne i'> h feei lsin iefee su cois makiis aIeg-'hgýg aveet uste h hie raso itrbtigtpros uii ý- adsLiietCrsnsep esn,. tmuog is ism l p e ts e i a ra l e th g ig reuuircd nov- gestion an dj servrs ie s W.tan cx- rp i m se fcitim ti ±p ii a iccn' te 's e in a fe w a U',tie s srm lsser cfrs tie p li discirs alphorecicsi a.!tiv.yi - -eays. fur une tsing; uned ài ho- tant tisaIsmade me wrctcise4bl n" lever. dhitisria asisnd lpx Tise e ' .nîs subioarr subjocite ofteptadCozdteriwy Jtho -see n- cil assd ssus-ac o-,Mioen'iFs 'd 11 h 1aitsse d iî ii turbaics osandc anisentervithaetPar -s s srrr fismp1 r a-he--ku- -ste;ltlweoe t osePeian'>ibettes' p-cia t'a POW ESSti ane]i eniirsitie evs.dst-th s e t saoitilyfe ,t tee hum miniote- .epga pakgmbrm i si u ;i rs-itsle jjpse sthatsi hotveet-,se îr c- tu drins coiPO, -tien procurais- as a moline of ce-P UPR S tise rhomist'm helc i thtly honeathis aledon t she s5,,sn 1,9 ,,, ress1 i u er s iuadthse aout l-os i'.i5e5siîs ufi .t b Iue lase gerna, te .inl-lnbI ~~~~~vnth çve e zti)lv licf e Ï e f ioor'e dipucue est tie rin-mais ins tise w i i. ~ Tie(ll"h u-' ir FR SALE partveme&nt, e te n hc--his.c-5 st sYd .ieI tltt hiev'tiser. CGise a,, - r1 l r *f, . 'O 1e I s a-mIlithave tils chance, linsmet r ie ho rav-'Te ade l usx I se Fo lae ahe gra hra - s ussy hase ahlpttisai cmi rs t-'t - -s -,c- n t .1 ch toi >h e d cl reudy." 1 s.i-"I ai Loth. il nr fr rC'rans-t n cit rsu Bn iyl Tise fev pecOiin o ,neh nlX hsnd ie'ss ess ojet aiciut tise nest clskssIlns' lisant. Venh'-s -amet b1 ao ri liiMancn m'lit seemeci te Star, aitbs-m a6loligly, hig hec c'- lietfor tIe iat tIno. ma'ept tse roo.uthe hea. c, r.s--! i tieu ise le-c' r!'onm-a -s-exlssurmenmi 'sa vi vawer ou oaiuig gSd mre ibac oceaho eould a ve--a'~ re bave hben tepr,,semnî,i f-% re e t,,,cisîv-.-Il' uit ,,.,h,, rd ts I --up-eot an 1 ,ve v r l' E. Vi h i ou ýs a ux ýinni quaý ro pale' int, main & n ll&ýg. - - ur.Girl-"Bt st w'l - () mt isr -" ýaimcihec jeu ieentsu sgil gos mvern lise are]tise iblani ise eiL eien of al'i-Thh 9 t -p5c ~ 5 re t a5Y e rn Cre. Tho with"YceO. h-a i Inst'se b hc as&lasrPo- "BoeaS" isur1oda&t-klMýAndcias homme! l , acbltnvse Oc ueits Iî, thse ssc.eruusent of . - ru'he pu-Yeipole. 1u- ée L ctea t4ettem nscomunits', Le mass' trucS' ýhtisre elde i-5 - gnIue. - 1THE REASON WUY. iaba nii'Fe- asfcuesc ii e1hi hotcnrcitâdbisad olles anciofirael Iand e mn-rkabI's-AIlrMs'aîlimeisivan- 1 A gentlemen vise vas n ngO e r is siil ortmto a s ae fe u mtlyfe àte sand te mrain uf perfect o err. Il lepr&cticlyu reu bcdiot, sad ts sssiis le Yi Ls'di ostion vas cerin- Younig, and Wovi e -scwam Edasss- oda whuicme t m te Wii esbes'J' M assvugesasemen , saiS1te a-little fgIrl j icna isnh-teoe brsets lng tru5 m aelar m moioshi dse ariclsim, mosi importer-t'preseiceeof ber parente; P l Lai 1. p a iai a dimiai- 'of W,'-. ns; Isari teadieci dovw n til "WVell, mi dean, whit d os'u u to2 S eur andi print - vaiao asi 0th ruak msisitg boraine nr andnacci ais a aeconti tisitu af me Y ters sfocou'ga le,'. b exai snteeIVaa a1CCepi-eci lis Te' il mado sno repis', anci the aflino;boua ov a Igeir11eIsnec l.Qusttiasg cf gentleman c niined Futi afy euae erà thaiho-is-r- 4 PsEiI vroc lo lh, s'estdoin'tel me. Wisy eoý Il 5 à' a,-.d F~~ci trrer nbreemf of tmunik wa-and sa Put o vdt e is'i s'eute i" j ostunDo they e~~~r mi' aiv us' miss fattaadise;cdatssd e ng t"melor a lige -ia ffs' ;E!1 j 55 (l easi tsi fte- do,1: s E ud ce, .chs', tIen cO-,Batie ek , Miels.'Itý a scatuieiie - - - ~ ~ ~ of.igitagl i i, at and i- - Iiýi i ea,4hec v1 ho agan n ,cr1 TIes aan oes"Si -&0iie ersof a piseebre inta lier erePt uh ros -ftisk sa' -ssg closr; » ,n -ni - - - -eibe.-Tu ILON P _______,________W_"_abCOMPANYOF______Mi4s,.s25-- ases O fl NEW 'lanci o shah A a giamies1pale ad la tIle@" isaV» l <Iilce 1 i£ Il , a ziJi te Eût- -o bI WMva osl'ou, ving«Iaf. t- 19. 4 0iudFRlem.n'a=_________81,_W.