Whitby Gazette, 6 Jul 1911, p. 3

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E DW.' PRICES OF FARM PROOlICIS Torontosanys liEJYORI's r11031 TIfS LESDIIÇO ai the 'rapid!y- TIIÂDE CENTEtES OF roler coeter MRC. Euand fell ut, rom Jvhich 1 çý iri es 't CtÎIr. Grain, Ciies.à chuels Hospi. and Other Ilrodlice nt- Bossne ick hy a car and Âbread. rieenwhjch s.e Àe oagalntth e BEDT3 o tndu Terontos Julr 4-teintor %whea t 90>es Oj0jiriey..1114 trerri reJght. bliuitoba fleure are sUr- oi iýwèst dip srijried, ON f-et larrenta. $.rir id f 11 Out. IMis $4.40. on trarir, Trdo k ru broken ndud lirage -4 as iri-:o. i Nor t99air-4c ard. Thé ru- anrd No. 3 ai 94 3-k. Ontario sreat-No. ad ulshtirare ri 0,cr in a quoied sorie eute ire2.. i lcirg carrird s LBrle I usauaket ie de. wlith irices. xpirod, Deeth nais-ar 1-2te O3c8e telie er Neo. and irai irnjuriés. ut 29 i-..0 rais. Torrrrta;iro. O9tW. - çer-No: 2",Iinrcaa nieowle qiueini ait 59 1-2e pay' nrt.and (A, Toreonto. ILLED. ishei iachet iO_ d -1, oith pneus B a-TresfeunaseUierimrg, and prisai nt Enîch other aTe nem-e - eei. lisckwletatihlg sitererK. t'icipe 51: ~ COUNTET PRODtJ6k. Xi aithe aa te BaseCar. iste are qeeted ai $1,70 te cd wihin few e $175,ensasl luts. $1,l0. ýai. eihrr cne lceys-Eatrared. ina tios, in auôtird t niert k 10 ta lie jier kiNs; ireaab, wtseeaie. t i gluýRO t $?- Ver erieNO. 2sarle, W1101- herieçk got un s"le, 0175 Ver dazea. 1 SI Baied tray-20e. i ls qsted ai iita ciflu train gt-$13., un trans, ad 6e.-2 ai$9 tlu lit. thc jCllaad.Iau ifiCied 'traw- $6 1o, $601, oCa iurk, Tu- ,e Aibert, and tesàe-firif lier tag. e t etthe ]?emund OOr irs, la tÔ clperteer t 1e l rom thec ta- O ert.- ic train, cruet- nr-resN ns fal. j at ter-Dairy )rt$s, il te ier190 sttr- CanIaf r- 15 l t e.0(rraeery,quae a 21,te jtafanhe picl3ed r rl, for, rile. and 19 te 210efer, et work in httc Eggge--Oaeluis are. qoeted ai i18 te 1î13 rt Rouge. Ho_ Clerea-t'rines araeacbakgad, n lina- arived lu- e er ted ai 124 o fr large, sud i2 lie bath casenS. - Hoa PROnUOTS. ýNG D OWN. tlacen-Ieg. lear1. 20 ieerIl.in. cases tats. Park, short mt, $M. 1-r tru &ittilat u, XO Ce te ilet, 16te 16ai1-er gi ool i rrra 115b eilto 01e;'tar,tras, i9 te L ard- ,,reoe1. i d;tube, '10 r1c O)ttua a yer uVas, 10 -4e. inailn Trede fUîtlIN21MONTRtEALr. ?x, 'ias sent- - - - AissnaýpoiieJuta' 4.- teheat - Jau1. $0 Moe 5pumtr9 -i toA.4 3-fi e es ..u; N. he.d 97 Ue-nN.t eaed, te 6514d-nfaflireaeil0d, -i ta 40-4ole rrlb. goo-e te 5 C;beIUiie. e 1-2 mea 1-0 per peusd. Leanîs-$4te etaeeOeae01 tbrnre.$4 te $550 nadtsr nue, $2 ta $7 reb. itoge. 6.r50l. ad mite&dltat s$6 per FIS ONIt. S. DATLESRIP. Magazine Floneaslste Preverrl au Exiplsioln. A depatch froru Neot org neye: -. ire ie he- after-turret of tise- bat- tlaalip Ohio, lu tirs naval yardctit Brooklyn ou We-doucatay, nacesai- ts.etitise- footig cf thl' epowder magazine- halo-o, as a pracautîsan againot an explo-siaon. Tha fine M uldeqred for hIrfane heur aloug tli3 lsavy reriser buation ofe lat- trIe- vIres snd a qutntity ofI cottue' vasis. A redirtt rivet treppet on h liserlatlen anti slarire4 irie Thse- pewor magazine., itueteti about navets Isat alo-w the tercet, containeti a ton anti e taitef pot- der, ansd a*lamge quautity oe tther s-naunmtsttie. Thaeeoera 750 off- oessn mets on tihe Oie. The isatVi.slip& NortbhDakotra asti Ais- bam*ar se ai anceirînear by, andi tIerswvas considerabie axcitemaut on boarti aIl tise slips as otailaseira the. navy yard. WUIENdIARONETS WÈRE B OLD. The tila aI baroneV is cxecthy Clrce tuatret ýycarsolnýId, ease bu tisa rigunIfGot king .Jame tisat harenoeafluA <came it 1to ex. Latenrc. Tevisy, yen ecuit hartfly Ccii a banouet froin a tanker, B ut lu tise yean 1611.ile ise ames I. nesedtredyr-meuey, -'ant creatait Cane hutce blti arnes" ho sut- ply hlm %aith.cesis, thtey soagganot atout in hir baidrico- anti anehes, anti belaet in tisa cotrtliast et bastions. Eset ýbernetf, luoMra Vo, justlfy is iCe, ba4tetamairain- a setal ecmy oftahrty seidieca for Vire-s jeare. In s it thCie crafiry king nt only lucce-ereti lus rev- enue, but ae$ualiy igitanc ibit ex- penseas! It is sot gaaerslly kecos tisat tise titIsetf raroncess"rltas Vaice lie-e heetowet eon omen. Oue- ofItheoas tisa motter et a IPuVoi gencaa. Ttc othier oas a Notltiongham nlady namiet .Dama .Maria Blles,viseoton b4r stay inte the geati gradea'nIoftarIes I.., eut recelvedthtitre ram is hasts. SCORE, IMUBEB IN, WRECK Express Train Crashed Jûto a reight Locomotive A çepact feune Philatelphia tiet phtulyioas tde-aie-r of aavisg sanyaThre enpineer asoneeparBess- i lie., ver ver p 'iabfataiiy lapured The pausesogsr wosl aievedtot -0balyte dyiis le ntat W. Evans, ageti and 90 ether paslalgers5 badly ese, 27 yeas, cf ,âbuiry place, Cirait- brUW5d and 50*Jle8 on WedDesedaj 5Inue a. IBis lac. le batily flrnar- pIght4I'eau raexprss train bouris!ed as! hIs e e .vs scaidati-.' fuCssr eesnt BII ceBlideti with thse Attr te Viise 415<55rseeinIr- tende of froght oomoive t totibetendr, t e tcochc heir ,..4Tet£ ri<r lneeio.~ e a eide, i. isbtruetiens, tetir e f hej tlaeUa tteplir tg oacIes vers çadReaingBj&»y' tonai&týtlsru-wr on thir s ides. Tire cars Mitbt hf" &D ed flassilleR kA*--er ss edwthpawngr-bon B«~jaranag . l)olsfiseaged 43 f,,th, urabs.Wlses ti.y vers 753in the inlistes! erginer Cio ortuned 5$555»epj55 eian. leo aebokn nthre froi te da~msgss!lecomraotive lu charge of tise undesirables sud di veimI cirtlnng tiroeugin the vin- BLINDP LOYERS TO iIARItTe Couja1c Biea 1oithoust Siglt Taira Out Licertse to Wsd. A despatcis frmrFresno,Caeil- farnia sapy: Be-int a fiaciage lice-oea lssaed cn e Wdresay ten Errne;t L. Morriai, a ote-l-inoos blint .pianr) tuner, andi Effie M. Sul- liv-an, cf IotSr aIse bilu, le anunu- ususi, romance. Alhlbsthey hava knosu eart other Iron, ebilitiont, ncitiner bas eacu te ther, for tisey an e bore liud. Love a ingsthluIbotas flta 1111. bar the Blind osten Mercis, n<lan 29, ota10 ye-arn olti and hie brie-to-e--, noos35, oas 16. Tisey lerned lu read aand arita hecc, aut over sincai bave kept op cor- reupontounce. I$ecs'tly Morris salue-J tte girl ire bau hitu in Calil- teniae sud ste Conseoteti. FINE VACATION CIFT. Western Weeetesn Presenrrs Ilusirand. 11hW Triplets a ttaae. A tireran ron Otawae sayn.: Mc. an rrtsc. BRobert A. Hazdy, of Qu'Alppelle. uasiatcteaa, oili Dot frget tieir Ottawa visît. Tho are ire, tte gudstaetf fieuds, ant on Wetrntiay moruinig Mc. Hard gave hiu-tt te triplets, a girl, wciigt-ý P. 7 ponti, and Cana boys eaei ositu hpoýnes. They andthie motter arcn îg osal. Tise motter je 32 vears nid, anti tes leur otter cicdirehi. BIlEÀ lIS 1UNPREiCEi)FNTED, Accdent ri Part ifotllige lRe- glrtieds! usRemiarkahle. A despatois fre ibalifax, N. S., sys: Hiram Donkies, Deputy Gem- nossler of Minas, sait ou Weti- raeday tirt the accident t Visaecal miras&t Part IBo s eurprecedsat- e ntis a anais et rairing. The breaks bavae ccued raievieueîy in seboaina minesB, but neyer ai tire vet7 botten of tire mine, lne tisii eau~ ,0à .t hale-w Vie bide leVel. Tise brek vas as unrezgacteti as i vouais! e a beit et liebtuirag from 1 a lear nky, anti te ramark.bvlet cuti myerie i Virs ete-V it roc- casred aethVie extrema hattone cf the. ntes mnedtiurrs,5.70AOte$r de.. eôuruaos.I5ite AVTATOR'tt iUÇKY ESCAPE. d Isalie. 54a5d medi.$3.25se ,$4te$41; ('riee 2t iO; ctOrtiîre , $5.35 te FeIl 500 Feot asud Liva. te Teli th 8;isrs; Crds.4o si;scrsehote -5 dt A d e s p a t c t b r o c C h i e - g a s a y a s i rnc e ~ John J. JcYCe. , avO5VOct0, fell 1500 $000t1 n.;rfe5 05 etid. teet ~ ~ a lHata;nr tEwthortn ui rde aterrd 5.09 aiSu.54te Park We*dne-adav. and encapadth ir7r only ahîghtt lnjîr; les. Haeiscke- ttcaigh f I lve uilrta ice, ue BOUSBILLS CiICULATING. trolley vsrC, anti a teavy waeden beriateo bon a firacia diamant. Domiin Police Virit Lndsay ad Ttc3 hackstoP was areoitedt, and.l te Onhlia. biplane aas literrrlly groundt C pîces, but Joycen ecaeait titisOniy A deapatet Iron nOttawa esys; asapralueti ankle. a sratebed face, Inspecter Parkinson, cfCise De-- anti a pousibleiemIner frac-ture aI mision police, ba baen Ce Linsy sinil bouaes. irsvrtigatlug the Circulation aI . - 1 - bogue roney, sud msy tare te go INFAINTILE I'AUALIys s- bock. A mnIa met Watt wasearroît- Invntiatin )eieg f slsairy(res-ed in Orillia anti couvictet lu ces- In esatinl enrsMad Sh o rnactiatl aihhett irevaienrs' of bot 0 eryition ommision. ny, but 50090 of ttc greenegoedn A tespatet fraru Otta vaa ys: le sitto bc iscirculation le Lindi- Au Investigation jeatise prevaleneasayasti otbs'r arreats mny fýoloo. et infantile parsiysis is haie5 con- IA tôt oI bat mouey appeare ta huve dteait y the Dominien Conserva- becs urneti criCin Ontariou nent- tieon Cotumission. Circslars are ha- iy, ondthtt Dominion police are in- ing fnnrrtdd toevnery nmeeical vrstigaiiug iu caver ai iccalities- practitioner1 in Canada askieg for --- pactieulare oI he casea ottt wtict te iras ta tt deaL. Isnvestigations THE STINGING TiIEE. are &lau hiug conturtedtinlto u e the ntenanhbern lpart of Faormosa toueing cnetitione in Canadien ï groanas traie. about 10 flen taCî, centres of populatise, sud ite- air- .aving long egnavca anlch possa Mstnreîciph luins tyats, anthe trohîrty oI thai tettie, anti pro- Mnplbuilding -ghtooabyajsandcx ducc a madtesiug irritation of ttc ,buirdieti, sul ticemariosa maie-skis nte iscsutiousiy touchai. 'amiedand éoparion adeTtc natives rail it chiao-jen-koui osit itoan ueinte bettac re erae untts e. m gultet Otie o fceits autrrn.Tokutaro Ito oI Tokyo. w a &ta eur-' - ceutiy ruade a totaniral explora- ORIGNiIAL CHARTER F0LUND -Lion le Farmilsa.sunggesra tise nama - viper trçe" as a mare distinetly Qneers blvmsi> Ierevrsflilry waralnnttitle-. Tiere is aosotlser '%I 1 zed l)orement. straifa, ottich tans e- eigtt m A tespatc1t ran Kingstoii sayei: i feat, set tise efforts onI osot Quecui'a Uni-aersity l l tosaesnu n eapeatahcocerumai of a vary valuabie documnent, snon eu-ieg ho e n asti animale. Herses otirer tiss e h original chrte-r atung hy it bave ba tu te enirt, anti grantedth iae nivcrsity oversi~exty doge, vises alt.eWttiby tire poleen years ago, anti ohic in lusoea y cf the lestes*, rue 'about, wtinisg on ettar had i dsappeareti Icom, andti ting tisemeelvea. algirte varaiiitg nemara kusot- - ý otheae. IV camne te lgitIlsever, CROLE IN ITALT. lu ara senxpeted quartar, ivwae - C oi. S. C. MeGilI, managirag di- It S iaereasigIles in aple@ansi recor of Ibe Fronatenac ai redSCo., aer rau acese IL in the oaute of iriat comnparoy-XItvas siachosediniiia in A tespatceir 1miRome noyer casing, ant in luepiedit coutil- Choiera le lucreasiug lu Ifiai.y. Sa- ti4c, w» thVir signature oI Queen taras shoo tht tisera are 97 cases Victoria tersai! veli preacruetiandas! lalpes and tiis envirens, 92 casles tise <oeaseaai quite intact. aiPalermoan oi!d 49cases siseotie». Lincoin Beachey Oircled, Over the Falls iii koroplaü e A dospatéch f rom Nie.gare aIFO18e At moments as he flew' aitee the NX. Y., asya:Tb * mouy lamons featu. catar4ot and hetween the precipr.t- lit. iagaa, îvcreus a iacf tihelomcar rivere '3-a- cf.Nigeawiec tzardosen cy n t hic wito amachines wcco Il a s b rw r e e t e t r 's g r v e s t p r i r ,, cb s n a c cd il s p r a y a n d i m i n . R c i n îg accuo outdiono ru thee sensationai dawýn ttc Gorge, hia apecd ap. flight cf.Lincelu ,Beacbeye the avia- proeohed si ty miie-san haur. trmr, Who' swcpt down frein un iru- ' The. ttrt .was madie roon th# mpesse height iu arein et denk, on haunbaii grounrd àdjo.ining Niagars Wereadaynighh circledl twice otan UniverSty, about a a mleofrein Chai tue Faim, thon'dote dewn under Feue,; anti, aftWrtise periloile jour- tihe groat steai bridge, oan doten the neSy, aIfa andirsg osan ande in a orge alimout W:te.neWhiclpn.ol fleId onuthe otkit f Niagarad II&Pidu, rose again, andi, siinoingTaill Ont, Over he wnoded bluffs, soaceti off 'Tfnerc was 5ust .oný time 1I os * egaini te salcty onu te Can4ian a iittle nervan," hle neiti. '«Thai ride. - osa s hon 1 99b doosubetwecu thoe Muro then 150,000 people etroodti on great oslis and tise plouc hc- truinrflxod sith ana as the bird- gun te roc end aWerre. I tees on'e aair craf t rocket sud rosa avec ebiaid thec Gorge ted me. h tia perilaua course. It wosatte first water wsaouiy a few eet brlcw. imes anu vietor havi ever lictetiý Thutos why I did niot go ail ttheosey with tho deatiiy ourcenrtu of thai ta Lcwiston. I hati ted enaugt foi Canon. Hie flight la lonketi uposu cae day anti wao quite happy affter as the meust taring ever ruade by Igtue ha lf1u au vr1 an ariater. tCanadla." OFRS THE MIIRO[RFR SECRET 81l(;26 ilipIESSED UP- ON TRE DEIli BODY. During theie oIin1aUprising Trait. ors IYere Broseler With ussuoppreafiera. It anas nouai, tan, te cuti IV poz cachtceecitofI haivictime, aittougi tamaitimeo te olgu anas astuaIli brandait ounte Seat, lty nienai 'a ioscrocseraatia rot-bot an4 rouýhIy twistadinthmn irsshape *«t Che letterirnl question.. Tiesaaaasinsa -vio cnmmtu.i herre politicai.mtrrdae$atiteortii aI the ý'NatianaI Coninoittait" Ô . .1. ;-.llplà 0t00 asl 46.11 taernurgenta wreaLe "M'1 le crtan lreiu contren isetczgki,'m hat lis Co gay rrtiletil ho ricusor cf bconing s!e c.mon," becaue o f the long, keet toibl lahy M nof m an Cuca vmO tiiettoe, or rlegge.ra, ohiehthtte thue ictima of tcrati Italmn- isend spon their victima, andi thr The 'et's o thedroa Itl ltter "S" ~therefora otunti loir 4 secret eociety kuoten as the Camer- double wacntsg.- cea, for instance, areaciment aiways it onent Chairtbthead man upOl1 meritet wihh a black star-shapdahoin ttc branti waa feufiati oas 4 cigon, made by four sslisa aitt ,a lezpicu,> r,,1py,"' a traiter irs razur, .dipped elîher i1 ink, or !ii tte nationali.cnuseý, sud that htalbai gupoander and Éan axe itrea aon put. te deatb for bis tresubtiri peste. t7 ttec îrffltneeki.» The weil-kuoon Blac)c Hend So-" ricty, again, tikes it . name froin ' ----- thc lat that a igu reuembliig a TSII ING'S CL1UB- human bauad bas reqoeutiy taon -- bcund brandece apan irbuboienes flsebeship I$ Exclusive and Lin: Its victime in News Yerk.'. . e4 lne Sam1çr. The Blîack 'Rand, ulirbugh oper- eta in lnew Tarlu o f cmsrse, an Tisa Marlboroughs Cintb as au in. 1titiisn orgalnicatian, but the oncen teretsug istopy, I t aasfoade ticeadeti uKllux %.~n a -as an Am.- by tise lathoK'ing Edward for bif orinn mu rde r' soi.cicty .1pure a Iand nu s se ansd tiat nf bis associalce. simple, sud itua victiins use-ci te h4 Up tili 1866 Whit.'s Club inaed tc unsekeil in sinihlfaehiun anitbý the ha the Hiug's club.: Que d'y, bows' irhrac letters rKKKmrade aqfrrever, an effeiens.steward osas lnu dett by nine enta it h a beanoise aenouigb teoeal ttc Ba4yalinc Thknifc. s ee l odso-ber's attention b tecfoot tiret-;4 Tha R-Elues wre aI aidsol s abres.ldng- à cule of the Club' bý tuera, wo anibsd ouglst on tnehetit-ý smoking a cigar onettc grounc cru ite.dturing ttc great Ameri0- ffenr. an Ciývil War, sud therr oh iuw! jjmejtclýy tteltriuce oI Welet te terrorise thre freeti negro slavc-ý, et te ouut uanti iritter te, net aud sncb -southerifi oie saceany of bis nsociatas oc-ver again. en- inelined h o fbelp -tema.Tiaey crom - tace thtt.premss.Insteati, te milet frigtfol outrages, tehOlo foundedthe ttc pent Marlborough,- fauilies, botb enas'ksuan hite, 4 C0 t ahcaaass-ale eeu ng =vpe'unt it anas situatedi n neer Mentor-, Atlutin 871, Cougreen ce-ouhH es sc!lyee to put tisanetire associatio, iite- gteuetatn gam ofcara. asbeen, played in e.KJKLUX L.AW" tire Cub. for ttc lut fcrty yeacu, osas pesuet. This shloed et t au- althougih in tte early soverrimu tht therities toi arreat anapectet Ku- Prince teorîk occasronaliy indulge Kioxes, and ta try tbem aitiout a tin a*certain îemneuut ofl whist for 1'eiry, sud ttc mosultanas that ttc tigb points. Instea thttc ciief ce- marderous nrgaeîzatîcn anas soon creatian of members la bowling, for suppresacti. r"Ku Klux,"~ it may oscte t Club possemseçe a flue al- to ontiant, ia me-onit te mpre- iley. sent tteclaik le oockitig s gîu. Neediese ta uusy, ttc mcttqhership Durieg tht tub, arnarleIrelant, c0teCluOintle vry exclusive, snd sgithe Mcil Megsires, tte atrietly limiteti in nutuher., , Tho Wbh"itctn'bys, ttc Terrysîta, sud ttc meuitera cnnalt for ttc most part mssy nétber secret mucter occieticir oI individuals attactedt t ttc Rayal that wageci warageenat ttc rrpîoc- Heneehait. Anabastadersa sud dip- tors'.' wosee tty 1V stante collent lainailuts anti&Hai itinsniatcd tise tittea, inven ted a ver3' turî'ns loreige risitenil are nominatied fer igu te. ebea thet tinir victime a il tepcrery or permanent member- tees pest te deatt in pursuit cf a r acîtied pnliry, sud nct mereiy te hrp. setialy pivate vengeance. Altos Au rrexedution" r dbatee-n WISE SAYINGS. carrnet ont, nseaily shootiug by a Dont give stivice unles yos number of masitet mece bddurn te- kuowte rekind hat me requiret,; tint a lisetgu or stone aali, a bsg Wc ail have acquasutanee, but teom est osas hrrrwct from the brw of as bave f icuis. neareat,. aayaidai catie tire iretatit- The aorat man yen knôw pro. autsofn wthianre, of course, in tatly considera bimereif the te-at. full sytatety oiththeat assassine. Dntt confite lu tte peescuon to The body of ttc victim-as thon i9 alwaye confiitsg le yos.- strippnd te the oait, andt hu cat Wse- e yur nigbtor tegins by osas tiraggct hy tue tail up anti sayiug, erOf ainurse,,t le nonue 01My dlown anti arroBsetttc tare hacit. buaineas, but-"~m it la a aiguý that The resuit osas a oernes oI ctisa- lha is goîng ho make it bia businesas. cross scratches, intitet by the Atar a man tiarevera toan uttle cane of lieaknovu, o, e egins Ce realice that THE FRIGHTENED ANIMAL. otters prabably do nt know any more than ta does. Finally, it ia at least a tomewh at ____ curinsua rincittuice hat Che letter o1S" as je canstant use in this Bornee tas more mesouiten hats baetitme in Polant je iseî--, dur- aey étter country in tisewoent. ing tise terrible socles nI pOlutroal Que gond hure la nul aey girl eari aassastsnins hat marktec up- expect roru a olunap mulin, BELIYKRB OUII)l T SEÀ ýAviator Landed Merohandise on Board Steamer A tespatcli Irom NewsTarit says: flight taeneret licr in the Narmoose, .Ttc frst place ot mercuandiar cure amîdiset fil i, enrseoavec land and t elivcret at ana by accapi anc feu 5i5 deckof he iant Ena tam thre pier end, pesecu- Sn e tc clper tc Itag~gerue esate.Olympie arc no moe- 3WhiteSitarhuner Olinpic onu Wei- jten suiruteti dots nofoWhite andi 1n=utiy s steamtaChraiugis the 'black te hose otsshore. Prsent- Nat ur nard bounti on ber ]y thaeeosas fte ha eeen among tltos maltn as tosactipadoage. tinte aaecurrying ta anti Ire, as o1 W. Atles Burpea, of Piadel- bits nt paper bicosn ie>stise -winrt. phia, bai contracead for delivecy Scpoitt bal taon sigtsd bha cin belone. ssiug 'tth a New Yock anticlowen on thoera fraru aloft., Weddknt Philepbta departmnet atee, nearer antinaren, ho iccird tht osticla le urenead tirhesrvices nlip as lew as lieolaroti, ioveclni of Thoumas flopwit.h, -thse ngli»slr erhead for $au intant and ltisco aviator- WitlsRichard . it.nclilre matie iaek fersabe, lsatisg safili :secreta!y of Visehaero 0Clati, bold!- an thte groarisof the Oreeeni ing tise package, Sopoitis rose tram 4thletic Club et Bay RidIge. Wtilo tise aviation groutods at Gardera 8epsitir oaitoîiedttch aeaepiar, Citl, soed ont thes Olympic as aise Sincair aidepedtrhe paeka&g» &4 CI ber* clonte seuseso, tiortd lai loerasignal - Il p Il 1

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