44++++++-ê-4--+-~++~ it+ê+++4+4+~ Blhe turnod'eta go b"4" k, ' b"ts had ooly taken anastep heforowtisa was beside lins again.. '"'Darry' ehewvhispered, fier face .dyed with~ a deop red fIuah, "pro- misa ma-pronis e sthat you viii eut despise mo o-fr--cc- S The mans bowed bi, head said Il cd is lipstW lier soubli, tremh- T "Dear Dorothy, dear,. sweet 4-Dorothy, what brother as-ar despises .bi siàter?-and you are muy iter,j sq anre made g,- aud more rring ini a lit,- the cnscan- anid srengtb liovril %vi th olddreso- IIU II IILDorothy:,gaveý bis one glanee Of IT IS NFtCESS8I1 TO REUF. 't thanks frets ber momt eye8, theni R -.turniug, rau cviftly awvay, leav;ug STICT ACCOU.XliS. À, LOOK IIO THIE PASI u.lyams ovrhe i lth- t4 have beaun o bliind. Thie Reai Secrets Of Puttiag a Lit- - "Por child," hc muttered, tor- altAaFoa rcmwfulhly, "but, .tsutct Gcd! ahe in. l i wa o . 4 1 ouily a chjfd, snd will grsw oit osf Jiny D)ay. CILIPER XII.-(oî;td) rulol uy. s haceased, "net. only tist stranga fancy. Ai 1 if my psth M bceelr h ugnrf If MxCrasruwe buseho d cri bis accu ut-yo'ut fathér ,had set, couit! ouly Isga s strsight aud happy ]y bfcat teh ho iheot otan bea Mr ffrawutly' arrugetl lia~. Icis hourt on the match, Dolly." in tihe futîture as Marefiold's wiil bc l thei qrfd btu li that hooa hn vague feaXn would aaver hav-e Iwuldomclussemfa Imetbig lmhm-Dly was a youth ho made a point et sac- cotie; but the cuious way in whilh ther any paln, but thia I cacnot reslly fond cf hlma, and. ail wif i go iog Otne quartar of! ail ha eurnied ho buried biliif ansd bis beloug- du*Weil set." We. cau't a1 il ucIcefeli cru; a, zegu l tha Muser House, waos The a mue hoado ber gaaI liar an: Hise yas weut anrots the wjutry don'Ii wantito be-) but thera is hut s arilug te a beach 6e anxscus as impatient gîsuce; il, ueetsed te hlm laudscape to tisa corner sehich held one <>1 ts 'wlo violld sest b tise. Dos les',. that aha was strangely ouhelinate ý i -n'i-a n!tac-dtoxidbte for saigh erîsîn portion It wau altogothcr se unik-e what thJis question, m4lb the, obstiiscy of sh5do foui as-ar bis face agaiu. osf hie -or hep' inconnu. one c ivud bore isiagino! Thomas a speî]ed child. Saving sons asy. As a matter Cru chuw wOuld bava due. Peeple «"Wllat is thora againet More- ef tact it s hot. It lu alusoa*t nie bc9-,n n optulyuttepar o eaty ywa feeling, le get D 5y- thing sis t*itpeople' vho ar(, veri'shoac;thi axîraurdinars' te the hottem et this matter; "ha To'1 Lady Merefbaild'.s inexpreselble stctiggling aln'is fai ni,- isoatiw c hisel, wtiailbis lia as goud a maci an avar wslked deliKbt, .eat tihe eut! of s forlsuightla torne are, fieî5a rule, mulre lhrifty t'Osaccotd fo~radfsat foldi".1 he aali itenio orfd hefenewn OHATPTEItXXIIL11 ýIen.f t khr ih e hv casul moflc y ia. te Manoi s othsue a uilac ticdesiy sumed a, naseas- on tise road We convalescence tbt s"d bave 'isfàé4til, lu.îîîung cldo an yet peut in Daruels aee. tishue wae no excuse rcady toe moat lare cartful. stuut sicnudieg, Dane a nyt uwi onrine- itecm eà >a)sÉlawyrug n s rle 1ctôw to n cts *d, iiyv careful wa.t4elîîîg lu hie lon aianptysu afeln thep p ru sudat the rcunîoar' bi whaere ev@ry, c ot isIaid ent, m fil vaîki,, fri ii every' onu of crbich no 'hg msysmah n fetonrý-etPooaad otecuies u-' 4ecued the muanoir grounde, that I"DIsar 11111e Derelhy,"I ha Vhêr reour neaor objection to fi~ ous'*f. rr Mc. Craiiiiw cr55 stli thora. îskîug ber bands ini bis, 1ssoridý ,,,.ui' ea .fio )ettY ciash. iý% hu ook, Acrcu,irîd in tie hom tia-gala me "fogrv berin theiet deparsura se- hure oreauesôfi'wcet, tisera. They, iArd hiilrcdnlime hnm h goa frpehu is c se eso- ara quit rigit to go,,, tise ,d sud esrrh coca agal lu lia ls I on, undcslad tiere hý sait! biskly, as tltty at ut lue r t si- rtnyfn * gieoiiiy t-ouds for avenl une gîliniseaom n Iesb ie sfr eau. 'Il mauet ha very drill decru thiséi ajl~~i th1te ik su'lw as of ichel'~d; utha adrosrou-Duncan, lu that net ce, doal". haro, Darry; sud s'eu eau. de a it la - ofhi blv'll btho hd et'u-ll Dorothyts cheoki ccetc giuwîng haofthinge fo rmeiten.J 1 ed lulmueif, Hie vague fears might with a lus-cly culer, ber oyts score No0 Onu, 5r1gbe sig nt~sy pu.uies in tise art of be, alter ail, mnytea,,'and wara -ho duwciae ber coldnt nd gi bs It i c6 h aii moeye'is. ktuow a actly oslt rrasng- ou tis-aisa prestion jý si,tf but Illiedh ail sesed ho mnish t cccl Dore owisptîobedt u prGIpart.y tise punition w4auld iil noet to do Ihat, fer aseà auneseeret! b te uacneeii wr o v c no e ti nsia ~ i, In order toi ohr hc b-eieflciai toas yaçI, nus- dig- it vry aeftly, andI li knaw'liat tu pa'hmcffî acueo eiep iseanltl aaer nilied fer h ciieif. OIhee agaits in horne bat!el guoesa rais Soho vers tir a-trict teocorluts. mic casfre b bkt is h ld tilise. rili th ver frt ompleta sasfaction as lie hean4 "Acceutinîn IOh; ouuldu't hae point; tbare was noîbing Su ha 'Tans" sha nesid, slewly, ','lierajf7htertes h-ie~-bsirt dune usolhinrig nolbug i .I fs OnI ou ela cis-se om put cown a cry ~ pen 1,Spend f Ali Ibis eld, wescy turmuil of hfue If ecan.,, , fns"beldh aI. Shha Wy, il woîîld takIre asl y tlua ~J tou~t cme l hl asho ssîkt! f anloygnipet botbau, aijiforgotten al] aboutl it" and hae dia- te remembur il " T II.uisrbat tisa ~ ut luebis ouaia aie. ouser tusent! the motteèr frocu bis muincI man sys wvh e lg,~ ters-a heen ac- m-nb i osn a Botide sso ei t o "er tite ui,~bsc ie hscefcctLh foeas-o, whleh crut 4ust cltnmeA tus kep~ Aeults. And monwoud averesstdth "oarlitlecouin, hs viewiat Iloroths v-ished him te du. ho rî'IlmIy belieoiè*it ,î Pleasuire ef glarncing noce ond! tisai was sendIer as awsmnan'o, Ibuow Ntw tisaI tise Seules wene fallen He in quito iniaâ very boy ettho lovels' girl .o cloua ut baud; 1in hava beau ual ta sec thie s! e-ynIegr ta iasdcgs eb sgB~iuoIt b y~anls es-eu furgut bier s-ery Weîs't s'ou Ceulfido li Mu, Dolis', ausuprelicunu u laae the change lu kecep "cosutu, bot lbth mau txiae~leQSa ly uuîio etler -trutî in ume? Pelitapu 1nsighliiselp tisiiianoau hsdilretldsio bas hba ne iach ýÉning wfll tbe empts' brancha,ý et the tracs 'Thoý girl IoQktd op at hlm stant- sdts antttnvrlt i oti e-hsoc ~tt* wacet so! oant!luîleblsk adsudpae.moulu. - It ecattaee- st Once tisa Tisa liraI ston ln te sent! tivo elnd naking; stort o! St! berXnOns' "Dott s'es underotad?" tse .1cisonaltlfe, caj-bseu>l On,- to bit bougist. sehioerat!, enesiton o? eharnmat! ust that cnsO iyeni are noS vs. iiciht-ds" eoîig4 sudt a hfueb of modcaoty bat! foilosd oulatbc ut-r no page put down allteoleas Dorolhyl laugiset! -iandîn 1ta er guing on lier face, lier nation fin tise avenue, and! 1h w eut -recels-at!; on tho oppoite ail paît! sebila, tcresIeng che long pase. bnifin etý i2eSn 6 teaep pt taoc'oîy net put dowe je lunip tmn. Th. ihamntre.l-eni s-u fa,hopee lus-e fan hlm. Ver greal objeet lu k-ceps5u accetutt "I bcg Tour~ pardon, Ills,. ha Dorctsy stapped, il cras nt easy' epit buc bo rase caesoi ; air, de- is tu knscw aid hutîeiy.- '-Idit 00 ~10P a g .pneuS. spof ted chit! of fortune sa e W-HE1E THE MOXlEI OES- c-rs' seil lest elght. sud I amu net "Do net ha- frighlaned; npaak sfeigama uetsatoht atsaStshan~ptarse itus te. îuîie a his tstiîvnhti' Once deac" eglne lp dî"na lu tise final ilasn 91 ber fathec's gnue~ seble is le t ~ta togres upon D"Irutiss' vokn, ariId lse auui. Cub- im a oh gaet! hp aIr ilîtesa. -one. Oce in spends' tati mtuah iu "I lubxii iruî-J nu r. el- bs, hîco -asuoliugteiiep ler uta Dorotbs' isat mme thon tohe0ce; anoliecea taijôt's, tr * cils ml"Ili lie coulea to-daY,' cho' in hic tare, 'uolbing bul kiudfs' S!u-tfrIaei ubrIac, uin i rceyZ75ll R&A, t-, s.Ss'mpatlîs and brcthenis' affection. oncb1,b cdgte-o iélrIhtkntea,~r-ietv i! 1),arsin;, lauglurd ouîriglit at tbat; "Tisera is notiu t sa',' is clit pane bar o ve tir e set- liu a e ea sud, rle IlogI the fose it scas sot s cors' morts' icugh, mumct lotn crte say"," sois.) "LeSe ,i eiews ndymal n id ta h tas-es-et an go n" ~ asieut one te help hirn-4jf saine cents extacsl'bvu loSS' 'lieut jin rer, I amn ail nighl, PWii y crac- et-bedit! -net are buse doellarsa lu the ce iiri of yar. otbing thic siot-In ccithl nia ike 81cr vas mneinit civerthIis w3Iife Petîs' cash le s-fait; tou snanld ho 1u- I1 uehe id e1eik a> fls ci lgtn! ioerûsn a TDacnles suiret! be'r lhs.t Ripelose parlticulatfy careful ta keep su oye lumsaget bock le work asoto acg skcs latib u!eidns cs-a dul. sud eba.tted ripao'up. Noteat mu naey yes bas-e 05Oi 0coma te Dertttk Darnley'. lie Iran- i ayMtfod-o!ai rsn l ut st pt'cket'lu hle - lonaitI, Usclo niimmuilirey ln a bit etteuger." ' pe act is boit!, sud almot-t slgen- mtcc LayscMeuteadtdel bm gaat uulita u!t-awbt!teb -ae I--clierl ousni!bsoe!hklute Chridtmas umazerseu i plans sud projecs for lise fu- mach s'uu bove let#..' Iz 'anel dit- itaot aer liiema, Dnt' ' andf t-.u - t-at tho kao-lcedge lune. - ficuit lu moaw îhe iaii1 mentl et- t hait cs creeku ou s'et, aud, bteughlt. Il ceas au fmpossibiiy Su Lslteeoî! eepest eb fort. neesears' lu remembeha t-hero :telnl v-ei thbe trutsh, Doilly, I bore tîcsk s- rt u etunt is cn oeel-d at lu t sed ce -hotba ee tutus' Nove mincI; but pel Itunglu t-hou neet-di heetha eo s-nc I 'bail go abruat! ait Christ- tal-thin motter muet ho put righl "m u 1 tt1 bc ag s-ans' oies-o iit pseoputle bockh sud tnt-e tbIi ýeut." scilsou an luutetit't delas'. 'yn mtis clacef "10y gle l u ente upl oue teure litl -t-if landu Iforoîhs mode ne sne-e aI Walî. dean," hae suid, gcnlly, mani" ms' felrrd fa e oige"to ene lu ameitems ui fona es heyur firsI; the brighl. t-cps' look badt!lierae inun' neet! to put 1'n menny haheisctv fo r s lw reuir. ur abml Jow abla ba entus out oif ber fa ce t-c irlkly a0sIoigsam ceca bas-e guet-e- Uta o ot! shorhtin batel sia oubsas io'o the acte bides,, behint a clu. thuI sit ôd.Ihv us- W olsadabtosbdalwe o aeaomotbebl "You -ill juin Aul Anne' oe et! veiirnscrt. cht!, est! Issu son- grne ta tisa s-ail of laIe. IT ht-t! suce bo sour cradit. qiestio- cil.lufter s pteu, t'y- lis sorts' y-on dan net - lot-t mass -gc hngWh lie ho you bave s'eur cauritis well lie hro bi lîselnever knovr. sus dean littho cettein. 1bn t-ie ider way s'(u ca as ee ba- ucb Ms' cisork boishy s-hem 1 h sod 1-e-n mourse ouri bs Aaneivan s'eu ana able la sas-a. Esch ail, " s, tluai go East, if 1 g0 et -lisc! cer tince st-e wus a golden- tn.Frsts x a!lsht isor seoman aitber, ast. jucla bi Il fre! hale- liuben te me nose ',unPofeusion. sud ait helottgstg lu 't, So febim or bec r elf, You wifl .acon lot sueSifeefiit.' leotb li rme eaac gai, ut!Snbubt ail at once s curio-ta ho .trOt! tf keow axact' fiace muais s'on osh al- 4r-dle masmer gros-c Vary hn d1-bc o e nds lu his onre rut."Yu nciis.st ong ,dbc lest-seff fer esors' tort of exs- quiel all of a uso iustre euten Ibi fuiiyN-1 auis at wenk, bat! comae lu bia; and se uditure, lies mc te pett by "Ar 'lie t s cIf, -efiol as o Mn-- îîuiglie-roc.t il u ow th wal -ong i ton etithel, bise msuch fot feet!, cure th knout Doby ast foro Morom if ho styat! on bore, gosear te rnut ana. taxer, anud buse mucis yu Oelces aIlto quile a neu toucse. perlith apu or phoî Nane', ha shouft! ont! by Ising &Il ~ iord te psy fanor p ea Sel-a of hie. I aiccayu look upon Mjerefieit!'s loyal, lonlung heurt- We talf-contnul, sud dwting in -mtet ucen. Hs-ntioe!Ibvret ,iir deir ait! Mei-alnt as t-be montl dl sct utteris c~ am, i in enoiigb despeala t-as' tisat seoult be bout suni fer r-n 1-.v-- mou lhu,. aud tish eos bi roSssets-irs sding, porbaps, freash serose te O EAt VLTEPNE leaét aifvciitos. TrusuIlliugkoigi s -i eu en ti ber f-t. - lIetehs' at!groru vrs'net f ori oit t-fct t elle-e me, 'eur ciii Yes, ho nist ga.'ant! go quikîs'. s'eu en fix (,r tisa exact amont te t-ev-ms qîuite eut ofbslit. ri l netliug t bigb m ot dit- Tet lio dadet l ave her' allue, put es-es. o us-meut, bol tise relt t-an dyiug îappliunîmnat on voir 1fitiie w t it1iuut as-eut s fnietids' asu mteg Puàhetcn side et rgta 0055 ag1in tiuiekîs'. eau b~sîlgc fort sud <consola ber. inters-sic. t mulant ho a fixe! snm. Mercielt! -nul eras n onîl n othi, tu yr fer ho is tutI OserIc ho bat! longat! te sud netsîeg ustc interfaee th wet enue-wl, ": tisceet Ci- t-cii s'eu t-bis, bre lia tiuce.at tier he, ioet iront tleicnmiationue t P a I be-ou is hs- îsit!bn " dearn, ý a. i-u Duoilis fIlirbdj nan tDorls'be uaisugexact son as-es' week Is' seek on dirniek Daruney leebref ut luer ilait ien i - drawulier Iliiti asos hoc-r-i'bst ca-bt back- MOt bY li',oth. t'rlter fae, l'e .t ci-une, I mal, serin i ad b ina inAs it t-s a sconvie- Tuu hindi; balance t-ifl t-ou Wtîlch, bcbng lcucgltbui, i i;s f-r hi. line liis lî'cirt h is vers'tntsIytd a!usd a-ngit u- epcal ioe.Ts moufle." ho t-aidý gesutisý'. llatc o is ,Il lia - pccr£-il ous of bic krnpiuu.- i t antras aioth l'aedae bavtie suesetese ea td etu- Ducat-us' Iadvcternis et île ît t the iiiiii ci p hiluiiny ti uns Murier Ruse, ant bs-t had to sub carIs' ciii hase a guet! lump eusa cf bistocde ct!oCt s--it-otue rie a la îîIlsco l pr hlîuîî- 'vmit tu inselene s-oc vuiganutsY' put hs' foc Micdle ege. e'EL.t. Asn I nt r5gut C i àr i% c Soebleue fat,nest - ce hete a- O i.c ls uhing s umure delightful thoni Decihs nddt!be bud btm; l'ut %u ara s0 S ouusg, a niera lest tber lov teo foui thet s'a has-oe anahatautial -'Quite niglut, tisa reprit-t! obiiol. you basene lieter oe icoas reseulsisg. ' aanec'b eadils' iueaa bll.mark,- n et1 larlue Shje suan s a (Ta b. oontied~.) Iug., Il gicat t-ci a feeling ot coin- Darnsley nausat! for an Instantl, Jou drifts dut-n the et-tests Tiîec, tort sud stuonits' ýwhib wus sun- ten' haoet-id. wt-bI aimt s touch dar ceisîn halienanet, ho guidet! ...--*----' hatn befoe. of tenda3ere' lui bi veieer hs' ne--et bite out ef t--ur lisant Ms-dge-"Dauo't s'u th14ý a girl - '0.sr ait! erefusî! s. 1 arn seM' s rtis ensut deaci, for suds fis. sbiiud mesrn>' &U eaanatlO!n s "I ma ea. lcu tnuly Stat 1 nos-ar sdd foi im:n ho lial; snh s guet1 clssp, cr11 ainasi- ba te s-eu. Dean--dean Dol--'I tause eau 'but itp* jusit s beast set foer wleis i s-t -fIr DoUIs' I usaan -on bas-ve lt-es-rt Doritis-. f,2rire ne"--tur tise gili wtfol bisesg ee5aged to one1'" wsnt!e noms'." OaPjid 't so vr te tut bina bstdi." bail sereocrisat! lien bauds tram bis Mrns. sts-rveu-"'ss «snpnlaed te put tisa stong eosd a1 s elgan In -1a beln<4 banca' -ut! truc t, mv s-et bus-ted bier fs-eti utbem-"dea't luein y-on as' you'r. bs'vleg trauble s'our riuîf' m-11 treattag im badc l' 'ýkÉ4 sbt4 is nuakem nus'nbuppiuaess Ftill greater te, gel s'ur Easos'C of Mrli. Star- Zopca- 4da't s'ose ne- #Al. sneumls: lier lip, mt-re touti-î i le en, t-,. lies- I bat-e hsart saj ! eulccs-s bustdhahapr s-eien 'bsosaIto! lisi lid er braui nse ausii e8t! s'our ge'itie ios-tng self. OttoSai U' a , b , tn.' licoe tshcam- ro e pota lvo ' .aak als-.."o ghot- 'el rnl flt do . ax 4, wt-t w fas-gis- me, 4a-u, kags>4, dos bu 1~ J 't gat Dtuaas--' son bu g, d ed, rrv. -o tborr s- mn s nd oc-t!cf s-nd etai tac atl*feaf." * te go." powte me i M 01 , tadwfu Pli m t1,5 MuktIn-r." jDou t-s'v beelttseet s montpociet 15alà& g0" M ,Pl m - ee-g.," Vsea AD Danitlt tissa llflt bier boa frou tsar beans 2-À no4i UU J-l" tos thb-rp ,ha h uried or pa.per Isoterus and i frulit are hung frcn the roo are serrens in eaeh roonm the dç)or and the cellfin ;' tb and any other bled of foiý thce dead periu-i likedm earth, are placerdu ana fore the roffiln cati, merninp are cardhoardCI ervantss about to n'ait eu film with1 eardboard curc of tei. 'Pl laIp two haudilonrl 1ppr placcd there te guide hiui PAUI'ERS AT AUCTON., u The "cultur -e of the Fiiland - rs is ar with an institution titat srî strihsgly eof the ocise accmarioeLs ly anctant Rloee sd the Oiwnt cf muora recent dayn, commenite the Londons Standard. The Finis *poor law systems putE up abla-bodi- *ed paupers et aucoon, diplay'ing t.hem lunthe omarket-place, whare thoy arae saxant-bcd by employer$ of 0labor d ilro f îoding ohea» tworkmnen. The bidding works dcwn- E ewArd, thea asthorities handing over 1te the lowent bidder the ehoson pan- par, for the peroon aoquiring the rriglit te bis lahor rocaivesa a sow- THEI a&nce frets thýea sthorities ICIr hie su" upkep, e amocint baing that of If -thse riîlwesjten-der." LMI ;r# oü and offer @Par and In ill"-iam Dai Pake L!eiomii;ations: $100U, $500 andi liord2 iluatoi N ePls orm wlth >risilqiof /rq-istrauien v rigûtorsd- loessCopon and rezl.rtered bonods art i -TRUSTE£l NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limit Tht le.«u*/ opinin of Messrs. Blake, Luth, duglin > C c.. - - - - - £Casse/s, Torpeito, b W.e.mnphaslge the foltowinq saiqat pointa of thl.la-ue; (1) '.seldg houa.. at Toronto, Montroal aud Harritton (icludizig bit;sa Imd quimen) cnsevatvel vauedb>' iOnéep ent n*exprert3a t 107,91; Ral ttae ad bildngsowned b~y the Company et #55,35, ad Total Assetsat $ 3,357,919. (2) Net entrent quick &oais lungeeaa of current liabilities *1,320,471. (3) Averageanaual met eaninga for pust (ive years $268,387, or 3>6- trne. the laterest on the prasent bonds. (4) Au n uasniedg funul boglnung Jul>' lot, 1912, suffkcie ta retire the present issue prior ta mnatsarity et a maximum prie. of 105 ansd it.ret. ________ The il liam Davies Company, Limiled, ahose business was etb lished in 1853, is ut preuetît the largest packing bouse in tbe British Do 1minions, with gross sales during 1910 of $11,680,780~. Jt o'wn?' large and! modem/iy equipped packing planti in Tqr.îito, Montreal and Hurriston, and siscty-two retail markts strategicaily Iocated in, the cities of Toronto and Montreal, and tht followuing points througbeut Onaorio. Osbawa, Londlon East, Kingston, St. Catharines, Brunjiord, Colling- 'wood, Belleville, Gai!, Brociiville, !rýoodstock, London, St.' Thomas- through whi ch distribution of ils producis is made. The Company ùs actively represenled in egvery Province of Canada, and its producti are found in uboleîale and ratai! bouses from tht 'Atlantic to 11* Pacific. It aie mainta ins agwenciez in Gret Britaïn. The home andl f.reige markets for 1k Companys products are being constantly improvedl and Copies of the Trust Deed and, of the Certificats of ibe Canadian .dppraisaGomnpany, Limit cd, and of National Trust Company, Limiied, Toronto , covering 'he âpPraisal of the Gonpany's plants, a'nd fiee valu- - ion of rial citati may be seen ut our o/lces. Inîtrim Ceiicales il be issued pending the delieMy , definiiîve bonds. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULA8 ON «IQI5ZT PRICE: 100 AND INTZfEST, TO VIELI>6% 70OP OM TO.. LO N 0 0 Nz E N 0, $ONY AL.