RDOKLiN.' docoation serVices È!&mttry DonSi 1 y a smalier gai ing te tise Iense Tise fuli service, ýpred %vas caried 4il, 01 MinneaplsI lis vaation wii] 3pdke vcry, interest k, Who làteaking1 Niew York, niso na me.g Miss :Jean tend wiltI ho made cordieti>' Mes. John Kerr te visltlng !S held in Niagara FalUs. teng NOTIING LII<H IF FOR e heat Mm . olend Forguson, whlch N.B., writes : " Dr. Ubabo' 4d Out. of Linseed and Turpentiseh S, Who ya c hldren and asYseit ýt Lis colds. We are neyer wlth<i ýtngi>'.the bouse. There iï- iothsiog bis, H. tor caloI" and throat troubli ddrcss b anooting andS pléasant cmali preglded at thse argan. botte itLihey were persitied." . wa a Mis: IHenry asynard and two "hid- - going 'to Picksering and Ashburs tise Eva;'w mesansI Miss (Hon, of Toronto, Are 13ASEI LINE WEST. sasse weok. '. iln& ,rc ylBlii8wih r.an ars1Nroa We undergansd our annuat gardoen ed by i Colwlli.Mr. Molton Story, ofSuroasmerii Toron u Bron sovs parein ta1.ust 10. An excellent program awtti Atter -Trot. LIAS prnsisveltg ~ aents.rn,,aen i> at if eIeda rabstAg fWs AUiSS ieatrice Alunai,nil'cot Ase W. A. iitore spent a lfea be given and: good ttmne bo enjoyed eti: ~9d~ lAS 1501 Ciy T oro Wno, lays a i1atnbasa ostngIsr lbed.wesilser -prove tavorable, eat,Q lfcewn'.. isotter, 19r. A., A. snacon. -bne. Bron . bTdSohsrrap 'rsio, 'ieOliver Mowet arrosed Sndy 'Otti'wHL , plumes. spent tihe holiday aits tua parents. 1lglit tb sl l at oir E. 1a, BI". - miss F. j acasse> os spcong a Lew taîir av Air. tb(.Ya "c tw dagitcii-,t -Yemmas .are gettlng coss609 e Oacces wstts osseus osla urontu. thesum Tor.nto ano asitin dan Lrua,-tà gecoty, otst hte Yn> ylngOtO- so. -rottra, i 1s, strn Tmut, aeiul egooi.Llsr~sg to ae hot daya. ta, bave sason pOssbesan 0,ai 005AN QI sneiser as-n. amtnon.Êtuc. JOB. ittindot oos a nd C or. o sesww.luLe cocenisy psrt.nasod itînn Ar. and âais. towLaooaiOfor>iita, turnea.to Torjato a Ssday negt àaIicMaoc. tans. ucsicng. hae eos 000vstlng astis Lrs. Atlesss. visttg at -Mr. .Volter GQuo4m'. Aire., Àaraemaandsd oasgster, os On Ju Airs.. Aaulilocs, wÙ ck l oü Mr. W., A. Gilmore îseat rs/tsltto OntarolO. .,are VoosoLttg1en soosis Ht sth, 4ore 40 Urilia 00,05e sew snisa ago, isresesi. lie conteinP1ao.os sos'viong JPot boots'. seeOping -à" 6Purarsva t 010000ier laissr a, . C- ta Roen.w mssrears VýanvàLkentosrghs jeuton p.5. for <50555 uossoa isoiois oss.~- Feu whelis .arlbening tast, ais Muu000 Lu, taatend mtise ruiamcr Grand auct0e tor-yearb. Airs. ioscauti o thçr grain,. Oh toc a gontie rois On Bo"oO,aSi Oeeltgon, -ronce n.dwarçitweeOn 4"ra osa eos. veboeooaLLg isa Ms1 ivonibis son parched censh. wMtrun oi fer isosseiatd ous. Mc. . Hlardy 'ltactrsgtrom is sc.and Ere. Frenk Smeithsana stiOJ Tialssc iscMesots ts whtrig tt s1beuaIo. A. tises 10000 ta tidaMr. "ssiMes. Ju. Wranger ing Unes gaslsercird' atiseparsoosakcou0550 sO- niiobeIeniosge ostreansd 2tc. JasseLôweuse, set ruiseroal 4a litWekan 1eeaa a sA- uvew ot reinug 4t.. neois end wntLs. .j aime s iit, Westerns lm5 tà anucs anr ersnaoat 4or.ci-Mise Hardy le et ber brothescen ie ana Mosicra>'ofT 1oonto, lis iPog au toitnui anaOO5Xas asi tosos .0 ae otâtieaecessive loaltein 71- isstibog mAie. M.hoti. 14 t oftane>' on eopl tso oi tis.goto onto. Mc. Normasn SoucI,Orfoanto, apent 60 days. ttn. Mrc. J). ài-uay roau i le no- the wo&end 014th isretatives ai t 'ort or pohas dreen S tt. AJe.roto iad te For Skia isDseases. Weqis. iedl l'kgsestaptoa. Avy enjoyae eoven- stpe 000 nas pn.,-S. S. NO. 1, PIVKERING, e nc Mr. Tisos. Stoseisouse, et oea tssoe A TÊREAThisN' I' TAT CUSTS ed Ai A aresidestof<1Btrook" oid lioroosi IU5itU L'LEeb I r-i'r-U- The asoluaL. Oidstsssier exaniinaton btosi 'dA ÂO5IPa .sl o, gs t>-sc. Vf#. S'îeas'oi at' No. 1 Pitcerng, lias resaîtcd in 'Full ls userai totankplace tranom e U0L i? * ,tbtlOtepOiatos aft i M. iatonJicalcisopo tie atis --.ilte Gelpin 537.. Alpisonus i,--" Toono ai 01 %us ssocsng train ironsMstitej. W/a have a grayos-hite oteili 531. latruent nAS, made ins St. i'nuls witlo a ploasant odor tiat te dlean ie>LU 8. (bioe>,cotssm n.Mv.M. bs 5, isct theic111 ie s IISr. $oIV 'Jm.-4tlt, I0O Olu s.Rev M. A" se ilcu C ellveW LLe Mahel Hallett 483, Mary RicjariHEG COBdicld tse ocvoce Oionsrenosi> to 010 csist u e 29. , F0ranklin Rilchards 368,.aua of. een, IMibrbk, viseitesi dosasses. 10te e apecsaiy olcaclOu Sqt8lM"tnKnet' Fe ~.oss Lil e 'sk ~ ., ak Ooiroertonnng eczea ln ai iLli van- SotIta39t. ri eney Fe éé Ct l j ju AI6ie MoOc i n s e ias'atuclc orons, esagworon, ache, posople, i u r-oai'80..lseste attosstlsg i tina s E isal uia atoe s ei ie ttetiaHowland, 4231, Wiilio Acklord 365I, propesi, à4r. t.'ayto n Whlte, ot Ottava, v:s- OS kateisoog>' stiseptic, leaing,1 S. to Il Je..-Tt'at I0-Sssae Isp le b4d hie parents over thse holiday. soatiss and5S ieaaotg. lit stops li tStasley' 416, Vers Tindai 390. - ýMr. se LIc.Lous J. Seiset ercivesi haro o"n otelïitg 5and btsrusg cassoiSb>'y .S" FrmPriser to I-Totl400-Ro~ta t*o Mo, MQJndiy aiglitt rainToronto, ojiere etoptinse, HlbIs 317, Raîpli. iylstdg 313, gesisiti 'ho a buoSs retxeinte shome sur- hWCara eo positive ttsa illtings les Cbaxli Lawo2. v n T .. , ..,- es Mc. Geo. the brtda retera lb y willt idenceaet i46 Blkle- ris, Toronta, toc 'Y FOR THOSE 1 WEST, cice Mottde l3rowa, ot, Ostawa. Nervous Cond~ition. 4ffl5 reditand Sgreater patronage a ' sa ovrflpow ier. 1rIV -ttowaret Mese, 83 Ues. efotballgain . 1î S radicathe Wingeesaorasitecnt, ale I'opi~ VIO nive te, mlg "M s1ie tnioo a hicis cases ecicoa andI mais>' pier iceloasSPeyPaaaee 90 le Peteliaco In'two veeb. oaintogovea prOteeti, 0 te ceaI., Ciiiton Paaime 1, ïie WC( on Manda>' niglt of bi es itared suiface, snd Islpa resior. ward 50, Coca Dicsila50.' bçyas k la Catoumbus and pa yc nesby7tisse s ~ 5~p51otluly go-cl"ts Il-,Assie 0(Çensat, 76 thse footboall tean tisera. Tise ecee tire lu relieisg skia alme.sti peei-. cent. vWas 1In elaver ai Broo kite. lats d>O t5tdes Youctl.y ea- Part Il ).-EII Pasipê>fiI#,R mine TUle Moison epei a tew sot to to ayib5 b>' tyisg IL Wç PlgoSas8207, F*ward Paca , day wtis inonda te Whisliy tâta week. Woul osai date niaIbis h. 0er oxt Part Il .-Gordon Vallant .1 Mr. Noth Miggs visited tiende i, cept vo are positive halaut Acense Orge. O'Connor 135, Jenai. Dlet Os4isaa vec ithe hottes>', Otetn l sttaailactoilty boneit absent. Mr. Bd. Bontes, Wiha las becs in >'osu.Two aitoa,5-c.and i lIO.Ho-Vss 1A.-Ztelen Akey, liai Cobourg foc several menihe, la 7_-imer, yous tse osyîoblte it at 5oae. pected.bonne sert veeis Our Stare-TIso Boxait Store. >A. H,(oss I B-Brie Disigisan, Luth ]KMme. Jas. Frascils, ci Oakwnod, vis- Alun. Puoe, ied In thse village an H4onda>'. A. B. HOLLIIAY,. Teachet Leu J. Robet vas sucestul 1 inSLE Palateg bis oxam a t Hedical College aSAE ts yean. Lois tesow as B.D. Haying is lia fuit toisa. No More Dandruff. Mes. Armsntrosg, ai NeSOIOIO, bu. Crotos have boas aoltrteg tor lac& retaenxed hamne atter visuîîsg with o talin. 1tFanl wleat la ipeatsg v-rY A. H. ALUIN INOWS WHOA? 1 Me- .. ,J. Ilayeraitfon thse past test. lRI/ollM CLEAN SAS uae. Î Mc. i0. J. Steveneon lias,.Jeen- ir,. Wetken hu eon vssstng inSt.sendng a forisigt ist vl oaie - ode~ dgss el ili Cathsarines. in Ilassilttas. dasdniuif YOsmuaitikWithte rgn Mra. lHarrs ins is esvsiting iser Service vas iseld 1eb anbitbaths ev- Tise1a aIoledresatsgelled Ps braiser and ister ai Port Ferry.» enisg istlto tie echars e.salng tis age wvitola Dow sOld la sver Mr. andi Mes. C. J. Spencer and ta the excessive btat. 1tav a Ca ada. It j la mlrMsIad ls Neoie Spencer lotIibis neets ion Mcv. S. T.Tuciser isettt4mdiqsg 1he A, H_. AUlu i 10 radicate andriff à trteth ie States. Ers. Spencer suisosner sebool again IbiS seabQL nt Stop islllsg haie, apittinliaithale *Ad iMiuS elle' Spencer go ta Kan- Prince EiSward ("sisi>', scalp ie Itou t veives aor mtaW aa ta visit lins. Spencers relatives, Mes. Louis Rogers, ot Hsamelteis, te buck. lehit, lie. Spencer accempanies thess spedtisg ,ber islida>'î t lor olsi U yosihave.,daadr essa slarge W at ias Elyrla, Ohio. bouge hece. rasistttot-day andI tid yausiaà Mn.. RuSkais>'and sana ,Ja aniS Mr. Lonte Rogersanad OirJe. i.Wi te- im.lenei1ls at oIil oaadnet&M; litasJessie Ilollida>', of Toronto, aeson, aifRHamilton, spea stl9aijut>'ara bot dealroyed la lima, Usab Ywing ttsgvu Mr, aniS t'rs. D. RoI- wbu'bne ee.vl ot>' ltout andi aldam a r Ilda>'. . FranklHarrison, iso baudiaiposa tofota. Mr. Wss. Tardiff, gr., basbeh.Ins 1aianotiser gonadStborac, sla ins1 ton tOveil, Miel., vsiiteg his sisier, ose te fiI tise vacsnc>'. Whoboulis ens setouoWj11:,Ss.e Or Wstern ecoiat, Tisas. uch- COLUJMBUS. tOMbe r orifte returs isanae.by pUatitg a 5Dow veransa nbis aller bis hlitdays.Wi. ansbc Os Manda>', Jus>' th Re .Tasse s>'na s sesa la M4# sabseI Wbite, Min N.LaU p W.M. Baïg, the gond-inar&a e.Mi. Jolie rrgS ge vwsii<g Iés etDo tumoueu ni tnois Mn. Franki Harlrosa silo ia.cn_ Fred R& .&, Presyteian hpm-vilS ho le- PleteiS, aniS presents a mosot pteasisg lit. and Mca. Later B SIt, o fi Pr-'edbyervuice iasetd te Brook- Appeerasce. Oshawa, apeni SEaay a" 11 li hue t 8 pSmrviR ey. bMr. Rarismon, of Clacensoni, te vis- ai Me. Aiblae Moresoei'.. 01s cini as 3 a. Mev.fbts. Wooré is8 bis sesisere ai laisem.tal> IMy ai icors1 Mdeatr b i t- Orders are gives ion tie. materlat Mo. Sotanley Mz I of Wa.. ail b>' Presisyter>', vOlpreeris and in cos- o is ooîatos aeMsr Samilla A Iridiaimeaia duel Mev hi B. assnono! il se buhsy, work will ni begin Cs Ou thie Eopresu of IpeSsaS for Sot HUII, uIR Presai. Ref. Dr' Ahrahsam fi onrssoeutile tisse yet, weaunder- lands on Fniday, Jua. 801h. « WUitbi, vISaddresthe solsiter, stand.Ts eiaiiasavasr eve a1184 P. .Jas. tiodges, oi Oshawa, OnTWsv'sIsiti istiMt ers as is a cveta seo4 tl" Pole. tise .ic i OPOIO a sd elgborisog Intitunteslestvenin, Do'itarget th1k piSse y t 5'gmeej puise. Ailvisa e aJava l oe Tu d a t Peflhyia Il. lie t BINDER TWNE l uief iex«LuaE Tise right kinds of Binder TWine are the a-,va ait, oetad teMisa awa u Ite te, lira a. of aMin POUR MAPLE LEZIF BRANDs Rb.iis tzr. îm a ulh Guit Edgr- 65o feet, Putre Masilla 511111Weae t voIla py=r vilstet GoId L.eaf, 6oo feet, Piure NP4iam. t«' Tes lefore tha psagrmm Silver Le4 5o fetStandard ManiIlla.SB. NO. 9. EAST WITBY j Ma$le Leaf, y.500fettStandard Manlla. Thé nintatag dthe ruait ofth Ail Ovdeas fOr twine can be fiiled proossptly. -0< w eaint" In ebo W .Sect Iion. tq. 9, JE t sb W HE V$ oaBr0okin aasial*8 aiUIi> i