'ha.td tu Ydo in i i§ #êdIa Thyit hten Th sailn ihe dl t7éLa hre la rnly: thisM ýtèlI peéo ba -4*01wrandi went baec t the thikk.t,.yel- who axe pale,' weakand, bloodIea .00 Prett ndad -1remaine4 &bout other , la iç tXo n u *z.pale six! weak hecaia 1 40 in theuscountr.y ailwinterf tue- top of their e ~e' hu, lo n ale vý1ng trenly to beilten thi ne~nver goLt, he Oid hraoe alowéd won't b. better iiitil yeuar bb) 4Pd~%ursng the 4somb re eatox>, bub dntw m l e gctte toi, about *UPPIlY ixà.iicreased. -You ahou h a;d ýei*Zhe to miles. pot lose any tinse in iflcYesit or m't'lot them inake away witb 'No damage was done eeept tO your blood 8upply, for p~eople wi rssho tod my temper. -That was wrelced su neg1ect anaexnda, doften slip iuito "Alonsg One @ide of the filid that that when I g>t home, returning dea4Ily decline. When Y'ou hai atretchêsas 4aY Irons the reirof bda rouncl.n.out way to escape thse inereaaed your blood 'supply yc Mxy Place ils a tbick growth of bu sh. dager of anothor furious bluejay can re-sosatb]y _expect to have '.Varjous kinds of b:'rds find assa uit and possib!y mure dlamage goùd coler, to have lost that tire that ticet favorable forthe i o msper if to nothing else, 1 breathiess feeling, to have a gioic fo hi en t fur those jays with a shot- appetite and get, good noîiTrisl flOtig placeq. The field ilself is i l ment f romnyour fo ,od. No-w th let as a pasture, and in the nrnl - ar ocni.btIcfln nyqikadawy efci and early summner the cattle and t oi.bt olutol uc n ia~etci ho r eu P&ïtiing there varv their stand by aild sec my horse con- way ta get a supply -of new, rici dirt -b bruwsingo lcs tadsùxn tlY ii leopardy, and 1 didn't red blood is ta take Dr. Williami teýnderjyour.g foliagno f the thjrk(t. ant to sel! hini. At the sanie time Pink Pils. Every dos Among the thre o tir ou rses in 01os te jays haci sanie excuse belps to mnake new bloo< thefildaio~ n ay asthei r enirity, agaitist the horse, andJ this new biood cou rsin I1'rs, n n r<te in at ,kiî fo r e s nc ý n d-oubt that while lhe throtngli the veins, bring5 beali- apid feilowand a1mî,t tn.- 'y; , a hr<iwsing a1 long. the edge of and strength t-o every organ afil fa'nily. , o t j1( k Omci he had pulh.rI down a every part of the body, makini 'îOno d i 1uN, w ukinig i nh on wlîich a faa'ily o! bliieiayu wcak, ailing poeople bright, activ gardell W4 1 i had bujeiha. their iie.ýti and tumhled t-he andi strong. This has been prove4 do%» in 1ietli'.ketaLu the - Noung otc eut of it ta the groursd. ini thou«aucis of case-s of which thi focemki 1rnr iel t h - The jas % were surnpîy wreaking case of Mrs. George Clark, Ab iisiial even wiîh tb50 ird-I (11 -vvean-.c on-the deswpoiler of the bottsf-i)fd, B.C., is a fair sample hai-sî , 1 <lls:fd rivjieèt, althosqg-iI1aum sure thee aid Mrs. Clark says Atrseai down tha %u ai orIIIc.i i os,-w-<-ld&nt- have dumped that t-wo years and m "s ont-bs ini a hus. 611939d in livrr-c and! iIîer est fral nhijlcv flage there pital training f-or a nurse, I begar asatt-Iton xMy lse i fr was infit li -ct i i ho rîly lbad to ail in hcaith, .ws verv palf "Tiyme( a-ii thmfonk.-I0W!1." and the least exeition would leav. 'Thoy ue.- dngart hn fae, j ru-e out ol breath. - After graduat. ing hmi u ekadnpighi iflg 1 camne to Bitiq Coilumbia to Lm i th nec- ad nipin hi take up my profeission as a private fierw The (z-zr o!( n-g ran first 1 us. TiefrtcseIt-> <-me way a'nd tho arstlîr t <', A IIIA A ~ £~L.~UL~ found 1 was n t able to go on W itl c-a.-etiw a~ilts~ tc o~ctedanc AN 11 E T RLF IMy work. Drctors' tonies faled sJiR.JE-KrsoB JitMn~~,e ur~. d Fa*rntel* Should me. and acting fin niy wn judg. b Lt hlie as he.;sld cff L'Y then Have Pm,,ttion. m nent, 1 Purcliased a supiply of Dr. wililever Aay he tuîrned. ilam PnkPi1fs Beo'1 -13 theîe nî'ght bc danger f It nvas Abrahlain Linc0ýn %vho had fîtiished Llhem I1'vas really sur- tcl-io banc being 1.ýl-iîcsl iy- s. , ie avepOT'3lallny tû the protection- pî-sed at the reslIlt. The color 'e]aim-c-.d itrokî{ofa '>:-a< , asi~de (, thletarif quesýtcmn hen cm bikto 'DY 1 Igained ID blhaip bill, 1I iurrîcci dùwzîta lond 'lie sic -W e -ebuy -goods stretigth and [Y the. time I had .5iù myaid n ~ fren tIc -brac0115 , Ogad.4 and the 1i ssed nine b,)xes 1 %vas baok et my vicîou isir-i.Eii aft.r I1 rnv foreigner geta the înoncy butwr as a nutrse-. I have since Od -n (u. scryle and ttook the lhorse m'heu 'vo buY gooda.ut bolorevie married, but stili h-ave my frîendly l'ztje rulse a rsd led l hîn ar.iny froin Let back he gonds and the1 feeling for Dr. Williams, Pinkc tka poit the o ýiriatec jays ho-ver- , monev.", This etound phiîosophv PuiS." ai&u asd fd)1iovýed w8, nsok ng <haracterites another of the latel SoId. bw ai! medicine dealoe or I~ ~ i . q î î t l d s e n t X o s r s d n s f l a s h o m ilie s : b yo m a il a t 5 0 c e n t s a b o x , o r s ix . I & ràîfl aficje_ ma!attnade bi.w "The (armer and <ho miinufac- iefr $2.50, froi Tise Dr. Wil- ( - P. 1 fitu\er," the president once aaid, lams' Medîcine Ce., Broekviile, -1I :ed the hr t O the fer side with liim chaaeteristic shrewd.è« Ont. othýu ficId a-nd ftie baNxis ritrueci '*are bathl in t-ee sanie boat and 1 tu thbe tbic<ft, whcre tbey hid re-eki thex,0ve got to bas-ntt id- noitsy coa6ultation ut one particu- vigate the ci-ah togethcr os- tbey'IISAI lai- s-cot anîd eemc(l <o be i greaij u<ret." '"Ho compared thse case ~ SAI EiT trâbulation. h 'vas evident that of a Penusylvauiz armier," 9con- AnSs CreteLI mvhos hdolcdt'heb ne-<ues the UaL-rien in questiono t xgv lyz in soins way, azid to discover idand a Pennsyîrjj -o mi-- 1D OY lpasible in what way I1îvalked ment, maker Wilose Propertios od- Tisat thse spark of life bas be ot-er ta t-he tiiicket. At the s~pot- joinecd. Under a crurtective poIiey zeen to bave it& 4#<,'te.en -where -lie clmor cf the s'a th farmer sup-nîie<J the ironmak- cliiY, la an assertion anade y ooreetrtedI ouad n hebread. meat vegtetsbles,-Paýtrick S. ODýüe, , c- ground th-e bodies of three newçly fruith -O'DonnMr hieaun Iiakthed bluejays. fut fd- fr r ee. aad nX-a XPert, whii hm beogsx d'The.four old birdii circled abou~theio ae upli te<rmer îwfgU xoJ<neiid yDr. me with noisie anckSury fora whle with ai1 tise ires, irors implémuenta, W. J. Klîner, of London, Engiasd, àM if inclined to holcl me reupon- etc., WhiCh bie needd. Assumiag _Soins timeago, using a che'êïçàýj+ sible in smre %ay for the tra1gedy. pr is macle and the 56Ifli ei< eweei 1WO> *14in Miien they dwshed awal acroisthe oic abandônèdî. s trips of glass. Dr. O'Dnnli ,, field toward where ray hors. hsau fairwer thon dir.eovcrs that h. =naà demesstration tb twenty by_ resiuned his quiet fe.eding and ar- buy bie ironlnp"n'tc, o ivag oi p riving there ungrily rezsewed thel rein Euror. ian<rm12% - O' -Ic attaek upon, hir. [ber, sssumsng that h. sII^sou - gwrnn. beiu seid -iia. t "I hurried thither snd agair. ficient qguantity o! fleur in Europe ft.s. Thy ai a. ds!roundia~ rescued him >from 10 *nable hans tue ISft t 1h. iu. entire forin -cýf the "dq.ect. TIaE ItURIOUS BIRDS. cao h rs.H I a.y "lÀ.t nigbt," laid Dr. (>1)btks discovers that t-b.eoo f carriag, net "in the ep fver an,% they flew yelling back te the. to thi. casat, transportation by se3 Pysicians iniMeroyetespftàal 1 tfiiiet. As Often AS tiherise wa t toEngland, ineurance sud cartag ited lb. xperimntson a. d1ig S left to iinsseifln the Pasturetisq.-on arrival, doe, nct .nàblo 'him -tô-jimass,-go> was id tî , in jaya atl4ck-.d hlm as fiercecly au receive mseh a bodreadfo.i 8 du1 ie lt gppcss ever, and .-[ was eompelled tua r. isor m ho formerijdid:when sed- ânnounced that the man - vsa ed 04vie hum Ires» t-4 field. Theà ling là&i flur te bis netghbor, thse Thse auara begau t1* prêad- frnrmdàt4 birds ma-de n-e atck On any othes- ironiaker . ptherefore, doter. body ansd- presezatly di0-*"' areLJ. of the horseji, alt-hough twou of Lie»> mins ~to oeI l uigolur as belore utsroera~es416.eêops 1h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~f, bid vr l m rn rne so es te !].h tas "Wter do usot .s mi lstls I LS uPe.d-te roolc cf i uly tw -<Wro -rolnanéë, -ud dplan -n wlserebY thë, i ilit ild correspond with eachels êpt ing th , ban ut cf th ir uSterni ,p r ss a rb à yprvtely tralnïed âmie boni- 1»îng Pigeon,,and «for 7ears Iies«.c reW Oaodne was succetifuîîy oucsxred on, bY theïr help, -tiSelùve, M1iusîes being tied under the ýwiisg 'a o f-t h e b ir d s . l a p i y i e gio s < about a recenciliatîon or the pajrt- s e&Concerised, and se thee sîsual me'ethocs of Correspondence 'er. 5used. Sncb s happy en-ding 'vas e eertaÎnly deser-e< by se constant à 'I, pair o1 levers. LVCKY EGaSHELLS. 4, Eggs have been ut tO Vari*us, ig pecuisar uses at diferent turnes-- lh Political meetings have fouind t-hem d in evidence on occasitn-bu< il is1 g not se often that t-bey have heen Ve uised fer the purpose of aniatory1 ,d correspondence.Ro-wes-er, sucis e 'vas the case once, e t ariy rate, for b.a loneîy Canadien lady pencilled e.a note an an egg sta<ing ber eon- Lg dition.* Luckily, the ogg fel ile 8- the ands af a lonely widower on m <theo ther aide ai ho Atlantic; fur- le <er corresjondence ensued there- frai», and it led te a happy unio» oftise t'vo parties concerne-rt 0 A oving éouple in~ Newastle-on- e Tyne'ere forbidden by <eir ar-a ents to correspond 'vith each other, & but love proverbially laughs at t loclramitha, and is suposed ta b. r, able ta' ove reome every difflculty. ri Certainly <bis 'vas <he case 'vth~ <bis couple. These <'vo managed te ii correspond,' in apite o! tise parental injunctîon, Ibrougs the nmedium ef Ia friend, wbeh was quite guiltiesa in ho affar. They exchanged books, a but it wes siet the story wbich 'vas visible to everybody whic i rterest- V cd <bis Îngeniqa couple, but.a cor- g1 tain 'veli eonhiected discosirse wiib It > ould be piecçed tagether by fol- m lowing certain leix!-peseal mark- le. jngs, and 'viie!>madle aTr r ring littie 'tale, cf love. l re ae aoid dotectien, even:if "théseva'- Ob îotis marks inthse, bookî 'vere 'z .A co-vered, ti.se indications, were i mnacle te r.ad f-rom end to- beein- -10 sang of thë7jbook, Chînes. fas Ilio.- It is sa.tisfaotory tê-know that tios -two youtng levers -ne longer iseed to- to g o t bs trouble bu Com i'i-t csto with- achiiIer, as th ave been -tsarrid, for soe years. -- 4VOO1E1) lITAPPLES. Fruit lba, eflen --b..» sssed as-a ineans uo! auatory, corresponderceal'ilI #h.n ad reoeive~ a baîke ef to -D4i7Tw the A djective;h~y~ 4yson- qualfe ue i l i tingale, a~ne.a day tise street ieterberat- ed WiItis te bleodý stirring sounds. On. -betisga*y iii Jsîly i4n ol ab- be, stoppéd lu front of thse cabbler's stai. a-ad beig'an ta mop bis crins- 1.oen face. "rMônaie7u-r," ho said te tIsl - çois.ie," acept My, cagratu. lations your merle is tise most claqentprecise' 1 Paisfor bis, notes are a batth. euh <o tise st-reng -and a sursm ncarda (lift tup yo.îr "Joins, sho sd germtly, "31<flJ are9 îsterested iu temperance move- Inenta, are vo-a notV' "iOr coulrse 1 am," he ans'ered. "Well, sup- Pose yau go and mako a few of them at <le pump-bandlé. 1'va-at a pull o! wsmter a*oice.l? Pille for Çervous rbes - tis, stomacs is the centre rif t-he Servaus s3ystens, snd 'heu the stur msacs suspendt healthy action 'the result ia maisifest in tdîsturbances of the 'erres. if aJlowed ta Per- ss nervous debili<y, adangeros a-limera, may en sue. >Tise fikst cn- siçeration is to restare <he sttmacbI eo pre.2er acti*on. a-ad there la no -eadier rewe&d for Ibis thar, ?ar- rseleç's Vesgetable Pi>ll.Thsad an atte st tise virtue o! these 'pilI1s in eu *vng norvops, diiozder's. A MedfrI(ai Necàd £Suppie-.-Wehen ,h"Do* you tbink it is becoming?" eo asks, appeariug -ii ber-nezwes<- çown. -"Dots't-boîh-r s&bout tiaIt!" uises the fîiend, . "i s perfect! 't is. 'ly- deliciousý ý -My dear, il nalces. -you look a-bsoluèly help- Warms feed upon -thé- vita ïity e! hg ren arxd enXda1s-er theur lives. L simiple adefe cie uré-,ia.Me- se-r Gravea 'Worm Exit-emn à- fi. _Ou.-8, - -n t te --$7 in. -I'sceu ! sine re lightly higit- e-r-ls- andatIsa» inithe United- ~)tte. lsthe eastaern borderj States', Maille, Nè'v Hampshire, Vermoat, s nd New York, tie'y- range from $Io t,. $îoabac; anmd ini thse central border States the- range is about the sine, in thse 'veterc. barder Staftes tise range of prioeà ss #rom -1040 to -011.10. - in tise great agricultura! ip States luI Indiaiia, IllinofFs, and Iowa, nrices if smine vâry littie (rom <haise aiready quotcd. lnin W'estern Canada f rom $12 te 013. Prices 15s from $10 ta $13'a-ad ina wvest-ern 'Cansada. Iron si$12to $13. j The higbest Anerican price is $11.- Oa isend ini Wisconssins ag agai-rst the lîighest Canadien price o! 13a 'Iead. 'vbich i3 quoted for Quebeci Tise milkunan. stand before her Teý r.crvousiy twim-Ing bis bat in ii h ci' geai ',"she ta-id Sternl3-,you ~ -ave c-ane at la-st?> "Yes, mnadans. Toli sent for nie I bel;eve," he replied. I Iwiirhed tota ell enl t<bat I sr0 found a miniow -in t-be nilk yester-C day mornirig." "I atn morry, madam; but if tise éows w-i driyirk'from tise brook ini- stead of frein thse trougis, I cen-6 ! not iselp it." -- 6 Tise fcsnale iscuse fly -laye f rom 120Ote lSeggs-at tme, sLAtYs mature i- ts-.we-eks. Udrfv arable conditions..t,,, descendants - o! a single pair. will..:numiber Mi' lions -in tte nots.-Thrloe i liing, -Wilson's .ply p-sn atly h.i tise cseo, snd t.hus ct toff-zaà?5 larg.. zro~crîfo -eltir croîof- the--- - - - -e VI 'il hi F eut o _j TÂI5'p TEL L10 T GENTS AqTn- bat none a sa sr lfflrçgrg 1liI~ond bert ati. Otutaa IAY, and PARM 8 SOL Sve .Works, 9 Ent, rLMTR ansa peed B*81 .One o et obot it! to Bar$A r- tquick ater ~ -~e USIBER tmtertor tri',. j saab Priesquot'ed - ronSa l3ij U ouisGAa-ei Ltoi té sce 1 vd RUnt. ý-jrIumnph Coolccry- - t A BLL#tD OF~ EEA18 Spotatow4vent on a =m An Ogmht au ot*anboa -I EXPLAINED.