cring 01 can te r The, fit rible one Whitecha the fgred U Oive 3'oar4ý Henry1 in the igr excuse. fo difiplayed. itriefly, neve r beec lie before ctitustance vihot asr abeOn tie Saîd he : hother,, ho givo 're OheUS flenr ) e fo 4 yd the -ho Loght v Hery b1 vt ed g' trahià iugh bua setht.d rld ove7 y eer . ein thr aning jok sef the olc ly to rae jisei cffeplie d rtonmûd aer iU, lis cri), 111hcf s: ssi. a Jr hisarej i utomipateats !oir S. ew wuaks. auA'te-idgade rs un » trot» L U. dmissipa etulwr mewomen'1a.ktL ii II "mi their regular monwly meetng -on »cuwut uea .vwtrom. . &a -- 'inauradai', August t âdi .ï i e jO ilCo!hoi"gep1 -' ;p.~Ils hiallliroOall. iRoll Cali. Subwet- were aocMP&aWleby sUlImbt8 ÉMes"t umtI bë. e a i hm ;-balnd reelpeu, -vnnnng fruit sud pAck- c.eAi lM Sa" Atg o xmcurs iokitgrd1 up Ity lng. Ail meuibera rcquestod ,te be lg, vbO VW84 -m"ay M>gusi lai,-te lie ,eldéon1'-$ Mr. and Mrs. Hanali spent the dauglter a« iffbIsl!, Relid 8 tbIlat ipeex ent wlii ftrienad a tetoAuiViiU.0 "- %voarwsy e va4 -osi6 a urte& bi.& Ars. lloitby, pi Toronto, bus beS» imu' durig 'hie' 10415157 bor te i lédt ed*>'Usa bi al-nover 'kaouw.ybi 811 vs-igwt r.J. Kerr. b, bai - but 1T> Mi. and Mrs. 'u. bSeoniare liaitv fK UhucW i bims I MUUJ 'Ii~l TV'tt lag trienasti a ivly.f riends fertheïr expressomiim ex~ WU KI ~UALN Mr. Wui. Uitns nuw boUsci la good viii a suc hm4oI _ reaùy fur brliâÂg, and wOrK willi b» $ lWays look, baçk 'ýwlttb pteaM i Mot ôtPlii 0< U owat lié' expl bat culaitqicned ai. once on sanie. bis connections -wtth .Kx«uo l*$ ti, e rem. e are abuitata .1 70 kientienuer tte CaIteof ;5t. > ito»as'Mllbsak-.Theii. elM8. AS<Iea P 1 aMcaXesOUt proi.o ! oaey "bbc cliortali ukilat, garden part>', 'iut s- to social lIte&VolWS aa'tcfres 41et. toi'lbsmerS * g 10aioit day, August A.t., Lu bc uLaou ttw ~were served i i.hesûbeal 'zoo etI lia lluoruby pleésodwltb Itl . ute l'm c uicu &iouà(l. ed hur'<"' D ri tg the yegears . Hât b ué lnq otaak athll" tt Airs. soinerville snd Miss Tillio bas sPot ucre, ho ba" o"dted hl>' glacerbath -0vo h ave -nkt. Bell te the peope by bisa if m"dl Parnsités or escaeeoma HGibson leit ou vednesday for Toron- >îberai~ i hSiediI 0sdmam spOoacy iaa u. pro.a t.u, ýwtieret tîey wil vsit for an imeI. 9ýmttp Miss Susie Joncs, a9, lias heip lnan»y undeztaking.for ,tha sOCIIVal"t oCam of ail "ki élmenîv. To bre vsitin Wiilbit. . Wit. adsudntelWetunl advancerient t o lta rovome tb= thle scmr d' unit bot» Vsiitt wtlifrts.N.Whic. community, sud tho viiiof et thec- euuuliy aesry or. u*o etâWpaU. Miss Vera \ îpond ho in Torouito,_gregation sud liii maay, frisais bers al r<r eo fle 81 l wiuoe she expects to remain for a lu, that ln his ' UÏe SW» iphre adMtY tauped. ti 114t Mr. Haig wlIi bve au .l'dng Cog- 1Pamslgi «reuisbable anisp, Mr. U.. J. Ilayerait, andi Mr. John seloumneis ethe power &aiuibIecaIcg graclaceas -gsbAg» and (),cow, ut Blrughaui, apent Suad&y of the Hoiy Spirit, and tbeir prayer ibealing pover, tb. curative vàluS OI lio Uilowooîoe with frienis. is that tb. Great HW 09a! lb. Çtb ResalAh»osma Qlatauan As ot'Pro-: Mois. i~ rch bas compite oi bt.r1-2-will nbundantly ctown vitlu su- sonn as» a ie 91aia ~tm gagrouieoo.t i'îToronto, and is recoin- cois, bis mlnlstrat.lobs in tbat part Ci and alli ed skiadisese,_iÎUbehsrof lueciitg lbei tea'biotg in Whitby tibis the vineyard te wbitib .e bais b . tWdry, s"syOtt,,lb. veplagty called to lnbor as lW bas donc bers. . a ore lsa a low o! l1-sMellbgi fieremrber the datec of St. "'h,ruaS' Rev. Win. Haig pmeWe bis lar- chuo ch, [lrooklin, gai-den party, Trues- weIl sermon in KuoX cliurch Sabliai day, AugukiL lst, to be heid on the niorang to a very lago 'coODOOP Church glo unds. tion, the church beteg taxed to lbi> Mn. Gass Mis Gassfulleat Capacity. T" .for bis tout, and rs.0. EdyIciton uesdyi1Cor. 11. 22-24;, whi"rlfw*sthe.. text andMrs G F.dy Ic t on'Iueuayhe chosfer bis tirst;:rOu wbm en for Pine Point, where they wili spexid came to Milibsai o yfor e y.û a couple of weeks. ago. The sermon as*~U et o! gipl Miss Kirch, who bas been spending tti, plain, Cé«ý *U1i b1ýh somne woeks wlth ber parents I1Î as bec»an hr .20~ bs iooklin, le! t on Monday last for sermons. Hisâ o "' odswr Wnnpeg, where she wilII nake hber wth deep feeling a » salé1b.é- debut As a publie &tn CA,. .joiced w'I4thm os h .b"a a biles Jennie Ilnycran. si-tt IL.' cd le ldnthoSav>, but bis sai- week end wlth ber sister i» Opbawa. des t tboht at le&vhugIbis bl14 o! Miss Ethel Kirch i. oqendihS some labor vas ýto le%çý Wilb lbh. kseW- il'fle in Orillin with Mrs, and Mias l.dge Ibat liier. wM om .wbo lad Maundrell, late residents of !trooklln. never aceptedCbrlt. s>Velb Reniember the date of St. Tbom.%$» eyes tbat;, ar"y stl alIiw~s ~ church, Brookl, garde» party, Tues- polnted, a& to'CIM lui i a* -of. day, -August lut, to be hed on>Ibo ueGod, as ho sai IaXùml, l tbsgIb churclI grounds. ho . veU avas On. Frtêay evenlng last the members taithebo vliambi .1 x ébeta aud tilbèrents of Knox ohurch gathser- Ibe b4d g1Wm t b -é u'part o! itls nu ed'e6n Ithe lawn,ot 'tbe masie té bld tand Isbar for, l. ûIbIaE .1 beir farevleIlIte thefr paçtor, Rev. W.'It1bghur fe-ivtmSa 60,000 r v .ADA '01 exreiloa, ai th. lntermndiary ktmid sucb as pimples, blotdbes, diwcolor- atloi ingvorînior smn. 1$ s 'vey. usefit for trestlng biles, nettie rash$ lusect bites ail voundi. 11k la dla casi vit n âebamiplasi vs nr.ou 1ta Iry-'bxa l t 'out: tnk.ý At' %b. mou isAof ! dàlfe4" ye" as> have yoUr umo Sy hak.~.v aes Omi 1.fii$iltIla o4Wy ooId ai ont .*oe=- ý Re"ai nt Yeas.- past' WAR FiNEA Tii ' ~WAVES. iplay -ut C.K.E. hAtll ai tue Çnnauilin 1Nation a EbI bilt.thlyear. battk8blp alýeendl At ublÏ ethor lutl bnesili the wsves Cau be sec» a submaine with oni>' Ils periscope sbowiug above t»e wav"o, mhe »,An a panlo and vils is great oguno lé trivAng te reacl1 the loay t.rreit that to t1hé Prés-1 ,cve o! the enemy Ihat Ibreatous Il witt ýdestruction., As the guns criait '&.Ê boom, calm- ly and lu comparative saféty, beneatit the water, tbe crow oet ho ýsubmaine are preparing to, launch a torpeie. Ilal lb.,t6ôrpé~d* lu ready-lt' la sec» gliing grave!uiiy 4hrough the ,water--the; ship la atplciu .and a Ire- The» cernes thoscene ai destruction. Tlhe magazinesoetthe dooeoiniship bMev up'i, tcaring It to pieces, and the- erot of. hue seas inks beneath tue vaves, wbile tremendeua çlouds ot spaiki ad burnug fragments settie down ever everythlng lt sight. WHEUE 15 UNCLE? Tbe, Uxbtldge Journalsys: i lev voeu kag amu named David Vla» asarresteil 't'I rillia for .ltculing on -oimterfeithéôuy. o î*nd u.p ,(,saMan t gd't lteh oit le 14not krow..),ac.elvdas» tence Wo!W iveyaWs. 0avid 'Wataou lifed Aa Uiridge bou't a yeëar ago (wùil lait 9pnl»g), betoro gobi90104 ta DnfilUa, ýantI worked in, lie tannez>', 1b bel dj ~tb uim. d i miS. nxmmlo B. 2d. 'leaa ~ ~ tu ailiadpfeaMd the vhlte vhif liai i,~%uriwft. ailé 30% "Tbàguauate.foirmu li.on every c=s i'ëftaala *Î 'ynt ta kuorw what le la ww fa ot ecmlcal te mie., ï C.*a rcoIor OW& 7 NTYRE, Whltby. J . While here ha vas vlsltedl for a litmeE by a man wbom the tauilly spoke of sas IUcle. Watson's Young Son vas Executor's sail te have bail a oail prn»ting Knso press, andl the tather socued a little Osa . green and blue tub a't Journal office Th wa. "fer the boy." The small prlnîing Toe xeoyaut press, the imb, the presence of thc TownbofaOs shrauger here calleil oui>' Uncie, and To11,aot O thc arresi liter e! 'Watson for cir- 1911, sn 2 culatlng bogue bis mn>' ail have a in aB out bcarlng oni the case. Wcre the btis lu nd ton printed In Uxbrldgc ? Was the mys- Wbitb, on Iterlous Uncle who seldomn went out,Rodon ~(and tien wltb a elouci bat pulleil Oshawa, G well down ln front), an engraver'? barnns,a. Who mrade the bills ? Wus Watsou's bearlng ore explanation of gettlng the bills tromt»tuber ; e an unknown man mereIy ai ho shld oticrs ? Tiese ai tions that may yet be solved meantiMe, where la Uncle? How's This? We affer One Hunitred Dollars1 alty «Ma0e tarrh thas cannot1 Ilait'e Caharrh Ours. F. 1. CRICNOV à CO., Toledo, 0. Wc the'undeMsgtied have knoov P. 1, Chsnqy for telaht .5 eans, sud belleve btm penecetiy bonorebie lua it bosinest transactionq and io-n andiatîn able ho carry eut auj obligations made by bhie fine. A whiaaies »nngli. -r*iïdO. o UalPs"atarrh CI re fsgtaken-internally, actlnç direçtty upon the. blaod sud mucouas 4h!acs ou the sysem. Teettýueuis s ent7 ffree. Pries regt pe« batuls. Sald b i liýdrnggfet. Irakîe H.1ig ally Pilefor conatipatlo-n. Èondr partle D. McDonald, o! Greenbanb, bail ry succesfut bar» raisIng ou la atternoon last. Over thre ,d men, vomen sud vhildrin, CiPated ln tic oyant. J.. - llsyçrstl t "Yi Ri.Eaye, rait . Et..G. Snelisuad. otiers., t aotcok ilso,' ,W UWIW W tq WwÀARVtSTING 1K $10. $18t ,AUGUS? SIrd-Fron iL tltonoOan smlou Une. Too'otaSsnlaInCil DeCtrot and rsnch Limsul South and Brampton Soetli. AUOIJST 1 3th-From ait stations Nordi o, ci Incltlns CpI>p-. W itboite Toronto ta Cariadusirue ALIGUIT 16b-Fn,. aul tations lwUr . AIJ'~UST and EuatornG.T »luA9 a3*-Vlom a5114td00T01et& >AU IIJSTabtà-iphom .fuaiou ou *Upite .111mmt =4 :. or mgSede& mg uslm Ma* A A rftnd1amm 4M amd Ontario patate to mmm__t» imeued to wooueoias wéli %sasm. a b« w S i Flor fuit p"rculauos saam <t PA , cecutor's Sale. Sale o! Fart» Lands on liesI betweeu WbAlhy and ,utor ot Mary Celte» viil tion. aI the Oshawa House )snva, Saturday, Jul>' 29, p.m., tic tarin of 70J th parts o! lotis 17 and 18 mession o! tie Township ot rontiug ou the Kingston suad a hait miles west of Good and suitable dwelling, îles, etc.; a acres et young ,liard ; 6 acres o! standing ireani and bard and sot i excuse LU'n UCw iULUULU £>LVTi5LI ro ques- Rallway ls surveyed across the land. 1. lu the Furtboer partlcuiars trot» the under- Port Perry, July 10, 1911. H. L. EI3BELS, i Vendor's Soliciter. iisward fer D. D. AD)AMS, b. cured by Executor. WI1TBY MARKETS Abikb cover peu bu .... $7.00 te 7.50 Wbeat rm ........ ... ...0.80 to 0.85 Wvheat, whf.e............0.90 to 0.90 Wbe4 au,1.11-... ......0.85 to 0.90 WbeatgooSe... ..... OS0 te 0.80 Wheta prlmg.. . . 085a to 0.90 Barley ......... ...... . 060 to 0.60 1.00to 1.0 RyO .. . ... ........ .0.75 -taO.-$5 .....s..... ...... ... 0.85 to 0.90 Buckwbat ......,........ 0.55 to 0.556 Oût..i.;........... ....... 0.35 to (6.35 1W. Clver. . .. 7.00to?.sO ; FLOUR AND FEEL>. lr, et v ..... ....75 te .00 Cbopped tée, cwt. 1.lmtoi1&o CariassE.......... ... 2.00 i. a.60 BrUI, P« tto&.........22.00 to 22.00 ...... ........25.00 te 27.0 KEÂTo POULTIIY AND ?ROD JOZ., #4at pet cwt ......... 9.00 to lt.50 CatIe, lire vet. 6.26 to a î Mi4t~, po lb......0.1.2 to 0.14 La~bs esh. ....... 4.00 to 5.50 Iloi, roiai. ...... 9.00 to 10.00 lice ~ liti miat. ... &.* te 7.00 ....8.00 t. 8.00 DMo u ao b...... «*,.. . 18 tg0.18 -GoRNébumo, ex l b.,..18 ta"0#> 1~uys,&ws4 .elb. .1 10.8 W «ýýprlb ..... ..A.;.2040- 0.83a,. Exé% po«, doz., miv, IaW 0,.11t . 80. Po~tao, petbag,..0. .,. .1* e1,8 ' :-14 . * W 1 Ut-. 0-.UOJ*I 'I.o tg 0.70 t te t.:...#5i 14, J 0 a i Dated at WlbIby. ýSU S ES' Students nma Open ectire yca tirne to, enter. ini Canada. Gi positions. TI at bomne. Exi ",Fanous Blu' Systern " for 1 ,Business fromf Write fo PETE I Nol. N ty enter any day. ar. Now is agood4 Largest traincrs ,radîtates get best housands studyîng :Ilusive riglit of the ss Boolu-Keepingi O>ntario. *"Actual' Start te Finish." :r particulars. RIfOIIO 3 COLLEGE I o o o E, W. EVANS Firnp Manuta SuuOF sud I<csldeuce, M :t»; wIIITBV W@ ame prepaed t. insti as tîtend te alau is iw t M. Agent for lOthet"t Visé UAfý deos gasoiseentilmg ta Oqww.-,- Gourd maoet iaaeao,.4 Phas, oN Urude. MONUMENTS of &Pl DoU188U a nlatadl»ot la SM, Il Win psy ySn t eàcmi 5 m works ai nspSet for o st DoR't b. mialei by agents. W. é »ot employ -tbeeosCA.lyva and do ashow lb. aget'aomlhia Io per ent, vblch yenwi aert'VS p save by purcbaulng troiusW. A Gel SoiIcir »de Oppwo s tndard SB, Wbltby. Ont. ana August ugniaui- Gruatét show ou ceai opel ~SpeeW Prisai ~~acb, Iacrom~ ail daine. ietnt dg î Meia am ce.les ï by taec weeK - IL IL