'h i111K1.r *uonths are thé. Durixsg thb aittýîIg <f thse A h'dOàt d tis. yêsI'on éinal ldhld- trian Parli anlent,,thousands of k'St ,Ch*41é sautuv d.uhndît re.thtown from tise etIOO, dIüfY' sd atosù trou-.' gàll"ies. . tà.nC bité'h<?v bles 'are AUl nnWn.!ý at tiis tîme erusuent and theé legialatôrs wete and' manyApeooslité in énuf- called upon toe ndthet mnisery ef -_do~ afer onlY à tew hours' ill. those mimerous fâisles of work- 810$. An a sat eguard mot.here 1 men who for weeks have been fore- slioutd Iseep Baby's Own Tablets in ed te camp on the meadows outside th- dt' âit6c"msional dose of Vienna becaurse they cannot set,' ihe l'abletmtri li prevent stomach lodgings,' being uiiable te pay the" *bd bowel troubles, or if te-treu- lexcessive rentis, or, having manY' Ïile cemes on suddenly wil bring chjîdren, are refused as tenants by' thse littie one throtsgh stey Mrs. île bouse owners.: 1tIIyV PeGacie, Mizonette, N. B, Many worksuen have committedý *rites t,14,s mnuner mty baby suf-, suicide of late for this reason, while féret! greatly front her stomach and others have lad te transfer their IhÔwelis and nothing helped ber tili children to relatives and friends. Ihiiegan gîing hen Baby's Own The condition of the working clas- Tabiets. They regulateti ber bow- ses wiîl again become wonse, as the ohé, swetened her stômach, and new Ministry lias prohibitet! the now île i% a big, lîealthy, happy funther imnport.ation cf Argentine obuid." Thie Tablets are sold Uy meat, obeying the' dictat.es of the Miedicine dealers or hy mail ai 25 agranian parties there and lu Hun- etntu a boxc trem Thc Dr. Williams' gary. Titis wiil cause a fresh rime liedicino Co., Brockviile, Ont. in the price of meai. PELlOATE 0F HER. "IIow diti G*(\evieve get riti of bier caller wlo stayed se laie 1"' 'Genevieve is a girl of very de- Iloste feelings. lîe merely brought in &, plate ef breakfast food." Wlien ÈIol]oway's Cern Cure is appiie.d Vo a coin or wart ia kil the roulé siu4th ie caliosity cornes out without injtd;y te the flesh. Its Virtue Cannot be Describe'd -No one can explain the subtle ;.ower tiat Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011 poasesses. Tht. or lginat-or was hisueif surpnised by the wonderful quilitie's tiat lis compoundi pos- es&e-d. Tint le was thte eef.ic ton of humanity leslown by the myriatis thst rise in praise of this w<,'t<erful 011. S,) fairiliar is ev- eryone nuil fitbat it is pr;zed ai; a household med;ci-ie ei-erywhere. .At; a matter of tact few perBons reside on EasY street. mqnard's LUniment Curi carnet in Coes. Pue isir, of yotîr ability as; a figlît- er hefrie vou attack a rnîîwho j mare -o. Wvilruii'à; Fiy Patin are sold h1v pract caHly ail Draggist.s, Ciroce andi (Jieral Sti.res throtîghout ('a nad a. Thec, kil! many- lunesý niuone flics tbMan ay otler article. IIONESTY 0F EUROPE.tANS. Arendian Silnpiety SiLUI Prerails * iu Many Parts of Continent. Whero in Erope tdoe% one find really honest pe.opil A travelier writiîng in an Itallan magazine sajs thal t te Swis4 canton of Ticino la inhabited by- the mont honeit folk it is posi ble to imagine. lnu ioi t ftic Ticines. villg, the m-rîter asav, the eldest mina%it- ants 411) lot roîvenîber aîty case of thlevîng, liowc-vrr petiy, wit-hin a lifetîrne. A1n fi l would not bc tolerated in tliete' Arcadian coin- muritirs fo'r a meek. LoU tnticle. m lie n foiiîîd must never 1b- taliv-u%%% ay ,they mit tbl left Alitr.- t1ew" tre dr"pped or pl aced lin a lu C.'q) 'J o00' position se thaittce rîghtfiil 'muer ean ind his p roperty mono easdly. The case is citeti of an Ame,-îuan wornaîî tounjît who .lmt lier pr. on an excursion in iueVal (apriasca The purse coriti mc gold v-,in andi a jewelled Watfli.V poit relu rîing Item ber trip clu- )uîid te piartc w iticorn- tentz ntac-t on a littlie ieap ot leaves 130 pliiei-d thatitil oulti net fail tu att ract lier attention. 'lIii u'iîdîii Loo ), liai-e a great. reptitat.uolifori- onitnil li on- est V. Inlioi)Iv part,3 of Sweden Rilnd Norw-ay nit-re mivdcincs are lo t eiisily Iîrucuiraile cîtests cn- taiuîing dr-mgs, oîît.iîuents, bandages and tie lîke arc fixed on trees. No nne e-en thini of ut ing those an- tiîcles îuîtiut leaving money in pavuient for them in thue cablu1 box attathedti o th ii tedieine chd'st. Of- tell the îneb lu Dotcollecteti for weekâ, but itl-s je îe- touclieti. AT 111E PARSONAGE Cuffee Bous ltiot No Longer. My Rgasiritis bas gee -Postu:n has done for us., Tb-awe bqv etal to ot.w.Wt'. $ather isud uotbep: FACTS ABOUT OUR RIONE MARKETS. ,No Neet! to Tîsrm Elsewbere for Trade ln Farm Produets. The oid fable about tle dog wilh the plece et meat l ina zn outh, jumping iute île water afier a shadow, ant iniithc endi losing the gooti morse1l e lad ai fîrat, rnay be applied very a.pily to île country, whicl las splendid mnarkets ai borne, but. becomes tisconietited, anti aithough net hait realizing île importanoe et its naiural leritage, looks abroati for tratie it knows not of. -ýiSuch is the position in which "mre people wouid plac'e Canada ini her present relations with the United States. But the tacts do utot warrant Canada iooking awa-y frein her home market. T4horne market is taking eigh- ty per rent. et the produce ct the Catnadian farms at gooti pnices. The demnantiofetfils market la in- creasirig andi it will continue te in- creaste as tiecoaunitry grawt. It bas the advantage ot neisrness, sta.lnlityv, cheapies ut transporta- lion and quickness of returns. T'ne Cana-dian tarmer is farnillar wiîii ils conditions and - reqluire- m en t S. - Andi yct, wilhai, the Callad-uin- farmner 1, inclineAti tlooek beyond this. market u-ithlenging eyes te th-e market efthîe United States, forgetting, perla-ps, that t-ho Unit- ed Stat.es fariner is oking witb juist. as longing eyes at the Cana- dl-un uarket. Tlepre are at Ieaét twelve farin ens la the Unitedi States loeking loîîiginglv ai the Canadiani marktet t-o onte farmer in Canada lookiug &i the Unitedi ftates market. Let us rememben uhal there are ai lebst lwelve tLimes as rnany farmers iu the 1Uniteti States as liere are ln Canada, anti se, whiie one. Canadian tarmer will gel en- tr-atîce imb themarkets of the 1 United St'des;, twelvue Americisu tannions -il! gel entrance îmie our h<r-,mP ma-kt>Ls. TbeY lave aly-eatiy Auccee-de'-d in Peliizn immense qu..n- tites of tarin producis in Cauad'u, iu ipîte et tic duti-. They lave Eold îwice as much in Canaqda as C-n.înfarmers have soiti in the Unîleti states. With reciprOCitY in tarm preduets the twelve American farrners w'slI crcrywtithe oue Ctniadia» fariner prettY closeiy iihie own home muarket. The surplus production eft the Unitedi States fariner wouiti be Ji- able any t4ire t e eneralize -the horne market et the Canadian fat- I n-dl cost île Arnercan 'frmer nu more te bring hs tarin producte tW ('anadia~n tow:I's and cîties than il uil cosi île ('attadiau faisuer tO carry lis tW the 1,hited States. These Amer icen products a&te pretti' weli kept out now. by thse tarif vwali. wîîlî this remuovet! theî- tilI-enter iveive te ene. Wc muet remember, ton, that thse Americans have the calIer-feamon, anti that tibis- proucte ig iithere- fore be upon oti r markets before our preducts are salis). &aget thé' early price. USUAL JIBASON. "le use to bo a îraightenugfh Young eltsp. WItat made i. I nge saune tie heahigié&0thiflg-, ail and Mil hàimfùl germs. It le &ilt- aha-llas efot, k'eént injuries and diseases, and for chrenie moores, ut-' con, etc. Tést how 'ditterent aàd suptrior Zain-Buk reslW ly e. Al druggîsts -and stiftO' at 50c. box., Useé aise Zam-Buk Soap. ?Rlieves sunisurn aud prevents t reckles. Begt for baby's bath. 25c tablet. And the paverage girl would ra- tIer be a aiiiy goose than an ugly dtekli-ng. fEST AND NELTII TO mTIIEI? LIII 011 Mits. WlitaLoW'5 auetRIi ivt- las lia<n ,tîsed fer o'-er SIXTYVYELKi b y MILLIONS of MO iZnto their C5ILDIWN NWHILI4 1132IitI<Nwt ~~I51 ttCI5 SOOTHES the SCS SIL nrth Oe GVMS A.LAYII ail PAIN; CVUR WINI> C05IC. sud là the best retsnedy for IAKISSOSA.Il tlaba- solntely larmîcas. De sure and askl for M1ris. Wtulawa sohing Syrup Il and take to nliés klnd. Twentv-5ive cents a lioite. garden andi ato ail the grasu off the lawn" "Whist. cic he do &bout iL,?" "Sent me in a bill fur using hie cow as a lawnAlower." We have no heaitation in saiying that Dr. J. D. Keliogg's Dysentery Cordial àe without doubt the- best' inedicine ever introduce-d for dy- sentery, diarrhoea, cho!era, and ail suminor complisints, sea sic-k- h e s, e tc. It proxnptly gives re- lief and never-failis to effect a posi- tive cure. Mothers shoiîld neyer ho without a hottie wherî their chli- dren are t.eething. A good bluff may he more effdc- tive thian tihe reai thi.ng. Mlnard'm Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.. Charitable Lad-' Poor wo- mn. Are you a widow ?" 'l'ho Pour Wonan- 'Worz-e than that, lad y.", What d-o you mean r' "My husband is livinig, and 1 have to support him." TRY MURINE EVE REMEOV for RLed, Weak, Weary. Watery Eyels and Granulated Eyellds. Murine Doesli't Smart-Sootheià Mye Pain.- Druggiats 8011 Murine Eye ReMfedy, LtqUld, 25c, 60c. $1.00. Murine P2ye gaivcr lu Aseptie Tubes, 25e. $1.00. !iye Books and Eye Advlce Iree by Mail. Murine Bye Remnedy Co., Chicago. Lady-"Do vou know, yc>u are the tenth person ta-day wbo bas aaked me for help?" Tramxp (,.ad- iy-' 'Yes, I know the coznpet-- tion's getting awfuiiykeen, ieddy. I suppose some of us'lI have to go t.o work fioon." Thin le te certif y that 1 have use.d Mu- ARIYS Liniment i n my family for yeare, and consider it the. beet liuiment on tbe markiet. 1 have found ît excellent for horsellosh. (Signed> W R * BO "Woodlands,' Middleton. N. liARD TIMES ARE.tiD. Mrs. Knieker-"They say Paris iu erazy over fringe." Knicker-"Wïell, l'Il Weario mîy trousers if you get any oi Dr. C. Gordon Howritt Dozmif- ion Entolnolegist, sa"a, reterring te t4e infantile death rat.e frorn inteutinal diasea and diarrhoea épread by the homéefVý ,he belie-%eas that- thet, o-ealed hamiess fly j t'eariX causing thse death of thon-ý îands eof fitants, as 'selh as aprea4inî t.)soprns of ty-pboi'd fevr. ilsn'.FlyPas!are ti only thing tII&V wll ?id ybur 'haufts ofthèise. np»iug pestâ. SUSE WAS WISE. ïiwhy do yen inuist on that vo*4n*,=n"to singl'" iiBee.u.,e "replied Miss Chay- eusse, "triton W& s sbiug holie st trying t eauovera&ll A Sur. erzetw latlinCY1. .ý-When thse undigestedtk"odliés iD thse stoutAc1s kthrows Oft $AuSO., cauaing pains and pa)s*lQu la the st*maie r~eia?. Te l. b!n7- ils rete on ofIro', iiop* 'e.r%ê404 u4*Yets *heu U* ~ %j~ ~ll~d ê % oe 'brf* , é DA il. , Mineti (OoWîotne IWUdhV ex. LTOON, sankatchewan.-- re lit-resg ro-tnI 1 bI ave nev- m ftounÙnd nau'-vut tote in et had-to -»k yen for a gmnai) sll 0"o ' -o " g d h,e, Qood ban." M.once-"And tili now I lie Saine tinte s c n Hmeted have neyer beet obliigedte refuse rai~~ %~ ci h OmlsOiU? BoîleigMil adpe. OTfl I. tU &nufjuçturingo. LtdI. W est Ê-1 ANCZJ TUMOUS. L mft. topla %., tannal aiid externat, où led trithout piain by out home tre %aea. Write us lietore tOo iat*. Dr. ll=lan. colal *oôd. OuI. unTI-us to.dat far our bice-lit or Afiiots uppliés. NOouâ Wise rnethers who kn-ow the vir. tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terininator'always have it at hand, becau&e it proves its value. The- pYcôtf ta àê6éitg thé ýt.l- ity to. deliver the goode. Minardle Uniment Cures lhtheria. AGENTS WANTEU. OUT GE'aWANqtED.-A study aetaLlier Aitsndy propibettiottu cohyilbcti at noue Cati esqual Ourm Ton wil a rtays regret 1%it lyou 4on'j appli for jariulare ta -TrtVelIMreDet.. 02 Ilbant 81..Ottavrt. Tempranc .dteet Trrth ok t Affihatad lth he Unversty ofTorô to. andundortht o nt r ol of n the eal- metik ofAgrculte of Oterlo Infirmary frci he Animais at tepaColle .1.Cap&"Ofdar nuapplition. ON-6 A I TO 8IEkG TE* lR]CLAN ING LDES' ment of rgrcutue ofuOntisao. LwtInfvummornu Anmaeatth olle T8 COLrG iRE-OPEu14cSal ln& Oaa BEspR eta2bnad. rec 1911. T7 t irss5 .t.el y . B .d mear o ppi an went.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E GlAe.dtdb ae rIet- A ORA NGE, VO..an Prncpa. forl anything spl a nadaeruto. treaTocNto, OAwsaDIES'b kste intard noilan olnwcO.Ot Subscription Lst Will Open on Mondlay, Aug. 14o and WMI Close où or Before 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21 CAWTHRA MULOCK & CO# OWN AND OFFER AT 9.872 51,20,000 of 6% Flrst Morigage Sinki"ng Fund *Thlrty Year GoId Bonds of CANADA BREAO LIMITEIl (fncorporated under the Law# cf the Province of Ontario.) Thé same to carry with them a bonus of 25 per cent. of Oommonâtockc. DA TED Àuguéet lot.. 1911. DUE Àuguat lat, 1941. Principal and semi-annual interest February lst and August lt, payahie at any branci of the Union Bank of Canada or Metropolitan Bankc. Denominations: $1 00, $500 and $1,000 - Bonds iasued in coupon form, with privilege of reg istrationz of principal TRUSTEE: Cuardlian Toronto. CAPITAL ISS'UEDý AND FULLY PAID UP, 6% PIR13T MOITGÂGE THIXTY-YEkR SINIING PTND GOLD BONDS....... $1»209000 7%/ NON-CUMU LATIVE PREFER-RED STOCK, -ISSUEJ) AND FULLY PAID UP.. 125Oý000 COMMON STOCK, ISSUED AND FILY PAIP 5UP ...... ...........2500,000 BOARD 0F CAWTHIRÂ MULOCK, Toronto, Preuident Directoi Imperial Bink uof-Canada. Direeter Confederation Lite Ansoeeation. MARK B3REDIN, Taronte, Vice-Pres. and Gon. Manager. President Bredin Bread Ce., Limited. GEORGE IVESTON, Toronto. - Model Bakery. President George Weston, Limited. Union Bank of Canada* DIRECTORS: Kl C. TOMLIN, Tarante. Toronto Bakery, W. J. BOYD, Winnipeg,- Beyd's Baliery. ALFRED JOIINSTON, Toronto, of W. R. Johnston & Co., bltd., Wbiolei;alc Clotlýng. E. I.. LASCINGEIi Tor-anta, Seîtrelary; formenly An- sistant Deputy Postmasee-Genvrai of Canada. BANKERS m m m The Metropolitan Bank. TRANSFER AG~ENTS AND REGISt«RARS G;uctrdian, Trust Ce... Limited Prce atirhouoe &Ca., -Montreul md ýTrçonto;, Oscar Hudson & Co., Toronto. WAD moe To$n~ ~ II~ATS T: tontrealTorouit>, înaipeg cl or etm.l",aboi and Use la"tS lte(or <1 apetfive -sel"é la Cana Sallgead.4 by te". Fer feu partiea thé Vice.reI4eul #4u 1. Thea protI 0 F cýM,,PA N Y Oncotis iejiastt a81Ims or oiste lirdin Bread company, rLlm ' L,£'. ¶!om*t ,<1oreo Bakers->, of ToMnto; Stu,îft, Ltit-0 rdù** .lki-relprop¶15ty b e.scuded '-buta, pascel of vacant land ln lise coivpïmles have Deen la operattoùn for aimost thlrty yetirs, idsWég iý"tt thby are nov na gthe langest tu tîseir s-e- ~mr'WI~5sMiPit~1e 60,OO#10a of0<brend per wCt'k. I Or 0f31eW.iuuta'to-ZrUbltWltbfu thaae ioutput or the ol u, î-tla s< .'Wrîpe,01110 aamluter daté. pMtqI b' &1.1ev TomMn.Mark l3redin, ifaut ~fonth- COU PANY, Trust Co..Limited, 1