Whitby Gazette, 17 Aug 1911, p. 3

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mu Mnuand o.wm,,the. poiTo believe th*y IsaVe brokon up 0,e ho1tduartera .0fthe. Illack Uand Socelt7 lin TOronto, whieh for m'e,- e'ral Mu>ithz past hbas been keeping two--thilà viut the Italian colciiy ini the central part of tb-& cit.y inan stat. ut terror. Ai a result o01 nformatiQa pleaned by the police, ilowing the~ murrender of Fran.k Oriro on a charge vi iurdering Franeco Soi- &one, fSergeant of Dêtective, Alex. biw>kie and the ent.ire staff of de- tectÀives on Friday visited three re3- tau rane«condue,ýed by Italians in York vtrbet, and placed under ar- rent founteen people, and seizcd ee-ve'ra.l dîrka, letter-.'and otâher articles. 01! those brought to headquartera eight were detaineri, the remanlder being given tiheir reedom aftc r givi ng sati.flaclory explanamtions for their presenre in the places. Mtter being exazminjed those detaincd were taken to the ,As 9coon aa certain individuals in the italian colony learned that Griro -wu behind the bars they 'rare not elow t.o enlighten the au- qbhoriies pon coeeof the cx~~ tions under which the alleged Blaek Rwnd organîzat.;on iras being op-, erated in Toronto. Fearing that soue <of the ringleaders might make their escape the police deenied it best to act promp'tly in t.he maqttp.r. L9hartli.N-aitter 2 o'clock the detec- ijve,â vi.ited 160 York streft, a r-estauirant conducted 1»' Jue Muse- lino, where they found seven menî and tAvo wonien; 1(35 York stre<%t, a fruit ?tore, kept by SaIN-itoiri Sct- arune, a bruiùier of the murdered 'mari, where thiere wcre five men, and 174 York street, a hear be r h op, co)nducted by James ilapola, m-bo admitted seiling the revulver Wo Criro, who fired the fatl&] gc Rapola was the only cc usn f 'the place. -A Tef es-i of an etym-ological t-uni -of riînd, seeing c case of we]I- Ina> ked elîlungles, with the it-t-le blistieris soe ciscy set- as almost t-o oier]ap one another, might th'ak thc affect-ian voîl named fi-arnthe shingle-s of a rovi, but- t-be word is reaily a corruption af t-ha Latin cinguinin, îeaning a girdle. The. tenu s'asapplied becaus, of the arrançemnent cf t-ha eruption, whidh encircles thle bedy, or vne lateral ball cf It, like a bebt- The scier>- tific toi-ni is zoster, or ?.ona, 1>-m t-licGneek s-arda fan girdie or beit. Shingles, or zaster, le a vkin aruiption due t-a dise o f une of tic cut-aneous nerv.es shioi run ire-m the. opinaI cord round thbe bod< t-o t-hemile line ib front. Tii. enuption abways follas's t-be coursof t he affect-ad nerve, ceas- lug abruptly at the front, unleji tee nervas on bot-h sides are ai- fet-ad, s'ben in erîcircies the body maot-1k a «1>dia. This complote forini s fortunateiy rare. Tie eruption consistm cf a suic- cession 4-4lard blisters 11k. these of a ce-Id-soer n evez-biime.r. su canhon on qlie lips. Lt begine in the fiorm oireddius pat-ce, uponm Wblceh piinples andti ten smidI lwis- t-crs orm. T-haeeilisters arc air- rasîged in groupe along the course <if te afeeted nrsve, ar t-bey maY. fi l e-re caees, rua together, forming an almaost unbroki lino rrmnd ont-hlîaf oi the bodýv or face. Fur the firet tîcrea "r tour days --t-le conten-t-e fcieh b atre r --watery: t-hen t-ey b-oecloutt% th- ~ ~ a es turu brow>,.i ad final- le dry anti tarin n'-eIlowis1î cruett. iM'or a few ticye or a w r-lt îrecediing 11 teartiptîon iîeuiraîgie lpains c re et it he iapart to lieaaffected, and diiiing the eriîlîtion tc pain Vi- ! ton véry sente. Ini ebjîdrer. cur,-. oîîi~-aoult-lhe in ma.% l'eab- - ~ ~feelig ai e mral illiieuoc. 1-4eeisption snsy appear ail at- ianci,, aiea' < cmevin la-rueral sue- ters Stouttl lu Torohtoe -Ui.ughir, aSorditg tuo itioriatin cuv~ed-th'the Pol"e, the headquutrers ci teor*xt- tiors in Toren'to twas Ioeate aà Muselino'e restaurant. A 1ew d&ya- &go there arrived lu Toronto a sec- ret service deteotive froin Naples, wbo figured prorninentlty luthe. fe.mous Camorra trial nos' in pro- «resu lun Naples. fRe sas w.aiki.ng along Lthe atreet viien lha recogniz- ad two allega.c Black fondera, sho escaped from Naples iollcowing the Vauinenoemelt of 'the -trial. As ,Foon as they got a glimpa. of him they boarded a street car and got eway. This satisfled him that they ,were here for the purpose af op- erating, and t-ei>- description wee imndiately givan (c the authori- lies. Subsequantly itwsas learnad that tbey had been loitering around tho placee vîuitaed by tiie police ia York 8treet, but wheu t-he officers lined up the. inmates in t-he different places ithe Lwo axuch-sought imdi- v-dualýs were net arnong the Dum- ber. That the plaice kept by Muse- lino s'as used almnost exclusi-ely for those conneatad with t-be soci- ety ai a meeting place the Police feel certain. Muselino forinerly kept a restaurant at 125 lth etreet, Niagara Fable, N.Y., s'hieb up till a&ew[os'mnths e owes ra- crognized as the headqu.irters; of the Canmorra Society in Canada. Followin.g the circulation of sanie mn3-tetious letters on the Niagara früntici-, where a large number of It-alians were engaged in construc- tion wark in connection with- the diflerent powoer plantsz, Muselino ýwas ordered- t-o close the place a.nd gel out of thbe city. He came, di- rect ta Tarante, and opened the restaurant on York street, s'hicii, ît le alleged, s'as used as a blind t-o cos'er up any operations in To- ra'ito and vicilîty. cegsive cropa, t-akiug a week or, more for ite full developinent. Tie Most srions fanm is that of t-he face, for it otten -results ini se- vert- iwarring, andI msy aven attaek tic, ey-bail. 1%e pain usua]ly sub- t;ideýs when t-he eruption appearii. Tiiere le no treatm.en~t whicb will rertainly eIs hort- the at-tack, anti t-a Moset th4v Con lie doue usualiy as t-o proted sftheluit-ca rs mii -- 1tativn of thbe iluing -or et-h.>- a 'jury.- Thus la done by ippiylnig 1%oot-hiiîg powders ci starcli or oxid 4of zinc, painting t-be blisters wit-h 'Collodion, or spplyiJng court-plss- t-er. Afte.r t-heaftitkt-hi patient cmay needta <nk treat--ment for a imule. There le generally only one ak-. 'acIs. Wbere t-er. are rapeateti racurrances thebanc l uually saine uu<lerlying feuit oai eonstituticn 'wbich colis for caraul, $yVttezneitie niecicai treat-nent.-Youth's Coin- panlon. NO T1TO CENt RATE. U. 8. Goveromnat DeelhacI Au- atraila's Propostà Armagemen t. A despateli frm Mebourne, Au- stralie, aays: i;TheaUnit-ad St6te Garerninent has decbinedthétli Au. stralian proposai fer a reciprocal <s'a-cent postage arrangement. Josiai Thomas, Postînast-er-Gener- ai oi tie Commonweslth, toôk the matter up 'ith t-be Post-Offi-ce au- thorities at Waîâbingt-on a mont-h agï). Tic question ha.s lieeathb. subjeet -of an agitation siace t-h. diseontin ofit-he mai] servicre hetwee oaAustralien ports andi Sou REEN UN, PARIS sHlOPS. -b~cail gotherx(.. the seaseu'x fabie is viie, Sqwirc snd 1roýund neeh bodit-es are equu".v popilar.I Fashionable are royal pur- de le~ wiaaî -t-h whitc s41k Ilaige. Sail.-'r mlla3-» (4 satin or oi are now s-lied 'ith bi-ur Wh-te chif.j p-pulur1itv aifi e clanlees- lodire' (-r t-tasn. A a 'el asi4 pret-ty èêon<>-tt froni tuc match.Prsl lotisti*sd hvaI ae~u _u Pmzeemi 4 m tueADsasauier v ~iother, Bý$~nnie: <i ticIcotre. Be ~ ~ ~ ~ M trahs'caighetait ai the, -poitierw , seis vi-ienlie w»a in thhouieue nd grashopperm and bIugs and ôtber thIngs oautdoors. lie thou tmilii sas only for the~ lItleist kitte ns, and ho ewsuted baeIteak. Hélie ied beefsteak, and h. did not like iik 1That was al thlera wuaho il.! And the children ai the houze helped him along iu bis naugi.y whim, for w#hen t-bey fotîad'ha liked meett they e&rried. hum serapa frein t-h. t'able. lit sas al la vain thae hi-s poor math.>- iooked uo, visd and su distressd, as ah. purrad and protest.d, and their ovu ina- ther toit1 them that the old est kues' best-.-he s'as afraid <hait Bernnie would b. sick, And one day h-e wasl1 The children diti not se 11dm aIl day, but Bennie wake up from wbmt sas like a bail dreamn al dronchtid and shivery, for seme oe tires' a shole bucket aifs'steî o-ver him when t-bey sas' him sct- ing strangely. As his mthar lici- cd hui aIl off nice and dry, ehe ne <fou-bt purred, -1I told you solI i told you su 1" When she est by t.he fi-e that nightî, with ho>- eyas haîf-shut, thbe cblîdren thought nb-es'as dozing; but perh:apa aie was tbinking, thinking ai thle dayas'when h. might go far awey frein her andi starv !6'o deatb if h. could not have just exact-ly what he wan-ted ta est. AHl eie droamed t-bat night by the ire almeut came true. for B-en-, nie s'a-s given to a kiud family s'ho lived -en a farn. But thay did not have everyt-hing t-bey wanted the-bo selves. They had pleènty cif mil-k, 'and s'ira surprised wlien the, folund t-bat-the. nos'camt-wauld not touch a bit ofiît. They didnuot have 'se sfar as'ay [rom the sea, sud thbe but-cher's cart cam-e onJy- on2ce &. week. They gave hi soma rou» park, -andti deusoute raast mat-ton, -buti Bennie turneti avay vitb te montI diagustati look asud staîketi off.- Then t-hey were puzied. Wai i Meh cat hvmteiak ? Whist wouldboe 'eat-, euyway 1 lRe.s'as growilig teinuer sud talunnar every day, a"dIhses r tholwado i-i fuil; but they -tid t net-huas . eu - «Beefsteak 1 -beefstesk 1" evary 1titme h. mew.ed. Nabody in that st-range place kues' shat lie w" tnlking about. The sieker and isinter ho gros' rthe laes th.sceineti ahi.te btell them. But the day before the. ,bu'tchar's cart- esme the .peor sieughty caL s'as se hungry that be idcb.erained te tty sud txsete tii. lcteful miik. fie- lati jit-taken ue ap sud mate up oua fao., viien Brovule,- the next-door neigbbor's est, came over the. fonce with cme bound, pushed..tbe. parti--. aular, strange est to oue aide, sud drank ail the aroam, asif she n- joyed ti iand vas «lsd m) «et any-- tbiug'50 nice. AIl the whie Ben. nie witched huingrily by. Bas' ho wisheti lie cul est evar huig liii thst! And thon h. seem Wd'-z re menviier ail that bis mother lied trit-o teAch him about "etieîg IRENESI APAA AH RAPI'EXYICS Pnom1 LL OtEI M TE GLOE 13 à Canada, the En.plro stiths WorI8 t ernerai Reo terour CANADA. QueliceWitt i alnnieMrac crowi> Anetear te, cent a ance in, sut- ar lic alnoun-ccti ' 1~'~ J Oriill'd 0TÀ E WII Report on External Busines eIs SSUed byl_ Trade Correspondent A despatch from Ottawa, gays., to Canada, oi United Kingdoni John !Bain,' Imperial trade corres- 1 produce, 1910, ,5,0; 1911, £0,- pondent for this district,> on Thurg- 464,00; of foreign and colonial pro- day issued à, report on the external duce, 1910, £1,439,000; 1911, 21,- trade of the UJnited Kingdom, as 1' 478,00<) affects Canada, for the six months The exportq -te Canada were thua etlding June 30. about the same in value is lait The total values of the merchan- year, but the importe irom Caulds dise impoilted into the tynited were lower by two maillions ster- Kingdom frota Canada and export- ling, of which nearly one and one- ed [rom the United Kingdom to half millions were due to diminish- Canada, during the first six months ed imports of wheat. Britain'a of each of the years, 1910 and 1911, wheat imports [rom Canada. were were as follows: £3,825,0o in the firit six monthis Importa into the United King- lait year, while in the same period dam from Canada, 1910, £10,599,- this year they were only £2,422,000. 000; 1911, £8,481,Ooo. Bacon anid haxis, however, show Exports from the United King- an increase from £695,000 to £1,- dom to Canada, of United Kingdom 027,000. Ie eftý Pàbt ln-41 th LigerPoTItot CAug. g_lraiWnterChoc. Âaaioes ,Piana.rol' iat atoUlsh.03-35Abr .40 ot 9 -«,, "' Manitoba y f liod-PKRrotnpst. 1 Sente nont- Toronto, Aug. 7 (Specia).-The £trU!ng :ero!:ae4'ý0tOte t ê3taè11sizment, of another large in- ajo wb~ ~eat4o. i 1rhei~~5 dustry for Canada wili reenili, f>-o»m trortà; No.2 t8.1-; the negotiations, closed ber. boa. Bide, and oa 7e'wONo' 2 SOcout Iday by Mr. Cawtr Muh>ck, for 13,%rler.Tfl>*Market in dull, with prices 1the organizaton of Caniad1a X0t na grades, 40e. outeide. for Bread Company, Limited. The 1o 2-n t 43(oan rackToronto. New No, 2 kt37 ôtod N oompany willl. have modern bread îl%.afld Nz4' Dt 39de.f W.,.oate at manulacturing plants in Montreal, partrn,, 3 lTrocn o w. 670, Bay 1 Toronto and Winnipeg, and it is -Peas--The m;arket Le duii, witb prices puelY nominal. 1t.he intention ta arrange inthe Rye-T1IeT0 le none offering, and prices enear future for the ereetion ai re fon>iathIn feig eplants in aIl the other lurger Bran-Ma tba, o 2ein g. .To ronto. nd shots,823. in bag Tno. 1cities oi the Dominion,.rOntari an. s$ort, 23ntbag Trant. The Comipany, w'hen immeciate n~rî>ba,$1l beaat. bplana of extensions and nos' plants BUTTER ANÇD BOUS. are completod, will have a we.ekly ButrDi"r.. 19 to 21; nfror, output of 1,000,000 loiives, givilg 1rails,. rand te24 foUn er t fo ian annual production cf about Egoee fr.ctly new.Iald quoted at 22 ta 60,000,000 baves. ecan lots et 18 ta 19c per dozen, in Accordlng ta announceinent made Chese-Large, 13e, and twins, 13 1-4e per here to-ay by Mr. Cawthra Mu- lb. look, include.d in the nes' Company CONR POUE are five ai among the. largeit bread BeneSIsîNlts, $2,20 ta maaufacturiag companie% in Can- flcneY-Extraced. ia tine. i1 to .2 e pr ada, among tbem being the. Bredin lb. Combe, $2 te $2,60. Baled Bay-No. 1 ai $13 te $14. on track, Brea.d Company oif To routa,' and No. 2 at $11 to $14. Stuart's, Limited, Montreal; Oea. ron tro. 6 e$50 ntrc, t Wesrton1 Limited, Toronto, kuown Potatoee-.New, in barrais. $4.60, and par as the "Mcdel Uakery" ; W. J. bushel, 81.25 te 81.60. Poulry-Sringchickene, 20 ta île per Boyd, Winnipeg, and H. C. Tam- lb; tawi, 13 ta 1lt.urkeys, l6c. lin, Toronto, known as the Toron- ta Bakery Company. The, busi- tUSINESS AT MONTItEAL. c nee t&tkèn over have ail grown Montreal, Ana. 16.-Oate-OCanadianf etÉ,No. 2. 42 Mte 4gc, car late, ex jzomveryamal botinings san ore- extra Na. 1 fead, 42 té 42 1-20, No. are to-day among the most auccems- 3 C . . 4f11.2 te 42c; No. 2 local 4white 4e-No. 3 loca White. 40c. Ne. 4localt fu in lutheir reapective fleld inlutheii. , li. Flour-maniteba 5juin wheat con nry. The. services of the mounpatente, firets, $530; seconde $41;Win- W h -- iiite 4 6 to4.7Ï; strong who have made the. different huaI- àea' .Umt4l,,Ight. rollore, $4 tar $4.10; nesses »ire-eniin.nt-ly suceeiul -are -b , 180t 2 lled ater bar- r, $515611 be $of 90 IboaI I t, d-i being assured t-o the. nes'. oompaay, Zra,! $20$1 2. aitb, z Mi. Ma>-1' Bredin, heaid oi the hirtII J1i tieë. mnter1%11«S t 25 I3tedit Bre*d Company, Taronto, Kg * -6.eei, 1.2ct tfrosei 17 1-e- . and i'egaMrd -as petihaps the nMost 1, 18. .Oee»e-Wenterne, 1% M14 te 8-4e,. eauee, 12 1-8 te 12 1.4c. Butter- successiul, bread manufacturer Clieee. 21-2 te M3 34c. tii4 'Canada ;h-ai. Yet bad, Wfll b. geùcral , OoÊerw, while. tüe Boaid UNITED STATESMAURETB. of' Direetors will inelud e G-. Iinespalie. Aig. -16-leee-Wheaî Weatonau, Prident ca Geo. Weseten, $. I4cDee.mbei% 14o- e' IL d 1.C. Tomlfin, of the To- 8.08, se. 1-- o4terni $106. 7 lJJl14c, ronto Bakery Company, "~d V.,* J th $1,2t a ri No031$ $. 3?;he. Boyd, poý >oydia lBaker"' WÙIIIi2 110191toi8,0.- O *a ':lw 64 1-2 toi peg. ad 13reàad Company, X N.3wie 1ý 1 Re .0 8 l.e. Bran-42o,iO te- 8ZL paur. Limited, s lu atthe outeet being fist atens,*520to $5.40;s ed _placedin a very stron-g fÏacit 66 'LSto 26 YOaIUtloll by the aum i 810of 000 BUIfao. Âu¶ 1l.-Zp$n.. etgi. 41-ng là4ed in the -treasury oter lq, yd1 12.0 e,-9 o provide for the ereotlon et ne-W1 '* e <o,-4e 'crnt1d X'îoý,4 yellow 67 3.4*o. 3 corn , 67 : i4 plants and the. extension ai the l. aI. t î roue hbille.dBëtqýNo present cnes, and, aât the saineý 2w9t #ItIUIgýL91 time, supply ample worling capi-.1.E'-ZO2,otiaI B, tal. When seen to-day, Mr. Mark LVI~V ÂIES Bredin, the Utineral .Aa.ager, Montreal. Aug. la. Coloe #sars,5 1. pointed out that the nes' big bread lb.--,,Uoa-7 1-o * lb. Ohoie owd- oampanY, with ita mode-rn up-to- 4a me -*3,76-<, M-~1, îSuce.3 per b date plants, wouild If>in -a posi;tionl lb. te turn eut a- more uti!oïn and nto, b s h -hose tslattlrob' to betker grade - f bread, wule, the 0, $1.W"Ogre wa ierfta iystematizingýt of tii. diitrubuteii "->1bIlulir boit-- wîU s ueti='ng vot p.pythiUtOttes adîaér tù1-5 o ung U - eund or-iMsunia t;a*1are bêig ase, trng th .ce. * 1 'c58*>i ing çeylagl enrea enw Sýtto bn et'-al a W(3 iij bectins .aolto thy. t, >Ab w*l»Mo lOvO - O$ ' éî4; aô hè différnt *a ktdie-W - to Tra - 1>8 6 e M An despataely o ores! asysr A. d.sautod temW Pxth ptio ay sStitye-ie.iol piî of a . Tebo -««oht 01Uaver, L. hoy ru entre ontnget v fiut nd co-a ue u ~o 6~ b Stuart Rllled anti Ocrerai Other Perions Inju-rcd. lVsi. A dospatch f rom Montreai says:- Mr. William Stuart, a real estate ýagent, sas kled and sverai pe. pie injured au Thursday evening, viien a St. Catharine street car crashed into a cros'ded terminal car on the Bout do L'Isle lin. at thbe corner af St. Catharine street andi La Salle avenue. The metor- man of the St. Catharine street car, Elzear Langlois, s'as badly cut, about the. bead sud arma, thc front a! bis car baing amashéd i n s'hen it struek <lie rear ai thie ter- minal car. ii. rear plattomcf the. terminal car, s'here Mr. Stuart bati bean standing, s'as badiy dam- aged. Langlois stated <bat the. ac- cident s'as due te t-be [allure cf tha air braIses on bis car ta work. There is a st-cep grade on St. Cath- arine street by La Salle avenue, sud as'ing te t-be air braIses net workiîng h a s unable to check bis car viien he sas' the tq7lnal car attempting te cross ahea£' of hlm. SENTENCE!> TO CHIAIN GANG. Wosnai muet lDon lboomers andi lVark lVlth PrIm0ere A despatelb [rom Icla, Kansa, says: Ioa city officiais, with the. exception -of Municipal _Judge Sxneltzer, are up in arma b-ecause a wôman has been sonteucedit ,don a pair - of bloomers andi joift the street gang froin the. city jail. Judgo Srmetzer an Tuesday Èêa- tenced Mrs. Elle Reoue te 'th street gang and ardereti that cita' officiels provido ber witii the- bloomers. Street Coriisioneri Glynu refuse tto have s voman ln tii. chain gang. Mrs.- Reese ýdid not ga te sork bresbciug rock or ss'eeping the. streats on Wedn-o day because t-he blaomera..badnot, been pravide.d, andi t-he oficiaiss al t-bhey wIll not aliow tii, voîsete carry eut t-ha sentence impasqd up-. on ber. A BRUTAL HUSBAY»ýD-. Set Pire te Maltrege aa4,I Ilî SE K 81K IE' ED FliEF A.deipateh -frein London, says: -Craed by drink ni Fariner IWasAuxio ttee If U mieby tii, thouit tat hi% 4o, lehait repeutedly'abiwiqd'- Beatt Wat III pai te 0 plea, ce u 4 li Charles 'Dubois, a ftariner, fibn St. veré M- l OI Pierre d Wkallva iight- 'ray, o ~ol ta -tO tliê EtmU jail by tBai!!-(te Celu,-JÀioticn.i, l ege4ho h 01, Iuli, on a warran»t earSging j ire ta -à . letièk in hus iie hini with isauIt ou, .is ifç and .WednesdaY a e.novn, t - h iii.~e et ir tet-b bd h-e.itruck ber on the> >aw, b on: Whidh- hfic s"'Itelay si4k, juaiste 1ýit tii>-.. taniesl, sud. -choit, Msortain i i à vaWs ranî'iy iiI or Oh. rai> te -a -neiglîborig-foa not. When t-h.'unfôitunate wO aucaand -viles. 'a mn - jumpet frai -th-liebd tôeas- lu aalilged .t-o have sot Etc caebeing burned, ý i laiireti h a a scond m tue, t he-ere 4ýah. W69 taanuinig#ik n ucesn nbunn t naos$ and;m&de -ber' vorikaround - -.- cal ai "a .b Nütiou Was Mov MO.NTREAL CARS COLLIDE. I -i

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