To1l tl*t lipure blood wlth I*wgk eulng resuls,,- uuaaxt b"id, headaches, unrestM , lght*b po appetite, saalow akin, pliples *ad depresalonsemol Ufrom constiption PIILS have bren doing zgt«od b men sud wurnlen for rnany, irnany yearu sand their vahîc hait lien tested and provî'd. Ihv rcniove the cause-of îuiýý.àlh trtoiiblteq. A few umail doe ,Il litw their itafe tonie action o <n piul.ecehan', PlUs will sui> lî lît ypu to an active liiýcr, a gzxxd ,tuniach, a sweet brrath, <'lear hcend anid refresh- ing siere. lit yung orold tbey Will Reieve Constip atio n 8u4d Evenywbut. sl 2"a le LIST OF FALI. VAIRS. Orono, ,-;ptllîber 1411< and 15t.b Oshawa, SCpkvnîtx'r Il, 1 '13 Markhanli, October 4, 6, 6 Woodbridge, (ctobet 17, 18 Lindsay, bMpterniwr 21, 22, 23, BoWnnville, Su'pt.ember 19, 20 Zephyr, ()ct.ober 10, Beaverton, October :3.4, <'L-nlaanptil. n Saturday, August 12, 0111, lolîri Y Cle, tanneit'r, f.irîuu'î of Bioki lin, in bis Pitil vear Miss Suiffl, of Ottawa, bas beeti viiiii tg iwi th hr't parvu la, J udge and Mis 'qmith Neuralgia and Sciatica Osusad great .uffarin< fr 2 years. Nothlng effective until Dr. Choses Madîcinea wera Used. "Iagords me leasure la spub tavorably of Dr. Cfua ezMove Food snd Kidney-Liver Pilla." wrltee Mr. W. T. Colina. Morpeth. Ont. "I had bout a sufferer for 25 7«» h fom siatica, lumbago ftnd neurulga and trlsd nerly ail the remedies *dver- 11usd vithout crie partice.of bonefi uiU 1 began the u ae of Dr. Chaseà uedWanea. Before I had ftnhed Ivo boxes of the Nerve Food sud Riduer. Livr Pila I noticed a dml bond inlumy condition. I havoeos Stueh oonfidence I n t.h.ssmediciées ? aI 1 have recornmendod thmn b dornons et mr friands." la enm .cases of thie nature the .ombtued us» of tbeae mediciusu 'bringa ruaulte whi'h art both gui. prislng aud iaatisfart.ory. TheKid- umey-Liver PUillareguirîte the action of kidneya. lver and bowela, whik lb. Nerve Fond enriches the blond and builde up the nerveums yum. [7- FThe ('ntral Busnesq Col. lege of lororîto invites yOU ta "'rite for i copy of li cun t. ul uni if )ou ire in an) wa> intcested in a trait utîg whiwill Iead you iii I a gooti business ap- pointufent ni a goo1 salary. 'rhe Fail Terin opens on August 28(h. Adurcs W Hf. Shaw, ireiderit, Yonge and (;errard Sts., 'Toronto, and metiîon this paper. - - -. -*,A-A- A- - A- - THIRTY YEARS bOuir "Semenl CoIleges aa net tetsblio;iied stnring thue pî years. 'Il'li largeet tralumri n Csitiîla Owiuîg tu osîr i ousctlion ail oter tOnîtario, we doiboter f' or our gntvti eates thiaaty otbs'r Slitoul "oeu ma saty iti l at t se or Parti> at h orne and fitiub st the Coliege. SAffilated with Thes Consoienciai Educatora A.soeiatioeu et Canada. lb wuuid lm welI for you te Inves. tîgai. befon. s4iolig. Exrluîsive rigîit f(tr Ontario of thlt world-faua. eta Blils Bookkesipiesg Iystesa, wbl e vuueqsalled. lblu Aetusi Businessf ronm Start te Yinansd th. stodetît keepas sie books a# Banksanaîd Whoinale Honaca. Enter any tise.. Indivîdusi tuaI rucetî PsU Terni Prom Aug. 281h4 Write, mali or phono for particula.s PETBRSORO SUSIIEES COLLE .1 (Pouaded Iwo 00ao. spolian.,Prasidet E..iLegas Prim4lai. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I - 4 '4 PRAOTIOAL UNDIXTAIWU éi Cara fdfu. mwmwowmm Anthracnose of Raspberry and Biackberr. To the. Editon Dear Sl,-ln nespouue te lb.sug- gestion o! Mr. H.W. Wilceu, la atý weeks issue, tuaI liis oDes tose â> tien tu regard le Alalbraoess whlcb bas been so dimaarU o 1 li raspberriesansd hladkberrlsso! 08 i communty, Issmt, beelit, ltw tollowig: Titis (fu la te is couimon disems, affectlag bot ««41 plan ta shove meticoad, pai <Il leM whlch -la capable o! dMisu tohb&M.. Il affecta lte canes baiel, ai mm peartag alto on lte yomg aboQUBMO leaveS. The »150hila lhi"esly.aheu eoflit, dises., are purpli-beat li dises.progreassume eua ubitisi centre, sad beomussomeUtl sunkeit. le bad case tet spO a u» logetiter, souewbal .sdrc$lflg i mame, ai otbmr limes iky r»mo oue ide produeiag arg le t* 4 pariaiteobo. -Doudoq ibis o* Um ams, lb. sPou otsla pdýy t, » deln c ks la i tg g o O M f*0 tu et thebik Ib.,toml e!ti.18 a.éts la tl&-!as dicolteve Mid aeto!aui »tu up b«j rtpwa. »"o1Ueiml la 4osa bave .bw »MMU*d t a hoWing Ot'WM'-t dw* by awm o m M t 4 sa " oàà& &b t hat____ t2baite on 5riday Uv4ins,;AllgW j cyan, itômsi, hIiild, a"4 Joba it-I pcr. The Secretiry explaimidltaI whul4 h. haïk nou.peciaainotificioo!utJO"t Draper's etwtoton auat mw '01Ous Board, ho uuderstood ltaIhob" ta been ge eiected. A commnunication wa# tead front A. H. Hutebînson, Sclieucce Muter, thd- ering hisu resignation. AMa a cern- Inunica tioufIruta i uspeclor Waiks, roi- atîve to reoent.entrance exalinations Mr'. Farewell moved, ianded by Mr. Hatla, iJiat Muniro & Meed'a plans aod pecitcations toi tlb. Dow Higl Sehool lie subnaitted to Educa- tiouiai »epari.ment for apprevak. Car- ried, MANAUEMENT REPORT, l'oui oiîste ui &1hool Maniage- tuent bmtg tu reprt that bhey have caused au advertlîeîaent te ho Inséal- ed iu the Oiobe and mai newspapers ton a Headi tiaster ca,pabie u!tesià- ing Matheiuaticu la a lligh Sohool, and have receuved three appliCat4ons [or thipo.stion, only une o! whom is a mattneniaticai teacher, namoly, Mn. A. Campbell. The commitbe. vec'ounenud thati~his offer tu personai- i> interview the IBoard lbe accepted. 'iour conàmilttee bave coasldered the application of Miss Graeb for au inerease u! salary as teacher o! Mod- ern l4auguages and Engiish, sud rec- onîweuid that. ber salary b. încreased tu the extent o! 'It0 'i oui commit.tee have eonsidered tbe applicatbon of Miss Pringle lot an licrease ini aalany, and cannot recommend same. Youn 5.ounuittee have considered the rs.signa Lion ot Merrs, Potar & Hutchinsoux, aad cannot at present recommend tbat the saine b. acuept- ed. Sbouldth le Board be able tu obtain the services of compelent pen- sens to 011 tîteir places, their resigia- tion wil ho accepted. NEW PRINCIPAL ENGAGED. The engaging e! a Dow principal, te f111 te place vscsled by Mr. Chas. PotIer on the Higb Sebool staff, wus the. chie! item a! buiauis ataIthe meeting efthle Board of Educattoi last Weduesday oveanug. Ut. Camp- oeil, o! Wstoadown, badlmde appli- cation in person for 1he tppoln.list, and oreated a very favorable Impres- sion. A motion wuvaseait iaiMr. Campb.lli'sapplication b. sccepted ai a aalany o! $1400 petr ma. As soon as Mr. Campbell'a S ocopl ance la recelved, lhe Sectary wtt notif y Mr. Potlen [bal bis resigna- tien bas been accepted. The malter of procuring a coslsuap- ply for the comlng wlnter wia let Iu the banda of Mn. Psrgusen. Il was docidedtIhîl Mr. Huloblu- Bon, of tbe Hlgb Scbool staff, be to- tified thal bis resignallon yl nat h. accepted tb take effeottli lte aew, year. The meeting adjounned. CASTOR lA For lInfas sa" hilins. b te Pite Cmaya.lité lt â1 té Txees Ireuisei4 lme dàï4sa a-o, Tii. Meuare. Ttue spfk very htgiily et hht4 #oxk doue oý,n ltaI oeel aémd wlsh'te Show thelir apptroiatlon by' premetlng t*ie Brigade with th. oncloSeti chque. 1 1 ans ait àâoadd 'My Word of, pralse for te men, flot, onlyon. ltaI ofca- sion, but on -peïra1 -othezu la ie past. 1 do not -believe lter. la s. Y(OM, ttAWir Whitby, Onit. fhenlltiuent-At tif ut aI aîlg o! Ihbe Plié, Brlgiâde, aivote o! tbaàkâ *Wa pàw~d for 1ute cixque oa, $50.0 Io% doiàated or servifes rendéred ah lb. Uiàie o!'lb. lare. Kindly -accpt- saine, amd be asiured -thal -the Bri- gade will always b. ready aud wilil- iug tu do theïr utinoat should o=Cs- ion arise. Signed on behal of Brigade. W. J. LUKE, Secretary. OSHAWA PAIR. September 11, 12 and 18 wlll sec i *16lte eeigo wlhwt ~ lt 1h. N.II Allia, E. P. Bradley, b.V.i "ikr (boit),0, e1>. DIMayL. E. Viarkï, T. à. VayL. ADlack, W. Frmnci, &H. 1.Waby (hon.), Aý. M. Pissat (bon.), J.O. Grahaat, W. G1.1 Hardy (bon.), A. Horman, K.C. ffua-1 top, A. K. Latimer, P. M. LotI, N. McDonald, A. MCRse (hou.), W. M. Muatard <hon.), S. Meek (bon.), H.ii. Meeker, H. A. O'Connor, J.A. Prut- ter, M. Rosa (hon.), &- J. Rosa, E. M. Robinson, E. Sonley (hon.), H.G. Stevenson, M. A. Thompson (bon.), H. A. Viponti M. R. Veitcht E. W* ster (hou.), M. Webster (bon.), B. Wili A. Williamnaon, (hon), L. War- ren, C. E. Watson, D. MeRae,(hn) and G. M. Tbompson. MATRICIJLATION RESULTS. O>nt.ario Couuty. A-N. B., Allin, L. V. Baker, G. Barclay, L. 0. Bailert, t.. , . Ciark, T. H. Cary, A.M. Fraser, J.- 1). idra- bain, W.U. Hardy, A. K. Latimîer, F'. M. Lot.t, N. McU)onald, S. Meek, W.- M. Mustard, H. B. Meexer, Hi. A.- 0'- Conuor, M. Ross, E.M. Rou)inson, G. M. Soniey, H, . S tevenson, M. A. Tlhompuon, a. i. Vickery, E. Wqeter, A. Wiiliaunson. 1-Ile. Appe, E. P. Bradley, H. Boyes, J. H. Cochrane, W. Cook, A. R. Courtice, F. W. llawklnî, K. U. Hortop, A. 8. Johnuonp* MF. Kerr, A. M. Paual, J. A. Proctor, W.- 0G Ruttau, L. M. Savage, D. N. Thomp- son, Q., M. Thompson, F. J. Wilson. C-H. CarrutAiers, S. F. Eveason, 1. E. Oiles, M. H Soules, M.W. Thomp- son, FRUIT TREES. out Nirnes are open te lampas> tli ai ii7 lime, Tiiese lnterestuA thb. subjeci.0o!fruit groWiitg Wllil cw woli Le Anpect oua Immne b1ocka of gpuwlag keacb, Appie, PLum a"s csebuîu Lse, amaili ruila, IlO- tesA lue sud abruba. Il oua local &pu a taôt 1caleid upon Yeu, wtlle as. 4>t.iogues or terva la agents 06) ôa muppiaits. BROWN BitUb., Mrown'.Noueso, Welland Counly, UBta:AOtoi OSHAWA. jDr. aundie, wba was taken te Torosisto Qeneral Hoipilal lait week le bu operated on for appendiis l, pased lbrough the operation t-letly, and la amaking rapid st.rittsieuuwïds recovcry. A son bora to, 'lUx. a-id Mmre.A. C. Filds, of Ibis town, in tihe 7.h lit., s au unusual ,outh, wtasnucb as hoe bus living, at. Ibis date, (m bis latheras aide o! the faaiiy, a grand- mother aud graudlaber snd a great grandzather ; and on bis mota'# aide % grantdfather, graudmnotbera great grssdunolhea, aud s great great grandaher.- aUinlathe bul et "tsih-but itilWheo nu. Hoit & Jehustom, have mved luth] the building reconlly vacatod bi. (Nover'. restaurant, sud lira. ,Whilt »ey bas moved tat their. old standi laexi Andeamnaestbre. Frank Steditea,' lb. 14 yemi old soWa oi Mfr. L. Sidbsdîle a 11w Omit- SWS nR*mpiion Wednsdy lat. lu: lad bout operated.ou tivicelotforas- dicitis. Ma. C. W. Dmueboek, cliotiu ae- SING LE FAIR Auguit :6th to Boptember gth Inclusive <from atl satiîons la Canada west of Cornwall and Ottatwa. Special Jow rates sud train service on certain date&. Peuit partiuera f rose surFGrad rahi Agttor addrcaa A. IL Duf , District Par sengrAgs, ooWO T.,sd.pOWflAllyfor EpesTcktad fee Oanediaai N owtb St Iandad ati.Wy. E1f1150 astern Ca nada' We inu Co #deatlsalla Mi i.Oic cacruluslt and fro ta sitem <rsaWi*ipeg W 171 C0aalsso W*rmusIVSas 'tatu. at a ota.taalsho" au a ti t rPolautbei on rturaj4mmtey, cu atj4.ea4o ms a o di4t%,*osk, *111be iaesto ori<iii5 etaetisg osstaas mtwtgonsl gitosO I&M a 1o O cd aS ine laidlg *4 titeeCt itiOCao. tNs.. uan ftRy 'flei<Ind Vrou nave Always o fl-glt, and Ivhiclibas been lu useu tor oVer'8 yeai's hue borne the signature of and a been triade under bis per- cZ~f~7 sonal superlvisionisine Its lntancy. Anwne ond"to decelve you ln Ibis. Ait Couanterfetto, Iitiltahions and "6Just-as-good " are but lmrpertlments4tat trifle wlth and endanger lte bealtit of Infants and ChUidren-Experiefle againsl Experimeut. What is CASTORIA <atorln la a lharmiesme gubstitûte for Castor 00, Pare-. t? rlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Itlah pleasant. it csi atains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie -a balance. Its age la its guarantee. Il destroyg Worms ated alînys Feverlahueis. For more than thtrty years it lia been lu' constant use for lte relief o!f<Constipaion, 11.1tuIeney.. Wlnd Colle, ail Teetbing Troubles aid ]b -arrhoea. It regulates lte Stomacit and Bowels, aa'i1mlIatea-the Food, giving heaîthy and nalurai sieep. Tuae Chldren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORlA àALWAYS The KhlYou liave Always Bought ln Use For Over 30 VYears ,me oc"AUff OMPARUIY. 7? UNN* S?"tINew YORK ce"?. ANNUAL of the mest modern and up-to-date S&le Sl*LD Tît*itRa addred ta 11w suder, big taux la Oshawa. The. Prizeg-Ofler- sI e c n udorsed Il fcader for Publie ed, are bigger than last year and the 13il g ôtPeriy. OàiL,« yull 1* reoivd "ti l je0WoiWduaa.Bttir6 prize liaI bas beau eompletely rvlsed. 19P t hbitruction of a Publie Bulding Il you do not get onle bY Au.gust 21, lan peciication ad rud of coustal' cm send la lMr. Sinclair. No fait shows b * eeffansd formi; if tender obtaitied au appli- cationut tathe Pous ter *1~ t Pa tery. ont. el a prettier book, and the bookidi- the office of Mr. Thou. A. Hai1. Llr f~tmwa i arwl worka, Postai Station Pl Youge e, t., T 0or ato, wa tefi wl and ati bis Departmnent. The prizes offered this year for Persosi teadering are uiloed thât tendeus wiiuot becouaidered :n lehhiadeou the priated stock aloue sbouid enaure a 1great ex- f.riu auppUied. sud uiquad eith tbeer ali bb1. Those interested i stock wil Ri natures, lutinza iheir ocupatiob "" Piss am n ftebs olcin i h et aateuce. lu the esse of Bris, tun actuti e n !tebi oetosa h tigatüeè henature of the aeeupstiou aud Lair. The big parade of piize-wiiifers iac esdneof eech tuuber of the ia il&euangt otî eig fWeb tender Must heaconptauied by u amint The bilsn ooe ihswl i ad ebluenoa achsrtered bauk. payable to te adclre i s îlb orlerof the llonorable the lIiai er of publie poeW dIn a lew days. Watvh for the Worka, eùaI 10 cmleuVT enut 110 Pc I 8 lb. ausut ot c ttedur, whtch wiii bai forils if advert4siugf and corne to the fair and the peruon teuideiou deeline Co enter 1mW asme that the Directors give you % bat .,utract when Miltd upoù ta do *îo or fMIStut cuuplccthe woîk conracted for. litheteuier they promise. They never have dis- be bot acccpted the rhf-que yl ho retnrbed.. 'apine The Lepartnent dosa not btud Itacif to sdeept ~ yt the lowest ora tosted.r, Get a prize list ani hunt up your R. CDSRC R8 exhibits and make your eflîricit eui'Iy. flepartuscut of Publie Works, iccret.ar7. The. carlier you make thern the liet-' Ottaa, ugust oc.. 91t. ter satisfaction voti will get Vh get- Newspr pers wilit b aldh st for tbis adver* tiug your tickets.. Talk it iver lt tiscitent if thcy insert it wit tout eut boris y frota the Dcpirtmcut. your nelghbors and be at the fair of &d~sFarm Laborers' 0ýto Winnipeg and Certain Points In Western Canada Including points on Graîd Trunk Pacific Ry. via Chkago, Duluth and Fort Francis. 818.00 AddliIonal Eetumnng AUG. 12th Prom ail stations north of but flot including main 11, e Tor- auto to Sarnia Tunnel via Stratiord te, and Including the Uine froie Toronto bo North Bay and West Iu Ontauio. AUG 16th -Froin Toronto and stations st in Outario, also Esti Or. illa and Scotia janction in Ontario. AUG. 23rd - Froni ail stationt Toronto, North Bay aud West in Onitario. AUG. 2tli-Froin ail stations Torontoanmd Ess of Orillia and Scotia jct. ln Canada. Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto 1,PEEL S-HOE aLEGINOO. Stock Street, Sowtk. Wbitby. Oatario 111ESTANARD ANK m F CANADA o~ MGNIËY ORDRtS. FOR SALSM - o ie iüiud b û Bank- *motutaufactotyi og Ému- um.tcuy $Md 01C wwark, et Evewy Bmaich. will W Il pél i1 p nom i wîJl bu article, iy. 'W $250, and 85 and you tory peu. We (do and do rl a dandyi '1 - f 'w 'THE NEW -2It la admil IL à Boots and Shoos now gqing on at Pee/'s. WMe have many lines, perfect goods, which we wish to clear out, and these; wi«Il be sold away down Iow in prico. Corne early and seciire first choice.