, <B~J S WH!'l., t ~SCHC will ma oo C r W hat about tbi e, ~your parenti promrnsed you. w,~ill bjy wit us ag 3article, guaranteed 1Y. We bave uthert $12 .1101$300l, $ ani$5 ~00. BUY 3, nai BASSET I I Jewelopt WIIITBY W. C. T. U. H IE NEW REFORMING SPIRIT. It s admitted Uiat th. trade in al- rutttil liquors la the migbieal enesny ot snciety, religion, anI the KIngluai ut 6od that the wurld )lma ever ktiown it repreents tie nost gigan- 1 l ii that ever dag ils fange into tti. %i tais ot manknd. But its day ot tri al bas conie, There le a had-wrf 1- ng iipon the wail. In increasing nain- tnt., and wîth an emnphase hat cas- nl lw iniistaken, the men 01this pin- eiiat î'gr are demanding oftlbe tIafe in htii a reason fur ils exiot«enc an(], as rin reason bas or cas be <Aven havt- swouîU a holy oath lu <ifs theiai- wl mi rest antil I Iis euesny of tât, hutian race lm overlirovu. Let thin., te no mîistake about il. Thore ls li monti on this beanîlful Sun-lit (lud i-iated piamet for lb. new re Ionn pt;mi. and the Ioh drunkand rbîle spitît, if it ho aU cuar e elîtti. fi-ai les', and brave as lie occaMI- toit tIr n att s, wi II tarcb up lu hast oid 1i 'q i, as -<Ad David to Golitat>, anmd 'ut witb a determînation liaI (lit tw h. mîstaken. "VYOU NUSr ('OI <OW 'Stronga you are, fi t uted aB you are la *0i detP 901oft i uai's rapacily and grend ani 11h.- as you are by law, defdetI %%it aie by the mont umectiptui < ""i tmonîopliste the votid, ba s Cliiknown-YL)U MUST Qb DhVi N 1YN'u are lb. piltlema foi 01 41 fi ain your t0e, ud 1 W111mV r 1t i î nover dmheMalh «ý» fil %,(u are slain. YOM Sil1 CI Lite in the aune wotit. YOU -0» db- 5lt)ing u». tiZtOa wIII 4w 'ni r ~ a ho- l1î' Il C5ipimlàWin p---"w. oi f,Éàw Uiysekhighly. of the new Change on hie eng9ineering staff, Mud tbe bet- ter t1ime Of landfng Peuple fa Toronto and retuwnng home. Have Yeu read of a"d prili.by the splendid bargainl footwear et- ferci by Mr. F. N. Fuuse, Whilby. Hfii large advertisement la tht paper telle part ut the stury. Visnit he store for the rest of it-and for tbe bargains. aitsgutl te perbapse guaranteed 1aboolute. ,at l1.25, 5i0, $4.00 T Penl satisfac. >ur unes, ?e do Bell ) Business requîres your wbole at q tion. Stocks utlen meana leepiçe nights and days of worry. Real /es- tate cannot bure, cassol be sululen. and gees on incresîng lu value-~hl Yo'à sleep). Ask Richardson & .ch- ardson whaît tey know about Wilkie. * Rofreshment Booth at liydenehore ZPark pavillon. Open every day. ILunches served ut ail heurs. cee creaim, candies, cigars, soft drinks, etc. Picale Parties catered for. .l.B. Perrin, proprietor. Why should 1 investigate Wilkie? Because those Who have lnvesligated Wilkfe have made good. Because the IRalilrads, Wholesalers, Bauk.s and1 ethers Who have lavestÎgated 'i Wlkle 55w itsalgmostillmitfable possibil-9 Mtes and the resait ls Wilkie. Ask Richardson & Richardson. PRIVATE SALE 0F FURN[TLTRE. Prîvate sale uf bouseboid farai1ture, on Tbursday and Friday, August 17 sud 1Sth, ut carpels, curlains sud kritchen lutensilis, almost new. Reason for sclling, goîing boardhug. J. E. Marra, Cleaner and Presser. Miss AArnall'a old stand. Auaxioin of businessfilau niake 3 muuycsney t1 you ever hope Lu gel riurb. Il e l nul what yucars Or even what you save Ibat deler- Mines yoar presperily ; il i. What F ou Invest, -and wherejoalnitk t tbey know about Wilki. IWLW WIITBY OFFICE ONTAP,10 De fPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTUPX. Informnation and assistanc givon lu farmers sud others on ailn Ict"ua J. . 'H~~AE, istAWL5rict uluremta ubecVLe, inciain pugriculpturle BASEBALL. An exhibition gaine wl»b. playud at Dlamond Park, Whilby, on Salut- day, Auguet lti, 1911. Grand Cen- trais ut Toronto, vs. Whitby Greys. Gaine called aI 8.30 o'cluck SilVor collection. 34tb Regimmnla Band ta allendance. Qeo. A. WhlleAaw, Sec., AI. Butler, Manager. FRANK BRATLIY HURT. While drivtng home mui toma o4 Monday even, tMr.. Fra"ikBraliey' hors. became . fnighleedstI anOp- proachlag autombile and mnraial. thruwing tMr. Bratley out. Ho re- oeived several soVero ctte santa d, shaklng up, bal Ibere were no buses brokes. là be Rov. X,'E. Rexumihi,ý L.L.B., pasteof ut bel MAtoi ernAde, Wbithys, &Mnt* mlly* Munday -tlu pd lh bui. dIfttl pett1 la tte oual4 lb. aboumn«d u tepalmir. tao vil bo .npplldby *6 Re . '0. caalieu* , 1e, R«'r, sM petân té ho boaw le Sds Srd. Leaden-tste bMeprvi the aae uaipae al ho, b.l a ns $é à*# et ob too, arnetii usedReRo. Juat you Ho for FarM Laborers Excursions, Auguet 25, $10, lu Winnipeg, via ail roules. Horse Show at Cobourg 17 and 18, good f111 19 te retura. To- ronto Exhibition, August 261h te September 111h. Good t111 Sept. 12 tu retura. Aisu cheap une-way tick- ets bo B.C., Idaho, Oregon, Washing- ton, Spokane, Nelson, VancouverVic- toria, SeaîttAe, Tacoma, Port.land, September 15 to October 15. See or write Stephenson, opposite Standard Bank, Whitby, for ai those tickets. Aise tourist tickets te ail Muskoka Upper and Lower Lakea and ail rail- way resorts. Engiand, Ireland, Scot- lasd-anywhexe, everywbere, Try and sec Stephenson before travelling, at your leisure. ONTARIO COUNTY OLD GIRLS. A t a meeting of the Ontario CeUnîy Old Girls' Association held tbis week, the toiiowing letter wus recelved <rom the secretary, tMr. jus. White. Secretary Ontario Couany Oid Girls. Dean tiadar,-I have gréat pleasure findeed in forwarding yuu tbe fuliuw- fig resolution PasiSed by lie EBoard ot tianagernent, Of the Whitby Public Library on 31s1 jaIy alt. Sincerely Fours, JOSEPH WH[TEO 4Moved by Mir. E. R. BIOW. laid mSenciby i. ThompsuaI4tit wbereias lie, Couaîy 0 ut Onanlo Otdi Girl.' Auxo<«aîiog haIve ývîry ~n ouuly doiaale4 l Ibis huard,atre- crIty ewoty i. P. L. Gree,,c- Der et, Dundna -atid By«à a alreéî, a a bite for th. proôpoS ci arnegieÏ 1 te Lfbrary; il la e solveithit 1he, grateful thanki or tbis Board, repre- soallng as thèy de the Wbole c,ýtn- Inunily, be tendereai te Ohairman, cut- OceS' and 'neabers 0ut fhe Old 0111e' A"Sloiat on for Iheir llimvgi.rgf t, wlhout wbfch tht. huard bële-oes lte Whou fitbrary schse 'imuuld hol ha-ve beenpossible o! (atiient; alm - Ithal Ua Crýetary record tits expres-. siIof et Ib oard Au-lie minulos ut 11dm honrd, aid that ho senil aooy u1tIbSluiîîus . tlb. Setrry ut lthe Coimly of,OutantuOla (titis, An- sociation. Purther businessofet h #Meing wus lte reprt ufthle Gardes T. ,ia on 'nIiSOtitrs. Cha.. McGiltvrayo- vefaur, reporleai ple&M ansd pol, abie ailernoon teas. I. T. Slarr, 'Prms Couvenor. TO TJtE ELEGCTORS OF SOUTH S~êUiSda$Bmookila '"der lte a 14.4D Agold bracelet. Owner can have sa«» by prving ïproperty and payng for this dvt. Apply et thé Gaztte "Y Sepemiber, hard !atyor lady, witht g o!n lu ahool. e ,py 'A là s o - 5 0 l u 1 5 b s 19e w e w &b a Cles, heavy OU> ualtt..Appiy lu Bi Slephenun, LEzpres, Tetegapi Su7d-' QOtaaiTicket, Office, hty OR SALO.- ou o t - I* t ouliyhomes la <rounds, edgestrees. lvllage ut 0 brick csrklage bouse, tram&.batn a vtt ittO. - Silar ýandtI tot bhueu-odW- builuat; geio Ore ad, neyer teillai bobo to IIIQHMID MOOREt. PRIVÂtE f#a *à 0wmol uRmituR. ln pri two 0h1 A Qireat BOOTl'SmAN» S oE 0 aS Slughter AND annUM0l Sumrt o Bmer nSaleso b, s91 * ~IjUUUAJU w tha the B osaShe t hrin1I Ies tHaleBte whorlesaerice. mi .j "3jAl4 M4 Cali and see us. We wiIl be plear -d to s-h'ow-you our goods. fullowing are a few of the many bargains w .'ave to offer you. - iuy -rt1412. ut Toronto, ' îg. It~4IU~ srote ta wek. Floyê Mr. adMRio d«té tr. atd .1 rs à,l*'. wîülco, let tn ~lio'tI ~ eenta feW dziys tlai wee 1,lt tis.J.K. (Gordon. ...ue QetrdePogSOn and friend, «bi etfJesesBradleY, of Toronto, iare 't1siting with Mr. and Mrs. Ftred Pue. Mir. Campbell, of Fergus, the new Hgh Shool Principal, was in tova on Tuesday Iooking for a suitable residenme Mr. Chas. Smith, of Toronto, and Miss Longburst, of Barrie, spent lut %eek' With Mr. and Mrs. James Smiith, port Whitby. Mr,. George Ham, of Montreal ; Mr. and tirs. Norman Ham, uf Toronto, and tirs. Baird ani son, uf Montreali have been visiting with Mliss Hami. tIS. J. Scott and daughter, Miss EthelYn Scott, returned last week from a three week's viait wlth friendq lu St. Mary's and other Western points. Sheriff and Mrs. Paxton,- ai Wltby announce the engagement of their daughter, Eliza Gertrude, to Mr. J. Norman bWotter, the marriage to, take Place in September. Ina and Georgie Gibson, with their graladmotber, Mrs. Hester, have re- turned te Toronto af 1er spending a rnonth with their aunt, Mrs. M. Me- Taggart. tr. R. -F. Dowey, principal of Peterboroughi Publie School and Nor- mai Trainling School, with Mis. Dow eY, is visiting at the borne uf Mrs. Downey's father, Mr. -C. W. Smith. tiMrs. Lawler, mother ut Mr. A. T.I Lawier, uft ,ii town, bas been .lI the hospitali n Toronto undergoîng an eperation, which was very sue- iessful , She Was broUght tu the home of ber son here on Sunday morning. Misses Elsie and Daisy and Mr. Roc Uawier accompanied ber bere. Mir. Arthur J. Fallon and wife, of Buffalo, are visiting relatives in this itcintty. Mr. Faion is a former 'WhitbY boy, Who nowhoid e Iilaî- Portant Position of buyer for tb. large dry goode firm of SiegrisIà, Vraley, william Stet Bufllo. ir.] FafOLo'a -testlxuy lu -lhevalue of ewspaper advertiing la the conduet Df uch a business s la Ia they could t do Wthout lt.@H4e wnders whyp, W Ibis age, any merchant inu Whitby Wil seek lu do business wlthout i1» ~u P irs buu~ l id tt ap lippert, tan or black, regulariprlce $1.oo and $1.25# 7 Sale re------- - .2o Pairs. doagola kid andl box calE Blachers, regular prive $1-3j and Let~o On Sale ................... -Mens antiBOYS -arouOf"rs~a FOIR LADIES 50 Pairs Nv, herson's patent colt, gun metal and tan caîf Blucher oxfords, regua 9 price $3,.25, tu clear et ...* $2 5 Dongola kid oxfords, regular prlce i $2.25, sale price....... Dongola kid oxfords, regular price $1.75, sale price .. ......... 12 McPberson's patent colt pumps, reg - ular price $3.25, sale prce.... *. 2.25 McPberson's tan caîf Blucher boots, regular price $3. 75, te dlean at. ... 2»75 Dengola kid Blucher boots, regular priCe $2.25, sale price 1.65 McPherson's -.ici kid Blucher bouts, cushion olo, regular price $3. 25, Sale price.................... 22 20 Pairs patent colt pumps, a great bargain St .................. 90 Bonguia kid strap slippers, A Tu clear at ...... ........ .......1,00 Ail other linesof ladies' shoes at bargain prime. FOR BOYS Patnt clt Bluchers, rGoodar et regu, lar prie ..50,.sae......... $25 Tan caif Bancdrs, gulariprlcher $2.95, alpie ......... BO â caif a.d.do.go..ki..B.u.her. r2glarnpris onol.ad 5,qW Onte si e t............ A5 Pars bys' dngo dbxcl sieorcs l paenu f3, rs An gralbranut---- Ail other liihes of, boys, boutt 2.00 '.5, Bincicra, 100 300 Pairs ut the Classi sho. in cbildrenI's patent colt, vici kid, gun nietal andi box calf, ln Bluher s rap slpperi endl oxfords, tan or black, 10 be solat lessi than the wholesae prive lu cean thein out. AIl other lin ofo!cbildren's a&hm lu ho àpld utariprivs A large stock on b~so1< F. bago, Two i The 1 FOR MEN 75 Pairs the McPherson Shoc, the best nmade in Canada, ia patent colt, gun metal, vici kid, velour caif and tan caif, Bluchers, Goodyear welts, regular price $5 oo, $395 Sale Price................. 30 Pairs tnents gun nietal, tan caîf and patent colt oxfords, MicPherson's Goodyear welts, regular price $4 So, 32 To clear at ................. .5 So Pairs men's patent colt Bluchers and velour caîf Bluchers, Goodyear welt.s, regular price $4.oo and $4.50 A To clear at........... ..........p380> Men's dongola kid and box caîf Bluchers, re¶ ular price $2 75, w Sae Price .............. .......1#L 5 Men's working boota, Bluchers and 10 gaiters on sale at.......... AIl other lines of men's boots at wholesale prices. ]FOR GIRLS9 Patent colt Bluchers, regular price $z. 5o, sale price ............ $16 Box caif -and Dongola kid Bluchers, regular $2.25, on sale at ...... 1.50V Dongola kid Blucher boots, a great bargain Êt ... .......... ...... 12 50 Pairs patent, tan and dongola kid oxfords ahd strap ilippers, regular price $t. 5o A and$s7,1 clear ai.~.... 1V 2ô0 Pafis ut thé 1eiaseh.,siretsi i 10 2, la patent toui, vici kid, guru 'otai and box caîf la Bluchers, uýxfords and. sta ilippers, tan or blackt, luoie told at wholesae prine and iàg lu clear thoraot.L AU OtÊthJe is ue insboe on sale -OOTS SHOES m ip D POÉ