O1 ÀLOX INTO hilE AST AM>USIINU TMJIBitUT19S.' b. healtiier snd happier if itliasI ,Nil animaIs not lithé, vtimSati& eson» ocDuPWlu bte ke.P itemploy- cuffer f rom iack 'ofexertion and é.And, just maschiýen's gemes tç4r that reason the vise iarmer are often the. survive! et old, war- IaJccs care te provide amugerant for 1ke sports, se animai's amusements kts tock. Cowm, for instance, lve ehould be deriv.d f rom the. thingà U> have souîething te tons vît!> their that the>' dit when undom.esticatod bvrns, and àa-stout canvas sack, ,aîffed wi1th straw, viii make thein BUILT A BUNGLoWW. ýbà1pý Or anothor bovine je>'inlaa "tto rub againgt, and in as mucb "Bo yeu buiit a bungalow on your ib t-ý t them as a ball in tp kit- lot in thbe countryIl" Wn Shcep and geats deligbt Inu "Net aktogether." bytPrig, aiid a pig fints content- '<Net altogether?" writ in burrowing its nos. lu a "The arcbiteet made the bunglo. h:-_eap. But any animal viii I got. the .ove part." IS ANOTIIEII 1MÂIE FoR EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR This explains why it in se geuemally used durung tbo Fruit SeasLon. #ÇT Sec thnat yeu get it f rom your Grecer for it means "Preserviug Satisfaction." The Canada Sugar Refing COo,LlMltod, Montroal Established in 1854 by John Rodpath. YEIl paper, Informa ItUI9 SU' Journal CI PROC ITY OR NO ? 8 Veekly Sun, the farmers' business is glving uublased and reliable at1on regardlng tliis great ques- cli as is iîot given ln any other I OU SHGULD READ TH1E UN- 10 WNEEKS FOR 10 DENTS8I 8Et40 UN VOUR ORDER AT ONCe THE WEEKLY SUN,1TONTO. jRovaBrand Lar. acm WIREOT FROM fPAOTrORY TO PARmERi ~RIH PapiD TýO YousiNEAi"rUST m r.TA-TiO * j- .tt'ï ý-for [Buey bIiusk pe.- R.dp au Othr Vfaabt. fifuormatlos et arlouarlEtre: OMMoeuVO"k BEYERAGLa3 four boums, riu'se, aud wash in the Apricot Lomouade. - Que timue usual wLLy. .baviug about balf a cup oet apriceot 3y putting silvervare in butterÉ pulp leIt atter making apricot c milk over night it wiil remneve -cresen, I mixed! it with a pitcher stains au4 tamnieh, inaking it o! lemn)nade, trot the rer3uit was bright. rletight*ul. It gave the beveraga There is notbiug equal Vo it foi that beautiful orange celor. Since - cleaning mason jar lid>. Cover the (thben we ma-k. it, thmt way on pur- lids vith butkermilk aud iet stand pose. Orangea, pine-apple, etc., tvo or thre- days. MnaY le uset aise with the apricoi Buttemilk Pie.--One cup e! but- -and iemon, and the flsvors blenad terrniîk, oe u up of su-gar, oeeScp ,agreesbly.-Mrs. G. Mi. of raisins, yolks o! tivo egg's (>8ve four ripe bausa.s in a glass digh ail kindis cf spices, eue tespouful andi aqueeze the julo. o! a large vanilla. Bake with bottom. cru-ut. Ieoin over theun. Thon att a gi Beýt-whit-es, att Vive tablespoon- of ice vater sud eue-bal! cupful fui-s o! su-gar, spreat ou top, arji o! s'ugar. Let stand eue-bal! boum browa. in celd place. Delicieus iu bot (w<o-atber. I OUSEHOLD HINTS. Gingeraleae-A nxost nourishing 011V f rames or chaneliera caver bout veather drink eau lie matee.ziw itbh fly sîcoko are féarful by mixiug eue quart d! grape *U1c -things, but il! tbree or four omî ni ,wth onle quart oft gruger aie aud aebie l ite!mtr0u four tabiespo-onful o-f sugar. Ser-ve tre soilutin a ppit oi t an çwiil ixlen-o cacked ss ice a brush it viii prove six excellent' 'trwbipedceano.ahglsuigprotection against flues eet'tling.: etrevIn lueau-ing wall. peper wiVh-. Tes Lctonade.-Maýke go breat cruros, use oni>' tiveday iff r.ve.ak leotroadce and woak tes; coin- 0i-dlirest lu mail pie-.es. Clean bine t&Ir-n Esud ove eten t-o Vaste. vith downward light stroke. Neyve? Thi& eau be made anqd kept ou lce 1iê1sa for se-rrl aab aia tog;go ever saine surface &it IG4 - se'era- dya y mking srou vrk borizout-aily. Cuti alwsy tee. eut a atrong lemoinate aud E ciluting V-o tas-to e % t.> are useci. soilec part of bre'adcontinualli. Miet Tea-Steep tes, saine as for lýtt.le ah-lu>' try sponging it- wità èec'l ea, a-ud wbile hot drop in vax-m vinegar, dilluted i vih atero - fource five ut ,,e it u e if th-e vinegar is ver>'areg -remain about fitea mixuites -,isne t a pe rmanent rl~~tcr strain sud dilute. To ue pitcher taiuîv viîî improve the appearancq- of! tesaudd juice o! twe bernons., o amnnporatre (asex-e wt r-ce c.Sugrt Black gooda, espeecially viien - taste. Vile-y leco-me ageci, ake on a gray.- Y EA T.il hbue. Tiladefeet eau lie remet ~EATS. diet b>' cliOaneîiflthe place- ther Jellied Loaf.-Two Pou1niso! oughly vitb aleohelà The fluitde.,.t veal shbauk, Vive pounda o0! b-:iling noV injure bl4ekk erepe 'aud . î- bee!. Cook until tender. Sa-voe especially goot viien useà 'ou iliquor lu wbich- meait i. cooked. blaek bats. C (leý-h-ai! -dozeca bard- boul egge«,. Neyer adic han,, bacon or Smxo-ke& e IPut tbrough-zneb choipper. Put meate ttii. aetocarpgt itLut ih in meat, tbrough cho'>ppez' aise, thon t 2.-itlfr oup Côoùktýhecql t.sc.on bothl -meet and esi tti vecb>theinzelvesa stid tise n - ~Viti sat, ep~ai' et alust4-iil Zkc>6thbtor L îotato feonu*sýi$ e 1- de'iroed. Plsce 1-aer- o1 uteat xi orneistex, aud &ucli d-aes 'as coïn -square grai-te,p n,'t e re -bine v-ell ith tii'moi,.,eý pared eggz, theo-ithe rrnsinder e lvoof >oe .xe. 1 tâe rimeai,.tien. pour - er at-i the Àeim amb. i, ~ elec-- -liquor freinthle.imeat. If t-ho ea-wben -glazed vith apiý w-flan à ttelavemy waran a- ittie gelatin èm&,i4 edwitb triangl es e(gmeeVl 'l- eaviIhelp euaeti.-e!fimmer. iil aen>'as av pa re spra"a. - -' 'Ver>' niée fQr ain infoixual lunch- otf meuh mint. The. iiint, e! «>urae, --- ýr eou or Sunda>' 'AS Vlis dchiài.not intendei 1-o boe atoer,b ut Sna>' b. prepared the. day pr«vu5u3 o n1yVo tempt the appetite ,b>' its D-e£ serving. delielous fragrance. as Meat Suo.SqnpDamion -If vater b. o! lîttie useh pluma Vl-I tender, $se to.1es vii! cleaning isxnp:chuiueyc di oî ut. To each pound of pulp have beome tery mctbakna , Mdt a hait eup -of exiger. Put hai thwke'h.prl St eoi Loup~e each- o!- tiin4mcn, eloves, tid !ixiftsa littie Spzr e a'd neum -- beat ro its on f. vinea with uhe vter. Thtis I- t Coe<* a#Mthièli &s Jru Izenové-e iga'ease -vaticli i. Ce o -- f~~taineà intoa~pie e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h - --- fEt.IW n- ake o! eau p eW QXP e ~ u-e bittiererly' thin- .ni»ighto break, nie,- GodBea.,tnenbi ,t tli mter teuu t~. t th~1Ie. tiow cak,,6, b' utti»t ho *Ptatoçe on fuo rowaddta&ble. ' ta aa<va1i 1 1- >re - *OOlS t uga aJ -nedL*I- fiImIJy tpt'h ~Whot adtw ispoons, eu sgar and cneh eat pe. o érs00 a 1 ý . , - . OHAPTER XXVI.-(Con.td) more like hinmalf tiualieh ad been «1nking down hy th cosy, fire, for weeks repybuthe lancly gave berseif up for moment Nancy 'Madenorpybube tuo the aad tratin of ber reflections. band trenrbIe4~ a little. 8h. alvwed the. akeleton to-,corne Lt must bave been that very time thât had elauped-for the firet time that a few simple, tender words, ai. that eodi, glocomy day, when, full of apparent deep and unÈklter- wanderîng though thé cheerle-m able love, had corne te her, which, London stree'ts, sah ac! sudder- after reading ewiftly, sh. had de- ingly realized life was taise, hol- Iiberaîtely torn in two and returned low, cruel. Rad not bis own mo- !e Derrick Darnley witb the follow- ther betr's.ed himn, ne one should lu-g curt words: have oenvinced ber of Derrick "Mrs. Crawsha',w begs to inforru Darnley's chameful treachery. Mr. Darnley that heucefortb she 8he recalled aIl the misery of desires te hoki no communication that time, the cold, the -fatigue, the with bui, cither by word or lot- belpieasness, then bier return t.) the te r.", lodgings, and Vthe newa that frec- ¶1-ad Dorothy known this, aùy domx bad corne indeed-freedomno t perplexiity wbicb had aisen re- brought about by aaiy doing of! specting ber cousîin's strauge cmi- bers, but in an iawful if natural gration te Canada m1ight possibly way. bave been explained, aud another If it iabd net been for Janet, the drop d.!bitterness added to the cup girl woulbave probably aunk bc- of reproacil and remorse which was neath the anxieties and trouble Mrs. Darnley's daily portion uow- which followed on that day. The a-days. faithful waman Vook everything on But Dorot.hy did net know-and, her shoulers, and wben she found as far as Nancy was concerued, was thaM Nancy a.bsolutely eused Vo never îikely te. Al ile latter ask- go to the Hall, or, indeed, any- ed was that she mightt neyer meet where near to the sece e of the ber- this dear, cruel, treachemous mn ror &lie h-ad g4one through, Bh ailein and that aile migilt bli at moved lher you)tng mistre e>st a pce goo ho.el tecgsph.d e Fn- Ripstone Hall was vemy gay on ton peremptorily to send the ad- this Christmas Eve. dreu of . the deid rman's tru3tre3 "We must ail hang our stoekings and lamwyers, which Fenton., fright- up, yu know," Dorothiy cied cned and sBuhereýt, did at once; and "anud Duncan will put in some rith when the lawycrs carne on the Be,,-e and regal jewel he bas brought the rest was easy. For Dorothy fmomn the East; won't yeu, Dun- Liese.lenving ber father in can?7" gt)(A h-nds, travelled up te lie with Lord Mere6feld, who binc made lier adittd sister in this tixue o! bis appeatance two boures.after trotible, and, shielded by leviixg they had arived, made ne reply care, Nancy was PrOteete'd and te this, but e.nly glared st poor, in- tended as though she had been a nocent Darcy IRaxilton, round child. But Dorothy'e astrenuous ef- whoan Dorothy waa 'fllttiÉg lightly, forts, it was fouud unpecessary1ot for the sbeer purpose of teasing lier, bave Nancy present ai'thifqUest eoUsin, who bad returfted., Iooking beld on ber husband'a dead body, bronzed and eider and very attrac- an inquest wbich gave forth the tive to tbe dainty, golden-haired ved<te!"suicide whîi ua state lly. of ungound mind," and te the brave "Well, then, if you won't give us loyalty of the loving girl' Nancy any et your :Eastern «poils, yo owed ber escape frein the biobeous must wake up, air, and dauce-ves, de taila whicb were dragged forth dance. You must open the ieZ- of the cunniug way ii which Tho- vants> hall witb the cook - yen mas Crawghaw bad elu" dt116 bear, air ?-and Nancy, yen iit watehful eye of bis' keeper-for take Foater. " the doctor -o ha'stily c'alled in bad Dorothy wus like the prove.rbai straightway set Vwe men Vo guard fairy to-nhight t, ber eyea ivere epark- hLm, having seen at O«ce the ho- ling, ber checks flushed, her whviel micâidal taint. that warked bis d.- face full of! uew and 41dk happiniias irium. mxd IV was tbrougb Doretby and Dr. "Daddy, you muet tak M. Grantley together that Nancy wax Starr. O b nn.k« IO!cnr> nover tqld eéactiy what eau"d, ber youean dance..'You- are floÎ et.. husban.d's deatb, and thbe mental Iamb asil that- Mr. lau4.> toiture ahe- bad cndured w& 0hibttetkeBne.Adnw ireat thzk ah. asLed ne leadinx there la Janeti.' Oh, Nancy, wbio1 queÉtions, and, indeed, OhUuned sisai dance wn-th Janet.1" Andi the aubjeet as much as waa pos. Doroâhy oop Wed901, witb a -c n si&ble. 8he was apared mucb worry cal Iook,ôo! diaMay on her *aýéit ý*itb the laïwyers, aise, for Craw- e eealsadn on b sgw hec! been master of hie for- big fiire i t.e hall. fut>. tooshort a turne te permit hhn - t0 have anade mMW y omplla>.it-ixinrnn; aix!,, i f&t, *a* bha. beu Shown0, 1ishe Irét S N **U $nn, lM was far more ineed to, board-hu h.rpt.."Nmwat .yI>t 1lpe.than t. aquatider iti, gêhag *0mIe hroe!11as 10voUnît widow hxd et fjrejt "Suposwng thele 4y href1S aat0wr4 *d Jannoyed the trus- - »sy to- teem and lawyera i4lier utadftst ydancing with JanotiV' saida refitsal tô accept the f-irtune .wljich vîcquietiy, fentehe haitcouo teber sudit . vey gound; and t trning, tbey sa r- douliul if the.> would ever have rii atle' ai(rin tli brouglit ber te a -reaac>nsble fraine &IPJi a veca,~t i ci mmd lied t>ot Dorcotl tyepe bat In bond. lxi~~~ tago<moetadb> ileKi>trndeAdiywbi4,,su CAUSE FOR MIR-TR.' il<'ane,*" saici a lady ratuiot shar 1>' iiZ ercooi, I uutinint it youkOeeP better hberri and t 'out have les. - company tin e kitebon at nighit. Lat night yl lient ýmue frntsteni lsuse 1 fleur 4;lot info: le 't -oedP«mywesurT". l»firmt lssU et -ftoal tpbse *t#um% .Vt MLlh wq If est sffala. e tollowin tviCr*,v gwryl tuetoaà » futt .tutM ,5 lthMle, li t, j' muSTANDAUD ARTICLE eSOJA> EVERYWHERE "Ill 1111 , M W91LET 1' Olm p ANVfl i ïft se 11es 1fr1 the104111 îtliqliIll' Lhro I M 1 And gathemîng up ber velvet train, Mrs. CrawsliaM put he miall baud on ber couins arm, and waiked away, laughiug, with what soundeil like gooci merrime it t-o the others, but whicb rang ini ber eas as a bollow mockery. Darnley stood stariug adter ber aesh h.went. "'Whoio the mnu" ho . asked Derothy, sirarpiy; and, a-s she told hlm, b. relapsed into silenice again,1 until a servant came te iead hin i Vo bis room, when, witb a f ored amile, b. nraid : Ill shai I"e down direciti>, Dol.ý, 1>," auJd ho went quièki>'a.ay Ono. lsien hu is room, lie stood, witb clincheit liandsansd eempreuï- ed lips. incredible se lt aeexned, lie eould finit ne solution te, the extraorii-ý ary change iNancy eexcpti thst lier wealthl hai, tcbroglit thi- change. Moune> must havé harden- et ber heart aud set ber for -çvêr àway from hlmù.e Ooiug np to the brosi m'antle- sheif, li buried bis face on his folded- armi. <Wliat use te try and geV et any other reson?" ', b.skeit himneli bitteriy, as the. mont.- passéd, and. then Le rieuuse1 him»eif. 8he ha's -tolc! me <uai à he do.mi' W'ant tôbave anytkîiug more t do with- ue. Weil, Iliat ouglit te bb ceiear enouigb. Pift ,a bà1 ol etorture mysel! any m«r0. ýAtter ail, VS' not the -$ref m'i'nutà have rradeî bgmistaioe-about a womin 1 t 'Wituià abrug, of hiseshouhuors, threref, h osc hal ta? ge a-s'a>'. - lie eontiuud.)