Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 2

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j, WU~ ~ld50<hôeple &Can ada te Colouie a.t'Tacs. A despatch f rom Tacoma, Wash- his owiu tenants>but intends t~O I lngtoD, s&y4ý: For the purpose cfJ offer liberaI inducements for end- Ixiaugratng& a big colonization pro- gration from Scotland. His a4eat"s 'Ject theé Duke of Sutherland has. ac- are now oxamining varÎeus Il*4d quis'ed a substiantial ixterest in propositions. Before leaving Biýitish 12,000 aores cf land- near White's Columbia the Duke éxpresse4 bis Landing, on the west side of the belief that ho wculd be the mlealis ,Fraser River, twenty miles below cf sending 5,0W0 people te Brâili Fort, George, Briti.sh Columbia. Columbia, next year. Hé has Isso Ilintends to seil 160-acre larme on acquireci 50,000 acres of prairie land éasy terms te any cf bis Soottieh along the lune cf the Can&ýlia» tenants who désire to emigrate te liôrthern Ra.lway in S&i.skatehgwan ,Canada. The first colony wiIl be and will colonize this in thé saine etablished next spring. Thé Duke manner. Re owns farin lande in hIas also in view who acquisition of Okanogan Valley, as well as reâl .argér tracts in the saine distriet, estate in Edmonton, Battieford, and will net rest.rict settiement te Lloyd Minister and Prince Albert. ELEPLUNT PULLS TOOTH. Unusuai Opératlon Witncsséd by Visitors to Riverdale Zoo. A depatch frein Toronto aye: The éléphant at thé Riverdale Zoo acte as his own dentist. A few days ago Àt pulléd a tooth which had been bothering it, the opération hé- Irmg witnéssed by a nuniber of per- sons who were watching thé ani- lmal at thé time. It appearcd te be uPn, aud worked its trunk round in i outh, as thôiigh to die]odgo eomething unpleaeant. At lest, al-' ter moving its trunk franticaily, the azmmal drew sornething froua ite mouth; I1t, eat tetooti> thus ex- tracted 'out cf the enclosure. The suolar waes large, and hikd evidently Ipoken off ini thé guin,- as siI tho roSt did not corne eut. The crown wae in a good state cf preservationt, but there weré aigus of decay lower dow n. CONTROL 0F SUBMARINES. Siieces8ful Expérimenta by thé British AdaniraIty. A dcspaàteh froua Portmouth, Eng- land, aye: Suodessfui expériments with thé wirelese control cf smb- mýarine boate havé been made, but the détails are kept secret. It is known, bowevér, that a--submaria Was taken toi. sballow' ae f BIewhil, -the Uortzm avoes vére worked by the cruiser Furious Ille subnarrne, which *48 tin theI sUrface, vas mannéd 1 end vas 14 fouud te be éntirely undr thé cou- trol cf the cruiser. Then the crew v as tAkén out, aud thée epériumeut vas equaily mueéessfli vien the boaS vas submergéd. Similar ex- périmente are being made vitb tor- pedees. 1LOAN COMPANIES' BU8IN1ESS. An Increase of $15,000,000 lni the WVest Durlng Lest Year. A déspatcb f rom Winnipeg es Regu lai boau cerpanies oerating in thé threé véstecu Provinces in- creaséd their investmeuts in this field by $15,006,821 dunilig thée tear 1910, according ,to. carefully, Oom- piled statéments. The statem-euts cover thé opérations cf 75 com- panies, and-show that aS Decéulber 31, 1010, there vas loaned on real eusSae mortgages $71,322,5W6,! s againat *58,315,735.at5 Demhér!31, 1909, the incréase fôr thé yer I-be- ing- équal to, 26 per cent, 2ýT .in -ýree lu Manitoba wss $5,M 6I41 [or 39.8 per cent. ; in Saska"céi au or 17.3 per cent., à lu Alberta *2,552,369,,or 42 r ,cent. Lait year vas eXCOptioun 4;r activé froua a loaniug istaitdi0o t, aud vile large anme bave en loaned by ali regular Comùpa4îé this yéar, théebéat aUthoiki'é doubt if the increasé vwil) bé auà gréaS as turing 1910. 1Inére l agrovinüg antagon m iu Turkey-agamnatthe tyraunka aay o? ýhe -Comuiittee cf U»n santi Progreàs. j~~~~~~~T Trl) ot eý, ~tte-Qri Burnoe Melnd Id i ~ &thfrom Rome, says: Atter tî éhelling cf -Tripoli en .Tue 'sday operations were resuimed on Wednesday morning, but thél Italian w&rshîps again dirécted the fire Qnly against thé <inter forts. It was leared that -if thé inner forts were shelled damage would hé done t<> the tç>wn. The abie batteries ixn Sultaie, and in Hamidie forts were dismantled. Thén the cruisér entèed thé herber, andi two officers wiêh a détchment -cf marines dis- émbarked and made their way to Hamidie fort. Upon reaching the place they found it évacuated, aud carried iway with tbem thée ights of the guns, and the bodies cf threé Turkisn artiflérymaen, which lay in thé -fort.1 Up to the présent, despite thé bombardinent, and déspite thé Italian excuréion ashore, theré ià no sîgn 01 surrender on the part cf the Turks. Thebembardinent will, therefore, continue until thé town capitulates, or until a4i thé Turkish troops have left Tripoli for the in- ténior. Even if Tripoli capitulates there will be intervals cf séveral days more before the arrivai and di.sembarkatjon cf the army cf oc- cupation. When the am1ýny bas been landed thé offer cf médiation by Grerrnny or someothér power is ex- pected to, foIlow immediately. Tripoli lighthouee having been destroyed by soeéof the first shote fired, Admnirai Faravelli bas given ordere for its immediaté recon- struction, as it is cf the grea.test utility to thé Italian fléét. BOYCOTT LTALIAN GOODS. Adespatch from Constantinople,1 iRE laWs lm A ?ARAGRAPB ý ILIPPENINGS FROU1 ALL TUIE GLOBE INI A N~UTSIIELI. Canada,, the Empire and tn Generai Ber. res'.. CANADA. OTERa the. world, leur Tii. Portuguese Oovernmeuî ad'. duits that there ie a Royeligt Incur-, uloin t hé.north. Theé-C.P.R. diréctori decîtiéd b build thé nov s hop$ at Calgary. The. Womnenla lRospital 'Aid. of Brantford lha" eeured .ovér $14,C'OQ for thé uew nurSseliomé. Eerl and Countes Grey ma famil' havé booked,,their pasae fôr Eugland ou 'Octýober m. -, liaitol poëlice -have ,a çce to -rrIw]) dEeuen Oprtons Bet aniada and fDakota Diaooirered. A~ despatch frein Minçt, North à~t~~!;In the. str«t é. ora - , near hère, of Walter Jack- i'1 à vheat bu'yir for the Alanticèý ýwà-i~ Company, tand A.-M.'Mag- îe, ,* fasner, b>' United States AgP, iàt brêW. Peçulkes, erlpr.t<czm bolli,th.y havé n*thisd an extensive âchéme o? .'l rtinYg freýi Cib"aa te hè flour miliii M Minneapolis onfesalont, it ila und*rao, a&M 'the:«oessUSonI~ i ôh [CC of legs THE WILLIAM DAVIES OOMPANY,' LIMITEP - r e prbble -that thé practice f sending out weekly the price whic1W paekere wiIi. pay.jor hop 1théfollowing é,habe ,"thé çhief, c&usé,- for thé. widéspread impression that th price nie j .âÏed ýthrough 'arrangement aud understandr'lg be- Capaates Agreê to ýoLutatê I Pe *et of Iea4Qat. der a Dgýit, disposing ofle t e ezncan far-ixwn, Who 1in tutu take the.grain e hé ielvat.m* the.- boder. Iu smuggliug ~ 'there il "?wgain e? aboat'for,-* 4lblel tote iprodii.w Mta ins the diffée.ucInupric* betw 'lb Iuitet 85at.s and Canad. à allptd hbat the. profita vem. vided among the produelng fw er, bui.nean fau.; and I -1 Er. sayâ: Theý embargo on coal and- anti Cvito.ous .porters on Thursday'«refusèt id te <ischarge Italien goods from a Brltish steam- er. Thé Grand Vizier opposes the expulsion cf Ita]ians. Théeateva- Papens are pessixnistic ovér thée it- nation, déclosring that it le hopelest t e xpet anythiug flrem thé powérs. Thé Sultan lbas ordered prayél-s lu thé mosques, invcking thé aid and protection cf thé prophet againet ItaIy. MOSLEM APPEAL TO THE KING A déspatel f rom Constantinople gays: At a meeting heid on Fniday in the Mosque of St. Sophia a tele- grain cf protest againet ItaLy"s de- claration of war on Turkéy was for- mulated and sent tW ail thé Parlas- mente cf thé world, peace sud ar- bitration eccieties, univérsities, ge- cialist organ'izations sud The Hagué Pèe. Tribunal. T-hé telegram Baye thé occupation o.f Tripoli je unjusti- fied, and that Itaiy je unworthy cf a place among thé great powers. 15t asks whether western civilization bas consideréd thé effect upon the eastern mind cf Italy's brigandage. Thé meeting aIse sent thé lollow- ing messa.ge te King George:- "How can a power like England, ruling bétwéén eighty millions sand ninéty-ý millions -cf Meslénms, regard with complaisent silence thé déc- laration cf var againet thé Otto- man nation and thé, bocekade of Tripoli? Is sucla policy in hammooy with thé présent sud thé future in- te.réstscf Eugland 1" gérs honrly sud do more work than six ordinary lifts. Thé traffib by' thé déép-lévél tubé 15 se héavy et the linsiet heurs cf, thé day that the-lilte are overstraiued and ps- sengers are delayed. If thé éxpéni- meili eneceeds, similar doublé stairways, moviug up and down' simnltaneously, vil be éonstruetéd, et othér stations ofthe underground sytem, DURE BUYING UP MILES. RsGraec.of Sutherland Hait op- tiens on '*ast Tract la W'est. A déspateh f r> Winnipeg says: Ile certAn i*gorm~ions nov pcnding resoéi a sucàWsuful eàimelnsib, the Djuke -of 8utherla"idl,.-wliô' reôently, -and holdings' un %ritish C-olumbîs 4han ho dcc in Great -Britain-. It' is undérstoo<I that bis agent.has obtained' - Options --o0n aiomrly tb.rty : miles -of %auriçiltàural landu oâ bth LEOT r0omTiUELEA, M apd Lbroad. ý!Tôrouto, Ôcî. 1.-Pious.-'Wnter wbent, 90 Der cent. patentos,3.0 te $3.63, bfont, rosi freight. Maniibs . douro - Firat patdnts, 85.30;seConid'patents. ,' ï, sand istrong bakere'. 84.60, -on traek. Terot>t4 Manitoba Wbheat-Now No. 1. Northern.1 ~104 1-Z. Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, 81,- 031-2. aud No. 3, $1.011-2. Bay vorts.' Ontari.3 Wbeàt-No. 2- whIte#,,.red or mized, new, 85 te 6. outuside. Peas-Good milling peas, 92 te 95c, out- aide. Oatea-Ontarlo, No. 2, at 411-2 te 42c, outoide. and No. 3 at 40c. No. 2 Western Canada. 46 1-2e. aud No. 3. 451-Rn Ba.v porte. Barley-No. Z. 80 te 85c. outoide. Corn-No. 2 Âmerican yellow, 72 1.2a. Bay ports. Rye-Car lots outoide, 75o west, and 770eoacI. Buckwheat-lqo. 2 at 64 te 66c. outaldo. Bran-Manitoba bran, $23 te 82&50, lun baga, Toronto freiqcht. Shorts. £2M COUNTRY PnODUC19. ]Beans--SmsU lots ef hand-Pickod. 82.30 per bushel. Honey-Extraced, In tins, 10 te lie per IL Combs, $2.25 te 82.50. Baled Hlay-No. 1 at $12 te 814. on track. and Ne. 2 at $10 te 811. Baled Straw-86 too86.50. on t.rack. To- rento. Potatees--Car lots, lu bats. 85 te 90a. Poultry-Prices of dlressed Pou]try, tu quantitieo .-Chickens', 14 te 16(3 per lb.; fowl, Il te 12c; ducks, 13c; turkeys. 20e Live voultry. about 2e- loeor han the above. VlTPRODUOTS. Butter-l>alry prfnta, 21 te _22e; interlor, 16 te ho,. Creanery; 26 te 27o par lb. for relis. and 23 t16 24c, for selids. Egg..-Strietly, new-lald, ib te 24e, and freah -at 20 te Sic per dozen, lu case lot&. Cheese.-14rge at 15o ver lb. aud twlua eat 15 1.47 HOU PRODUOTS. Baceon-;ong, cle, 12 te 121-2o par lb., In ease lots., Pork, short out, 823; do., mens, 20 b 821. Rama, nedium tý ligbt, Il te 17 1-2o0. do., hea-vy, 15 te 151.2c; relis, il te Il 1-2c; breakfast bacon. 17 ta iBct Lard-4iees. 10 1-0.- tubs. 10 34e. usils. é:r4, -No,' Z 4 4 1 e, 'ci r lots ex $toro; çxtra o.IfaL470; Nô'.4',c. W.. 46120; N lclwhit, 4(ç; No. 3 Ion al whlte. 46.ttce; No. 4 local wÈite. .460. Flour-4tazatobit gprine wheaî patelas, lse,~0 ~. seconds, #4»,»i WigterËw ?5 t~8S airnt akar',$4.70; strAIWht, -o.s845,tg .4.4#4d.. a.- 12 packers, a stateuant which will éxplain why a price is thus sent e ut, sud thé conditions essociatéd witb it, may Berve.a 'iséfdul purpdee. For the mo-st part thé cattlé -sud emal stock (shéep, Iambs and calves) which coine te thé Cattle Mùets in Toronto are bargained for On arrivai. Il the market je lavrffe, thé drovers make a profit. zif thé mnarket le unfevorable-, they suifer s loss. The priée of cattlP Band email stock, therefere, je determined each market day by thé ordinan> competitive conditions prevailiug upon public maikéts. T hé jei_ which thé dreyer paye ini the country the next wéek ie détermin 7 lais viéw cf what hé hopes te récéivé wheu thé stock às offered-- for. 3alo by hiua upon either of thé markets in thie city or in M'Onireat . IThé hog situation is entireiy différent. Afttr the manner of vll récognizéd market conditions, there bas béén ne public market in Ou- tarie upon which hogs have beén offéréd for sale.- For thirty yeare 80 te 90 per cent. cf thé hoge on thé Toronto Ostie Market have been deiivered -on the market for eue buyer, sud aS a price agréed'upon hé- fore thé hogs were &hippéd. Fivé.sixths c f the pscking houmes in Ontario havé not only net bought hoge upon the Toronto Cattle Markéet, but they have net bought liogs upeon any public market, bécaiie there ,have been no markets upon which hoge have beén offéred for sale. Thé Uniona Stock Yards Company et Toronto Juncti.on are now endeav- oring toeéstablish a cempetitive open market upon whicb hege vii b. offered for ;sle. Timne only wlll détermine thé succens or failuré cf this eff ort. As, therefore, theré has been ne open market for hogs. thé lorice -whicb the packer paye for -his hoge bas hiad te hé déternainéd by a differént method, and undér différent circumnstancés than thé open market conditions have establiehed for cattle and smnali stock. Thé pressure of these circumetaucés bas dévéloed thé practiet which causés eacla packing eetablishment to depèûd chiéfiy for ite eupply of hogs weekly upen drovers who slip regularly t-o it. To cstablimh tis regularity, thé respective lieuses havé found it neceseary, at tht end cf éach wéek, te advise droers thé price they. would psy for hogt shipped te, thein thé foilowing week. This çustom is followed in Don- mark and Ireland, thé wéékiy price, hoever, béing sent te lammers in place of drovers. Iu accordance with thèse conditions, thé officers of this Compeany determijné on Friday aftemnoon cf éscla week thé prie they will n anme ~ te drovére fer shipment thé following week. This advice eovers s priée free on cars at thé shipping point, or dé]ivéred inta the yards et our lactery, or led sud watéred hogs delivered on thé Toronto Cattie, Market. In réachiug this détermination vé-are goerned by our read- ing cf thé domestie sand exportes markets, by cablé advicés coveriri Danieh sud Irisha killinge, snd cable advices telling ef the quantitvoi Amenican producte which have béen iauded aS thé vanious perts in~ Gréat Britain. We alec havé to. interpret froua thèse conditions, whioh arecerumon to thé trade, bow thé judgmeut of oui competitorý yl-..be affecteti by théi, nsd what conclusions they wili likely reach as to the buying pnîce théy viii name for thé following week. Having decided thé price we wiii -naine, we communicate it te drov- ere by téléphone or telégrain, to peinte East as far as Montreai, West as far as Chatham, n& d North as far as h-cge are raied iun sufficient quantities te gîve weekly délivériés. In ail thé -foregoing -we have neithér conferénce, understan.ding no* arrangement, diiectly or in-directly, witb eny 6ther packor, uer have- we had auy sncb connéction aS any time during thé paet twenty years. If other packérs oftér s higbér price, vé léarn of ut through tele- gis-ph or téléphoné commnunications frein drovérs in varions parts of the eouutr;y,. who ad-ise they are unablé to buy et thé privé w. have named becs-usé drovers fromn compétitive bouses are paying, s highér price. Bach pacer in. thé trade doubtiése bfas- simlîlar .dvie when thé eîrcrïumetancee warat1. -. - - Whiéu-snoh a.dNie*8reavh un, <létarmné ,Oui odciby ai loi eOnlisideraticng, and vewvil', as viii éther paokers similar1ly placed, reuse to folloîw thé 1eid set by othérs, or eccept sucla Iéad as-iné-vitable, as w.' may ha-vee a' favorable' or untfaorable viév of thé,markék. Thé éffect 'of' the deciuion éithér* ay is- refieote.d in the -volumne-cil deliveries. "If wé or -othér eimilarly ledrfs t dsv hl *tber.packers, are activé,. there viii bé a ehrninkàag.ef fiiomi 10 b 5o 0 -Per cen-t. freinthé normal récéipU of hoge. If ve follow l theàvaânee, w. wilI secù4 c, ur normal quantlty, vith, posàlbly soeésurplus addéd. Tki salleged â)at: thé 'trade -géeeaiIjy -avait -nfoàmatinsito thé 'buyi4u",pdee "naanetdb' Cos<Ympany, before seudinug et hi0 o ad- ckmsêtoièlYw t eàsoi-i ot ,éxb of-- our opérations, the priée ~ -~paUiitky piii -'the, Province; iùnd' uà Ià"ii$ i$i4yie O*-1i% ~ > c &A £nav, 1-

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