Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 3

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SUD on sun lIl 'TI1'Jho6i4chîn. Thete vessela weýe placed ~1vnI UUIUU UIU in~ th,& bouse of bis goda,'l or god, Merodach being bhis favorite. Thur he hoped to carrir good fwrtune tc 'XEÏRlqATION<ÂL LESSON, hie own city. OCTOBER là.8. Sheslbazzar-IUndoutedy lie ithe same as the Zerrubbàbel men- tioned in later chapters, týsis being his Perojan or Babylonàian name, LeSson -III.-The return front cap- just as Daniel and his *Owrades tivlty, Ezra 1. 1-1; 2. 64-70. wero given cther namesin capti- Golde Tcx, ~ 7 18. vity. nie is called prince, being Goldn TxtMie 7.18. the hes of the tribe of Judali, of Verso 1-4.-The decre.e o the the Davîdic uine, and therefore the ireat kig Thil asipotnt* chief layman. teJews, flot only because it gave I.Fv huan n orhn lhem opportunity to return to their dred-7'he sum of the enumerated bwn land, but becauzse it provided vessels of ai! sorts is 2,499. Probabl' lor the restoration of the sacrei none but the more important de- ressels whe Nbchdeza dtails are given. tarr'ed away frose the temple to They of the captivityv were 1ayo. Tefrttrevr bro ught up-No details of the long Bayfn thhe r re prctcal ebjourrney of threo or four cmontb bf he haper re racica11ytheane given. tame as the closing verses of 2 64. The whole assembly-Chapter Chironicles. This tact, together tw ie hergbe o hs h with the simi]arity in charactro ogvnthrgiter o hs h Nereturned. It includes "the muen ot ihat book and both Ezra and he people ofIral the priests, ýemiah, besides a cluse similar'tyth eisinrpoese- In syle ditio, an hitarcalvants of the temple, and -children treatment, hias given rise V a Af the servants of Solomon." rIn rtrong beliet that alltîreo bookl;alteewr 23O emananted from the biands of the 6b Singing men- A iow class, mlme compiler. mentioned here after the servants. 1. (.yrus- Thie ollowing tacts are They secm Vo have been employed ~he kcpt ini mid about this king :on secular occasions. 1) life was boru about B. C. 590, 68. Set it itl> An expression for .nd by righttul successiun 1xccarnie the restor&ion of the temple. rinlg of liam thirty unre vears lat- G9. Daries--Worth about t.he or; (,2) Though a Per-sian by de- saine &s an English guinea. The icent, lie became the king ot Per- pouinds of silver were worth about sia by conquest, B. C. 51Iý; (3) The $ý each. ârst y car of Cyrus, thcrfre. must 70 Nethinimn-Thev represented refer to the date et hîs conquest o! the lowest. startum 'ot temple &or- Babvioniia and consequcut rel.itionls Vice with the Jcws. This ivas the tweoe- Dwelt in their cities--This ot Ly-first ycar et bis reîgnuover the course was the resuit ot a slow pro- Elamnites, and the tenth ovcr lcrîsia, cess, and net a tact ot a moment. L ) He i's calied king o!fl>crsia, flot ecauso he was se bY birth, but 4- cauge I'ersla was the cliiftf iis cuRIOUS CHINESE WÂI'S. DoUi(ýiieits. (b) fus kingdorn nclud- ed rîearlv al] t Westerni Asia __ Travcller in That Country Secs9 Elaini, Media, I.xdia, I>rsia. Baby- lo ii ia. Sirange Sights. Thte mord ut Jehovah-That is, the ThtheiiiaioetCnas ixed -di1v1i e purpose, as expressed Ta hecvlzto fCia In the prophocy ut Jeremiah, to the iîgorous 15 strongiy impressed up- afi-Te"t that atter seventy years the on the man 'wbo irai'els far in that lo'ws should returri. Whatt1.8 cm- counttry, says a writer ;a tiie N:t Fhasized l ere is net so much the tional Geographic Magazine. The uIfilrncnt ot the prephecy as the reach of unperial a.uthority is a accomplishînent ofthtie tbing pre- constant subject of surprise sudi dicted. Inthte view of the writ.er, wonder. The card of an iniperial thia purpose was actually acoom- prince, given to a traveler, will cou- plirhed in the first year of Cyrus. vey Lui safe and unxnolested, and é secure for him eourteous treat- t Made a proclamaton-Literally, muent, is the remotest bordorn of the "C&#§îed a v'oico Vo pass " indicat-lad Lng that thie decree weot forth by China is the land the cýties of herakis. He also put tAie decree in which have no Iigbts, ne plan, ne writing, an additional note inserted awradn ieal. e Wo show (bat it wa.s no invention of peopeshane no puiewalke Her c the ews butcoud b foud i f-patriotisoe, Do idiers, no nâtional Il fidial documents, feeling andi no secrets. I 2. Thus saith Cyrus-The deceree Notwithstanding ail thee anom- e Itseif would be given in Persian, or alies, every province, every city, ' Aramaic, andi we have hlere thOe very hanilet is distuicted, dinu i substance popularly repr'dted for thehamioutome respeicted jitî t Lewisb readers. lu reogzed sa head -man. lé' AU the kingdoms... hath Je- heId,.rospeusiblo for its gocd con- tiovab . . . given me--Therefore it duot. Il auy crime Lu o tmittd la right for him to givo directions 1,. ed itti.cirs sfud Let him go-There la nioecoerion, prîvmte are earemnîîy âeIa.dI, Rit the decree being purely permilssive. d. *t y an &M U ishigheit qualî- None nood return whe do net wisb dîg, nd utb intiida te. The >ourney to Jerusalein i&codlut.e anaie t ' oonsiderecl up (compare thse Songe u 0nUJ cnoth oul. I o! Ascents, Psaims 120-134). The ie&o înait, owethe opulr purpose of îhser return ilisinply W ides !mdanit y how et er-n build dthebouse o! Jeisovais. No ah1er co vilpw" bs ledet an i k Iar-reaching restoration o!f th tlec ihbsfo nf7 Jews seema te lie eentempluted. kites, while thie boys, 1k. olimen, R Rie il God--Gencrally supposed stndsedW b7 sud look o04. This to béa Jeîsh arenbeai. Itcan o os alia methoti of iuatruactlon, (o O Jeis paenhess.It auandti o show thoebidron h4v t T hardly bc sown (bat Cyrus was asupeio man eau relax "Î'*n i 4. Let the mon of bis place hlp- d ur heYo. eetra sdg The. meuniug is, (bat a general rc- To thse Chinse the foreîgýar il1l Cuisition il madIe upon non-Iasa- a booýr snd a banbarian. 1týoenas lite people in neighbobohoeds where a hoelst tskto &Obcli is 11-< ourvivoru of thse Jewisb captivity no%.The. Chunel* voradra i ire founti sojourning. TVIal criurJan.bkcuur ~ voluntary assistance vas Vo 5upple- la it toc imalt for uni ho h is IW moent tise freewill-offering for thse living, r i oorn e mto o e b,7use of Qed; thatilu, thse cffernspthe.sugerior pepl! e U s, h#to * >1 tie Jews theuiselves, or e! Cyrus, be coume.ded. Suat, ,s What in or of any Gentile who miglit dosreai. boQT h. i.:t to contributo. 5-11.-Tise execlition of the. de- W WOIEN MnORS SA 6. e hads of tef&thern iouses-The social leaders. hereda- Nêem cpan fest C4.utlête ary cbiela. hey"are iboe.piaced b before thse priestU, or clergy, su la- i iloation lhat l.theocrsýy vas net Euiï5ud bas ' uiOS7 2 P re4 the. roconiaed order. to l~~OeeugiOS s.K 1 of le cousmianaty ol 3eva issai ap unoor unç e sut. au ne- tonded whiie spirit CQed bail tirre t te goup. Tb"- ottqe enter- ris* waxs ander <lai>. control, front he stirrin uof!the king'a heart e the rou-siig cf the doniette leald.- rs ansd prieas. NO RAPID DEVELOP3IENT IN RURAL SOUTH AFRICI. Old Types Are Gradually -Dlsap- pearlng Belaie Ad-rance A few tiays ago Capt. Spelterini, tise fainous acrenaut, madtieh fins. balloon aseent ever wituesseti in tht Transvaal, rising (o a. ieight ci 7000 foot above Johannesburg. A, 'ho was ascentiing near tise Fi-ec State border two Boer farmerrý noticeti these hiange apparition il. tise sky. They wero mucis perturb eti. They soizedti hein Mausers anc tiesrateti whether It wouiti noi be ativisabie te shoot tise mysterioui aerîal intrutier, which seemeti U them teo be some unknown monstet Of tise air. Happiiy (bey hesltateo long enougis te see that (bore wert huma.n beinga un tise mysteniouw globe, wiites a Soutis Atrican cor respondent efthtie Lontion Dail.N Mail. But the incident sheoulti serve t< rominti those wbo expect exceeti iîsgly rapiti tevelopment in rura. Soutis A!ries, that many eft tis qidint idees et the simple Veortrek kers stili dling to tise velti. Tise old type et Boer tai-mer is tiisap- poaring before tise ativance ot edu cation. But he is going siowly. If you rea th ie Duteis papers you wii] still finti very earnest anti very in. dignant correspontients rrotesting (bat tise destruction et locusts la A BLASPHEMOLTS ATTEMPT te oppose tise ail! efthtie Almigsty-, who bati sent (ho scourge as a pun inent for tiese infuineessof tise people. Yon will till finti fanmers, protesting tisaItishe naturai dis- easea et stock sheuiti not be inter- tered with, anti suggesting tbat ail thse government vet-eninary surgeoni shouid be turneti eut eft(ho country. Tise (ratiers anti prospectora et tise Transv-aal tell niany atielightfui story of tise simplicity eft tiese elti Voonti-ekkora, wise oseiopitality un- fontunately wa.s eften but ill repaiti. One o! tise best known o! these atonies relates isow a well-known mining magnats purcisaseti a. ibi gald-beai-ing farm. Il was I ist e time tisat thse Boers firet began to realize-tat tione of the intnuding strangep sinto, (heir country" werçe »naccouùltably willing ,(W pay lârg% aura for landc. Pnices rose, mrt be- eau. lainiers hadthe .-fainteste 14ea of the value 'of tisesura tbey 'de- nandeti, but simpiy because (ho ai-go amounts sountietiwell in their ears. Bo wben Ibis magnat. viss- ad to buy a iparticurar faima he vas met with a dêmnt for om huiret or would -not bisai cf suti»g les. fie did net knov viat onaé iswdied thousand potin- eaut, but the' mound i_ thelb.globular aura Pieaae tis. 'At la. t" ming mn, con.c sen-ted. Tii. trauufar deeda voel Iravu up and. 'ver, to b.- sigrîeil on agiven nigiat. Whou the even-ing came thb mg- natedrove upto thseftaivils& ,ag, cf golti. Al as îeaed, but, the Boer bisflte tiaIttis mousy inat b.e outed'- ut before bijjs eyez. The echeaciagr.ed. fHe net Dut 0» tlaousand sovereigne in Lunes >N ONE BIDE op TME TABLE. 4'Te.as a *lonsauadpoud" *Msd. Tibena t rgalaglsholaid om6 Mie bmndràed geold ixns. "thtlat t uicdedp'nds," ië explalned; "se yen have thse iuured tiiousta posaadsg," Andtie Ber, ssg-t.d the deeds nd trekked avsy into lbe uchkn vihtegold, hippy lnu us" thillgit àathehmso bs afrm forar 1h làat et cult te bclieve scb bstory Whou )e remembers Ibat las ehossu legislators cf the» *Id qoers advanced paahicly in tue sadassl i o0" qaisiel des .se brinted laau pendx ho 8f rrauissual Frotu Witt"io.o" orne or tiese Old parulemouta,4p,,, lscuanod * proposai ho, et"Ipui. gr boxes la Pietorla as té rant snd eRuIaMa. fu oonid oct Oê.let m ba dir powole lavywim i vritin< l 1tt-s. & s bailf v$.s ahtde"~ lâ igrne of-tise olti Dutch fanmer - nu li ased to be given te potty pilfening. ia *iimi in stores wben making purchases IUJi but tise tradiers saiti nothing. They just kept a sharp oye on (he tisingi tiaken anti put them. down à in m GUGGENREI318 NOW OWN the bill. A storekeeper tolti m( TUE KLOINDIKE. once that an olti Boer came in onf. dIay anti ordereti a bag o! eoffe( tmong other things. Wlhule look Skaguay and Dye4 Rave Fasscd ng around tise sfýoro he notieed sev Fo ines;It ad eral iseavy lead pipes, ' anti, wher Po ineaIt ad bo thioght tise tratier was not look- ef Syndicate. ing, ho slippedti hemn inVo tise bap if coff ee. The storekeeper madle wThe. glory of SkaguAyU4n A1lulça, romark. When the trading wa- îas departed, wrstes a xewapapel )ver he simply placedti he bag or, orrespondent in that tai--off place he &cales anti weigliec it, anè A~ was in 1898 (ho port of entry t, -harge.d (he Beer for it at (ho fui ihe Klondike-andi 100,000 mon thet; !once et coffee per pounti. A u'. -nd in the two years that followe<. ýhe coffee in those days was maný trggled to geti (o Dawson, capita. 'imes dearer than leati. f thse Klondike: Just around twc Anti these incidents, which hav" -ocky peints, three m-iles away, lie Lheir parallel to-day, show tha J _yea, wisence in 1897 went othe. hango is working but sîowly i housands te the Klondike. ont South Africa. :aan lives in Dyea-it,8 glory als * a.s departeti. In thon. days no raiîroati rar THE RALLYI N C-POINT. rora this an o! the sea. Me) ,7ent into (ho interior over th4 Ilow a Yoting IVoman wa8 Cureilaf )asses, anti thenco by small boa! tise Habit o! Fretting. -lewis (he Yukon te tise golti fielti 'ver boti tise Cbilkoot anti Wiit( dasses-the former f rom Dyca, tht atter f rým Skaguay-wei-e grave ',ard nti awiich many akeletons lic buieci bexseath cool snow lities. -itier skeletons lie wiitening llengaitio are (ho boues o! tbesi ;antis o! herses, mules, oxen anei ;cats-pack animais whicis fell ex- '-austeti during tise awfui i-u.slitg the nertis. . TRAILS ABANDONED. IY tise guicis from Shaguay, â Dead Horse Canyon, it la as-sei-tec bIat 15,000 herses tiieti in tisé winteî )f 1898. Over tise Dyca (rail, thse tiser day, we saw twenty sacks of leour lying by tise way, piecea ef breoken voisicies, -crumbling roati- jousos, faîhen foot bridges ovex roaring mountain streams. Theso (rails are abantioneti, for~ tise White Pass anti Yukon Rai. way !rem Skaguay bas been built, anti, e! course, ne ene travels by ccrutie t-ail wlien bc eau speeti "riose tise summits of thse ceasi ranges us steani. earqt<> tihe atio! steamer navigation "on tise Yukon, Iuti tisus aliorten lbe lime roquir- oti to go te Dawison, Forty Miles, Fort Selkirk, Fairbanks sand- other interior pointa. Butith' '- hsetiysof the initiai ex- cilemnent OýVer tihe discoveries cf !abnûlously ricis placer gold. ûeIldà bis tii. nortis, t4 e-to---towns-- vre vritàabloê *riiaeIàtroým.. - Thrciugl (hem rushed a-,tornadé ýof huinai- iy; crazoti >w ith he-- lu r. -f -Use ' nàorth-m-neui,-âd wom'eu froni overy part- ofthe -g lobe. Eaoh carr$ed an~ ayerago pei'haps cf *, -0. The, l0O.000.hu irs4usd bh.in 1a' There was once a young weomar aise fretted about everytising. 1 .a (rue- tis.t ase was sick, unsuc ,esstul and poor. People were ai ,vays taiiing ber', troubles wore a] ways mu itiplying. Her trienda use(, Lsax- it took courage (o go (o se:. îer, (bey were se sui~etfbining me: by a conalaint. This went on. say ,ho narrator ot ber story, until uh, was tbirty. Then one day tise read the s(oryV of a great naval disaster. whea (hý offi-cers, knowiniz (bat (heur ahi> nus( go down betore tise enenîy, 50 tho bandti t playing, tise flags tx flyîng, anti. dressed ln unitorm. witb (heur wbite gioves on, waiteL to go down witls (hein ship. As slIe readth ie story se sutiden- y grew asbamed o e beii. Mo%- bad se met disaster? Nover witb anything but tears and compiaihts. "I won't -be as I have been an y more." se saiti to bei-self. "Wisen troubles corne Vo me. tisougis I per isis as tisose officera titi. I will meet theni as tbey did-witb flags flying. tise banti playing andi my white gloves on." Even iso many troubles did ooeme to lier, but eveny time skie met a new on. ah. Voic bei-self:' "The fiage must fly te-day, the banti.play, -sntiyeu -must have&your [white aloves, on-V sometimes., 'yen a disappoint- mont iii wotk - seoee -especafy -keen, se. ould-even aétually tiuess hersée!! b'is hr hest lôt.hes sud vitb smniling face go eut to ace a ick !niend or tb perform .some sel of' obeerful kintineas. Aud nov, alter ten yoare, if y-ou wore te meol lier,. y-u voultis"Y' ah. vas s9alîn n in th ,anwd talk -,- l k a h tho concern organizedi by the. Gug-- e-enheims, tise stock of wbich was oated by Thomas W. Lawsenl ef Boston, in one of his snsatinai idverti'sing campaigni. Control o! il la helti by tise Guggenheim brellions. IN GRAS? 0F COMBINE. Tise evolution o! existing coutil- dions in the Klondike is in pro""s in Alaska, Amorican torritory, f rom Ketchikan, in the uttermost soutis- oantern part, te tise most nortis- #esterly peint, whene Behring 3trats rn into tise Anctie Ocea. l'h. individuai pioneer prospecter ;truggie.s against tise onwarti march 4 tise all-conquering syndicate e.in&d in 19083 by John Pierpont Morgan, (ho Guggenheims, Jaocb 3chiff, et Kuisi, Loeb & Ce., S. H. ý_)raves, representing Close Brotis- ira, o! Lontion, anti others. Unless .ometihing be done te, check ilsapro- ýress ail o! Alaska will pass, lie ho Klondike, hopolessly into tise hands of the coîÀiine. GIPSZ_ YgRTUlýE.TELLINC. A.rehduiie Joseph Rad Reason te Itespeet Thie! Sagaelty. The. art o! fontune-teiling is ne doulit as olci as any otiser foi-m etf humnan deception. It isas baci con- riection with - numbers, as in tise I3abylonian cemnections, with the earliea( stutiy o! tho stars, as in %strology, anti with tise shuffling o! ,ards or any other foi-m o! chance. ris. '<art" lies in (ho fortune-tel- îler'a knowieîdge o! humais nature. It bas not yet been given up by the Gipsies, fier is il likeiy te ho leost se long as anything is Vo be gained fi-cm (ho credulity cf man. In tise book, "Hungary andti ho Hungar- lans," tise author devotes a ch.ap- tien tetise Gipsies andti heur eus- ~toms. A story efthtie Arcliduke Josephis laespecially interesting. . On one occasion the late arcli- duke, wisen visiting (ho Gipsies on bis mission o! reform, askienver- ai wemen to tellhihbis fortune. WreTin, iseweven, lie addtreaseci theun ln (hein own language, tbey refuged to proceed, anti on being niked'the ceasoti, they -deciareti that (bey wouid net 1"eheat one- cf thou owu-s tAkdb h.- earcliduke -viether tbey sinoerely'bélieved in fortune-_ 'tU'w, 1, oimen Iaugbhungyr- pliti "o, hà i iood ceUgla fýor on asiother occasion te aida- oiakewas resfly warned by, à Gipsy., It-was just hore the latle te of- dôtwa1 in 1866, an4 lie vas sleeping in-ipeàaàSnV t nf.-bawhein -.+lm HOW TH4E PRICE 0F MONEY AFI'E1 PRICE 0F SECIJRITIES. ln . Oood limes ad -..In ad TIM ui-1lu1 the Future ofthtie -invastmsnt MaiIistj> sf Tonding-Offst by Easy Msaikyr Cn4. ditions ln London.* Tb@e articles contributedl by "Investoe are for Ltse sole purpose off guiding pro-! PootivO investurs, and, if possibleof 0"5~ ilng them fram losins môuey thre IsV Plasing it .lua "Wiid-oat" *:fteptiss. TO impartial and reliable character off thea Information may be relied upon. Théa writer off these articles and the pablishes off titis ipape: have ne Interes te servem in conneotion, wit>4 ibis matter other tissu thoas ai tise reader. Tise otiser day au investor. asked tit writer Il thse pi-osent w as a gocd lime te bur seourities. Thtis waa a very simple question to ask. but rather a large order ta anuwer. IL iuvalvod caret ully scrutin-' ising tise Influences controllingtiseé price moyomenms off securitles. comparing them wltis conditions in te past and toiecast- ing thse future. This la a meut impDortant questiols in connection with te inveutint of menuy, andi almost absolutelwy esseu- iai tu successful speculatiou. 01f courue lu invesîment a man neeti no% estimato tise future of general conditàonx lu ordor te insure a steads, incarne andi safety. But by se dolug se eau occ&s- lonally quit. easily choose a tfie wisen lie eau get a botter rate eft ineome wtth equal security, or oen the same secnrii7j at a Iower cost (han at Demo other net rernote time, andi @o. it lu quite Worth' while te attempt titis, for visie tailure' te do seourrectlyivolvues tsueoul&torý in dJfiaculies Lt mere17 affecte the.in. veste: by oausing hlm tmre duaguui ai net waitint longer, or'ai not Ilurcsaningl sooner. 01 course. thse true investur need' net w7orry over tisla feature, but.evan, if yen sisoffd Intenti never te ssIl yen: inveetment Lt le always a eourqe et sat-~ istaction te realise thitot e lugisili at a lewer Priée tian it would brl1nx At, present., Tiser. are two- thîigtu tisai affect ie- marktet for negttubla seouities-it t seousulîles whieh' are waiybuh s soid. On u usheloaulng prieet or eyl ani tise otite s utise toueri onutiio;n ot business. Soemsetise wn*rlktee smetimei la oppositlon.Wle rkn togethes' their pae wessIrreoistebl. ous- oU7iew~r, tissy a-u aîp",on 'Éolirgmnietu1ir bMtux- lowlhou -husi ues lubsta 1g ien lanulueu. ta The efe ot- t»M b eudt4ouâ W14 lys stoppd t laisps not' Dios. ivù î uta to seme essier peron 0*holsvou ceuturias egol" Istia"f'natcano il is <Atro! Ilé w.divesavittbri sermon, If beis bot coftautly calling tap- on lais Peope$ lie is unseelabli. l be vists tosny enjtlias . ly talc. etl bubais ivitdo.mn't amaonnt ho mmi"I i in l inacinglel seus t obesl bima AU I tboeligubles and musn0 et tie, othest-iêr speasite t. sa chie*r At heii, gUil gopri . - das o lse they do ,peat.gâs tilt. t ti el ib .ijftv

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