Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 7

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- "a- -Il% %"W1~-~ evr> Per . body, asudlîa tlis .W&Y 6r hel>tent tl ac- tivé Ih.sIth and s ut ~ iiprou! k et> hs '.*é give thé cei xo ý Mi. Bank.$ who Baya ;- i feel 'V'sat if there s anyo, woùouht Vo tes- pink Pilla it48l my$eIf. About four yearý o;I wa-taken dowu wÎth typEM W lver, which left me in a v.ý1ry ieair staeesud my atozach se impairedi that .0von a drink ô!f miuk woil.d cause me pain. Tc airke matteris wors te change et lile !ollowed, snd altheugh I was under the care o! one o! our, bout * ductors, I was steaduly growiug ivorge. Bc!ore I waa sicir 1 had often read o!f1-Dr. Williamns' Pinkr Pilla, but thought ne more about thiSin.- But now whon I iva s ick and* heipîcas and almost hopele-88, ansd with no benefit. coming froni medical tneatment, I kept thinking o! h-Pilla and finaily decidec t-o fry thern. I did Bo and I arn thank- ful to'be able Vo say that they me- stoncil me We healt-i and strength, ' andi ena.ble.d me to pas hrough tihat trying pcriod, froui whicli so rnaby'poor women cmerge with sbattene.d health. I hope Vhat many othor pour sufferers mnay rca.d titis atatement and take fresh courage frein 1V5 as I arn sure that ~ ~litDr. Williamis' Pink Pils have ci ne forr mn,- the" ivili do for others. I u3t4dthat 1 jà1ways keep Dr. Wiliajýnàe Pinik P~ilsluinthe home, aud .L4 It tbey are better than a lodtior. " >- ~Theo'"Pile are seold by ail mcdi- ciuedealôru onrnmay be had by mail ati 50 onte a box or six boxes for 1".50 Immr The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Cc., Brocirville, Ont. k WORLO'S COAL SUPPLI. --RatBrItaln*,s liiLast About - 175 Vears. Y The dwindling visible coai sup- plies1 the worlde~roe egaging the aàtterd iîon c! the Governments of most countries where coai is found. Sir..William Ramsay, the Ena1ish eiortit startled, the British i- cition * some' weeks ago byaya in b~is preuidential addre-as thati the coal supply in the United Kingdom won't -la4st another 176 yearfs il the wastqfuI use o!ci -aterial, is lot pr'ox4PtIY checked. And 176 years is ctly, a @pan in a naýion's lite. Now cornes the German techuical journal Kohie und Erz (Coal and Gire) which bas made a. general sur- vey -o! the wdrld's eoal production and soja that barrig the Unle States a.nd perbaps nort~h Chia Qeria.ny'i. aill the richeut. ceai bep.ring country. Amerlos, with its ,%huge productio n of uearWy hait mýiIion tons a 7esr, i., it uas, rap- idty. approachng exhaustiop.,su the.. saum bsaid of t4o ceai, KCi nl ingox he an v i;ý thé ~~the N ort1iqber 'ad d Urh4C. l (othor nllisresmyJa.11 a century longer. t The frst minou that wiii have t cluse d4own will bc theseof centrai France ', ltx»a,-whchout-- habIr'v O yoàru 'M'ore te live, Thi iirth of Françe .*nd thé 8551bru*G k cri basin in wesiern Germa"y cm ncx,,t with a lite of ewe 0 n Bh Begi an n sd V.tpbaiucs rc(gtous snd the inlutii.AU- ian and Ruasian parts of Uppor -ýes, which may -reekon on au tilinterruptedoutput fer Vii. nzý b'uU years.1 Prussian Siieuia' la sae for ai%- oLther 1,000 yars or-more, NBtuIN carbon, . wlvth ,,iodes'o!fnavrg thickpesa o! 40 fSet SoBee1etbOei are èo0"Ieet thIck,'*s'0"that cai alcofi- sumaers rna.y t*kOh.at o! goO aesW.orry st "tiIt hsd been a Job-a& rea~l lb- ,o n - ouàtry Lité. in fAiic. "ButthatweasaIl wé, had for ate*m- ër fsre snd ery"Ug, sOit >ws go- ôn'that or eayW at hoe. Go e id "ÀArrived et Lîvor.pool w. jogged dewn to Shrewsbury by the laut ta.u. and *»fter a quarter of au h*ur on the dankeniing stret stop- ped inIi-ront 0o!-a dinlgy, iow rowed bakeshop with a aigu, 'ASoenmoda- tions for cycliste. ' perched up iu the -window. "i'Rere, suggeoted I te»itati-ve- iyI fwe stop.' ,,'Not hene,' se-owailed, 'sot bers!.d "But 1 was firru. Thene w* epont te night in comifort sud foather beds, there we &ea mos't excellent breakfast te next morniug beforo we start4di on dour ramble down wide andi lovely Corvodale towand the mountains of! Shropahire. "Indeeci the charni o! Engianci to the economicai touriet i t he pos- sibîiity o! obtaining foodi andi shel- Vter se inexpenseive andi so excel- lent. These bakeshope witb their cycist carda, tihe shilling dinnens in aIl the markret towus. better o!- course on markret daya - but always god, the emperance hotels-they sometinies sel] liquor but are gener- aiiy ciean-the readiness of ail the lamniena Vo take any travelier iu o-ver night aud feeti him gorgeously, seeop hini' quaintiy under canopies snd in bounciug bedu, make ecen- omy ONE LONG POEM 0F PLEASURE ",Indeeci, befon. the. aumni.r waa over, madsm learnne to find ber g reatest 3oy iu ioitering ue anti Jown te etreets o o<m. 9uaint old town, woigbing, eonsWtinugb untiIl at asat the very best andite very cheapeet lod ing asnd suppêr had been obt.ais "Nowhere save in England cas such strikiug divensity o! seed 'ery ho discovered in use short a co uais. We wore six weeks freosm nti, o! course, hati but twenty-four' cisys for tramping. A. we 4a&r -e ever-thing on our backe ive tildouly about eighteeu miles ay, alla ; et we *lk*d .-aiythe. ieifth o!-, ng Bý4 tartang st 8bre sbu!y, , e camie 'cown Vrougb 8h 're to Ifeieforti.hir-. ssci >,&pën ono gusty ira&*i.'dyaat Hôr o - '<TitsDean- himesIf n uhr and VII, brother of! aî, Brn, owed -us the $amuous iibraryIn- th. 8«ce0 ei by diÏe4>estng -Vitl-,ai, under ber rough attire, sse au abiiity Vo nesci mediaievalrenchF asnd Ltin th*t ho n'iO sta lunch, Ros 4adsatc enli 'ý'ahley, going astafr hie1m thon tw GlOoucester, Bhta aud th*ougb Proma te Lb. e THE WILTB aIUKOOM or lemoolassdso Ste») bury f w w. asUsre4b! lm storekeeper . -àmo c* a- t lm »iver4.>u1d b. ak oad &Q spear', -but - 00kvIy0- bu r. But we h&ad Ro guessed- snd umbIçd iuto i exquisi*e moraiul'wak crUDmec irtb -tuiaod ermes subd 'ad wa»4d tU~mm ça#l #~rh apes4 but -for' wIolene j o a u d cane, %bd tb. fasi»ars gs.vo. rnilk wm a" forb4~~ o! away fr*iinott WIa vinefoc o "U 'have Lt ookéd, t"-te'o» we* te- ar top1inéýàles -d i the- perby 'gçod mêrùing' aîxd of nain.though tha.tis pesuibly ex- ceptloýýnalTii"mPot Cyclit ma&Pt, are, fait, but the Cýyclist club it net werth joining. -Itgivetirather -ex- 110nsive and alwayti 'drink' hotels. "And the Co" 1 W. apent ex- actly I*119.92 apsece. Sppr, b.d and breakfast werý e =nrly cither six or - evéiu hiffiugis for, the Vive of us, tires to three-and six (aix- pence) apieco. Dinnor sveraged f romn a shilling apioce teosoe and six. At the bakeshopi w. reducoti iV o e we> shillings and a penny, for I erdeneti a regular sud znadam ,a nine pence disnerthi.e nly differ- n-or givea one Ave, suces of! meat, a nino pence dinner only three, andi te two combineci left room, for a couple o! ordens o! sweets at tup- pence s help. The farinons charge rather more titan in Arnerica, but the foodtin distinctiy botter. TUE IIUDOS 0F RING SIP. Some Engllsh Sehool Chlldaeu's Ides o! the KLng's Liue. Somo Engliuit elexnentary echeol- chilciren, about ten years o! age, were reoently asked Vo write an es-, gay on "George V., King o! Enig. landi." The observations on hie Majeety's daily 11f. ivere nather sensational. Oue littie boy toilas us that his Majesty spenda the inter- vals betiveen bis meals walking up sud dcwn hia gardon ps.th; that ho niakes bis laws up eut o! bis hesd, sand tbat ho bas liver ssci bacon for breakfast 1I "I1 thinkbhohas veai antiand' thicir gravie, wbich is tnimeci witb parsrly, snd is on a silver dish,"- says another yeuthful esist "After that ho bas apple-pie, straw- berrys ssci creain,.asdti ien !orty vinkus before he, goos t* tue' titeater." But porbaps the, - best piceo! humer is fipnisbed by.-tlb. itie, who tolls us that thbe R ingf' rides about ini a golden cariage îleeps in a golden, beci, we4irs a crcswn -on bis heaci onSudy1sd 'gets. s, vr aywibom o £6,000 eveny week. It will be-news te tthe Court that "sutùesth* King passés bis time away sitti"a n .g os bis ine reainS ý a1îtisi edltyl4gt4> jarn Ifnom sueother Juveuile historias that lie ha.s omechildrenwho do-,spt go terneon.' > »làhi A in -if iSE 4Wit?. tluPnth aed toflieBesâ . Watgln 'W". teBed and d7ele 'ýIWY Wit %'a-u 1 ýW e of ofstise Gae obOt illor so" ti box .of thein ottred IMm.Xa'"w A.Cook,& Ebo.iniiatls* fri lh th had rnsfered tor iiteue Manuheimn, Out., Oct. .- Bpecia4-low qUicly and eaeily. ERheumatam cas be cufed when you use the right meana in shows in tii. case of Mn., Mary A. Cook, woIl known aud highly respectcd- hem.Ina-an intern'ew xegarding - her cure, of whieh ail the villagg, knows, Mrs. Cook sys: "I had Rheumatisni so bad that oometimes I would ait vap nesnly aIl "I Anrt hought I wouid try the doct-ons, 7but luckily 1 decided Vo firat tr, Dodd's Kidney Pilla. "They cure'd me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And juBt to thiuk that after fourteen yeare o! suffering one box cf Dodd's Kid- ney Pilla should cure 1 I wilI te- commend Dedd's Kidney Pilla to anycne who auffers f rom Rheuna- Yes, iV is easy- to cure Rheu.ma- tism when you go the right way about i t. Eheumatisrn le caused by une sacid in the biood. Il the K.idïmeys are working right they will strain al Vhe uric acici out of the blood and there;can be no Rheurna- tism. Dodd's Kidney Pilla always make tbhe Kidneys work right. STIIAYGE FRENCH RIVER. The Seine «Now Sa Low That Boata Have Their Troubles. Contrary te last year's f reak, wben the gine direateneci te enguif Paris, the fa.mous river bas now ione clown se ilow as te seem on the point of drying up- altogether. WiIl 1V coma -te Vthia When *ma- looka at the plates, r.céutiy,ýaMxod on the walls snd thi.e: jie f the, .,with tue -prýeset level é>ttte the différence: la >almroît luorduble., T.bd o , thorer con , ceily seen, tb.romrg ,thé m*uad-ay'c ,The boat. meve-aetwt -eu't dfficulévy, their propçiiers ' ies and, bits o! erumbled walls can,~ be seen thatt o rmedpart of damns or Iprepaaftery- works em,e -buV of ithé waté r. VI T# +.hi% ...a a.. I7M1éat:ci Po* t1fi ilotn(nu inalëfact lneinedode h b~ndtea pet ziy drÏVen fI-. te i rod uai¼>en apace, whee n tr~u ilod -ïsh'abde, ssnd lth«e ol ot4tdaliv heêt ef t Vi sn>aryaa4herefth out eà îth lu its. équatorial regl<>n 9. Te.-proVr.teïb h luferingsa and te a-vert 'histqço peç. d - bys-,SU aetsi hi*Id- hie braifreon Phobua~ drt~. -No Iau --protec-, tioft la, h 0*veoe- aor4j te hi bodyi which grsdually'drien up, ebrinkstoether, and 'ultimately be- cornes carb ouisd. One chance cf salvatieon lu open te, the roasting Mau while as yet ho in Dlot compietely ."dosete death." If 8, clouci pas etWeen -thé sun and hils place of tormeiii, he is at once cast 1o0» f rom bis post, sud be- cornes an objoot o! popular revern- once, as a mighty na.gician on Whose behalf the super-saturai pow- orà bave deisueci direcv to inter- But cieuds seldom interfere -witb the admaistration of justice on the. day selecteci. WHY NOT?1 Accerding Vo Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, <'Wornan la natnrre's fa- vo rite."' Fshea evenybody's favorite, isn't she 1 CONSTII'ATEb CBILDREN CoqstipaVion in chilciren ih the suresi sign cof dangerr-the moet convincing signial that baby ila go- ing Vo b. ill. Gontipaties bacs* F te and a-ctualiy causes more suffer-- ing ii lîttie oDes than Osny eOther- touble. To -keep. baby. w.ll s'hi 3 Kt1 sInsel muet --b.kept s*eê 'alù ýhis :bowehsrglrBb' Own;T abIets w*ilI do that-they will. 4>afel àurely anud tNthoit -ýpin or griplipg. Concerimug thermà Ont., tsays:.-"My 'baby"Was bollh- tred simout' oontiiiually ,with big etgimach sudbewels'and Wasgrèat-, consipaed.Baby'sOwn",Tïb-, lets, quickly reliev.ec i hm and.1 woul ne -u~w se nv ôtlier wu'<li. Ase 1e uld ap iI ade f y ou e ave.copy maturity-of $100, $500 or $,0 denomnination. Tihe range ofi mcome is item 4 W-t cent. Io 6 pet cent. Covernmeni Bonds ib jieId 4 pet cent. Municipal DebentauIoteyjeld 4 pet cent. Io 6 pet cent. Railroad Bonds Io yield 5 pet cent. te 5.30 per cent. Public Uiiliip Bonds Io yield 5 pet cent. Proven Industrial Bonds Io yield 5%j pet cent, Io 6 per cent. DomIr uim. - -~---------------------- - e," ONU O Ovar iAO <I~ L.LEOB OSEÂTEST te8 led lit paît. BJÂN, ito -Mita, Ce.. ARSORSALI OR0ENT A8K DAWSON MiSC1EOWS. y want to e ha zmm. commai ' -you want to buy a t&rm conail me. IHAVE Borne a01the best Fruait, Stock. Grain or Dair7 larme latuOntario, md pries rllt.' H.W. DAWSON, Zinety Coiborne LcoINTSWAN15D, LJ NEKPLOYED MEP oit W9-0»1. Do yen wislt6td mise ViveDollars dai for baIanicë ofyMW? If -go. 0nsnt J, L Nichol (o..I4te4. Toronto. Scala Worige,,9'Zp~se eot. t&t4 ts- r -. - --i- -4 s A

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