Whitby Gazette, 14 Dec 1911, p. 1

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ibn It.«L X.u~owis. Cà. BartIste. Couaty' Crown Attorney and Coutîy Msolctor. Of"oesouý wlng Court Roeuse, Whitby. L.,r T. hASCLAY etmltr at Law 3o1C1t0re Notary Public, Special Exam. iner for th i 1gb Court et justice. etue to Dow à MeQ1lrrY. BrOCk tiret. - Whitby, Ont.. .J6 . CHEUSTUAN Office firit dmo west of the Post Office. Mottey to Loan. JANES SIJTLEOIE0 Barrstr, Etc. Monty te Loan on easy termns. Office lmmediattely south Royal Hotel, Whutby, Ont. 0. VOUNO SMtITH, L L. Barrister, Etc. Money to loan. Issue of Marriage Licenses. Offco-Smitb5a Bled', -Whitby, Ont. DIMINTAL W. AI)DS, Dentllt, Ornce, Dua- dus Stmet, RaisIdC No. 4, the T.«S.CS, Byron St., Whlt.by. Phone AUCTIONBEfl~ AUCTLONECER jas. Bîshop, Oshawa, Licelibed Aco. ioiiesf. Successor to L. iairbankm For termo and dates apply te self or t' :*; Robb, Whiiby. LIÇBN913D UONEE ^NoDV LUATR. All kîna of sales promptly att ýnced te. Arrangemlentl s a hémade for sales at the Çactte office. Termes reüonable. Bell Teepho5be O". J. IROWELL JA~MES' C*rpentero Builder and Contracter. Plans drawn and estimates furnished. Repaire, AlteratiOis and jobbing. OppOSIte St.pheflBOIIS BOX 467 WUITttY Phono 149 Marriago Licenses. A. ILH. LIf lesuer ofi Merriage t.temffl Corner tm store.Wbithv N o Wttsmss requlred. .1HE. DOMINION BANK E.le. Oier, M Pte, Prnldeoet. W. 0 Mattlm.SiOC.PruUd*flt. C. A., og.rt, cO.si mauar. CapitâI,$4, 700,000. Reserve,$5, 700,000 Total Assts, $69,ooooo A Branch oft tis Banik bua becs estab- ilubed in London, England, at 78 CORNItILL, Il. C. Tis Brancis will issue Letters orCredit &~4 Drafts on Ui Important points la CuadO aetiate Bibis*seut (Or cll«. doiào ltetelegrapbic transfers ind' trahotevrydesoetptlon o bmang iato nornwl041b. fusli.d -o0 il A specli dPartouei s1»b.provided forthi s we of viellr »d bearers of OrLtton 0 ettedt. WIIITBY8Rfi lit Miu YtiýWlIi>?ipanoi, VOTING CONTieST CLQSED )I The excitement and, anxielby 10 the candidates li the. subscriPtill Omte§4 ii, over, and the prizes hav116>ew' awarded. Misa May lule, o WbÎt$bY$,; won the Dominlin Piano witli a, large malorityj Misses itayeraIt, His- lop, Ilyfleld and Palme£ each Oecured a gold watch. ,-ic two Wkitby youikg ladies, Mlsâ Y uIe and Miss J4isloP, Put UP a splen- did campaigU, working wîthout ces- sation [rom the- beginuiflg to the Wn of thie canipalgil. Some of the others started out wefl but allowed their en- ergies to iag towar¶l5 the'eclose. Miss Haycra[t was sucemssil inl Winlning the neckieL and pendent Ot- fered as a sPeciat prize durig the campaLifl. The winner of the piano received sme substantial assistance [rom finonds near the close, but as te resuit showed she would have won by ber 0wn unaided efforts, as her ma3ority over lier nearest cempet>itor w&â alinost equal to the latter's total vote. The winners of watches w6re made happy by receivlflg their prizesSat- u.rday evening, and Miss Yule recel"- ed ber piano on Monday, and is de- lighted with iL. We wish to thanc those wbo aîded and encouraged the candidates in their work, the Judges who 50 lntndiy and efficiently counted the votes, and Mr. E.R. Blow$ in whose office Win- dow the piano was ailowed te, be dis- played [or over a month. The camPalgn lias resulted in ad- ding a very considerable nùmber of new Rames to oui substrîptiofi list, and to bring in Imany outstandiiig dol- lars on subscriptioti account. The foilowing is the report efthtie judges appol.uted to ceuni the votes: THE JUDGES REPORT. Whltby, December 9, 1911. Editor Gazette and Chronicle, Whit.by, Ont. Dear Sir: We, the cornmittee ..ppoin.tcd by you to count the votes and announce te winners of thé pnizes offered in our vot ng cortet, h"e compieted ouir canvase ei the records and r.- specUiully report as f<>Iows : Ve fAnd that Miss May Yule, Of Wlilý,haij~ne 2,09~0~ lit bAhe~ ~ibr to-*#<4e .dW et .xsy eml~e n sette o cebve the Grand ['rire Donion Piano : Wo find tMat the Iollowiiig named ladies have recelved the next hçeit number of votes ulter thse award o! thle Grand Prize, and arecaut en- tIted to recelve a Waltham Gold Watcil: lat-Mias Jean Hayorat, 140,750. 2ud-Mlas J anet HisloP, 137,500. 3rd-Mbss A. Hlyfleld, 24,060. 4th-Mlss Reta Palmer, 21,150. We congratulate thse fortunate wiii- ners of thse spleudid prîtes giron by l'E lhe Gazette »nd Chronicle abd We congratulate thse editor upon thé geil- etou, responsete the contest os thé part of thse publie, as lsdicated hby 1k large nuniber of subserîptions 9009. <signel) .1. P. PAXTON,- W. A. HENDERSON, W. L. ELVIDGIB, Libtala W. S. ktmri. CON bEIVATI VES MHO >POWM1 1N PIiOVINIe. date in Soulai OtatlO, s ' o la Il.e 9ect.aoi oS owsay, 4Atai Cants C4iderv ue bb1.4 00 fo &lUW14S by SW4V*0 .4 but nix "Ly r a 'ris ieclia wmS A a a.,~ 4 USAI m st ps~W .U je Only ab*ut three :ieeks left in,,,which to do tht. Critm 0 ooing. B-etter corne down to LAWLBR ' nd- ee -s ic tock of fresh- Fruits, RAISINS- sSOeSSO ta 6ùL I See BillB o rz t iït B. Mitchell osep Whié President Se-ee y- The Autumn SÎtt.lng o! the COU'rt of General Sessions opened ai Vthe Court House on Tue8<igy a! terne*n His Honor Judge Mointyre f residlng. GRAND JURY. Leone N. Swyward. Jas. Shaw. Robt. Holtby. joli. H. Madill. Donald Anderson George Robb. Geo. Stevenson. Michael Kelly. John Ard. Aaron Wiliams. Donald Gllelt. Wm. White Rl4us Falwon act~i son W~mir4 O Tht ase as ut: eederiek'Hab cock, lo a (arme, to!Brook ToweMbp. Ho owned tWo vainable mate cote. Ris son VWlllani ovned vo ',othets, and anotilerton, OUlrowmd M. 'ne decldant Byer, a votetlmna~r- geon, o! WobdviuelmO, asugago.4 le pertorm anli trut,êup>ot tmct . somenuwtint ativo o! thie cou$* 4,M and the others vers vsty sicil, bay- 1 Ing to b. dotord fr or stintO. The action vwas by William 16*nd cock for duniage s stained la the lons o! ont Seot id thes ickâm o f the other. mprtcS uvai gm Mr. Roacil,BovriapSd.fr the plaiuitif Tii uyb.uIgfuecs a Thon.. Lyrnde, W1iiitbSy, Albert Wilson, Reacil1 Webter 1Pouod, sÇoti. the. parties during th HM Honar's OILEJt jury Wa8 odue o!1nmue laylng before thé -JIUI thie matters to:h tilêta, ho - referrte- teý the. presenisystèz» tors' Thij. re ;ex Juge'e-Po"rt cul politel prie e Oour$ of::RsYieiog,, nmatel o hoethjw *~CL~4 be4w~en ittoSrU hi, U*thùosi rend. 2 t ro i w u he ul 0], i l u tim 4 ucte4 tthe.iuerai squrv4co. A là ntuuber ot po ~le s serapbIoled t o~ tribut* of rep0ot to,, Ite inioy lit. -Pau bomrer. w «e j ;W , c rtfteu~ *" Il)John 6 IwoorWm ik Ar. ilo CUflRANTS- BLUIE PEAIM PEELS veRY CJiICE LEPANTO CITRON DATES NEW SHELLED NuTrà J 9, I~11, theo wu 1S14t s~t S. J Chn c urcb ortW it ,thle morte êàMiâqi mi î pàlottel îrliot Of Lbth e o llïb9a u L a.w 1ét, ,wbo, wu x o t pofinlétly oounet.od yulh thle oryhtoyof 10the wI of Whltty 4à cotuty o1 Otio1. Ufl LaWlàer vas bru inWhitby oa, Aprý totn* WHITBYt, ONT* Coe -hotv wu Nnoreon à&] pmT T Uxy, fot *avisible 1n au ad LEMON Fîcas ~1 The wimomawb Pl Ir -,"VALËNICA

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