Whitby Gazette, 14 Dec 1911, p. 6

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Curte4 T1roüli dron, thiOugh 61 .ffictcd with it. qymptorne arei MUSaof the thre diseise progi takea the orm tàhe jerking noti to the head, ori ..ffecte'd. The P unable t-o bold haîrds or to wa severe cases Cvi fccted. The di bilîty t(f the Ix< cured by Dr. V wbich enrich ti vîtrengthen tihe i;to-re the sufei The following il of what Dr.1 'viii do in this t Phrppm, Pelee 1 'At the age of daughiter, £dIî1 down, and tiiý into St. Vittus Ieft arm becan left Leg and en grcw su bad cu d nut buo lîand, and co with a sildiflg. withstanding t bier medicine, grow)Nirig %vurs speech becamne beca"e SQ flhlic that finalIy ber of Dr, W'illiamn begain giving couirse of a few bettr, and bel gone she -,ais a heal th. This she lasris nuL11: trùirh' 5fc f tc ing the cure is Be sitre voil which are soit] crs o r ray bho cr six boxc,. lPr. \Williams' ville, tnt. DONT S F Don't begii -Monldsy wbeu Fridav or -S8a arouses suspic unaexpectedge Dont critîcii she does up lie Do)n't speak bt af 1i w' fi t- b c i c j ouir neigbti Dont awear l ehind t-ie bai Don't fail t-.. hoe m akes irez a8 mucir as p< kke t-be bat vay t-o geVnic A Cure for]F tri aud persisi îsus is caused lood, tVir osi f t-holilver alood becomes luctiôn o! tirý joint-s. Panmi are known t-i -ernarkable ci strongly reo ;irer wiill cor value. An>' max i i ative -udienc- t.alk. WALNU ~h3euse of fr ~'Pink PiS. ýs dance;,1W & dises~e StOneýt* are 900 Sgrimi tM> b6o1<w.. "' ôTeb wmDas etYem u njGaB e Ue âcks t-he Y91199 èhil' «>flW*t4ýtl"ê'htI ldDfllT<> tt eyfotand w a..a- guu d'r persoil n ay 'be ton, obser«j theirdî a y M'L T. G. X9It*P 1 *t~o*f&~ O54&e lt-a mont commliIU1I115I1 g&e deeomposed when 0 'thýodég ',fter ttel'eeoY"i* quieli. at*itchiîËw of thre '~~~to the,4&O !'OrttO~ieYi ~~'gj ~ ~ wucopaa face aud Irrbe Ais e0r eyud theÎt i treg1 e i 19§ tlî(opblewa t~~4u, ', Wtrekse lthhO j ýreises i titci lowed t-o work on urealic e 4ý are doira fer ber1. OrtioiI--. -àily "Bttpl f better -0rugh ofa tm nwhiol d mercury Vire carbon cQftbÙýe * ln -'thh.tL I*êu côd te y as fla iof sme i~~n heclthbe gae s iberated in a rnon- ry- Hwhn~, Ot, De*-. Il for $2.60. , Ëi IrNped In five ýmin- j l o b miye tallîted form and ,in crys§tals or <Bpcil)-"hre je nothhrg Uka U.tlý-iÈl direction»,.la tIsokage. ép d i h u x i a y b I e x s o h s d h e l i r s i n f l i d jat-îent- in frequently . Dd' iuyP1~ftt mm~uewt mra tie me anyt-hin in t Aho the .diàmuoids obtaiucd WWIO back.>' Thin, athre statemen iOl Iu t etfutlttte-thtfe avietitl t si,'l alk ta.diiandthe inlitesim&l ina ize dismond duet Mrs. T. G. Aleiïnde" of t-iis pae- t# U UttgOê4ud5rlk t en the speech is ai- was piaced in a tube, ina which Ra and al ber neigirbors agree that cii n ohr..htbtt»blt n a w as dissoive.d, t-o act ans eo-calied àhe sirouid know-i "I1nuffere.d for *. 'Woidérful -reWid1hi cases of iselit di seae l dc V de 'mot-ler crystais." tweive years from a Pain in my lup'toubte -a eolai 1ant i rgiv concen- erves and is always Tire newly formed eryRtais adirere back, Rheumatisrn and Heart Dis- trae.omi<,oo! N t orway Wte Fine h Villiains' Pink Pills, to the"e, a.nd t-he resuit- is alarger, ease") Mrm. Alexander cont-inrues. uittrat. riir in guatacol and ti ter natu- In he blood, tone and but-etili very small, etone. A~i was aiways tired and nervous ftr& healing pinse lements. sImlpiy mix z nrean hsr- The amaiigain used is natrinni. wtth sîxgar syrup'or straineti honey, In a <t nervs ad thuare-and my sieep was broken and un- il-i bottje, and it t-eready for use. Useti ,rer Wu good heaith. It ins paced in a glass tube con-~ ref reshing. Since t-aking Dodd'n 4n more, btues la thbe l.B. andi canada ai s a strkîng insatance taining a smaîl quantity of dia- Ki.dney Pilla 1 arn feeling so muc'h t-ian aiir t-liter cough remedy. ai Wîllams'Pin Pila mud dat-,andligh.in gosis inex han oftenbeet Ii tateti, but V Ch'm' in is m d thitn h tbe forgfourbette r t-bat, I feel I1nMust GnYa.y ut-ver siieces«fully.for nothtng elsa will t trouble. Mrs. Ca.. pas rough h uefoOorgo word for t-hem." iprodues the sanie resuit-s. The geniffle13 W sland, Ont., ld es.egaed N mat-er iraw long you have guaranteedtot give absolute satisfaction fc f tourteen cyelest h invent-or flý ow eg d N lot wtoney refundeti. Certific&t-e of guar- tc mysuffered Dodd's Kidney Pille cannlot- anteois wrapped in each package. Your h, bcam muc ru upn t-o pobîe ofinceasi~ tirefail t-o bclp you if your trouble in urugglot bas Pinex or wtli gladly gti le trouble develop5d size of t-he stones. ofte,-îe-. fyuueDd' for yen. Il not-, Bond tô Tire Plue Co., cLance. First ber R.___- f irney Kidlsey thIeyocuse Dod l oono nt afect-ed, then thre WHAT CAUSES THIJNDER. Kde ilbeytr uewilie - - -V quick. If your trouble is of long PEJIU E OECOTV it-ire left side. Sýie Wl'ee ther is a violent stadig t w'n t-ke t-hem oneiME bIL OTL tbt hea storm, many people make up.t-heir t-o cure you. But- thcy alwaya prîces et Essential Oils have Been h id aDyting in ber rinds to look up t-be authorities cure. People f rom ail parts o-f Rislng Wlth This Resuit. e Jui] onlv go abolit andd see wba.t- causes tirunder. Then C2anada who have been curcd are jerl<îng motilon. No.-t- t-ho atorm pase", and they forget teuing about it- in tire newspapers Many o!- thbe necessaries of life0 liai wvc were givîflg aIl abolit- it. Thunder jo the viol- a1mst every day. have been rising in price recemtly, ý,esemd obeet e4>twbicb follows a flash of ____ _____ aya a dePat-ch f rom London, Eng- e, ani]flnallv ber lightning. It commences at t-lelad 7-herstbsbaitou nnch afected. 'Ve same moment- se the flash; but, as, SECRET 0F JEWEL RORBERlES bue in varions eountries. But- it îs ,Ii %armned about bier thbe sound travels Only at-thbe rate no-t only tire necessaries t-bat are bo-t r fjt ber got- a supply of about- eleven hundre feet a Younger Sons Re8ponsible for Many coming more costly. Tire luxuries2 S. Pink 1iils, and we second, while ligbt docaseff at t-be of Them. are auiso goung up in price and 1)('lki she. In mthe rfte ofiabut 00,00 isefs-te - ho Divisionai Dectective-Inspector one of tire luxuries thbat- las re- wres se ws mch f te lghtingis he irs tobeAllen, wiroiras retirod recent-ly cently exiribited t-be greatosit activ-t fueain th cnoig per e Tre ie o -h ndrarssf rom service in Scotland Yardlt-y ira, asending is, t-o women, al- Lien i g plwrer rc Te noed fthint-cr aiesiti mo-st-a necessit-y.i wrs in ipos, and ag from the disturbance produced in lias been telling some .itrsn .Tire pnice o! perfumes ira been :vi à sympt0111<Of the lie air by tho electric discharge, obsrvaabiout -hexpeeieosn increa.sing in a most- alarming way, fueljuî iîeîn say- but- wby thbe sou'nd sbould be -so pro- obevain0i1tb.dtec-o *-,anrd f rom present- indication.s us li)nged is different-ly explained. One i rime. hesa esinsndMhaveikelyito continue t-o increase. There h%)oterm wa ha thent. i are varions causes for t-iis state o! ge ailh mediie deil.ho-ed f rom eve ry precipice, f rom Allen bas an.swered one o! t-hem iln affaire. For years t-ie pricea o! lîadl a iceseaLb-xeV ery buiilding, arnd fromevery cloud a way t-bat- makes "Rafflea" and itire essential oils out of wbicb Vire for 025 b ini t-be sky. Ainot-ier ia t-bat-t-be ligbt-- t-be<'gentleman burglar" appear costlier per! urnes are made have ' forine .,rock-ho ning itseif is a series o! discirarges, more »£ realities t-ian as ebaractersB been steadily rising, and now for MciieC. rc-eacb producrin a particular sound o!floition. varions local reasons neyeral bave according t-o ire distance at- wbieb "I do t-ink" said tire ex-ira- aga.in taken a big j ump f orward. For - ,~~~. it commencez, and t-be varyingsp.etor, "t-bat- tire Irigir pressure of xmlbraot aeo nn densities o! t-ie portions o! air t elde o nodays njod ire vut- df! perfumes and een4ed hair-wasires, ,()Il HUSBANDS. traverses before reaching Vire car. oc !icon ioed yyugrls now quit-e oostily, because o! t-ie, makig cxUsesA t-ird is t-bat tire noise arises f rom brot-hers in companison with tire Messina eartirquake. il mkin cxuse th zi-za moemet o th elctreieder brother sud heir does ixiflu- yuu want Vo sayout'-tezgzg eot !tieeeti nce many o! these mysterions tirdrry evelng. it- fluid..w1 obreth eesaou Tire qick an iiri1e ~lrbeistbtw eraotGOLF BALL IN cow'S EAR. Jofl. n ukadu seldomn see ventiiated ina court-. ýtaway ifi safer. THE LITTLE IVIDOWAI, skone!ti fhoiae The story o! a remrakable incid- se tire style in wiricir roney lenders about- forged signa- ent ina a golf match on t-be links at r hair. A Mighty Good Sort of Nolghbor tuers, and you uiglit hé very con- Balmoral Ou<tle went tire rounds an admiring word of to Have. siderably astonished. On tireet-ber o! London society. A distunguisir- a pretty wife. "«A lit-tle widow, a neiglibor o! iraid, tire socal ban, wbicb ih»al-j. ed miembers o! King George'* staïff in t-ie bouse. GO Ont mine, persuaded me t-o try (irape- Most entirely disappeared f rom at a critical moment appa.rently Jn. ver avcaton nw prjnts f failed t-oloft iris bail as mucir as-lho jare h ttâ Nuts wiren My stomach wss no0 evefr y ouVao'nn of ermt it-ir'may hav neddi aiga Sdmr trebt-thtweak t-bat- it would noV ret-sin foo<d wr fryonlonohi Wae it .end u aking an rself. Encorage ber crf any et-ber kind," writ-es a grate-âmnaii *-,n0t au>' inooSites wbo forrn- approseliatnIs. Te bai wa 'ssîble, wlietber you!cl wmafrmSa eradioeryonly i=sathe army, navy, the -seen Vo 'kit-&a Oow. Ti- afa or not. Tbat's tire omafno a Bradie uroir and t-le bar rely upon for moved off- unconpernedly , Thre ch.<j d ben ii ndCanl.e te mpIoytat. any could flot-even gentleman .weit t6tire spôt ;vat- Ch. ad ben il ad cofine o au tire neceasar>' oxsmn"tsiî ,ed b- hà -" vbtcould'not flnd thre my bed withlefoer and nerv t ut- those ne s >=ug mion -O.IIy bl.~ iu, - ie prostration for t-lree long mont-bs eau b. mot-or men or él.ctrI<és whiclir at that mo ment shook che tRheuratim.-A pain- alfter t-he birth o! my se nd boy. engi * oWtsu tsarlundries hoad. Tire m'eai' a t-he. t-eut- form o! rireuna.- We wero ina despair, untir'the little or ce-operative shc>p#. or a& douera bail o roil eut ,o! lier ea'. > 1 by impurities in t-ie widow's advice brougirt relief. and <>ne et-ler tiringe, wit-lout,1in uit of defective action "I liked- Grapo-Nuta food froin- caste or behxg disowned b u>'l:qBoe -Fee Boore I.-Thoe oare, and kiducys. Tire thre beginning, andT ini an incredibly or my. lady' .zxralIiould mjan> Wiro haye .been afficted 'tt-h taint-ed by thre int-r- short tixue it g ave me sucli st-rengt- sy, crime is, on. t-h deorease lu the s-rssdhae rv9 tri -s ie acid, wh causes tirat- I W"ab ale t-o lave us>'bcd and upper clsasseik. .Yotng men of !wîth Dri Thom"s' Ecleot-ric -OQ-, elee's Veget-able Pilla erijo>' s>'t-broc good mesis a day. good !amily, sud youug l-dja àse -vhiol sot-s like mia.gie. AI! élmilar- have eff e o> u2mn-r ywilticeased are .rapi'cUyaquus*ng the hait- àk l>'troubled aiiqu$4 o e no t-lna - ures, and t-hein use ie f romi 95 t-o 113 pounda, my nerves thixrkitig i .dto windI. trades- a pplynng thàXWJ.#sdid remedy~a mmended. A trial o! b.d st-cnt-ied down andi I foit-rea4y =mi , -aWVerY ne OtîiPl.ad IOPt-ht *n<ting 11k.Itee sd nince anyoue o! tireir for anythiug.' My neighbors verO VOikBuiiS eXc41isoëS for -tua die It la5m eap,Juti-D~uOwêt *1e î -no ýAm1a e ossm ansr&.nl . pTe&OtS ofOtdianiond.,iunburets xw .xpreuaet* by îi Iow p#ir> - su~d iitô &se me ran-h l goi u sl'pre#s e &ï-m ir ri-. T!le' girl wâni*.. hé& uudl %rlelie-ui &knooking at hie ont dôr.' As thre, knokiUn was ot.' Answeited by thre amavnt girl, 6called ierand, gatting ne re- ôrrae, iewet to lier room. The bed id niot b. slept in but the girl ,adgoanid, to wljdIt-o thre puzzle, ert iýltng was in the, rooma. Re went downstaira, and eit thbe ýor a messenger told hlm that thre nIr <uring the night had reached ir home cold a.nd iii, and clad only a lier niglit a.pparel. From lier cdroom t-he girl haid w.aaked lwxstaire5 unlocked two doore, 6nd made Lier we.y acroas somre co'al knd -wood and out (>f thre front of rie houso up a aid-e pa.th. Sire had valked over aomie rou gi atones be- :re reaohing a gate which leads on » t-he Hereford road. On the steep iii ieadirig to SRtaunton &he woke. ire -kùew tie district , and decrided x> eail rip ome friends at Sta.untou, 5ut then ehe realized that Vo arouse bhem stoulrd oniy givret-hem a f night nd she ccrntinued her journey to s COLEALEDE AND ULCErýRS ARE -Cold sores, chapped b'and6, ulcens and wintcr eczema are common troubles just now, an-d for ail these, Zam-Buk will be !-ound tire aunest and quickeat remedy. Sometinres cold &ores arise from cijblaina on tire tues or ingera, andi in t-be for- mer case, where coloret scksa are __ wonn, tbere is a danger o! blooi- poisoning f ro-m t-be dye. Zam-Buk beîng so power!ully antiseptic ne- mc ves tire danger as soon as arpiiet1!. Mr. 'W. J. llallidaý', o! Asir Or-ove, Ont-., say: "I -had my litt-le inger f rozen, and it cracked at tire irat joint, causing a bati soro, whicir dis- cb-arge-d f reely and wouid not beal. Tire pain was very bird, and tire wirole -o! my hand became swoll -rî "A fnietid advised me Vo t-ny Zamn- Buk, anti in a, very short time it bealed t-be sore." Miss Lillie May', o! Stoney' Creeki Ont., says: "A !ew weeks sin-e, severai nast>, disfiguiJ.ng c-old sores sutiden>' broke ont on my lips, wbichirbecame nucirswolien. I t-rîd Zam-Buk, and aft-er a few applica- t-ions of t-iis baim, ever>' sore was Zam-Buk wiil aise ire fouud a sure cure for czema, biood-poiscrn, vari- coi. seros, piles, scalp sores, ring- w orm, inlanred patches, babies' eruptionesuad clinpped places, cnts, btrnma, --btuises, and, ekin- injuries 1,ýgeneraily. Ail druggietssud ast-ores , ôi ý at 53.)élroi, _or pnt - -f roc ,froin Za-B kd. ~riVupoir! e- -ceipt o! priee. Refuse harinful imi- Statione and oubstit-utes. Use aiseý-Zamn-Buk -Soap, 25c. ablet Btfo'biys tender akin!1 '<I dn't- ndor thtiis batrking , busîness st ail," said Mmi. Eleku4. W 'The cse oii' give me arr> -monoey on Îùy4'ehck-,t-bis >normng- -, becausehbd aid-iV wais.o-eerdtsww>l' <ý1 waWl. - wagn't 7lt 8464sa icks', - Sta with like. and fore 'iAsh Of ( catà 8up] andard Sets ýr%0 Christmnas CLfr SAETvY RAZOR Nô Stroppinýg t No Honing!1 For the 1 mon who shaves, you ,Conldn't select g more accept-i obleý glt thmn h"swor1d-d famous razor. Progressive men everywhere are uslng it The "No Honing-No StrOP- pg"feature makes- a hit with every shaving man. XFew can stroP a razor rlght The Gillette doesn't Sneed it 12 doutl. Ic lutely safe. You can Igd blades shave as fast as you Your shave is perfect-clean, quick, safe economical. The Gillette is ad/ustable- a liglit or a close shave. zyour dealer to show you the different styles Gillettes. If he bas flot the gooda or our dogue, write us. -W. will see that you are eplied. Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6 00 Combination Sets, $6.50 . lette Safety Razor Co, o! Canada, Limlted Ollice and Factoi t:. 63 St. Alexander St., Monireal. no5 .u. fo - Nî~O QI8. Te FamousJyt Lamp The Rayo Lamp is the best and most serviceable Iarnp you can finci for any part of your home. « It is in use in mlions of families. Ita strong white ight has miade it farnous. And itnever flickerL la ithe dinia ro qm --r tii.parlor the Rayo gives juui mthe ight ubat is-moui eilec- &ev. Iis a bcà=miu1lanip- 4ie1f ad o you. Jusît t>* lamp, tbe, for bedroom or Ilbialye wherea àea. heaYbIht is need. Tho Ray ta i fa o ff u.Ii nck eI- pa ed; a i Inu num rou s odt llet1 and AFomie.miy A igie ou=lvng o bny asytg dMan rewci FARMO FOR SALE OR RENT. DRU, OOVS ou want tu8.11 a tarin. consulb Fou want t buy a [ a rn. conulS I me. TRAVE~ soins of the beet Fruit Stack. A. Grain or Dairy Farmin Z ntario. and pricea rigbt. GENTS WAXTXD. -àAUNEWB Oi -e'qeay er'bt. Write us for Our chgiCÇ &Iff o1 age'uts supplies. -We- bavein îreAteI; agency propciuilon inCanada touda. >0oUtta7 ,wceotàry. ÂpP1Y D.. i i TI f. - 1! La I Lai a1 aL e.rosi a.nd bý peu dec cab, a dir ecte quît- in&, t-i madem as if 1 pearar 4à. hoi At ti wit-h a wbich fane in Rouge, Bret eagerIy Kee pay y< Tire raised o.nce t( -two nm £from. ;and fo ho rail paverw wan al a ocu' B>" threla hiet i I, walrîut-8 êid vine, for ThlLOndo dÎsaoPPQ&rOd s"d nOvbO 'ssMtan sd Lancet .(medical) contains a grave rosy, vit-h sa âslightuuli soft, olear warnin 0about thins. 'Ti r- et.skis, Thei Grâpe-Nuts ielt dii! IL oenttmg ffood- lu vaant,>'l-m>s I -vil vflIng1.y oater &U isouait 148 -er>' hlgh; t-bey ar* -rt>rit-h lin asegjvuby Oadïa~I fat, containing as mucisi ta>-Poi4um C. ii.*.ontare t-broc per cent., while tire proteit5 eiltieli--eborkr, Tii. Bos Amouut to isoarly sIx4asus per ta15. t-O W.llilile,» u "". Thorat'# a large W&leUt kernelecKMW*U ^ S 1V = t»lt« * muéb fat- a. two &bd *ree-quarters t"t wé " pound*a of lem sbasf, andi yelt te 01- wilnutile umet- » a .wpplemeutu to - o Itîi P jgTu - Wbem a*bd I Do you tcal4 dwrougfr 1W.e disfitured by Sn 315 «DOMM THE -e*rze" 1

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