Whitby Gazette, 1 Feb 1912, p. 7

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Ç~U kRIERS lb IIQUSE IN THE BARBETTE CHATERXII -<ontd) men. While they are vandering "Xih APTEock how (O! muc ) about the country each heur makel -Wit a mck hw ufmuchpo-it casier for Lhem te sucrete tht! litenees ho tookcase d. irryîfl 1dianiondise soeffectualiy tha-t ix whvem neverse o dimsindLs tm atter what niay be Lieresult thc haveneye sen hi sice. astSuit-an will neyer recover bis pro- nigit i l te lo.reign Office 1 met (apt airi Gaultier, who toid me of perty- tli->renic<sit re <a ithe steamer. 1 "Caim yourseif, 1 beg," sai th(L reatiiv forgave lhîm (or the mis- barrister, with dmfficuty compeilin@ takc lip had ruade wthi retercilce hîmiecif te reason vith thia excit. to) ns appearaîce. but it wa, t ),o.ble policeman. 'Yen .peak ai bad t it jh' shns)Ild imagine 1 though wc hati in our bandis ever. M*oM1d 1bitto ular:s th a la.dy of jet o! ovidence te secure the coný ci-tricai appearance in broad victionof fDubois anti hBuassoci dayhiglt." atcs before a judge? Výes," cric-à Fairhiolime, «'if it '-But in it net sol"' screamOd tL had been the nigtit stezmer--" other. «"Bobby "' exciaimed Edith -No; iL la very far from beinj "Oh, I meant, tif coulrse, ' starnu SO- mered E-airhoirne, 'that by nsght «'Then vihat are we te do1" sai4 GJaultier mighit have been more the cormissary, piteously, Lhrow caisily mistaken." îng out his hantis anti shrugginl "Woii, andi what lhappeneti at hiesimhouicers vith Lie eloquen thse Foreigni Office 1', Frencli gesture that betokenrs utte Brettai question recaiied the bewidermcflt. Y ou nger people tW the gravity et 'Difficuity though itI may bc, w the conclave, must firet aceomplish Lie main pas "First et ail," said Talbot, of our werk. Iu other werds, w~ Fairboime dreve me qtraight must secure the diamoutis befoi hume, vhere it was necessary te woe coilar tic murderers." giv soo ligt pelmmnaTy expia- The Frencliman vas ileat for nation before 1 madie a tee udtdeti moment. At lait hl id it subml arppearaflce, se I remaineti in the svey-'lu vimat vay car I iei cab Gutstide vhilst Fairholmc vent "ypourn o efent il anti founti Editi." cîjet pofyns'mpafortme t rmt a Ahli" saiti Brett, stÎli snrveying toiz, o t ei utiledo the ceiing; but-there vas se nMnch toraai n t il in- te I ay f icaming in bis voice that 1hsLm police vienan hrIýiyd th esire their assiitance." it was the tuTnft et.youflg couple #"But viat o!fLthe hou» -o! t0 tu biush. ~BaxneiV We diti net ake long te <expîsin IL nicpteijn ex natters," cântinued Talbot. "IWkisyoaeiekg Mvnt off mesnengers peethaste te t.that îctwr ye ret plc at t'ider-Secretary antiotiers iSuJ -dispoaitwG o!civous' moittrus gesting that if possible 'vo,h()id c -1 ineet at the Foreign Office. Witbin A<eit lu, I 1uio anyU an lho ur my chief s vere g o noughs1sshîi.a4iproevst t,, fail in vit-h my viova, ariiclthere-iieUn --4ore 1 had an oppo'uityW elbey ýW CPr O8IIfW ue ti-MY story exactl . a4s1 'bave adIf-liUSi7ed n repexalLecdit o yo 'ho rosuhit s Brettni qittsd i(kdn the Under-OCYOL&ry, Lu'vbkiciholea lew ' B- explains his views. I arn als'eady EnVxisismen and tisais' Prench ý ac quai nteti w th is reaseus, but I Panions voTe standiig outaide 1 have nu doubt t-bat ho pute Lînhe b- 41 -ue..onbü>eie, and-- fore you quit-e clearly.1iud* MIsAd Ho handed a lettes' ta Br#tt. t a amall ik>P, II~ wbs 401Y.Lgu* contents werc iscoimie, 'bUt inMà* * Me takabe- *tbtr W ýl Me 'Tite inquiry in which yott a".us eng-iged." it reati, "~ut~. ~ "I~ at b~h duIed with the utSiost secs' sd oq*8*l notw14 mruet nicretion. Tho gravent mrprtancL' in ttshdte i corne. Noj trouble or expnea","Id sc be aiicwed to ,-ist y' %li" te WâI«. te 00*IObe rest-.ora.tion of teLiomwe- S *Iair rightfui ovuer. 6,Pïti* n oY' Wt* P Ma - critmefnt viii regard tJsis las a itt«>tUid pet<Deive -*rot. valuable service Le tti 8tateï sud :teo 01tihe door vbkê sàsmui Mir. Talbot i. COIiiIUSSOneddtO be.ýRttot siW of a place at your disposal tii. full s'.- bck Rstostoosstd sources oLite Foreigni Ose. Yogi kard ô! tbini wI* S!Ié wili aito fidthattbis, A*-W bak: 4 n Leexi atvimedt te gîve you ,lveUV 4Si.udd8e *ULOI ..istanee, wiilst tier. isli t4le isa- aneout kk4P~ son to doubt tisat thse yàrioUus ut- sak*i.4 peau GoverantePit* e t*Y e I ý Y. ee offer voenU a il* - MOrt Mnier J 4tI5' fret contideritioei il, s'O tien of tise gemus instsct W Lbli-l oresu*U tan; the jecolnti abslut*I ,Mse <8s yoit .ofed *01h as tote ic ieto! se cîreume- for a Pen" ! ht ~ > et icnves e, #h055 lU 'q moten othe Hts e 0rQa MiY aff or j4 uçtî sowels tbb»XQ Ltqr yo lt w1tif kttsk. ,Iuàda ~'-~ .t~p~it<~t~- b EwiTEa,ItIkdi1at figeswih ez'tar ki ~~hgi hbsepu h it i idi asm elth 1 u r , sk ait and-l AJrg ees stpossntb l of. a ' *bratm pth a t ~taepyabut ht, ll-m4r d s yê- inaà illounti fgôto ch- f ou te ýèy wellt biautreugt"h «longatvuscid nu ms c- o sT a nd shot i. ie, rithing .Whesh a bt n oftebr inier ihrecelfar hinv ahgcholy - ter, 1eylng, l iie.el3inthe bak- r but I couti nethait a#hutdrti f rani ing dii viti alernatbe ayers that Aeseribned hirn e aoceiY«0'heese, ut lof thin s hee -Batoutnelt himw V"brk 'thete pinh of at Put us inmtre shLpet rme th i seti ut-emaiorsa bt read anti ceeand bet-it i hw had novll.somwht oerÏ.àtY er, soa un i veysucelin oteneti. p bt o usl otfrm.a"ho ca-fmenhere Bake hirtyflve te foty-five min-f onvedylest wbe k-i think iL atYl' cuteut in thin jallïs >tn bedfi 'lo dauhtr are-h ave ter hê.t qugg andy. Tha quttof 1ilekbetter. -i 1 Marie in BIreembe the ate Dinty or at. Pour tie.mithrea -Lt me inw. 11e ahmei an, ovshar kuf ae chegeang o t wh asheti if I did t reeve eesak yuntild an appsléc i, bin care- fr i alte aiti "Res,'and tboreldfu i tk l t-Io foVie min-g f -on him that I hared .oltin cetimes teainfrmth up vpedr peurs letter.H ae bhi s-Y m-ypurdngShrv oie on 'hthe left"and. d oaiwaysr handeti omte l ranc t eue .Tthée litterdivisiot the t M aiewoddnover takeanytheae oane an'ifteut thSe pl, Wih a - "Was e l on.e cae n ndshap nc partuy onc evii cr,neeut in '<Thank yedidn Yreu ve iet h cas yu.uild the pl habei>taeti e forrestee.I to-ndght.I thmand Oondfit fom eailchhtea dii ofî 9 i hatlitI haed th." tiésthifro th-pu'ip. o ath pe Thetthopke, ep' test amioiis firous a teofthelotange. Jthea he handegiven evoryasisance ofrone osugarupoedisioe.pofpthn Y ind hiwodnver fofloeti t haem ."it ot iL steand lftouanhe u befwhiser, -Wa the street. " .ifng.ulydn, ilceoti Il3rthadismiset the wo dt ea- BeatilWthee.ul's e oeggsoe ghtves andtheIurù." t heh Thistabeons te u r e allesp i Teehoantiffla rotimetatons ibmelted btter ofe torapgo. d i hndower bolwthe iin utit stanvoraingboupaefor, oer tg Bfer tom 1Wen 1the wetet %ntp Waeg .R, t o egp xnilo it ive an reurnd t th hoelptgàcrocr-ait asone tbspop mrweens tandI arnsiiprso onr melt* utter, nuts t eus arei Edih ad ierbrthe stt e praited, hib ata dt re "Ulndeubtedly," said the'barrie- vliites, sugar te yolkt. YôuI, oa ter. "Thelettor vas poatot i n tel, Until oreamy andi îemof eôl- tMie aymtarket. It ae ffrota yens'ored anti added -t'O aveotMn-, is Frenoh hoet. I wonder,-*hat'he mîxod witls 0 eup o! oný.f Thei wil vii rite nov t By the WAY, wheOre atdmeltOtibutter, )Li1n tê"- thèt, is ho 1t Did yen wooacflusigDssite o! n -o ý- U <x»sple 'atter your esapemik adj*d tV' tud, Mè9ý' ho I~dd langhedTil~V~b<ýt.,,"ut oge-eate tj n i&dy rete le ineupectr W ~trdid i i ct. sm ny ter us xneaus h o i.ar t M z ,a11 abUt Fainhoiuie's actioni* LU smathiýng the. door. .Wbist 1 X vu edo -t- è, te s*rested th ian ýtkà&id thc e naL» - lote Ird w sa .&Uu ,w .W - $ ~ h~I~IiSt thte Iffeads andPoints .e ~ - When it tisue tmÏil wer o! voo'in *~ tel cri9p, vipe them OR! with wem e scd just as -thenegtoçg. i olclth; -meit Som ebutter in the, tiecoountry 'districts et!'the southi. )rasier, an-dl, 1 wben srtking bote use thé long thoru et the hav trM, r ,h6peppers n itL ntil tender. t ".tay. ~salm6i $cmambei-nptY' à,C&1n The firit metal pins, vere proba. )f sa fclme n to a killet andti Cook bly madle of gelti, eeing that -lun Lmroonghly,- then'- break mn a tew Bga'dte or pdereti-sc eggs, andi stir tilfthOt 'B098 ar' ân ex'travga.nt iuxury that the m~ked rare or voll doue, accord- mnakerc. vere net allowed te seli rmg te taste. The disi lu best vheii them puljlicli except on two dayd lo eggs are oookcd -rare. Butter, o! the year. epper, anti sait as requireti. Then iL became the custom, t dhe Stuffeti Fish.-A fish wOigv n beginning f each yoar, for hus- from tour te six pounds is a 90o bads te- give their vives money te, ize te bake. Male a dressing et kuy a fev pins. To 'this day, for' >read crumba btter,ý sait, anti a this reason, money allovete ta à itije Sait porfc choppd fine.-Pars oaifrlerprvt -.dig1 ley andi Oniois il Yu likeý_ MiX, faleci pin moey. his vt n g.Fite ctb packages et pina may nov sewiLupla iLi~a age Puf b bought for the amount akd tfor gahes acros the aide andi Iay in a s5fl , pin in thoe tiys; yet ac ' th ilisces of sait pôrk. Put a pint ~t wterant a ltti sat intIs on o!these littie, articioe--so of" *aer anda lieap Sahtin th pan. Bake it, an heur anti a hait.. e'a tatte-lea.st çei lsy Bate freqnently. Atter taking u up cmii ofnrl lare eiongi er ,tie fisthieken tii. gravy an di pour by m ay ette-~ qur sv 2 qvcr ~. cpensive machinex~y alla the Iao it. It r Tflieeraoanet suan ti.ie I SALADS. Svetbreid Saieti. - Mix sud boil until tender oeepair Rveet- breatistire. atalits ot ceiery chop- peti Aine, one-half cnp o! Englisi vainuts chibppédi fine. Pour oves' mayonnaiîse rosi Or rIejh-Brbîilimhe oysterq utl1i tige uri, tien..arrange- thern on isuces ,,o! breati thut"have n dasiytoa-todanti èné,0ii5' ly 'butter'4d,,.covet. thens 'vith -SolÈe ealt,~ ~ ~ ~y anipLrsed qusantitye wari creans eýv r thée axtLu. frein, vbich thse' pisaemanuac tureti is et iteeif slow anticoile, buat it is, net ceuîlideaedlu si~k ins becawuso time, _ivrel a mode by oniel manuactrer ant oii iy hiin to> anoties,'whbo'makes -the pins. 'This vw irýe a uns i t c o l ' f g e a e i t l ec t an ti is ju Lst'th i e mia o!t4 c b oly o! lth- n l vndinhou 'CLOSE4 - OR, THE RUE ORL w»ds,

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