Whitby Gazette, 8 Feb 1912, p. 3

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morning i tpne ritsbsu swmarnen "'A 3e> wfi th hevhole of her erew, aftér collision with the gu buat, Hazard- a4ds atother te he1.yg lust et inijiar coidents which have 'in recent Yeans thrown the Britishi n&vY aid fnaion ito mourning. The i -Ore* -O! eleven men on hoard thé 1 little vessel, whieh is one of theo Ok lamaOle, was vomposed of volun-1 teerg f rom the men cf the fleet, ai la the case with tho compliments; of! ail subinarines. Beisides the regu-1 1ae rew of ton mn and a lieuten- &nt who-we.re on board the "A 3"1t tlie Admiiralty states three other1 sic snk, 0%kfiýg- *ttI 6, 14 deaths. IWTKo ,ubmarùe A which wenê, out ýCf ti1abto Friday imoýrnlhg Vo carry'4ut S.Oierie of divins &nd 'torpedo:ê 0cie, sank lk 1 5tune ieely alte ber colliion. The submnine'liés' on the Princes s Ih OÂi, alftiaot the aamo spot wiiore thê Bfiu&niIIOu "A 1 " was lest, with &Rl handst 99L March 18, 1910. Torpedoe practice had been in progregg fer sone imo and the sulimarine "A 3"1 was par- tially subxnerged when she, camne in- te collision. RUBBED BV THIUGS. IlOSTLER BURNED ALIVE. Montreal Man Victili ofma Daring CIothet Caught Pire WhIle Alone Hold-up. 1 ln Stratford Hotel Stables. A despatch f rom Montreai says: A despatch fro'm Startford says:* A hold-up of a moat desperate type In a sinali, fire of inysterious enigin iook place on St. Antoine street en at the City HTotel stables on Thurs- 'Thursday evening, when Isaac day -afternoon, Robert MoEwen, Cooper of Point St. Charles was one of the hostiers, lest his life. Tü, waylaid by two young highway- smie manner his clothos caught Ilion. assaulted and robbod. Onie ire wbilo lie was alone in tfie barn, o! the thugis struck Cooper over the throughi which he ran, blazing f rom heàd with a sandbag, and then heid head to foot, to fali into the arms of haim by the throat against a wall his father, who had juat corne out while thé"othor went through his o! the hotel, and succumb. Do- pockets, only securing a few kcys, ceased, who was forty-five years of liowevvr. The thuga escaped. age and of splendid physique, was ____ __ -burnemd aimoot te-a crinp. The TUE CIRELESS GROCER the herses, seventeen lu number, were all gott.en eut safeiy. Blundered, and Great Good Came -..- of IL f.ESlý* LSA A carcleas grocer leit the wrong %U KSIXAASA package &tVa Michigan homeonee Shockî FeitFa noteIerr 'day and thereby brought a greato!outy blessing te the househoid.ofCuty "Two yeara ago I was a Sufferor A despatch front Cordova, Alas- from sitomach trouble, 80 acute ka, says; ileavy oarthquake shoeks that the effort te digest ordinary wene feit ou Wednesday hrouglh' foodi gave me great pain, and eut South-western Alaska and for breught on a condition of such ex- into the interier. Thre tremeons were tremo nervoususs that I could net toIt on the coast as fan- West sas Se- lie left aioe . I thoughit I shouid ward. Fairbanks, 3W0 miles inlanti, certainW-"eoome insane. I was reports that it was sevone in the se reduced ini fleili that I was littho Tanana Valley. Poôur ýsiioeks were botter than a living skoieten. The felt &t Oordova, tho firt sud Moat 'doctors failed to give nme relief and sevene coxing t 11.12 o'clock, in I despaircd of recovery. the morning. Tiree igliter shock.s "One day our groceryman lftI a followed at intervahs et about au package of Grape-Nuts food by mis- heur. take, se I tried some for dinner. I 'ras surprised te find that it satis- SI'NOLE TAXIN Eljlm îes'1 my appetito and gave me ne -diçtress whatever. The noxt meal New System WIliInbeTÏIed lit Aiber-* 1 teofitagain, and to bo brie!, ta Villages. I hvYved for the paît yean ai- A despateh frein Edmonton syîi: znot exclasively on Grape-Nuts. It A bill wiil bc introduceti in Vhe . 41 lias prevedti *e b a most hesîtistul berta Legisiature by GQovernm.ut i .aud appetizing food, perfetiy meuibers provid'ng fer sizsl. ta"-' ; adapted te tiie requiromentu et My in in villages in he Provyno, Tf >, system. -it provos 8ettful the entir e xa- i1 "Grape-Nuts is net oniy easily tioe '! ii, Province will ho on the v digesteti and assimilatcd, but I sixagle tex-. busis. ,Tbis wifl bi' find that since I have beec using unique in tic huistory eftaxation*.> it I am ahi. to, cal anytbing else my for n4e her Province or 8tate -bu1 .appetite fancies, without trouble yet attemnpte&,,iV. A f romi Indigestion. The stomacli tremuble and norvousness have left LONE MAN IELD UP 3é PEOPLE ta me., I have rogaineti my piump- nos and my viewis of life are ne Darng Work of Uaa*MeBandit longer despondent and gloomny. l Vatellyr. "Ot.bor mombers ,i! mv familv, A tespatch front V. iacouver, . Ja especialiy my hushand, (whoseo id C., us-s:Thi e nt 5pect*nlar and g* enemy 'heant-birn,' lias licou van- the ,bokicat hold-up la Vii. city's reý w quisiied) have aise derivedl groat èent vave of crme oocurred uho* ", t benofit from thee use 'f Grape-Nuts J>' atteni1) 'clock on Thu reda igvnwii food and we think ne rorning meal when a loe'e-bandit arnietilbut iu-, t complets, withmit i't." Namne gro zakod,. ente>edMcre~ ae hv Canadian Pustllm Ce., Windsor, Seymour street, eone eorithelanget Ont. iu the. city, anti ftouiWhs is- re- 'Tliere's a reabtn" and it in ex- volver at the beatise ofhirty , o o piained in tthe litt.ie book, "The and we>men seatd atVe ýtýsl.s lload te cli1o, in nkgs, The. bandît.li" applbr»tty aie Ever read the sbove letton? A neoume, fais opporhuiiy, whiss am h appemno rom tUrne (otilmo. Ttyrey theLb.cahier Wasin ~ ~teW. genuine, true, and fuit of hum«s Intu'#lt phone. .dseUe __fronodor, MA4ê Mà bi1xs-In f.- moments and <u di ed BANK MESSENGEI.-I OIBE». Aniofhen Daning Theit on Parls Street lu Dayllght. 81W WN' -A despatchi [roui. Paris, France, Jht tIit 1 says: Another attack s»pûn a biaank ucretQSo nîosesgs ~~o fue.onwednes- I.S c day, ath ie -rolber' osea'ped with cuàt more about i,000,o. Tiie bauk nie,.aen- and are c ger, or garcun de recette, as lie à~ moeo.ve, known hene, was nakîng bi& way-, obtaitliii aloug the Pasu4ae Mcii>'. at 9senr 0eoek un WVe.nesday muiorin* Mtin when a Mau appiroaebedluim. After poess-CI, a short istrugSIe:ý' the aggr,,or or dwks ' thirew pepper into thse cye- o et i dte veffl inessenge r. H. then pin»M Ws hsgt A1 *ansa behind lis 4a4C andi tbrew Jlisp 1>514 uni te the. îavemenê. liSe rxtraet-. ship 'aIli rd a taieutf notes te'0 the value of a few lai 150,000 francs frein the. rmn.u- j c*%an* «er's8 pocket. An effort 1,. beiusgI iitý 4.Ià iouthese sncsengrs. fvsê rwe ai rpria'g of~~~ii, th ~I e S'e1 * riaî . i~ rmany >W«~ 1Ped" eCétlY'bj Mn . F.W. Rirst, ieditor of th~e Ecnoxtûst> te thé liehment lIa*t year, leho siti, waa' just about- oqual tote.ation>a whole znilitary aud naval expendiý taré in the moat <êôMIy year of the NaPOleoftie Wârs during. the deatb struggleofe. France. Lait year the naval ekpendituré (£44,392,00) was more than twelve millions higher' than Vhree yea.rs agoP andti à8 as ut about eovered by the inone Vax. The figures o! 1897-8 were -highor tthan the which led to* Mr. Glàdti stene'î resignation. But if tiie countrY went bock te them it Vweuld Lhave celose upon 32 millions steïling every year Va return to th., taxpay- ors. «'The People'a Budget" UM taxes (19W9) yieided, ,ho supposeti, haif ths amount. And after re& Mitting ail] that, and returning to an inoome tax graduatcd perbapsa up te a shilling ob the highest in- carnes, the duties on toe&, sugar, coffbe cocoa-, and dried fruits miglit bo unconditianally repealed and the ainking fund enlarged. NAVAL 'EXPENDITJJRE. An official return was issued by the admiralty lait August covering the ton years 1901-2 to 1911-12. Ho found, comparing the finit year with the last, that the navalexpen- ditaroeOftheii.great nations ad- vancod as follews ; Millions. Millions- Great Bni4ain...13Y2 up Vo 44 France.,..........3 "1 Russia ............4 Germany.......e2 "22 Austnia....... ital>'........3 8 United i tates - - - - ci0 W Japan........ -4 e8 ~fbill wilit -;ýSnday-, 27. fisher sineipox -havre oc- ,se. Both patientsl lias beo& <isiihiutin'g a large quan- f ty thebht acngVi poer there. Eaglsh~'s ew uowge cheme is cOMplettdanti waa 'openeti on 11.18V0h ult, ._. iV has test £2.t,500 Withia tres mrontha the Dun- feriine Town Council will .wipe At tiâdh on the-C06 peration Gas Works at GlesharupD.-. nhe flUtbhess o! 1Roxburghe, wlio is ~n expert nexthusiastio aïn- gler, enlobyeti capital' spart on e Tweed bef*ze the lsee h son, ant Ianùd. 18 salmon in four days. STiie'lat. Robert Robertson, blacksmithi, andi latterIy spirit dealer, liasbequeýathod £t200 oV the, poor ef Aindnle,,for tans-ot côal ,andacrown pieces at Hegmanay-ot ech yea.r. Tih. Redlan4j Htel lu Great Wêêtern Roadtfor womeu studènts unden Vthe Qlaïgow Provincial <Jou- mitee for the' train -ing cf teachemi was opexied on thé. îôthuit. by Vhé Rev. Dr., Laidlaw. 'PernianomiV office oVii. Glasgo>w Labor .Erchange -and te hsDivi- isional Clearing Hous. for Sco ' tan4 were Opene4 inu (laagow on", thé 19t ul. b Lo .?rovoit 8teveln- son The"e buildings are the finit ef the kindin $Ooàtlaild. 1'ero n to , ~ o , . P o n 4 t t r ~ & Der *rCent. patenio, $3.60 t e *.ïzl.*e $5.0 o eeed Patente, $5; and ern baker.* 4.0,on- trac4i TOonte. 12.Li -ports; No.. 2 t<olfthern at $:LOO, _z& a< t si.0&Bay vqrs. Ontario Wl t- e. i whtte, red andl Mfr4dl 9eo out"id.-' PeaaGeo ahi'#1n~. pp,*1.13.on ct. Oat*-Osu, lots et No. 2 Ontario, 44P, md Of Noe. & at, 4g1-2 te 430 obu t#44' . 2î ,46 1-2e, an t ra ck, Toroto. No Z etw n Canada 'oas, 4914tc $dé,.'and-N.I e 46*è. a ots % e-$1.004 t 11 U,4't 95e. iti N~5-*1.O4 e 68c,05 - etde BrsMn!tOba br&n, *24M, tû bagu 91 o' f r i g i t C tii. S , *2 5 . 5 0 t o $ 2 6. comT YPRODUCE. " - Appl-Winer mock,$215te $250<p Beans-.Sal 'lots -ef. handïplokod, *#M3 -te $2.40 »r.. buiel. XHesY-Etraeted, ln tins,11 ùIl 2*Ts lbe Coubs. *250 te *$75. "solei -No1 Ist *i6.50, te $1. trak. and No. at '14 to *IL. led -Straw-$s' te $9, on tnae, To. Petates-C i lot n*'bagu D l a es ai *16o te si.0 sai the~ grainofa lnuto is a question e i distridt8, W. are» oný the worst calamity lwhi happexied in uwetermnC- f toei twenty pi c «g o taia ,w ich liaN grâdn la. the esten ýUnçIe1fvrdraIust b... condition, AkteW tisys iirwould destic>y-- t èreîëiy buÇhcl'- tis - dam' lwnt. tic tiser

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