CLOS f IWe GkasSaeoflUgood fi~ é- - ru intua sr Motseto 7,71=460o pure gooda. CIIÀPTER XLV-(Cont'd) Hâviùg aequaibted the police of- icer with the exact position of the "lden apartinent, lie cnded by "Continue inquiries throughout Paris during the whole of to-mor- row. Do not visit LIe Cabaret Noir fer the. purpose of police iîispecLion untîl a late hour-long alter mid- ulgt-wbn vthe cafleim empty and the, Boulevard comparatively de- mer"e. It îe only a moere guetse on uuy part. The Turks may net hoe ttseh If they are, they should lie set it liberty and not question- ed. 'tell them they owetheir es- «aPe to Me.4If you do neot flnd them generaI interest tote police. But abom Ileathingt, I do flot wyul ye te interféré witb Gros tèan or bis lieseunilthe next twenty-four The Cos mismlass ured him tInt bis demires would b. rcspected, knd éçon tafterwardt went up- stairs with LIe- full determination to secure a long xigh' sa po w hodshetood mirn eneed. Ho lad recsched the sâting roem meervied for' Lii. use o!. theparty wlýen Talbot and Lord Fairbolme Iburst in excitedly 8 <W. have ac e ri"gaspod the '<Seon wliom 1" demanded the barrister. '<Mademoiselle Beaucaire," cried Talbot; "the~ woman wlo aceens- -&MiId'DZIolBisin bWu flgît rous Letio Ireoognimed her instant- IYý 1 could pick lber out .mong a meillions as the.saie perison who so, eolty-maede up Dubos to epe sent sst, whst 1 was lywng lied on the iied ii tiat fBat.# inrtUoir eagorneossthe two,i had forgottess toeclos. the ' door. k ~~BÏett ran iz ts and tlohed out in- to thse passage te loirnil their ivord* had peréhano. been over- Iseard. INo sùe wu inii ght« .- * iclosod the -door be hlui isawheza i>re-etered;, alïd saïd qssltly- ~ '11Wdid yOU haPpen to meot yenù wero wrestling irith isoneq'* saisi FrIatn,e, d Jack an d I1iront te toi. o tt have a look *t pMuin Usthe cana ly dccided to follow her. SI, s." that the woman knew beLl of4ns1 and migbt easîly detect us, but h, Editb, was unknown to bers and would neyer le suspected. f1io siimply forced us to cornead telt yen, and then darted off 't-ikea greyhound beforo we could Étop~ Brott foreed himsel! te Bay calm- «Miss Talbot lias aceod quito riglitly. W. muet simplyTrmain liere until se.returne. Thee l notltie7aligisteet ground for alarm. A wôMnan wlio eould &et witli such ready judgment je well able te tako care of bersoît.-Unlees 1 amn mh mîttaken, w. shall uee ber within the beur." Lt wae well for the petce ef mid of the. younger mena tÉir Hubert Fitzjames had gone to hie roin soon after the. party raidtihe botet. flac!the. irascible, baronet known of bisefliece'a IiùlL*ion e51 pewe-'e arth could have, restrain- ed hum !rem setting every police- man in Maraeilles on ber track fortbwith.' And 80 LIey kept tbeir vigil, etr- ing 'to talk unconcernedly* but watching tii, dock witI feveeisis impatience until Edith sbeuld re- turn. CHAPTrERXV. In thse siburba Marseilles je mod- ern itnough, but the chief therough- tare, known -te ail who rend, thse faingus and evor buay Canne1eiere, plunges rapidly downhill until Ît empties iteif, on thei.owded qunys thnt surround the old port. With thi ,e rle s of-the .Iolette-well found ini wharfs and wanehouses;, atoe cranes and rail- w*0l fIi"-the townbeIeved u tise Ph:ianaIhs oru. TIere in no toucoli omoden. ugliaseàs ini Lii. tiny mariitme refuge, whicW lu- barely bal! the size of the. fierpen- Uia. Lofty, old.fashioaied, ball- tuixaed houses threig clos, teoi is rugged quays. > A uiegt this quarter o! the -tusr- butent city wears aus air o! ilitebsai nsystery. The. aide stneets are nâx-ý row snd- tortuous. Dark courte andi mlleys twist ti .very cencebrabledi4l1 rection, wMh ie srîghtssesof thej massy wine shope facingeach otser 1 ntoe.the. tidèmiss ubor uly serves to enaaassthse sauthd ikée ~fa/'<ff/ (JmiWfn I0 F TUÉ 1mû30 0F 81k There wis a good deal of oor. mony in conneetion with this event andI the tfact that the ring of Siam is a graduate of Oxford University didn,'t relieve him of the traditional ludierousnesus of bis coronation. Frencbwoman, ncatly dressed iriban Englisl tailor-mado costume, *wth ber smart straw bat and well-gloved hande, Mise Talbot naturally at- tracted the curions gaze e! the pas- sersby. Instnntly it occnrred te ber that some dîsguise was absolutely- nec- essary if se would flot court au attention fatal te her enterprise. Lt cbnnced tînt wbercebe stoed for a moment a fruit-seller occupied a tiny sbop squeezed tigItly between a churcI and a restaurant. Tisýe* Juterior wae dark enougis, fur, a couple o! flaring naptha tiaxps wèro se dispoàêd- as te Cast their--licker- ingbrllnny over thc baakets e! fruit and fëget4bles dîsplayed iu the wiiadow or entowdcd together ou the pavement. " Tise woman Inelde lad a kîndly- and contentoed face, 'cherry ripe Ii chl and lips, and'f rom n* pair o1 dCeep-set blue eye,aise le;okÏd Ouît, ,quiuîicâily aU Lthehur'yîng crôwd. A=,.urung eslf witW - one. feet-. ing gac that La Belle Oltaseugo stili rexainwd motienleés and in1- tent croàseigl Edith darted lito thee shp.-'BI. produced a sOir- "I bave not much FncIbmon- eIýV- thse aid liurriedly, "but ti in, wortisy tweaity-flve- france., Casi 1ou letrmehavé a lare!zsrk elawfl1 1 donotcare whflé *,ur ntit - a old on worn. Iv la necetsaav tt 1, .3boutd reMaI usoit for- nome le~w minutes longer, anid I do uset iishis te court obtervatioa, » :Evon 'as ah. ispoke ah. reovedi MEATS. Spaghetti and Becf.-Tuke oe pouud of cîopped bec! and anme am4,uut oetchepped onione and fry bncwn. Add oee cup ôo! Spaghetti br-ken lu émaIl piees, then one cas of!Lt»xaatoe, a lttle retipep- ýper, sudIone teaspoonfifi sait. Cook hall an leur. scotch Menmt Pie.-GeU 'goýOt round pteak, out iste pieceâs, anti dredge'-wih fleur. inte a f ryissg pan jýutL a ltUle butters , a pleen o! 8uet> andi a smal essieu. WI.n lot, put in rsteak *ud f ry, browiru qnickly un both tidÏg. Thon cover witls irater and oook elowly 16rt*o hôurs. Add more acôur to gravy- if not -Lthick .eougl. Putit t.a baking. dial 'maké & ný ich .biscuit eitber juice e! one lernon or tw tabepeonfuls o! vinegar, and as much cayenne pepper ns can bel taken on the bInde o! a emall pen- knife. This is a good substitute for those who do not like oil on mente or vegetables. DESSERTS. Deliçions Dessert. - To hait Pound'of dates add hal! pound (f Englisb walnuts shelled, three tableapeonfuls of brendcrumbs, one cup o! sugar, six eggs beaten eoparately, nnd one tenspoon- c! baking powder. Put breadcrumbd,- sugar, and bnking powder in bowl nnd bent in eggs, adding nuts and fruit last. Bake twenty minutes le layer tins. Break up, pile on diel, nnd serve with whipped cream. Italian. Dessert.-MelL a cuptul o! ight brown sugar over the Arc atirring con8tantly tç preveit burrsing. - When melted add ýone -cup o! blanched almonda eboôppéd fine; remove quickly from ire ansd stir until ths ugar hardons. Thon breakinto small i petes-, wbp one plat of cen si;flvrwÀtl-va- aila; add the. sugared nuLs, aix- aug thoe:otughly and ieprve imméi ately in oompotusa IISnep .,Oôuld serve, tielire persona.. AUROVNl T13 t EE ROYAL TAICS Whft yobu as v our dlealer foiay fti i~*.gooda and fhereachesfor a substitute,, TP lm. Tha i tith th. It tja. 'You ave used part of it with: sucesa is alwaYs the. cite with substitût...., Trhre ýis -very reasoîlwiiy you should sunest upon Gillet's Goods, and absolutely »i reàson why you should permait a eot th substitute sonething Le daims to Le '.ust a3 god" or "'%eter" or "the saie thing, as thse article aslced for. The buying Public andc the del..s acloiw. Iedge the. superior quality of Gillett.s good Why accePt sosnetbing issierior wben you cun 1 buy Gulett's pure goode kt the same price?, IL W. GILLEBrr COMPANY LIMITED' Winnipeg Torontou ont. m@atr«$8 PROTECT YOVRSELF By RMFSING SUDSTIU"j'., it over the window while hot, and baking soda added to a pà4l o when dry you wilI have a good imi- water rnakes the work à tation of ground glass. Lt is excel- Tc remove shiny spots frofi-. lent for transoms, glass doors in woolen garments place g cuphoards, etc. whether coat, trousers, ord4reà< if a window sash is looge take ironing hoard; wring a cloth frcoà strong cloth, the length of the sash, water, spread cearefullyoe a and six inches wide, sew up for a ment, then pass a hot flntboxn, h*&cý_ bag, leaving one end open. F111 and forth just above the wet cloêb- ,with sand and close the open end. as closely as you can without-oýuchi' Laid over the sash the weight ni. ing it. The nap will rise a»d the, the sand will fil every crevice and shine disappear. exclude the wind and cold air. - To Clean Carpets-Use twô.IQunC Newspaper for Mths.-The fol-i es ench of salsoda and boÊax,-onêe lowing is the way to put away furs cake o! what soap dissolvedin a in the spring: Take the garments large bucketful of boilin'g e-oft outdoors; whip the fur thoroughly water. Let stand until CooIî-tliêat with a limber switch. Then comb add two ounces of suiphuric. ' he% every inch carefully with a moder- Scrub the dusted carpeton the' ately âine comb, bang on liue, and floor with the w4rm fluid Andwi'nj air for bal! dtay il the weather will dry with a cleanà cloth. This -will permit. Fold carefully and tie upj destroy moths and eand in two or tbzee thiekuesses o! news- brighten the carpet- beautifully.' papar. Put in a heavy etton bag When washing off a kitohen. table. pnre soeurely. Hang in clothes- I many people take a knife ànd acrape r tcloset alter labeling with off the particles that stay enC. Thià a pasted paper slip, se not to be often ruina the table. 'The: beie diaturbed until wanted. way je te Put some caàrse s-it oeh For washing painte>d walls or the cloth, and wash off the table in weodIwrk two tablespoonfuls, o! this way. It thi.-table cIeaeu. A A5116Le INVESTMENT I m &Wstern G Fre Mrtage5%Bodssein OTHIEmoUiSE IN TmeI RUE BARBÊTTE fftouEHL- a twit4 eoMetii of tIe foh1owe in dur the eut valu Of - disense ent bec mind ernlly takeni many d liaais blood. in desi Ine to Pô'il. taking the spi frlequel andi Ft Lt ià ni teok t lia noi 15 now boys '0 son to' bave 4 -nny hi férer.,' Thipi sut fift i