Whitby Gazette, 8 Feb 1912, p. 7

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muscles bèèeoné rq«gid.and 'tlîer«, à a twitohing cf thê ü,face asud àiis semetimet acoolpanied liy frâthng of the xnouth. The ëonvigliops is followed by a deep sej ayn in duration. In tii. early stages Vhe attack may only oCCUr at inter- Vals of ocrerai months, but as thé disease progresses they become more aud more, fréquent, the pati- ent b6comes 'debilitated and Vthe uidweakeued. Epiiepay is gen- erally negardcd as incurable, but takez n lu 1V.earliost stages lbas in zayCases been eured by Dr. Wil- lim'Pink ?ills, which enrich the blood, stréugthen Vhe syatem, thus enabling 1Vte ?o sist the progres of he ',&cse. The following case will be cf interest to any who suf- fer from thia terrible malady. Mrs. John Màther, Bancroft, Ont., saya: tiMy littié son, Clive. at the age of five was stioken with BpadmB or fit# and despite ail we did for him, for the next fiye years was affJicted, witbý them, apparently growing vonae. He was uunder the cars, at 'venlous times, -3f five different doc- ~tors, but they did him no good. He was growing wor.sc ail the time, until he got su bad he would some- times have twelve of thrse spasms in twenty-four h<ours. 1 sent him Vo the Sick Children's Hospital, wbere they pronouinced the trouble epilepsy, but did not help him. Later he was trcated by a special- ist, but to no avail. I was aimost in despair whcn my mother advised ine to give hirn Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. 1 got the pillsa ind gave thein Vo i, atrictly following ihe i- tiens as te the die.t. He eontinued Vakingthe pille for several nionths, the spasmes graditally coming less freqnentiy, and with less severity, and finally they ceased altogether. It id now about two years as'inee lie took the last ot the 1)illa, and ho lias noV had a fit in that turne, and isJ now as weli and strong as other boys of his age. 1 have great rea- son Vo hé grateful for what the pilla have donc for him, and hope this May becof vaine Vo some other suf- fe re r. " These pilla are sold by ail medi- cine dealiers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 frein The Dr. Williama' Medi- ciné Co., Brockville, Ont. HALF TRUE, ANYWAY. 4 Dentist--I amn sorry te say, Mr. V)orkins, there's a cavity aIse in that tipper bicus;pid. Man ini Chair-Go ahead and fi11 it, doctor. 1 believe the latter part '* tf you r statemerit. A MiId PilI for Delicat.o Women. meh iot delicate woman eau iwdergo a course of Parmclee's Vegetable Pis without fear of un- plëasant oneure.Their ae- tien while wholly effective, is Inild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thousands of women who havc used Lheni can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended Vo wo- men, who are more prone Vo dis- ùrders of the digestive crgai than Men. He-I can marri *ny wornanI plicase. She-Ah, but do you pleame any 1 tour druege i nUrad monsy il PAZO OIN<T- MICNT faits te cure ai a ci a IIsia. tnd Bledigor Pmrrudiaz Mes inla4Stea14 dffl -. f If a man is convinced againut hi. will ho Ïs't. minvdm l timunt Curesi Oaret la Oum TAKE A LE8SON. He-Here ive spent four year, aourting yoii and niw Pm thrown down for another fellow. She-Well, ho spent les, tisse andI more money. That's the mra- bon. *Pim 1IuSelad Took Pimptes Away. "d, om %tu a Wu. M Miw WOU -_ U" ot- a m1 V é8I , Some ime &go a British Colum- bian wrote a book of verse enltted "Derby Day in the-'Yukon, by Yu- kon Bill." The rosi naine of thé autlr did noV appear, but who- evtr it was sigued the naine, "M. Mà?ki'ell" lu witing Vo Vhe George H. Doran Coiupany of New York, whe published hs book-, and Vhs Duran people vrote baek Vo "M. Markwcll, Esq.." When thé book came out, Robert W. Service, the famous Yukon poot, reelved a -oopy Item thé. publial-ý e rs, and when- in New York soeé Vume afterwards ho sent this letter ef appreciation tu thé hbead 'of Vhe frin "Dear -Sir: Shortly before leav- ing Dawson I received your book, Mr. R. W. Service.' 'Derby Day in thé Yukon,' and beg to thank you for yeur kindnees in sending it Vo me. 1 thought the book was buliy good stuif and quite true et the Land God Ferget. I show"d it arnong my f riends, and much curiosity was expresd as Vo the identity of Yukon Bill. How- ever, ail agrced that the aines- phere, expression, and tone were the real thing, and that hé is as- suredly a Sourdougli of au early vintage. "Neediess Vo say. I was immense- ly flatteréd at thé fines addressed tu myseif. I thank thé writer froni the bottoni of my héart and winli hum ail prospenity snd sucSéss. I wiIl write ne mors Yukon verse, ge lie bas a dlean field. In conclu- sien, I wish again Vo express my appreciation of hi, veracious and virile verses, and hank him for the génuine pleasure Vhey gave me." Sincsrely yen rs, "ROBERT SERVICE." It now urna out that hs bock was written by a weman. And as bad neyer scen the Yukonl1 A REMAUKABLE RECORD The increake 'in Vhs sales -cf "SALADA" Tes&lait yer over 1910, amounted to ever one million and ninety thouaand poundsa, This is oee wenty-slghth part ofthte entire Tes consumption et the Do- iuinien-and neprsSeuoniy oei year' a inéreate in the consumption of hs popular Tta. Father-How did your finît niding léomflacorne eut Sou-I didn't get VM ryweil. Cornu and warts disappear wheu treated villi HeIlow*y's Cern Oure without ie*ing saucar. fiWeuid yen eu Bliggim A 1e.- "Certamlty" nplied iî. Oca- ee.. *'E i sot in$elleçtus, but ho is wonderfnlly devrslacocol iug the tact froin îtrant.ws,» Tel. ré0Wsi je À 9V0P jetyIOO0Oê ~ o Weles. takes >a keen intereat. Stamp Coll"ndti en-W toe tac- ixig a firmer ;bold on îils deotees- *nd -uaking 'mamre_,reernitea 'ethan ever. -W. 8. lininel, ons ôf tho, beptkown- philateliâts il. London, 4gand, sys that there aretheu-' sanda-more collectore. than there verete nye*rs ago. Within thal period, hé asys, stgimp coohecting bas ýgrowu f romn an art Vo a science. Lu thé old daya people collectied for qnantity, but nov kV la quality only that counts. ' Value la found o-day in watermarks. In some kinds of stamps perforations are the3 hallmark of excellence, Iu British starnps, for example, the rareat are thoso: witb, fourteen per- forations on the long aide. But lItbre are cas-es iu which tJhose wiVh fourteen and a hall or fitteen per- forations arm thé j*rize spécimens. The penny 'and haitpenuy étamps of King F4ward always used teý have fourteen pèrforations. Thé new stamp printera, whose final Georgian stamps raised an oitcery, are sVili supplying halfpenrny and penny Edward et.aips, emé of which h&ve fourteen and a haif and others flfteen perforations. Before long thcy viii cease Vo issue King Edward etamps, and these fourteen and a haîf and fifteen perfoiation specimens will becorne scarce, or even rare. Another st.amp which shouid soon becorne.valuabie lu Vhe Italian var st.azp surcharged "Tripoli," as their issue oontinued enly for a very short tirne. SABY8 HEALTH 1HN WINTIR' Duning the winter monthe the mo- thon finde iV véry difficnît te kesp lier littie one vell. Coids corn e n quickly aud Vthe discomfort to thé baby affects the vhele household.» To keep baby veil during the vin- Ver he should hé varmiy clothé, have a daily bath, lots of, treh air, sud Baby'. Owu Tableta shonld, b. givon hlm occasionallyte keép- bis littie boveis vorking regularly, as uothlug viii brng on coldi no quickly as a cegged .oondition ot thé bowels, Baby>î Own Tableta- are 1h. béat medieine samother ean gir. lier 'hult '.One«. hey break~ up lda, cu ré constîpatiô.ssasd ini digestion, expel vorm au ,'ak baby brigbIt sndhappy. The. Ta)>' l el irSold hy medicine dçsléra or ville, Ont. .U -petit ,Boit, ý Èsiio, Téèu1ûiita I Eist et le *~ i~wa 4r ofu lc lMlhx ~1 ~ib 'bors e i ie iauoscr fromn Biht'. iâefla"qê,and 1- ýWay wQis up "Iadvisé ,ail ýrtéii sfen n fnom Bâckaehe,-or -Bright's Xiés to use.Dodd!sXidney Pills VéFr liks thousandé- of other aufterrs lu Canada Mr. et-. Plert«,"-künsd 'his cure in thé goôd, old Osadian Eid- ney remed1y. And hi&s ideed 'was a particular- ly bad case. Bi ys eré. puffed and swolleu, bis appétIts vas fit- fui and,. )ie_"à,salwà.ys , tlred aud netvous, IWhile the pains in ii s back made auy-fcsM. Of w-Onkseme'tbing- to e 1o vied8ody ei troug and WeI, Six' ýboxies et Dodd's K.ldny Pilla wor.ked the transfbr- inatioli. More aud more 'i» this neighbor-, hood - is IV béoomig a môtoe,4r the diseane la of thaksduesorl Vhs kidnsys, Dodde' Kiduey Iý I wiil cure it." They have been Vnied in many cases of backache, rheu- matisin, lumbago and Bnight's dis- ease, and in ne case where they have been givon a f air trial havé Vhey f ailed Vo dire. CÂLLS THÉUI SER "WILXY." Hlow the Germas Emiperor and Ern. press Speak of Eaeh Other. "r'he Gerrman Empenor, lu ah- sence cf his consort, seake "et ber as 'my vif e,"'saye Vhs Woman's BoeeÇompanioln,'"'the Empresa lu the homie circle addreses hlm as 'Wiiiy.' - " Thé fermer alludes Vo biasmXlYe froni thé Crovu Prince te thé Pi- cees, as 'my youug. onés? ; thée, latter zpeaks of them- not,-by titIe).ýbut-s.e imy ohildren';-" hothex«pressions ago eleanly'c*nve.ylng 'the dos éxiswg "Very eften- thée mperer gives- evlenê a sneïpeeVed moments of thé ever présent tboirght.vith hlm et bis tamiIy At tin1es e'wb1tuhey vers smàR ll hdrn and lhé as bc- îng entêrts&ed £1t Mtei banquets as the gnut, ef rinces or cit4es, ,he wonld slip bonbons iist - obis peélcit,ý quietly sayins, <Tese Sxar for the me awayé tasteas better. 1 7 that trois éxpenéc? "Itia told o hEtii&"i. I e1 . êxhib thé11 xial4dIet "e0 of otïehf and liii. ed me to ni.lc a tw thiexperiffint. '1M-er I1 bad lplaïed the uail on the, bxsttel -thé rariýÏ ,bltde, 1V alowy mvedalont thé blâek of the bladÏé, and .thenolme mpteI ovr he sharp edge, the.,razor hé- ixng In excellent conditiOn. As *e gsuoceàsve waves brougth the foe- ýpart cf its foot near thé edge of théý blade its 'bead was held Iow <IowD, aud the lower and shorter pair of feelers neoatly tc>uched the blade, as if iteeling the way. "At the moment when thé sharp) edge was reached, the small feelers were fully extended to'ward 1Vt, and just at tho very instant vhen 1 e.x- pecto ese théin et c théy were boê ,-,iiitantly retraced Tey were Utile nmore tha ahaWr' breadth aw&y ; and, thbough the low- or feelers ponnec no -eyes yet, b their.- sudden mqvmnt,.1 was quite convined that the nail at that In- stat recoguizeci danger. .Still the, ,fçot traveléd on,1 and sol onail dragge iti w'hole w.ihtc exactly 1% onces'over the edge, later meving toward the butt and remainiug per!ectly, unharmed. The s;pecies experiment&1 with was the Roman or edible kind'- which aàc- coiluta for its eomparatively; large weight, it being the largest of Bri- tish mnails." , - Unvest-menfs for-,the Hew Vqar, W@ bey. to offer SmeraI firs.clatw bond iovflest.l yielding 6 pet cmnt. metcarrYoeg .Our ufqualiffl cd rec WRITE FOR PULL DETAILS CANAA *EURLTES -CORPO)RAlTION, LIMITE lies jame«*sStft. Set"L GOOD LOOBS AND GOOJI TEMPER. A Chat WIth Our Lady Rteadems Have yen ever notioed how misoz'- able snd uuhappy Vhs ittie pain&' aud aches mnake oe e? A stinsgr 'eut, badly chapped ýbaubds;,ï a s hum', -a ses oot, a p060nséa lngét - -nonse'pf them -oundg or aixmns-a er-likê ly-te cause- àérions troublté, but-bad encei te put an ecige ou one'atemraud -spoil good Icoks. Talckhe dl he uin À co6lôri an, you reqssi YOUT11L 'UL O'CT, Iy meiu te 7 Ws ~Thmonélea aspoli The Osarevitch A-lea*il s y0ars oki. As be.b»ba it* ' rpestdly told Itm ie iseh b.klete. -of 71

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