Whitby Gazette, 15 Feb 1912, p. 6

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roiderî~z .ares-ofDyamxiteV Witb.out A de~a 'f rom Fort Francoeâ,I ont., igays- A terri-fie explosion e took place iiiertIy before 12 o1cIock b on Friday at the, construction works h of Johnson and Carey'* camp on1 au island on Rainy Lake, aomne eight iles cêét o! luire, mwhen 12 men were killcd outrigFit and èix badly injured. One o! t4ie injured has oince died, rnsking thé number o! , dead 13. There are ftill eomse of thé men un.a.couitcd for, F-0 that the 11eV may hbcetili further anugnientedi before the search mow boing pro".- cuted is finiLthed. The cause o! th(~ explosion wa.s the. premnature dis charge cf ene of thé holes vbargcd1 with dynamite. The gang of meni under Foreman Thomna Caaéei had sunk 64 hoics at a uniforni deptliofoi 22 fetj and one o! -the charges in thé holes Was nçt -prop.erly Pro- pared, sud-it. was whilé this chrge was hcing t.akep -out that it was set off, the concussion immediately causing the other 03 charges Vo ex- plode. Thé men were hurled into the, air along with tons o! rock and débris. So great wus thé explosion that large pices of rock âhalf the, TOWNS SUBMERGED. Ploods Occasion Immensqe'Damage, lu Spain and Portugal. A deispatch from Madrid maya The viiole counotry bas been svopt with stornis and floods. ?huch dam- a e wuid-one to, shipping, auJ arts o! some o! thé towns are Wholly under water. At Cadi: sioe thé damàge lu estimsated et SF000000. Thé looa through Portugal are va6t snd thé damage has been euormous. Thé flooda are said te bi worse than those of 1870. Thé tracks of thé railroade. have been subruerged under several feet o! water in many placés. Thé mail train, which -was on its way to Oporto, lias been stepped by the .w&ter. Bridges mros thé Douro River havé beén submerged. êr~ WVarni ng g iit o! e&II h *üW"4 üeèâ- havé _benat4,nding êvOF oiieof thé hoewu, blewuiinto, the air fcor, lm0 fret~, t&oylundi ag uar bhà,s Oacadian, Northecn 1,Pilwayr line$, with both legs blown off andl terrblY disfigured. Theé other men were badly bruis.d, anid in soinse cawnal- moit évery boxa. was brokec ii thoir bodieos A ga-go!fiii <flOtt Iiô were workain alower aeyel ta- ing out thé IooGe rockaid 7loading Ît, in the dutnP cars were sat 60- feet 'listant when the explq ion oceur- red, and were not injàire in the! One of the mmn sa.d th&t se soon as they heard the bla.st go off they made at once for cuvfer. The . ight, lie said, was a terribie one. "We, saw Casey- hurled -over> unr headi, and witii the tremendona thundea' o!f the explosion, the cre&h -of f aling rocks, and the scrsa.m o!t hosewho wero not killed outr*gt, .1 will ne- ver forget theélught." . t is sald that the aneoaio0! dynamite ii ths explogion wus over 2w bolts, or about five tons. RI16S SULL FRà%CTUREV. John Novaek Terribly Injured by Dynmilte Explogion. A despateli froua Porcupinée sys: John Novack was seriously and per- lisps fatshly injiured by the. explo- sien of dynamite on, his cdaim in Deloro. Novack was sinking a shaf t, sud sank hie pick into a stick o! thé explosive. His skulvas frac- tured, chun blown- off, sud, he té- ceived other injuries to arie," face and legs. -lsevas carried over the trail to town, and st thé hospitaI vas attcnded by physicians. LIFE-SATINO STATION. MeNov to Rare Orne i i<hîigara Falls. Letedet i A dspat4, f om iagara Falls, MXOOSE CROSS LARE SUPERIOIQ Ont., says: The Americin autà;i ties, through District Attorney Ac- le.Ilias Formed Where There la a kerson and President a! tiisBAk&m Streteh of 40 Mîie. of Trade Nye are taking. steps 't*o have au organized IiWae-saig or-'is A dcspateh f rom Oalumet, Miehi- and station Iocated at Niagara gaii, ae: Lake Suporior, for the Fala. N. Y., wiith fEuh equipménat firet tiume in moay yêars, is f rosen ofimsitabeIÎW ifrsvng devaces. The. over frein Eagle River tW Ili Roy. mîtter haî been placed in the. bads ale, &adW=auce of 40 milsa, and it w of Congtresmeni Sinons and BSmith the belief of reidete of Bagle at Wb hiiin. River tuat the. ice ffld extends clear acro»a the-big 14.e. Keweenaw Chairmfau lMobee of-the. DouluiOs roint -poopi, report th" moose Baims!ty Board unounc.4 tl,ri l-, have been »W n authe Keweenaw w&Y tou*&a m mea iotexpetd té wUds, during the laut few day., aud fura"ipacom oui for aU pas- if this ilà $0the animal». must have moegers durîng lii. .hema> ra Per- -rcw.4.doonthe ice f rom Canada. o 4wxners.,and. LMu, Unabi. to ree, ana, the Outlook isGloomy ~ ".ýTut, tutl!» i&tliimed grandpa_ -0o yotz thiu.k treeg don.ê do" any-ý Vhing tl , oikpre o t >y1-IvWhao packed thpso three ~rnayen brought "Why, motherî l", answered Bes and Paul. 'Well, -ths trees, even thé tini1ht ones, do théir -own packig," said ,grandp. "Whv, grandpa, what de yen mean 1" asked the twins, in sur- prise. , "Diii you think," asked grandpa, "Ithat in thé spring thé different garments for ail thé différent trées came down f rom the heaveni réady- madle?".Y .t,'<I guess I neyer thuouglit about it," ea nswered Bésalowly. 4 4Well, ",grandpa. veut, f"ssch tree packs away its finery ini-thé fail, protecta it carefully tlirough the. winter, .and then waVe. for tie sun Vo turu thé locks and li.ft thé lids. Then the maplé and birch aliake off thoir gowus and-" "But, graùdpa," interruptéd Paul, liow can a tree packt" "Listen," anawered grandpa. 9Thé treefolk ail pack carefuily, but they 'Vary n their méthode of packihg. Takéthé maplé, one o! thé moee aréfnipacers;- its leaves are doubled !rom thé points withý thé eicatness o! accordion plaiting. Now thé -sugar lnaple-" "Oh," cried Boss, "does iV ill iLs truuk wfth tiny scalloped sugar- cakes, grandpal" 4 iome up lu March and see," said grandpa.î ",Please go on, grandpa," urged Paul. ' Tii. sugar-mfpl,2 continued grandpa, l"folds its 1daintY fringes wi*ng .vthehs pls.itedleaves _ a snnly e en leaobut tho ted smple requiries agreat ni*21y tnunke te ëarry, its wâdrobe 'thrlghthe witex4 The> Vwtpare lrd tubby, andi are o! a red<lish hue; this is beemuse -thé budes-are *et, closely lng t. item.-. Tnstead"ol! lrSUnpaoiUng tk tenderpoen Ica.s,,thémaple- sb*aes ont iLs ÏlmgTd tiie1~ the -anie uis- thésiêypsy~ilv- «"Oh graudpa, are thei. dear littl. Pusmies paèkedavea ill inteir, too' cried lieu. gndpa,.- Pway the pond ini Vii. h sil-meadow yunlhav-e ns "Vît yêns es ê jfall atW-'abott tid»atiýfwZfl ga rniXf- 't ubrah4o wêhingl u one of the ýIàSt notions ~o stiaigfi posges. O ~tigee brica in-undebrart e - gain emixùegS *ýTher.« àe.au obviou=a tendoncy to- wards. ttounded wàist line in thé, Laces are beiiig u".d te aàiuch largeroxtéit~ taist year for tr* nRngpaoaTMW GowÎae of blaek satin oombined with 'navy --b1ue - erge have Iouad instanteneous- ayot.. New toûehess Îud' .fiowe'r effets are being adcted, -oîthé estore et, ,neckwear PoÏibilitÎeaâ* The iw*.dom-m"eting parasol f ah. ries during thé cociflflgesason 'wiIî ûýhquestionably hb'oace nd taffeta. The fetich o! black has been over- thrown aud theikoft colora and lines o! youthful: persona'iity have corne back into fashion. Separate blouses of colored tulle, to match the skirt, display littie trirzqming, aide from narrow plat- ings of the sanie material.' Many of thée martest suits havé collars, revers and cuifs ao! white besdford cord, ratine, terry cloth, broadcloth, pique, vr lace. The. new tailorçd waists are eut like a skirt, with smali pockets, re- gulation front plait, button througl collar and turn back cuif s. A TROUBLE MAKER. Tf4 an amCoffee Poison Vauiety o!f1M. Breedei ACalifernià vommu who didn't kn w rVeêty yaa h t.» lit 'i.W'rîtte tel lio ho' ahè W- me &Il «tii.tioi n ethat I v b.de f«o»rse sas 1tes PaIoea 'ni tiaiaz rodue at Home I0-OrniVnt. patent. $370 t $375 ata Dbad ant& b .70Lour$.75t atents. board; ý lL tbâtos - 5. ast i'on ba ",, rs ttt, $460,aod trak. Toronto ore.nft on what-. o ot n $. 13Xay orwts: N. 1 Northernai1.-0 13,ud& -o.r t.06o.e2 y orts. Feed$.10 andeNo.ailr$i.06,Bao 731 ot. P Onet ar whea3t-o. 2 hit, re am Ontario W5e. tide. 2wie n Pieds9k.oodslpngpsa 1.5to$. 20, outaid ipn es $.5to$. 0,osCriot tNo ntr 4ebd stsCof No3t tso4eo.uOtarido.4o. 2.. and te 4N. on3a 4 Tor4,ont o. NoWe2t 48arn4c oand a st, Toot. dNo. 2 West- 471-Cada orts. t,-n o ed 47-2c Ba~iy48 lb,. a 7t 5.ot Ouo-Nq, 3 &merlean yeilew quoted at 721-2c. Toronto fmeight.ý 1W -Ne.2_*4*1.05 te *1.06, outalde. Duokwbeat-70 --to 71c. outolde. Bran-Manitoba bran. $Z5, in bags, Te- resto freltht. Shorts, $26.60 té *27. GONRY PRODUCE. barre!. Beane-Hand-pleked. $2.36 te $1.40 per busiiel. iioney-zxtracted, ln tins, Il té 1lu per lb. CeGmbo, $2.50 te 82.75. Baied Ray-No. 1 at $16.50 té $16, on track, sud No. 2 at 812 te 813. Baled strsw-81O, on traek, Toflonto. ]Potatoes-Car lots lu bats, 01.65 té $1.- 76. sud »e1awures at $L80 tc *1.85. Ont of-store, *2 te $200. Poultry-Wholesale prioeso o cholce dressed pouitry --Chlckens. 12 té 16o per lb.; towl, 9 té Ibo, geese. 13 té 15a, ducks. 12 te 14c; turkeys, 20 té 21c. Liv. poultry about te lower than the above. Butter-Dah7y. choice, la wwppers. 29 te 32e: large rols, 28 tobot, sud laferior, ti"b , 1 to 190. C.aey-3oe 1a té 36.' fogr oUa-»tu&M1.14 t3efor -ulds Ir b. VWs-~ -1s14 brinir 450 6opr doué' 3lglt 6 t* ic tw.izts ai 16 40 . uIli. iseané long-agrhw. t-I i. 1 il 3-40 fai Cm lot&l ýok-4bort eu., i 4, d àiUM té 1igIkt 16Wtg 1446 as~ 14 14p-tois. M .4taefIe bMahfas% bago 1114»0. 53 1-. 024 to 54o, d<o. 3,411 th- se, utra -sé. 1tfad.* 2 &k ? q *io4 Mt h1~ 114I N&-3 d. .1 01#~140-1 Éo. 4 d..49 to 4914c. 3srlt- VX1tAM &OUS to U.>kbtl Outliwses The Home Rule Billh r rla1nd Before 6,000-People À despatch from I3elfast says: ufactured in the past. 'The Gov- The essential features o! the Liberal -ernlment'a H1nie IRule bile" contin- (kvernme.nt's Home Rule bill, -to ied Mr. Churchfll,._"would fit into. a- general *oheme of Parlia-meiitary beintroduced into the British Par- devolution leading ultinately té the liament, were set forth for the first feder&tioný o! the Empire. ThàV wae time on Thursday in the course cf the only way to f ree the flouse o! the speech of Winston *Spencer Commons froni its present conges- Churchill, the first lord o! the Ad- tdon. Looks at ou r great rivale, Vthe mira.lty. The unusual efforts taken United States o! Amnerica and G1er- to allay Unionist resentment a.nd v<o mainy. Both o! those powere oon- afford. military and public protec- duct their hueinees through 46 *Pd tion was effeetuai, and there wa o 23 zeparate Parliaments respectiv- sericus attempt at disturbance, ]y," the said. In ordèr to kesp PoS although there were signe o! the with the world mor-ement, eaid Uleter r f.i1 o tétm hle oonsidered 'it vitallY, necemary M~urchill, with his wife, arrived at for England to, learu how to cum- thé Central Station. A number o! bine the fullesi expre.uioiiso! ns,-. Oranigemen who had gathered at torial anid local' aspiration% and se- the station greeted him with groans tivities with thé str.cmagees frame-, and bous, but these were drowned work o! imperial unit... om e1uIe'. in the hea.rty cheer8 o! the large for Ireland; h-Leaà, , à reSd às crowd o! Liberals and Nationaliste;. the firet mlèstone aongti There was no disturbance and the' the event!ul. unity o! te large force o! police on duty in thé speaking races. M.(i station had a very easy ak to per- tended- thait ,the, nétti for. eupillrsy héwhlelong quarrel , betweeiru' Rain fl iie-l h hl Goverument and. the Il morning. Tiie football grourad wul1b abont '1h w&ore thé meeting was held is yond-comparé, as tfi. Irish-, a swa.mp and thé saturated cauvas out the world were a pôw4iý niarquein which Mr. Chu rchill Or iii whe, had -in the pams spoke sagge.d hreateningly several worked ouantér tW Britisht00S& Vîmes. Mr. Churchill then onlind tb.o *The surroundings o! thé football poeéd lHome Rule measUreai gr0unds, which is known locally as th&t ths Glovernmn't 'a Pi5Pa&L 04o' "Paradîr,,\ -wére appallingi y deso-i fighlt the bill thrvugh Parflab)Mès, lite. Thé 9déluge was incessant and Hneaskéd for fair play from the- the approsehim to thé marque. weré Unioiniste. On thi e et o! fiigne a eea o! black ooze. The supporta Mr. Churchill said tbaê un46l,'the. and ropes- holding up thé marque péetese rladwsoiil 'wers strainéd, with the weight of theVo a -subeidy o! *10,000,000 a- 31si %oddeu canvas, through which the f rom Great Britain, -and this içould-ý rwter dripped like a ehower bath. b.iceedl.gl hgh tii o-.ý -Mr. ChîurChill wae greeted with a mauring o! ex1Èting' léel.iso- rousi.ng reception f rom the 8,000 ligatiOSie. Tiie OoyerrnonflbwOuld peoplé gathored within the tnt aPProaoh the. question-in the désirs whoose enthusiasmn noV evén the de- Vo achieve a good settLement imd pressng surroundings were able, would provÎde for pr<iesrity both entire'ly Voo quench. A stea.dy, socil and eccnomi'c. inome ule siiower- bath poured through tîe would give ths Irishi ParliaÏmt - hé- canvas -rocf, making thé floor an said, real réspoinblty.ilnnC8 i pxeùt ma.ruh. su~ad it would hv onlt ~4o Sî4, -Chu-*reld!U -inimediately got 4>n '. 4rgeareas <4 ta lçMCIVh p6god term with-.hie audience, promn- Power within rea*eona$ilY W à Ui iitÉemth*t the Goverrmnt in. its Vo SUPPleIt t nODI> teh4dm4 V6 ,pàas « a ome Rule bill taxe. whiii oul b. hamonouswith Tii national atenw~ugb apetll inercaa, soothe i. p athli ail prisent ait Vélp~*6~ 01 the ËriVÀih empire, liberate neoedinga. Mr. and br2$fhl forcées or'itw .rvce àd for eVer return'ed te t'heir hotel i &moo ~ ~ awy- itht he accuteed mchin- car, snd then took aséia-ri >~ ey bywbWsbu.red iad been man- for Lamne, en their way to SQOt aud- P vicpaiEmeaitue of! Mseld*' ~~~~~~~oe OxfoE S PR U P~ ~rd.r THEeoy ielgînrge u u u TiheCabimdn Sh U iem V tirit 't. 1-s fi. r- g, KAIPEfl40 FONAIL OheRel m Ii% A CANiStee AA. m3k', Mo llolng pinto laMembonW .he lew1~tinlr M?' u nov require t O- ontrubute *2$m yer towardW the. homne mule !ugad. The F~orign Offkce .4845 i tt 1vwilt. Lord IlalcIane as., gene VO G or m n y te "tu " y cnt M ue&pc - tionalsysteme theme h. uyae 11 esime tii».h*i onver.atio,*is e- I UNITED 8TAïEs. Tt, use1. S ènate r"wti ed ti.in- the national courel ovueris anti-mincim tleiüent. During1 eratioii aimasuA m. *1 the ts o ff$uet a *tt- se o% 'îiiCt !s e é4". qwostkofi h bn 1L~

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