Weii~. net exactlv. Miss ay k- -J -O Sm.6'4s-I hav e et-raxa'<au r ervN;ere -fl ryasla tenids of,& >lt, CSl* myelf. 1hope you lept weI suc rnut b. m ot r exp ana 4u,-ejoyed- a quiet niiKht." wbxch 1tiie future sboub ýcôrùl14 .Vat y~The bisrst - of .rmp hI He wIL knew t-hat the. sOtgreetçd this imark , not OnlY thouglit lIOytocute the Prisamazed-,the. orthy .baronot, but police .woUld:Wt t"b.uspect the Miss- ttldteoergeilthdl ub onq aydesire tô reaclfthe &70rag soutii coast: ' , _as Sitkan al- i.'nrn moetfeverii ýanxzety. that hescrut.- hewfe Itought iiEnls ~ns4-the pageS ci the* indicateur nover laued des chemins de fer,sudnhheeved s mîglice -prtesusdreliefwhen h d' ooveed 'thâtthe firÎt tràiwi9e HPE VI Jean sud thé Turks coiild,trsvlb' After brîeakfast. theo-Ps rty- ad- 1ot Paris ' the previbus .- velingt jourued to their sittiug-roorn, and< arÏd mas not due at'M&r&eil lesutil t iire brettdetailed hie immediate' 8.59 that meriig, --Plan o! action. was-nwclose nsva 'lc, "'The firet poilpt fte dotermino 1- -o hme w o ie «ean important one ' he ii. « WIâhl persoial ,appe.ace, su ad ,thenjames, Talbot,',orFairholme-loàoks coumed an early breakfast ýfo! e- moat-1ike à Freâchman 2 - iee su rols; 't haf-pat ~ h e Ti trio at once began to scrut- lie called a carniage sud was driven ise each ethèr< car efuIiý_,, teÏ tte railway station, where, punec- Edith's intense azà,erent. tually o tei minute, the. Paris Jack delayed ii. selection by in- - triir-z.i~ved. - - quiriug- Brett rnnged- to secure ,a- fa"'- $May Iss1 ,8rttwhy yeiswish oralle oin whn~eeh.'eou eno-,n <>! us te baul do the British serve the passèngers iithCut b4-gfai"- - see;uý,6f- on,',th** plstform wOI!O "Becuseit la, ecessary.- -hat stacked huindreds-ot-ba;skets o!fruiit Bore neueshowd kep a'eli'se eye In vgetbls hici ed-arivd on. Groe Jean 'id the-Turk. -Sir by a loçal rsii. , Hubert Fitzj es-mght osIby -:,Tbere -were -neot m y sssngrs .ade up te represent un, vieux in the -express,, sud âamcng> the firet mouetache,, but lt, le esseutial that ýô 44gbb* were Urus jen aind,'the he, should >speak French weiL 'tirèe- turhks-.-usan~IMksd-,"Ther,. -cried Sir Hùbert decis- the twd others ho had -seen lu thé ively, "I arnout of couït, becaus, Ru ]3ufartbette'. - MY Frenchi leweak, 'sud I.,lways It weud. bte deny thist thé want te go off intd H6industâul -fb4rrister - experîenoed a thrill <4 wheuever' IoLaiMy mouth2' isatisfaction at -his ewn shrewdueaî'?- "Very w.elli, '>coucurred 1the. bar- - àsi&hf- srniled as h. reahzed he rist4r, - "it cornes i'4ac'k.te yoû, TaI consternation oi--the'Pàris commis- bote sud I regret- te lnform yen luhat n,'ny ho ikrined, that ?.i hW forl t AW netfew heurs. yen müst so è&sily allowed thie-rogues-te slip b content with tho*. iuf4 ercocking euti e!the et'-and accomModation o!ti-. heJolies The T. traàvcleIerswere. evidéntly Femmes .Hotel. 'If you will corne tired à!ter a Ejleéplesa ieurney. e -ut withs meno I l gtyi 'Gego&Jean,' beinig a fatLiisan, lad rigged up u a;Iiea.p 'Fehut Sbout a, great desi durey nzn That, -sud a sup l f bad cigar- th& nighit. *Ho much xeeded the~ ettes, 'wlllprovi44 s suffiieut di.7 -ýreàtqs'ative ef f !a' ccipfootable, guise feour ýpu>pose. Yen must bed whil st the: ks;' thougl-'-pack a few ýbeliîàùugs inagec youuger 1sud -mer-e - 'ave, -ale inbxsupetleyourselfte i eh6wed signa o!f atigüé, for t in Jolie ema ontmiea lon ~orxey,15 her C5C>-W5- ixquries about Gros -Jeaif. Simpy sequel te xnuy heure cfdetetition, wa'tch - rnply'ï. i"an llWVeutilated àpartrnent. "Cutynlu m -jb1 e Setiey paW - not the - àlghte st o fn M .jo I e ieed to"their-' wherêèaiiouts, .-see' es., aMost PIeasaut pe lnu. ofar-ai toe ye -'ith u5idinawib ord1yt.kcpu harmIese gesidlrm*o iwio -hepened Misa Tsubot> and: Sir Rubert, and -to-be on the platfçrm . -- t'hem i. ihts of Marseills, Tbo pQlecrna CO Eèire, -toir T1'wiIlineet yen lie.at luxicheon, no notice o!fthem- Whaté'ver. -Gros ýut we probabiy cannet See Mr.* -Jean wabs tg'.hui m zfe1y a typicai aibot'again-un-il late t4ijuigUt, Frenchaxan, whilot'-Éereons of dark wheu h. 'will have an oppeortunity 7~cqwp1xin sd - Xçbiîh, appear4 tôe'orne lier.qùietly sud detail.,th. site. are everydày 4i4hte lac -M4r- -red'lte> o! hie ob.bservations. OCf eejllcYY ' ç ", ad4t4;_âddré8singthe. '~ A diminutive railwsy perterloit- young' man'-dir t- "if auything ered near Brefit in the - ceuceitttiat imotnt hap nl duriugthe day ii~ -resedetr~er e'oukno,* wher -at4ùud-me, eitiier ay bt41iioiia desigur on the pnisonaliy',or.by 'messeuger.,> 'ocjaù.iuAd éàbbage.. ls inteusé ---t Wasa natural tthàt Edithls flrýt- t~fpz b~ icture whe tèéis witi her .,lover sud uneje thý -arristýt, - béIconed te .him, Wouid tend -tdýwaids' tho' see- .of. -d a gold -plece lnu lus- -lisxd, her evernight adventuze. But Mis - ~4-~ssd..- -- - Talbot was a clear-heitdedgru ',ýYét se e hmes -Turks- there. Go tôokno'rieks. 8h. 'kn.w weil that, afér thexâ an .ôd'ot where- the ohance eiunter tii harv y axe'ý criticai olme, could hai d formx, encased Re serge, sauir ooking face o In ciW, ernerl mon, -, - ufflor was' pre-.J work iin oare- î wh Idid not j dly -emai &mü-iun-lav o! Lord iAberdèen, wiiQ g up .thle Socretaryship' fo staîtliug manuer stopped aýs thçugh h. iiad been ihet. H-..gazed« at the. sky sund thien .gravely sur-.veyeèd 'the gilded - statuie - that sureunts tii. pîtesquee churcli of Notre .Damne -de I'Gre "Rer I rny'OU 4di1 " ontiàu- -ed Fairiolm!e. '4Iaar"neot'iii a-bal- ~l..I.ar n-uthé' quay. Goe hem., qnick. ' -Want te. introduce yen te- 'Édith aud Sm r Hubert.'y The. uxêetirigou ýthe quay vas hc,ýarty ini thé 'extre,ýne. M isa Taibot thougiit Mr. Daiwbe- ney rather, curions.- But still h. vas ven unice, snunuquestionabiy the services o! tiie Bine Bell migýt -b. more tissuuseful. fieîn hon mano-r, spnd prornptly' dettnnined te invite hMnte hundi- eothinking that thé." chance .di-. rection cf, their conversation vwith Mn. Brett rnight lead towards the. use cf tii.yacht being hinted at. Sh. couuted vîtiiont Fainhoirne. The. latter slapped hie heayy fniend où the bàck. "Looqk here, eld -cbap, are yen fiXeéd 'up for. a eruise b Pleuty of -coal, c 'hampagne, sund ail that sert o! thiug V"' -"Leaded te tâe guuw ales.," "That's al iglit, because vo may- v*aut the -Blue Bellfeir a mouth or "Thon. ah, la," said Danbeney; "Ét te go- anywýhere,,sud'dç sny- 'Tii.Blue,> eu: vet an extre fiy smart iittieship e! of250, t9nsreglat re and anuordi'ày red o il' knot. Icidntaly. is.Tahbot 'scordtiiat tfii. ovuer madàe the xessel hibi e.H.ewas nover happy avay from hbem, sud thé, ÈBine Bell ,aa' *kuôvn te evemy yachts- man frpm tii. Hobnldes te t6i Gol- dens HeM-. errsud - ithout .fùrtbierêdo hie parlty seated rthemiselvesà. bxtrJLUÈlng hiefailur, to te o- 10»Wabut h flsen n ý6cun.. -ries Ïà~d don, -mînything- lu bis 1à Ho-vM tr ied "fer tbà srmy, but faod epaau eanaliin,-and 1he re Pfrut, aa n arbu wsev'er-caleéd. -Wheuhecaimo 49 1 eelgteen yeare ageo, ho. reeved hu Lo ýd~ e im i;0th Çuy'e7,&r l oifi te, lh îi emIgraed e Canada, -payiu' dva05,oWO fora, eharé'i.n s ,itle -ranch. To er lsjter #~eold4sls interest at d& loue o! £3,8030., aH. s nrfortunate, ~I-*h miiàngý;,- for s she o.-lithe, Ikei v aiie mnug elaàdmzeitilted iun ne » ofi !£1 6WO For thé. next, eleven menthehS va engaged lii cattie radechng, sx hnsd de.uly ranesed -ont in'essether d fci lt4pg up suexpditio for s asu.ha i jYuk&tan-. At the. eqi o!frivo e 2nthe hodrifted :pýnnuIs to-ewovOrleasvience lie - e9léd teAustrliis. Re next ven ur .: on peari 1;fiziiainsd drediiiâng .rtii ! 6I. Caroline la-- lands. Laitêr he vont teSan Fraif- -cisec0an4 cleared £6OOè()à&shie share -6f th. Ërooeeds of a alie o! peanla. Wittho.t money h. made a deal rxe-' ault4's- * a lear ,profite!of£11,OOO, of iý- h, he ehortly afterward lest £2,0004in uarevoiutionary sciieme Iu 1896,; vile lu Matabeaud, foir- tu.smÏied ou hlm, sud he made £7,OOO by trading, às u dnag hie etsy tiiero h.e, erved ':-i the Bulu- wayQ field force.' luthe. saine year he veut eut to Canada, iuvestiug several tiiousand poundin luVancou- ver, sud lu 199erctd-sawmiiis 'there, but s' fire destrey-ed his eir- tire pYoprty. Arnong otiierfflàng h. 'had tried ii baud &t witing shot toie, sd lst£1,500 by wonkinig a betting system . Hie» babiitieS, si td-atI £420ana maiu-iy for money ber-1 rowed anud guarautees giyeu by hlm. Hp diselosed no aseets o6 value. Aften discusèing the. matten ait some - ength i hi&r creditons resolved thit an' 'a.plication siiould b. made te the, couertfor a'nuorder. a.kudgiugE ~thé debtprn'a baukupt.- - -nçp»0 GREA"F NEW NAVAL'ÉI S'E. ktForsyth $3"o,0O in lMIAUWilI, r . be Spet - At Foireyth, on an Arrnof!tte. Fit !Forth, Scotiandti!thre -le under-cbustructieu - a naval, base- vhîiivii ~~pss Ilot4era'nôovin existence,,,Tii. conetruction -wosk 9 ,,being unden uract, vil cst$-. 00,00. i. - h ritish dmraity I plAns -tq;,speuid-*430-000,00 laiîpr-1 fectiug'.*tie naval ba ô.'Wrilsbe-t ing-done by a force of 2,600 nen. Tiiero le a bonds e! $600,0W0 vait-: i -fortthé contracteraif uherËn -i j th 1 ,sué à a 'd èeaonug'and- halfWthq Irte.-1Xen siflu grauiyn h flour' aud sait. Add the. resaiuder, of the whites sud bake'as a -bs! or in amàll. cakes. ý1 Thiu recipe là ueed-tor aflgesls. 'Potato Âppes-ýO 'cupe mash- ed pe-tatoep,04e tablespoon ml tý- ,ed, butter, two tablespoons, hoti milk, oue dozen Éhole cboée., If left-over uiashed, ' ptatoes are, used- e.When.wairm bèat -until thor-' oUilyr xixed: itvlde -late eiht pQrtiOue, form, into s ' bilde"tii. top -and insert a d, é pusiizÏ' well, demwi, te ]represeuLt th. bloom 'end, -of tIs ap]ple.-' Dnîthte:.opposite eud uinsext' a' clôve as s' stemi; cinuamon sticks ma#y b. used if pre- ferred. - Brush aýpl with, xpelted butter-, gsrinkle oee ide with pa- prika WorcinLamon to givê a -red cheek. Bake ten minutes iu a- me- diurn oven. Serve hot., -Cereal with Fruit.-One cup wU.er, eue-quarter cup cereal,' eue- quarter cup chopped dites,, one,' 'quarter teaspoon sait,,eue-quarter cup chopped raisins. Cook the.ce- roslin luboiling .salted -'water flýe minutes. Place ' *e ater sud cook several heurs as directed lu case o! catineal. flefore .-taking from the cocker add the. fruit sund mix carefnlly. Mold sud serve with- vhipped cream. -'- Veal Birds.-Two, peunde veal chopq (about), one-bunch- p9isley, twe ouncSa- cou, cue-halfif n, oee-hli cup bread crumba, oe saltespeen ,sait, eueé,-quarter salt- spoon- paprika. Cui. veal- lu threeý inch squares. Put boucs lu aoup kettie. Pound each piece eut flat, place on tep of strip o! thin -bacon three luches long sud a half-iuch -wîde, a spray, of parsley aud a' tes- spoonful cf brenid crumbe- Sprnkle with- sait, paprika aud âcid a. fevi drops c!ionion juice. Roll the. veal tigiitly sud %kewer in placeïln cas- henole. Wlth the- fat iu whieh the, birds have been bro'wned isake a tuan browu sauce and add te the casserole, c0eeing the birds. Bake tili tender. .Wlien ready-te serve arrange the birds cn tue platter, rerneve the skevers, cever with- brovu - sauce suad - &arniýh- with spring of - parsley. Bied's test, ou Toat.-Prepare four suices o! buttened toast. Ouý leach sluce nimake a ring of white cf egg beatà tifi. Slip the.yolk intoi -_"i ->c«ter cf tiiring.' Sprnkle 'wicfisait and place under tii. ici- 1er -until tii.- egg la 'ýset." Serve very. het. - Temato Greesq*, Pepper Èalad.- Que-quarter' -cup -Frenchi dressing; tire.a mediurn-sized tmatees,-,oe..e smail 'g rece1ai,1aveet pepper,, euen buuch 'Lead-iettue.Selctfirrn- .tbeî *Ïeeds, from 'a freelig reeu- 1 pep-* er sund slice' the pod lu very thin' stripe î hspen uf.Rba emûali salad- bowl .wl.tii a: -bit of!--on- iobn,- and ,- ln. ,- vitiicnslettue leaves 'Arrange -a ilaye r oe! li'~ garnsne wun cWr1essfl. S",-iouE EPIG HELP9 ý--lur -ill se -its goodnessi kept in a daq pl*Se. Don't try t< ave coal SI th.ex- pense of ti.ad; niways hàv ,teady .ds cient frir fo cccii -A stock po handyi, and log-tinie, rn lent for mûi andeftted iu t 'iereo r 'wide vY support that ,,fui posutien. « If yen 6u k au er pst lun vinegar an] rÀealize how bri muadi on' tiie nder i vents tle mois~ 'dr'eassuad undi: Penha"ps few chia silk wais$ thén starchied:i iroued wile thern look -j1u,*t they. were uew, If lu' seareh potted plants, inl a .paciiet0 kuo*f las dia s 'very short t fnl, green* carp4 sisape4 blesse4 A. ce6rn brâ~ çhikh haa beco noms are rounc vlcross the boti square as wen 4o better wonk Ordiuary bàk 'pocwder -r di *Vater, wi!l putj mediately. ,It f A'small'handfu' orby itsejf is n F-or.rernoving frorn wall papei grain, uothing t'han cotton ba 'veulent- squares gresses, peel b and ,bu ru. Every noir 513 allowing the cd] exactly the eýau should- bc m& a eouple ' 6f Iûchez or soecither up dw,-Tibs the effeet of-ke n të .ple'fthé carpet in a unif1 rm_-conitiorÉ, aid besides retàiinine the rs .pe- ax~~~ce o!ti ,it b4s -tolaÈt much loengeier tbnit wulïf left ,exàietiy as laid. It ceetsnothing te do tus, ,yet s ves much 9 esubstitute.. f r-,the mro o window frâme -as a pIace for,.dryin*g. , hiandàk re;hiefsiîs a' s'heet, of glass. largeç en-ough for two h7andkèrehiefs on each aide. his--eanu 'asily b. ' .kept- -dean, -and 'hi -handkerchilefsu can', b. more"conenaiently exposed te as.rdhn nir .nar souflGm [et the sarme ývhenthe cg ItÀisproducýé the trunk mx #hèbuld -alwa.y bl ng efarp.lyi.emittied i~fgi- ý#ieé aud. odd"pieces trunk, às-f om a valve, at th&e MoM' ifor the maki ng of-0f.tf imPa4t The EUdm! . ~is-smles thato <f a laege six-eet Of tin f'rp~ad bà.cen rà;p1d1y oubled. l bae been -er- aue b.-v& Ti.ruo yaierabed by Ç6flýG îfrter8 llarified, will koepa ti. a Ia'. -beaii'r~1~ telatter is excel- N'th their.trunirks *.wxe bonetframe > ay esredhaefPLACER. ert*ie"'Iog-stemmed -keep them lu grace- Q E E rosçne lampe and* do se.rtohaingthe E7tieexpenditure Ocfa large BÏImm ofh~ money, and wlth no' noise -or 1ulct ken -ýut.sud boiled there his bos en ed up in the n4t=u gh i.light eau be Iargest jplacer O"-god inrngpohe3 R1ookies. Tiie holdinÉé conast of.70 0~ rýs shleld « faitérned acres - f lanidi, knoya--a9 tho Seignxor ecfbaby)ï bib pre- ecud Y urùi èueeï ô., 'il ure from wettiug hi ancÏien t st.re am , with their immense de- ý rclothiug. iposits cf' goid-bearinegigavel. -Gold had'4 I unir afewyears ago, beeku-mined from people know that teervlbedw ilu-a primitive way foi a should b- lised, many, Ybane. Difoerences as te minium w S rights-élecked oterations--umtil very ro.- n iusýr(S and cently, when a 'strong Companyr. og amp.- Th si nakes ied bY .prominent budfnem ihen of Mont- as 'they .d dwhen ofre.pree&roth e pIalgins.loer mine for precioesmnorais'on the '71.A01, f *~ *~ , acres. They -entered into ho0- acna s so± cv~exeg~orexploration e*nd development of tse n uvest a fe'y pçnnies derfis l oWeposBits on the se or'and Jonpsam e peaeded niîny thousands 0oà'dollStsl Jqopà4i4 i eed,>exploItation. AÀ*complets -hydra lplnt, )u losd youn with ail uecessary' machinery, e ee ed after swùîi n 1jplntalled:' Onn e eOf the muswl- <river h&ls, and actual mining prationui me ith è bauti- established. >Tbree -large !giants, *4 telse r w rtauod>? the evn i cfsteamsofweate late.r ne wrn sj t~ co- immense ressuin-frewstisefrielens> 2s P a aleblu grvel nto à luie wean-u gae .42d Uts om unti tihey ainld d pe c yardand rtis edcl. ew. Th br~' Thrwil afternytwo boÀùug of wraebeng o as-elaskeq r anth gin round, gae ves cf * $1iZ.00er_ neTr s.tp sr e m paybnigehs-rlalepo ýoMunil 03 ertny ld eraptlized oS00,O-a .theleisehea ng oda Te'4t xe asalt 1.er Cofuly twý ald..faâsinn d iral ont~ ~~ ae smg Iie in gtroublic. Thials -a"otabIg sud imoters he lark~o.The Company owvUl pay ?.is~ dvaiae4d holdigsodal swll tl , ass a psbrro i nmoke aud mo dust ode s teorigint the n. .,iis 0 ssolvpdei a . th l e ain w rth Stock, invsuléat t.':e,-i o.-' l ta mre effeci2tiv Alithe ub hs- s cf rfia 'ad ýmsigat ut crou-tae 0pgbokes nnho Amothe w r o- aRiýe, hemo ohr ni. -phdtgraxss-V in th soild otwteoin 15 wedouit ;7àýÈ,--tisookngs'lj.tjs<r parl al*y.slâffik teplorationdworlf _ byd i - Luc "giar can givn oiéretw- hi- tyofplare Id thèn intcd o! golderlu'ofete.riinal' i ex!'t&ns jlysa- rpeill t heniiin-n trthive an uponàt ýepi cttjo c as f ratE elinck 7pcs ersuaie the, cf te Cartn et hamsd'ril dfîat - pfè.,",vier 1 4 -.mercihaixt, died Ji Lv 26th' uit. Decesd valuable a-erviece dealing wiihý refôýrmsf bills- of lsding'andI coat aud f reiglt ocattracta -0 Colonel rGranei God maxiy yeârS -Coxinptr-ol] anI PÈ èess. e£fhristiî Wor-thiug on e 25tli Gïîdej _iw~as_1,crrï Francis' G6rdon'.and a L the nin.th Mar.uis o ýh ad.tIhe fr>nor cf actii epaï a~the ýeddà St. -' ài'â',; Cathedi her-e thieir- est3j~ jal th'nkgrning se ~urch- ot «St. ?,lst ixplithesie.The etr6 yed byjfiirç in 1807 don in:1Me.. The lre px'esen bufiding waaý sud ý'under 'Sir Christ tiie B.:fleè wascole taiining thé tremainuso oelmu mJ Visited bys d arge nuànb ontJié amýiversary Oî, E deth.~ 4~ decors ie sý were aJo0d dluding cime 1f!Mm t Queen,,s.ano ther fr( ns i E m pe o »r, Charles- 4i1fred t -reéeeityat the aýef E -okkst. practiticne?-W F queathed t-the City. i L rèvision of a tieýn r.Leq becaxnei the11cyaJ Co11gebf Si t land) -in 184g, iand subs4 an9 sd L.R C P. of Lnmêleral