.Live Oand inferior, '"i ' Quoted *at 37ciec. can hà 3-a 6ô S per papa. It< .16 3-4 to- 7c, -white 1 Der lb. . >cuhioi - othery 'Tg. 'etraigh to1-4 b'êy 4 -2 0 ; h a y 4 t o l 1 - o 14; gbreakfast baon, 6t I l'Il -tell you; and 'ustick ini ek and- Wiiite cusbrcn, which réd, mattres, L'be piucnahi&r4 ;Tound. -,-andil ,mbrandt orTFsce ;uished by the, Tam.- a ,continue, to enjoy Liqt largely of. tsf- e ii llue a 'ho saici, fi cln. ' ratine, or L>pe"~s to course in- woan is the use ôf u2e u3affl Tuueannons, go nocm if « Lamc 005?Oand havy enouh boo~m 1 and tJe ecdiers féli ov6eir b jyI -fr s.curtain, shadow styles, bay do e . Tii4.fst, zÉed ge si -heîci lri.h lace, and yeuIse -w.iIltrim the out to the'e ,an eised jI3k ý ring and auanmer fabries fluê fellow lek..s.dwhite in'all fabric ssare Tho Ebb .builft orlmsand.ba- so zmuch ,put, togetier, ±hat one -ricdes o1,b11 kand -white, pin, miglt, almot affrm hat it- had bo- frornb hin îc o~ t4i. lusu d red c nethe. uniform- ford.reua cee- cok ers bla dd aw aY a t etach ot her S 101.- ith, Êt a sprit'. While the low aide fstenùiig in The Iblack #aty-pibe were 1aid sf111l a noticeabe, feature of many of fla"tot. ci shion -and, held thore the sring imodela, the- revers, arenoe b i . o a m f U r o f w h ic h t u c k o t m d - h t t y d o . n V d s c o e a on each aide., 'Bine esded sldiers mucii of this dresa 'or wvaWm as was crouciied L ie bottom of . the, boat, formely thbe ce di& it sem tWIlobbie tht he could- -aimot, imain~ thatithe tadl pin ad' ~ l A - m .i 4arms fuld itnd wa tryingff.wi vem m epagr es atýo piercit-lisdarknse. W 5H*W ~ 54Ellwh t y*.> 91ýtil?" $&id a 17oie in hi"er o80 euddeuly t-hst it Tufs 'il hHOmi bY "Why.. Athur-,-mother said that »pjj con use Yeu wouldt- belhec, for au hour," aaid Robie, '"and nowitVwij;i' )CIO ma. classedi4 "duli." finéd- " cap i? reieniber * littie of- to ooI p Wý4B , i,&& Sqw y0pri Sff*gp t-o ed roc »lfltlfka4Iy vit- h ii*laa". ment i, ty an ùnforf~uate ehuldi, whp frequei doin% tue beot bhld,-& spent bir. o1 I. .ohool 11if. lun a"dull'l àmdmucb-other crubi i,*lp1sbtl3ëb uluwittiniglydue* e4 thatll-dulýItsuJbscbu , ýedeawe.eIazy and -oWtl- s Eng1ili expert ..iggest-s tliat ie cuildren uhoid be divideci, t-o Ln wth, into twoofsosVhs se duineis i. "in"st" and ke wlicsee dulnesezis "acè-uired.." n!t le tigesi n adewe t4 safom1,ftreat-ment euitý Jor te fi-et c snot- be suit-ai for -thl eco"né. iildren -w ho areé< "nt-ely dxiii" t be. accepted ne just- tht-. Tliey qJit.us,ýespecéilly in'- European? * ï.es and larnopor owuîmnu- tî thedeîcend&nts .-of s.-long f:aà&t - till4ra o!t-the soi4 i4 heom ennta1 effort-hla.neyer- - Ldemnaadýd. tNet- ineceearily e- mdxed, but inevitably elow.; led, t-by M >1their dest-ined Êpou1- in4ifevey-ell, bu t. arg not- 1-for chard mental- Iabi, We ct tenr" t- n ee.dles ruely' i,éurge t-hem.into competition the slet- anti quick-witte. 1v &îter ireachih"ig a: dèrtain grade èPrtij and 4eslpair' f the tjarený whoee dulueeis.oçqSir- e.i-tragic iguree,- f otl ca it.r, sud evone niu J ~h& ~>èe theis~ T e i duhi aeould le themudeà e s- ir te urge t->em, of! 'theur uignt-sl & lield brigit-er hem.., But t-b lxuln.eesmuet- ho $11. Spectacle. pid chuld lut-o a the r-emoval o cha4nge fus-smXI oftÈ werk thé, rWInionlai -ocp-GSt dibtrit.s uin whç an individual .1.o ex- ceri. -gav e tsndency to catehintgcol sequences. Pýerons whose one are folo*ed iu colt-,lftple Indigasat 0,cr -Long Llto wes 11sve s &oter li.biltt Tii. -occupanit of tii. clos- Una.lyeul Nurders su ad at«Eam-heàted spartr' ds~o rntPru r~e veery suaceptiIbI. lu' i P *yTir.ml eyo ti udrc trips-mnto ivint-ry onter _plceaWho wu faally oun- _________ dd b bndis a stszic ab îou !Il iÜd ur-dert aid tii.appaiént I. .ne.curity of pans.. u 1er t sllay us fe lte police an- t-woQ1 WoMen, who are suPect-ed-;,oJ *havin';gparticipatM d it-h.robey 'sud assut -of a .bank rnessengeýr mone-time ago. The' lounoue ~c htteyha disoovered an &asdoned automobile, whicb wai read'y for a *. touriàg. coxupetition,, but whether it- ltle 'One which 'contained t-he menwliho commit-ted t-he murder'near tli. L-.Lhé, station, Tueedsy, -nigbt-is uncertain. D UI4E OF FIFE'S ]'?UNERAIL."' RebieTèàmor#rlly flurieti la Royal Vanits 'àt Windsor. - A-despxAteh f rom Wintisor, -Eng- land) Ilstys: Thie: body àfi t-le late Duke 'of Fife, who-died aÉt-Assouan, Egypt, on Jan\ýary .9 friim pleur- isy -and congestion ?esulting from expoure_ du ring the ýwreclc of t-be ¶ 1i.1r Dei-bi'" off 't-le Moroccan Coast "ou D-eCember 43, wheu -hé snd thbe]Princess' Royal and their daugh-j t-ors narriowly escaped witb their Iivce, zwas temporàrily . buried on *Weduesday in -t-e Royal, vaulti here It- wil remanin there' until -t-e cmpet-onoftii. family vault -&t ':Ma.r Lodge, Braemar, Scotland. The f unerai service- wa s of the. simp- lest ikind. King George, Queeni 'Maryi and thi. Prncese Royal sÉd, -ber dauglit-er, somne* other- mem- bers o!ý the Royal family aud a few pe isonal -frieides*c 1m posed t-be con- gregaton,. 1'Queèu- moather Ale"na- de-was unable to 'be pisent o-w- i.gta anatack4of nienza. ]SLAeN SMALLPOXT1NQTE-BE C. case -Repoted. to 'the ProvimniaI -ý 'A despateli frowmAniad w "O u li l dcdgea t-ho;*Ci o! a, min w1l'o t-bat- mis peie cidedly -tgaD t-at-hier. 4r himself,- sud thouan AftffI b' Rup.t.-.IO"E, WeIgh,ý Of. SIeIgh -ragged Âuimals -, Vlut. Di4p WFater. A. d~spatcii from, Guelpilaah 01 tsi fhorots -oWned hyAl. drownid eded oang Whie Mr.Ban.Was enmagd ct e og ýb&cked hie ighopen water, wici pulle4 't-hem_ wýith it. .Every effort *a made1to get tlim outp, but. as .thle w4ter Was very- deep aIl *t-- t-emPt. Proved unsucéessful, -and teywore- soon drowned. A Winnitpeg BOY Reseuts*oelng ne, 9Fas, 1-66rato patents, Sto *5.30; do- i A d fini-utfoozrs W.8$3475. A'dpeat'frmWnuipeg says, 8 .5;d., secqond8. 82.30 ta 870.. Oscar 8igurdson, s. sçenteen-yeir- faIiàr.- 5.-Sprlng wheat-rro. i ld.oy wh sho t h't is"r'when 1x'ot4ern. carloado, btore,. 01.16;_ Winter, 1_6b reprimaîndecj him for lazines., - No. 2 redj' $1.01; No. 3 red, 9c;No. -'appeared in t-be Police Court- on whIite, 81. Con-Na-. & iyellow.6Oc-; No.. 4 Wedneidày anud' was rémanded. ycnow, 67 1-24l.- ailon track, thre*U'gh: The. iajured" woman,,Mrs. Pett-- bMled. Oat.-'No. 2 white, 63.4e; No. 3 "rw, is »lu a serions conition, one.,white, 561î4c. No. 4 white, 55 1-4c._ Barley oft- s hotsu- which' ut- ber li.',- -Maltîdg, $J.20to, 81.32.' ing, b4prd t-hrougb t-be'spine. --.'- J b>______ ' - LIVE STOCK MÂKE. PQRT 31cÉNIC0LL HARBO'R. -Ilontreal. Mai-. 5.-Ilutchens' catte, choies,- $7 a. - 5do.,' medium, 05.50 te C.P.1R., floýats t-o fake OuI n>. 6.0;0o. 4om A, 45 t$5bhes Câaa Wek ntiOwen Sound,. catt1e, choiwc ows, 85.50 te $55.5;do., A 44atch-fro Motrej s~~ medim; $3.25 te 85e'do., bulsa, 83.75 to An -- Ofikia stternnt. sluel a- ~ -'mik~rs %b 1cd, $75 te '$80;î do., o:i ýj -beadquarters a.nnounces cm n eim~ al~80t tht-' hje, opening:of nvigation - ,inei-.$0 $5 -ls 47 Port ' McNicolJ, su&n'A nt Owe'h t 85'.buci nd' ýculi,84t0.; abs .~ond -ih be-te ~c<ioarer '$ 6.75 'te $7.. Hozs-F.o.b_ 8 'ta 8U25. t-be" C. .Rupper, itke> fleet-. teCIes3te$0 grea J lke flet ompise ~! Toronto. Mar. 5.-Pafrly -good,-butc3xer. îteàme.îsý an4- a fiý'e-cay rrîejng.e1'ad e-ncage 1d a evey w~ek wil- e pt o be-wen'froni $6 te $6.50 - per hundred i --ds Port McJxicn11landFort Williàm ,wiocimnt eimlaisiIa Onl , a xwcek W;11be ù3 - ' 83$5.2 i - à' 5 o$5.0Colce, bdcthenng, at Oen~ç ows spolda t tnizm $510o $5 50 Der hundred- .a O e , o-d W e g b ; - g o n d . c o w a ta i f i -r n $ 4 t o $ 4 7 .% IN4UgZ Â N - omrnon at rom $3 te 8R. C nner.,ý M NZ GL.Y ere 82 te $2.75. Âxherican'yearllng sheep J oI at 87.50; ver hnndred pouinds. din. Queen-iýtQthier, Priluctss 'Rtoyaàl and. tarîo' yeariings wer4e steady aI. $7 to $7.50 PirWeem oi~ VciÙs.' or chi6ice, and atfro' to 86.75 for BUIESAT XONTEEfAL. wetrNo. ZJ 001o oN.3 ,kt 14;exha No. £ 1fée&. st 21 4 i os;-No. 3 'do-, 4812'ol o.Br ers,'44;a5tg 1.0 o 0.0 Euow$a. N. Ells osa-Brres,&5.05; bg,90, 1b5. 8-20 . BOî Iera82 4 o 2 t5; shrts13 15l-: i -b; . et aira.'412 o 15;Et ter-Ohoieui reanry, 3 t'O 4o, ecod. 321.2~~~~~t 8o1M Ei-rul 0t.4P. UNITED STATUI KAREETS. KineaoluMar. &-Wheat-x N1.7 74; N, 0Nrbon 16 1 62 o '30.Oat-No 3white, 19 to 49 1 Beo.2, ,161-2o. Eran-$25 teo $2 Eay, 01.- o,- -b. -IT IWOLD DEPENI? ,would yoc Ivise me to encour- age- niy 'daughter unlier desiîr to L takï vocal -initructious >' aaked -the -wealtbY' man. "WeIllthat would- depend,'? ie- plied the couscientidus teacelie. -'On "Ouwhat?"â - b > - - - - - AK I No li&n-Bt h;Wcayeu hou- jOLIAN anCl'8IMPLIU t. tse. eatlv atvertîe , i al en yo u iv o C5eO C.âkW O GIQO*.G,,t ha! had no fi-e Isia -Sure 1- i& lo. M ooni u riùto I2îd r EZC IoV ,.dan ORYBo iti I firoc t-wo 8afsmpen tst-Wee e Jh7â,lRJj1 riOn C e ., M oar ix-- ety4téee'r 'cont, ' 1 deptbJfomÇtktwa -ies.e:The- increaze ini rural' pô Re z ed fgu e~ !t-h f pu ton c WSs'656,985, or 16.48 per ce Can da are c '-nedl in a special' in urb audistrietëts tble, populî rýeport <én t-hoe4ensus, -t;âbed iut-le cre,.s e n'as 1,278,147, or à: Roui-.e on Thuýsay:..j ' cent. By Provinces! t-e figures are ; ý f The ecuumeratjii wauu .A.beita . yj 11L ei.i~irsae commissioucrs., dtle . I neeue19 701 eueati.The Over r; ç4wii~ ~Y., ~*%%%~ 4% -z. 1