Whitby Gazette, 7 Mar 1912, p. 4

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19U2 Agricultural Clais, bdglug Horse a t Sir Henry- Pel -ltt'a.. Jac'Ok Nintyre, . HgadJs Moers. Hue and Bhno are to b MoClilan aid Alidrew M. -Rosso.e Mn.,congatulate( upon tii.succeua o0( * J.7 J. Beuj1,Principal, oLWhitby llhwomk ir'a « uturaj tuatruotlon unde, »0018, pv a liumorous Scotch oeed- tas i É hne. Thes short cours !ùg, whlch was gseatIyî a pproc*ald. -classes arç ,growmg in numbers yea Igemmaffl ero riad freinD. Lavery, b>'year, the. llns.t year the. clàiasnum #ad Coi.,. Farewell oxpressing their jbored -sevon, i1»t yearý elevèn, dt -reget *at ther inablllty tp be pneu- f yea tweaty-three. Soiný . o!tI eMt.. Mr. C.A. -Goodfo4llow -was callcd'jgentlemu ,A their addn.sses express guro. Haro and .Benson gave -à. yeur'aclai, wh l.lreadybd a iotmAcunt cf -the work, being- dom. to double Up t~ eru mer -HG SloHOL WEEKLY EXAu. Fiu 15, 1912. R Ç,î(Fenn I.) Ida JoMcs97,. Iteya cado 9 Oll1Uodnig a, Menton, raliner 8M, WavdUe iAnjua L(,OIinacx .7v,4 Bon ilyn iàei73, lr,4y rainer _al,WII- haMer Brewn7-L$ Llyd ocn0, Maxjole ntosh ii, u9arxe -'N ugant ».rty viponu 6b rAlmoind lired Ulsyto 38, Maizie AndesnM LOUAms * oson 88 Id& J oncs 96, William 1rown ý96, Aigus Voninacli go, Ievai Iicllardou 1», Kate- icardson - 8, *LatdlSe Nicos 8, foroiey -Vipond -86, -Lou Alem- 86; Graco Uinton 84, Don- otl$y t>aigh 81, Larnie Lawnetice 78, àea Breain 76,-Lloyd -Morcme 74, Aiden HRodgaon * 76, Maitie Audrs-on 72, Ethel IRobertson 7- fi'Fanx RI. - M mi72, leginaid ý-hixicy 7ü, olive Menton-lPalmer W, Manjonle Mda«tO$h U ~5,. Violet Smnith J56, Gord.on- Whit- fi 52, Hanvey Pl'amer 50, i'ed 3îya 6. - - ±1S-uu±RY (i4orin 111.) .1ulslla McçW-ule 50, John cochmrano 56jF4181@ Robinson 52j- Louise Meil- tosii 50, Mary Ruttan 50,'- Dave BrWt ton 50, Dora Jome 46, l)orothy Braa- ton 42, Edgar S exsith- 38, Harold Ailsnt u n8,HiLd a ,Robertson 82, 26 Éica Long 24, ýEllWood Hendur- nou 20, -Frauk Gnay, 18, Katie Okel2, Lira Goldrlng' 12,-I Beasie Brown -6 -Gladyd Johunson 0. PHYsICs (Farm 11I.) L. -Stephçnson> 53, H. Lick 0,R -Rultan 49 D. H61lida>'4, .Mev- bray 46, M. Wlis 43, W. Meeker 41, 1%. Lck 39, G. Hodgeou 39, M. Rut- tan. ý34, C. Broughton-34, S& Bell'34, -D. lIssc-33, M. Pegg à3-, G. ban- mald 33, G. Holt.by- 03, 1. Tarvis 30, E 'Johnstàn 24, P. Luke 23, R Rv -en 23, Il. Hodgaon 1%, W. Johueluon 17, (F. Elvîdge, K. Harper, J. O'- Counor) absent. ALGEBRA (Form IV.) -- Jahil Moellan 8W, Amy Fraser 87, May, Tiompson .77, Lillan Baker 76, - ýetnîce Mcaker' 2, Ieno Long 51, * Weeley Riltu 37. . R.Richarcison 70M. -Mlntouh 70, f.JLnes 69, B. 'BredVin.68. A. Cor- mack 63, P. Vîpand 65, K. Nicholonl Elvidge 78, 1. Tarvis 76 , C. Joncs 78, J. 4081W - 76, G. Lsngial>76,'- it.. Mowbray 74, 0. Bnoughton 72, J. O't- Couinor 72, S. 'Bell f,08 Rj. Ravin 66,1 G. HaoltÏy 64 D. lasso 6«,,R. Liok 62, Ruby Ruttan 60. S LITERATURE (Form i iI.> B.MoGuire 9.H titn7,D Jon",*, 17p LIMa plleui 74, 14. Rlobertson 71, E. Sçxsi th 70, LUs, Macberon 3, i, sn~sId62ï J,é Johnetoa 00, B. Wkam 5,D. rn ton 53, -Mazfy:iai 652, E. Rbinszaon E. Goldrlng 48, 'A.K" a45, -A. Igi 45, 4; Long '45, Fy-GnY ,j.M- Iiitoeh 40, B, Brown 40, D. Britt;oùn denmon 26, M. »aWson 17. *Avoid lHat'h .Diugs. MANY CATHARTI(S - TEND'. TOý CAUSE INJURY TO THE BOWELS. il you arxe subjeca- 10 *Constipation you sheould avold st.rong, drugu ,ai" cathartlos. Th ouely give Lomporary relief sud lueir 'neactàon la hanmlui aid more annoylug tiau Constipation. umiey in no way aftSct. cure,*. and their -tendeucy -lu La veak e i- reud>' wCaxk rpos witb wbulch ley corne in'Contact. W. honestly belleve that we have 'the bst constipation treatment aven devimed. 01w faith ln t la se stnong Qiat WC eil souLan the positive, «,anai- tee. - tit fiL&hall not coat Lbe us'er a cent il It does nQt geecatira siitws ;action aid complutu.ly rsmaedy -cous@%- patian; Thris préparation -.ls -calild Itexali:Ondeliios. 'Thee are," promapi soothing, amd meut efleetiva in action. Thèy are maade- o!a receni. chemical dicvr t hetr principal ignedleut h oduni,e' tstaeusanad coaleîa. COmblned with othor well-known lu,- iredients, long establlsned fon their usefuines in tha traeatmeut of venusu- pat4en, it trins a tablet wbihl aat~- on juat like cady. -Thoy inay ha Lsk- on at any ime, eltiien day orn nght, wlthout fear o! tàOir Casilng gayn>'l convenlance whatevèr. WThey do sot gmlpa1 -purge, nUon caus" nume. Tue>' sot without ,cauBlng an>' pain on ex- cessive loosenes of lue bowels. Tiie> are -idéal for chiIdret, weak, delilcta parsons, and aged epeople, au veil Ua fon the moulu hearty panuoný They comin t brea iza packages, 19. tablets, 10. cents; 36 tablets,- 2ô cents; 80 Lablets, 850 cents. Renm- berî you van -o taln luein only at pur store-Tuai. Kexatil Store. A. H. AI- lin, drugglst. 53, 1. Barclay 53, T. l-roctor -53, -A.-'*- Hodgson .52, G.- Linton 50, . Rab,. WHITBY - HOCKEY -GIRLS- .GO -TO _1m!eo» 50, D. Waugh 49, E. Fisher 47, -- AILEYBURY. A. RîcliardlIon_ , 7, R. Shirley 46, 1< To-day (Thursday) a eam of ho&_- Richardson 39, ýG. Whltfield 30j, F. e> gis -louve -Wistby for Hatinybjûr> 'Clsytn 86, - H. Pl'amer 35, C. Law-- tO play a gamin lutlat Lova on Fnl- reuce 33,, W. Brawil 27, I. Anderson day nuight. 'They wlil louve TorÔito 21, 0., Goidmlng 19, b, M -rcombe 9 19.l-laevenug, emagle dowu lu luein DICTATION--4(Forrn IL benths, wake up at Norths Bn>'on D-.', I-lllday 96,-.MInle Ruttan '96' ,'theeaboute, Aid arrivenat HuIle>'bu ' é H. Hdgeo 94M 1'gg ~- ~ befome non. TIIO girls aiea expetta t 92, "Î;P Luke 92, H. LIkg0, -z Jo i is'lu CobaltauSLna' lg, ft6i whibh Lova LIse>'viii nemalsive Ü";i00 M. Willis 84-'G. Hodgoà Sidyrtrugh m ay i W M~ker78,L.-Steheuen 8, . vek,. Acanipanylng tue -tean wlil - bé Mme.'G.A., Rose, as chaperon., aid hepa tmeif they would avoid. fer $2m tue caver mahîva>' expeises- b là 4hsbcahelsitude, Theii.'wIib.e ntertalned wili te h extremebnervousnesâ. Tisereally norlhemu teva. This le n-usque ex- o auperlor -remed or, thoi-' Pýccfr gils Wadmukes kilown th "Ir.wrd -var d e ted teiaveS. aiâd otberi think lue>' sa thu'- - m ge .i --s must b.. some' pumpkiussâ&shockey im sW.wc.5~i~P5IW*S -playens. Tho fallowlng conrpose bé o adt _positions lu s vhc te P Goal, pIZZIO- Hunti>'; point, May' th P- empin caer-oltAmy Roua; - vflg, 9,oAiL oIf aid t.he, llabii àut .,*>tï uomei )Xted at Torontlo thès lt8 y o butrar , 49. 112. " T4e NATIONAL -TRUST' --COMPANY, LIMITED. 22 ,Kkfg St, aè, hy Day, Fariim &~ ~~ O'uiIv Il.90 Victoria striI, Toronto, its solicitors batela. SCHOOL REPORTS.i MODÈL $CHOOL.' Primner !111eien: R1chardîo, m mdy Sheplierd, Pylilus Shehod Jr. -Jt.-Oi, ivNcMlL4ýpa. Sr. lst-wRuth Bili, AdÀdiso'ilo hýp. Jr.:1l-Eddlo Cormack- Hanry Cor- S.II-Frank Harper, Qordon Bite~ ery, Douglas, Gordon; Sr. Il-Goldia e ine;Debn Jobutont, Caue Noilli. Sr. IV-Arthur SMICC *og RobertIon, Rowena Harris. IlEritY STREET: SCHOOL.- -Honor Rflufor Fýbruary, 1912., Tabiet- Lella Crawford, Vernon Wilson# En-Av Clarke. Prliker-Gordon Crawford; *BulaId WlllIg, Harold Harris. - Pinat Book-ll»arold Collns% Het Korrestert,HenTo . Jr. Il,-Ethel DalbY., Russel Bràd- loy, Lily Palmer. i Sr. II-Sherwood Hall, LU*e Bradley', Carl Stark. Jr. I1I-John $a*d9 lumese Aui, ustus, Wiliie MacCar. - Sr. I1II-WfIIII Elimonî, -(larte Col- lins, Majorie Jums St. IV-Reuben- Breslin, "-Antubvr Jubb, Roy SmIi. Clover, Hay or- Allita; *alâà, beait, fuil or goose. Apply box M2, VWMthe. Un Gocod Frlday evenngtii qè r tet of Bloo6rS.Pesyrachr, Mra. -Leonora James-Kennedy, p- Prano; Mrs. Ellzgbeth CampbeéJ, ilotraIto ; Mr. RedierzWe 1*ollnshea4, lenur, and Mr. .Arthur Bllgt, barl- toone , alng at a concert .in ttbé Me4-ý odiat ohurcb, S.tratord. flr. Ke4- n.dy wIII ,be inlVhltby on marei 14. À La Grme Corue t IW .0. Wal.ý ter'. rics,50C. ta 13.00.1 - Thelre is smre g7Ôod stock and lin- pleinents to be dlsposed of ut Mr, VanLstone's sale -n the l2th. lai DrMilof Y'eu, .Uv WÀU. - ~,. Lys. a~so~g1 J. B.Ross, -. J---Oe--.-. r, .-Glum Greeàwod-Jàx. 17, Mach oayj 69, Jul7 -6, sept. s', N«. 110 Jas. à.-. PORT PERJIY-CI.*k, JIW. Buta. baM,,-Pô,rt Pmry-Jaa. if, Mat. 7il -May .78 July 81, ý@P. oNov. 1us *Jia.17. M& 4. UXBRIDGE-OJ.çrkXIVJ& Mor, 14 Jü: i- 900set. l18,-Nov. 2p Jas. ouud à. OAXNNINGTON-ClrGog 1 L a 1 iita, Ca ul«tIJl. 1, Ma. eu .Gordon..eaeioaJ».,10, mardi 28, May: le.'juli1 ,Sept. il, Nol.: 7.UPTIBRalivg C,, -Due Le 'nA 1 enly-Jaa. K9 Mard 29,l May' 17, Juliy 2ý8, Sopt. le., No. ii, J". 7, 1918. (yOrder)*,J.. AREWE" LL, Datq at Whitby, Oet 1 I la Our spedialty BEQAUSE<. superior te other Coal.- Quality la the bigeet. Preparation le the best. Clean, Vrigbt and Dry. Oshawa. Mn. James PéngaIIy paid Whlt.y a buinesstrip *early- "isweek. ' TIne Woumns Missionar>'Society met st Mrs. Thos.' Rlcbandson'a. on Tuosday of luis -week. _ A Most inter- oetuiai profiteble iýe - vas spent. Tes WaU-s.erved aid a uilver offerinkg taken fon the good et tisa cause. Do You know that of ail tii. miner aliments, voldi are .luy far lue -Most daugerous? iL lu not Lb. cou lee "ht you nead te tour, but the senlous diseusesluat IL ai ten leada to. Moit eft lue -ara kaown as serm diseases, Piuamonla snd cournption aré among thon. 'why net Lke chauftr?- Wrn'a Cougii Reinai> and cure your éald whlle you -cma? For sale by ail dealerse-41. BASE LINE WEST. Mn. John Halrett, lu on Lb. sick ligt. Mn.. D. Bath and Miss -gay B'aths speat Sunda>' at Mn. S. Btth's, Pick- M.John Wills la permmtted toemà_ »a R onbis farin till Nov. lt. Mnr. A. Hl. Hardy, oft Tau\Ln gave usaCali lait WC*..-- Mài R. Sanlie>ludrawîngcedar ,polo to be rected on base lune for àlectiolight'pumpouas tom the new Wbmn tua Govemument gets pees-1 alan ôf the. fdrms - we, hope the side- rolwill be.opened bet.ween the Jet- frey and Fothergili tarna,_ as it would be a great convénlence 'te tho public. . The mont' talked- about subject in Lie ioiva snd vlcinity la Lthexaew asyluai, and no doubt tLlII omplgeted viiI inean the expendituri aI consld- erelie noney foi labor sud othen pur- poethat wiil benelht lue town. The InCOMIng af quit. an lucrease ot pop- ulation to-tii. town, tihe improvngOf tarais by' dnanage, teu ncud build- ins,_ aid planting of, trocs, botu frut and or bnial. flowers, drive- WSYs, 'etc, yl make iL qui-te-au at-ý tractive plIace. Every oaie no douÊt vWiii fel t#e beneft o t aIn u our millet.- Tiare, -la Lalk of a spurlUne tram lue G.T.R.- te baul rnaterial,, and .no lolubt lie - near futurevIlI- uee Lhe cletnc» cars .runOngconstaisti>'-te' tihe gtolmnds..ii2he tevu le- much lu-ý dabted te-Mao Dow!sey, Reeve- JackS<ii aid':ethesen* ho used, t4ser éQliuMuc te secume-IL for the, Lavis et -A WORD 0FP GRATITUDE.; "luI justice te huMuiltY I WAipt toi Lt daeuîlt coul any mnore than other. good cocaL Delivéry satisfactory, sud- prompt E,~ Re.'BLOW Telephone ~-& ph. WHITEYONT s--,' FLOUR:--- WHITE-SATIN CREAM-BUNS BREAD AND CAKE NAKIM'RtS RES BRAN SHORTS J WELLAND TRI.» FLOU i JUXBO PERD PLOI)R OATS OAT CROP CORN< coins CHOP- COiN, CRACKED MIXE» CHOÉ Feeid Wiiolsaie in Ton Lots. CApsWg vey DayI SPINI LIUET!D~ jPicligtI& Ont. 'Phono No. 8 R»18g18~ Iîê~îOsha*ao, Phono, 47;and 2 à~ Cd bday or aigb t promt] kaan ai te et, o mmw Uisa. , - - - ekt a, whaiI 700 vio erAalfI7 dokJmea towii7amea ' con. --i ' i- 3 neer Fda~Marcl m. -Aution sal4 f farm 'ýtc~-mPlmeuts, ',etc.,!the rPi rtY f John Draper, l%28,1 jB. 1'cocéossion, .#hltby. -sale at ioua W!Mlc . W m aw, auctoneei.w . . ~dy, Marci 25.-Auction ,salIe of farxa 8tbCkandlmnplements,; the property of M.John - &ldon, l'à 6, con. 5, Siem Conre. Sale ag oe o'iilock. W.B: Powell, auctionee. IWnoy Bros. Whitby, phi)ne 99, Ibypurcbaalngfroenu.. - AIEUr~liNI4J' d. Y- I -w v_ w v - -v --v o, ~ I 1- I Ihis 7 LU Jeweler Yhitby with saittoà 'Saiojp"d IahS& oe T eedgo r. West of Whlby foue.ý Wearé,epneared, W mataivood -or -moný ppson g6érï7jOïSot at.endto' ail klnds- o r -t Aget on ueOntario Wind Mil. - alo gsoln siàos aid ïIb square kris euii&te 'buy Feodf>or..Cattie s ansem> fie hf B'buyal cala osvcan efrxeleevle WoofferpurefreshB Vi-u-.-- WC-olfer putre fruh SIo-rta.; diied Ciiopu composeti off Qats, corn, sud Bailo'. Pe a Ye upi h er>'bOit brands of apure M a uuebs hgigade patent flour jolied Ontu by tise sci. fure God Corn meuh. ~nd'choicebrandi pstr oUr.- f aruer'i maY-se-lf us s fat buýliock it a 19o0d hijgb pnce , sad take haine hlif. - et bran,, cue.tonÏchoeeb-! ,..fouon a Ne.p~ .i--- -bgsua adee a WHITBy ONTARIe SI3MIaR3~ asd summers-amples f4Or fospectiôin, and -dis- realt of fabyics in the Iatest f cotch Tweeds, E nglish Cheviots, Bh'e ,and BIack lsYa fulli rano of -Pantings ,;%atiogs, 400 sarn pli s hàose' clthing imacle .tao rder I 7 4,Èiter Sale --Dr. Reýd'-c us~ lest eous on eaU Go te W J -chieape bina. - if - lat repAyîng. -IL W. COUi3',: * IeCustonmn Mr. JouiC Drape - Manrch 15..St ethor--colufln $qOT] For- sale, early biers), -j ,cnM4la awa thie ýweek fçce soed your oreder - trd, Cedar Dale- Stock 4!isi - - Fndayý )Mareh_$ -the lectur; e. ,y Mr. tava -NUnbâerfeS':li th lu WlW4by Hou Everyiodv cornv. -ReuMmber W.J.l ofe cina during Fe Thse hurt'auîs abli bu sold tu a-I Thé Womian's n4 thuie Agçslcultural ýq ternoon, MXàa h5. pers will be- giveÜ. -beneitted on' > eet x'%Eh.iter thôoughts.' corn-e. Mrs. .., -misrF. 13atian,- -Electnie Ùflshd -pairing doéâaM prîcos.-- - - M i gis G 'e n , 0 :miss- Sar4 od'i :p4s, wUI have a.. [te tic PC.p ire -and ib du reéarmm daeMa. N.- AOTiOAL UNDERTAKÇER8 Chargs moderate. P e 13 1 1 Oshawa a ton" It-

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