Whitby Gazette, 7 Mar 1912, p. 8

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-craf t r writier, - - unkno, +- th gr 'p --hi1u q. Wayth il be cicII ~p C s suid aor& an.wl'ith - cou re cl A* TR sidered. A -numbeý d R aktout plank, ~ a the ýgrounciqVflàlh îIA wé A1 drîve» wo> erih ~v; gbought out Pringnd Ma oty f Al steet ,Dc, and arnàprepared téo meet. alx ina,; The foilowing is. Our liai for fï,eigbt- prepaid, to OshawaBc îg,. -Whitby, -Myrtie M'anc qin, via G. T. R- or CN.« R. a Ut AME engageq lang -W wlrp, with - mtitors owrnanville, tiester or' -J - î bar fence, So tln1.1gh. ailNoe 9 teel vire egay s tàsW spart jite pet yod I. 5 *6 U 9 ]q '6 6 si" 9 22 55 -: Pkes on other sityles of faimrn rcing, tawn. fentes, poultry artd hog _fonce, gakès and- al fence- a, ~ pliesi also samplelc ie of iurnish- ed'il on, applicat ion. Order ea ' ,as pricea may- ' ge Cash or che-que must accbrtnpgiiy order. SIwill ,ereet any of-this fence-In-a'd atound Brook- linia S'5C per rod extr.!- Stretchers -su4pIed at 25C perda.y. Independenttor BéII phones. u,[riah Jnes - a 'Ontario. te adChrionickë has aweêk fi - -tio n o16 copies. OLR - TWIiI# ~41 I , aw D I b. sbw le Aeot acmlt il joli à ngtIsuee ham bec» ihaueil from elter ciaurcli Mi. -Roy Ward ldabusunesstnp he miners of. the Béreau Bible 1oUXlibrdgO , hrsday lait. eiasa of the Preebytea:lan Church will Mrs. Davick, 1 ione bseturinedi f tou Lapd a ôsoiu theUic8011001romof 0< ltug br atsr, wb aseci the -chIurCi nt . Tussday eveuiug, for several weska at StouRfville, Mare --12- to w-hiob thie pûiblie are -Mr.,Wilfrld Wilsonas bually en~gd Sodlylavflsd. Pr9gram wîîî opeu la tiiherose trade ».present. ,promnptly. at'S o'clock. coule early. Mr. Win. Blxkt',-of C.P.R., pc.1 Froo-in offering. Suaday andi mpaday ai home bore The. choir 'cf fis. Whitby Baptist. Mr. A. -Wasbbum adnt oer vlBist- church , g avesa gs entertalniment in ed fInonds in, palam où Sunday. the. Baptisi churçh here ou Tuesday See Jos' 4d. etthe Brooklu bi ard- svenig. ý The choir ahowed its ver- ware store AnI anotIver columa regard- sailiy, -for hI ddition ,-to, the choir 1115 wîre fence r -It vil laiterest . ail alngng ;there w4re.vocal solos sad feuces bfyems. ýBe-oure sud -look it up. ýduets, f uatettes, cornet Solo, piccolo T1hemoicnna s.o!iona solo, wstling, witb mouth orgau.- sedisorders ofte loac. Chawi snd loriau ý açcoeXPantment, edngs ,berlal'sStorâacli sud, Liver Tablets ant recitiatlons. 'l whole rmade, -Î,corrept-these orgau - sud enabie' you vearied anti most i- enjoyeble pmogramn. te sleep. For Isalé..*byaI- dealers.--41. 'Several members of tise choir weme 1NÂE absent ubrough linaes. ________W. regret very nluch to lbarsof Mme. Tucker's ills. She bu sboom Klow's TM# * coafnswt ec abed for *ome few days W. effer Ose Nutidred Dllars ileward for buti la nov, wve are I pleaseti te report,. aury case0ofCatarri at 55caneot bac urd by coayaloect. &all8 CatairhiCure. e. 3 CHNUY a Co., Toisdo 0 P. W. MCBr"o's. auctim n-sale Ilat We te udesgued hàae av . J. Clisns Priday pwosei off very sucocsfully. honorable tu ail batie«Tii.umcrowd vas& ,go$.the day wuP aclalable te cary ouilamy oblWgatisoende favorable, -A ltonéerMa* dl& -bis WALrIxuO ~ Qï"l< i AIN part îmost a&dnllm ;a"sd .J. Stev- Chisl rgi od. é , esasn actai a d ek directI>'upoji Lb. blood aud muq nra1 (i. l.Leýgtti purchasedtheUic e- lbaeyil.m. Testimonials euantjas.p"C ~lOieiIgi-4tdmr iPo ceutaper betbe. sold by aldruggluis.ý, r-0wdU tfodmr tV e TaeHalls Paanily PFikforÈeuetîpatisa. BiienasSale.'fa mesoosprt AUDLEY. -the î a Uiirong ed, -b,>ugsome what dangeroui. People home are wlsbhag for au Mr. Eugene IVlqon tteudedUthéale eanly spring, as thie titem bhàs las.. here fr.t -weekï lNe 3150called o» C.. one o! tia, sevemest -lu may yeaà.-j J. Stevenson l0oa'golng back - ,to- A case o! seiarlet lever le mopenteti -Osba*a. la tise Vlolnity. Mr. James Élà aordson basnretuï%Wst Marly attndeth Il. funeral of Mr. te Oshawa agea,an and resunied is du- Chas. Lynde.. - ies. Mme Gubre l Apmolnglaheath Mm. C. J. , tévensog:-solti lis lit- anti her;m n» frienda hope te hear cattle tO Colw Wl-.& Hiidy at a gooti cf -ber restoraton côOn. figure, about ".W0p r cwt., we bèar, Chas.' PowlAe6has returne.otimi» eMm. Coiwilî l éiijed' tlcy vere fi- Business -Scooll W To romte te 1. h-beet gmoonied anti ýcsred for buncèh hée with is sParents, 1 iIthici aelb u je n i»l» * wi*tsm. rMr. 'C. L. Mack-1 restoreti. - ~ ~ ~ eOld sud d~v~dsm hleet Prayer meeting vas'heltid M.Ddnny a lkrtgsa ai the esidence -otJames FPo**.:Cenr~t»iov oPi Miss a 1 a cCartlay, o Ireof Mr.u-kay 1et A o itir spn.u~ywith ber--brother Frank er n a afà ol v, tm.GeorgeeeaosI pumr ts Mis Mry Puckêrin bas hîal cd-- tliO'eryhue1'nt ntat o ut near Claremo"taia-t sale7- Mm.~ ~~~'a ->em isnsdlady fr1eüd 1-, VÏitet'Ids lster, Mme. Wm. Pucheri'n -lMr.. JohnSeI'l4éa- las okd iî lN 1atip, béi reoeât>ly. --- Salenom i t4-lIac'eI6 .pmaankindLomne Pcel a.îeusMe. Mranwi SIm eldon *11 bé attêldb muh *e"ýt cùfseat yhnye have bele» àtit aitebdtlag aie Pclled ai> W1IUi -r wamkers li tba chutce u. . . SmIU !'a purhasei a ew 'laey vii rîloée tPw.? C.1R.plce =sato ea lem son la& tRichirdeon ds~s i a Wbuyou bave rlaeumsîism . ourbttrte$~eiefr ;r u foo o lnte ~ip~ Cbmbmlsa3 are 'demaiading;,the bigbest pricé. .aÏàd LIIÛM taniYOu vill get quick ý W ~toù 1ur c1 _ n ereL r ethcosts -bua sqùarer W . e fer ? For -a u âNai 1 - -.£l - 1- -17- -Ilady ntS a. e- ýr ;.. .... ............. 9 34U .-~- ldfrreuf~ êl4>eriiae.o aGî~hna xtrqoïodi lé rs .12a fût ....fO...... AwqÉ;ica wdnted Prtes*l White Lawaa, n.- ',418e, for............ý4f * 8>niW~ TIOk for-................ -. 1p 'faleLinénur. e5» forj '. ........... eu, ClrJ inisOoth Opa, reg. 6OYý or 4........__ ot fAIS$~~ i fdni Yi e says, "1but neverioui ~rg 6e j -~M.a'sq1Iav.y .... .LOQIo - g âilo Vkyyet- that-id tbem as mfâ'U-, -$ - ,8-.25 FQir"B"ae by alidealfers;,--41. 4R0- - AIE- MYRLE STATIOei. ... »Mite' &oldiêe, raan rettit.hom ûfe 7 - ............ . -froiùn Torositd qaPu: lidy lut. rg Of~.. MiaD Im ra1atelu 6e0j4* -r4 ~............1 buivisý tOvwini athe Ume ........... .. ......18 ick4... biile eooor1a~ Sive Ii» - eedeu mBaiaInWA.0, rý 10. od writing. Plir. Black P.p re g- , ,1for ..... ....... MIu.--Oiive Vain.t is, fat impre.-; qsjèrdz ..... .. ................. ...... lag'wielr we are gladti tt-report._S 11 Itllyou have'troub e W-ëtgeb.ridiPouo aê i a ea ah7 ol your -cokyu may, krLoW Iat yolt are not treating it dhÜ i . . , , ,o W ~,f ddthe op 1<rtiIçs, ind It -vil! not il you .j Lr5JOI~ akeC r à tfôïÎtrb... .Remey à 1 &b âldealeZr-,-41. hum,~ Sera ftout ixere atteuded -the Cr- ein heiervtle eeing in Whtby on Sat-,mV urday. ast. Mrop, tar-.,),Dr.) McAlplne, LLadam iU * fk.cllt o ermtr, Mis. Jas. Bea- ýokoMoiadây last. _ams s1io a.ae.. P 9 i' tend gil-#mg a;- good concert som eV- Ec ftebace-o asDwu abs mning neit >week. Paaticulars later. ~dprretdv .sree K.bsMr: Malcoini Beare, ýof Manchester, Scà*'ga~out prfiat~ID 5 ne; -aensd Bertramn. Beacoc]K werp arounti our intere3t tlà aIIow'cd 01 O $. pupwu*ds ighoroo jn .Fiday Iset taktug, Ibo3 taufficîcat 10opnij.va aÀut ào-rders 1':r -1ad.1rtizer; They e. . succees OSKAWABRAf4OH 00500mà8w Port gOlivùe Bow 111WIIB ANON.1_ H..- BLACV Manager. Miss Br w s 111 a few ______________________________ days l~webuýt le-on- the moud. L Iw6et ,* -TO-.. Tuehé thrmsanh lne LOW 1COLOIIST RÎATES 61.20 AY 0.0P!Dal .colomist Carsonail, Trains No chaà las. betise Throuth. Trias Toronto., to E. R BL WWLiby geat Tues c o M I N o ~rture ry, but New Voeu I s Emd~ - t.lns mmd Cuves muer-or Pale liai et Toronto m la ne lmiaèrnmeea. WIFE-BEATER, IN CMýRlT. Cbarged with assaptag zbis-walIc et U'sh Ferusri 7b .1 ,4WLI appeami-L0 IJlor uf .> U5Vi";are là the -couzt rUiual'Couri -,On Mpuay.liewasdefeudeti ,y Col. (Irlemson, Col. Farevtireýresectigj the Crovun. lie serviçesam i,~tr eýIis.ted.' The evidee re-ýeéled su tanhapy Statn .1-daiml tIn i oh ' ~ ,tba i'bisband -abusigiiswI b tliroWin-g tbings -ai ber. j1 cipb*., Mme. lUrcyuk coiasulted Dr .Bell. Hem face vas badly, brutsl4d. 511e compininet,i etbuslaad's 4ae. A uelgbb o wO îbalso a -Peoll ,gv evideuice as to -Mme. Hrcyuký oni iou sud o! seeeing her,* bu bd tbrow thinge at beë i". JohnRainie4, a Hou-. manian, tw ooeilutsdHcu bouse, -testiacti as te f isc o anti ea44laceàaw ibebé uebapilthrow SipokaeWaah- Seatle, Wàma. Vancouver.,B-. C. victori-B. C porciaJ,ore: Nelaorf, a. $41. The Fr Pclo, Cayl t Ssii ,ia go âaî. - ývia Chicago The Grand- Trunk. -PascIfie shorîeg linç,. futte st limiet.fii between Winnipeg, Sasaiteoa menton. For iicets and fuit inforu ,on agena apdeap,Ëec14ly on, ,Town Agent -tom Express, j TelegraphOffce;* .opposIte1 Bsp .b huby1. 0t.~ - ~àtu Galarlo oaàFd'e, a~ bag -of cOnms at ,hie wl où-1 two- a -penkalty e! ive yeams' impr4Soumit - and. lasbies coulti be tmpoaed, su court ont a almîIar->ehbsrge-.- *58 bound- evr eqep tijes la bie ovsi -bail" o!f.00. SCHILLE R-?'>Passedaw- -ay m- Satur- - ar,- -2, 902,Lililasi Scier, daugi'r61tJ.&. Schiller. -Whlitby. LYNDE-At'-loi 32, ýcon. -4' WbitAiy iToiwnshIp, - Clanrie Lynteageti'86 -yeams,, 1 i3ontAf-ikua 2e dayg. a d - t nete of, Lid Tbese spcys have aow bee»¶asd in,- Qtario for, four jears nd, bave -always- giZvea excellent satisfaction,.:- IThese Sprysar sed andendorted fýy thc difféet Branches of the De.-' patetof Agriculturej sud by nearly every Fruit GroWersAsmiation and-- $ 7rominent Fruit Grower in the province., J Tbey carry the highest analysis. -Tbey are guaranteed by a stroaag CanAdasu Compaaa., They aie net a! experimerit'. Asic for, Our bbàk; on utSprays spd - : iWe bave coagpltpi* iha d~ ýaasth R itby, qnt.- U NG S8W TH,[ at £bc. Money to 1wi of Marriage Lâcense O-Smiths "Biouk, W *Torraco, -Byron .St., 7h"~b uuý Imm .1 - -ATCTIONEE Jas. BishojpOshaa LreT 4 toneer. Sceso>r~-4,-le ?j or ternis aid dates appIyý-tv .Rob, W ltby!, LICENSED ACINE -NO»9VALUATùR Si Ail kinas of sales 4ïiomptly to, Arrmngemeénts -can be ' tales at thé CGazette,o 'ce. Terma reasonable.. -Bell* and Indepexdent--phont tWtIITBY, ON1. OONTRÂOT(PR PRepairas, Alterations ancijol *ppoýsIte Stephengoi Bo"x 467 WHTY-P A. H.AL.ILIS Issuer of Marntagc 1u .eusesý Corner drug store, SNA WlS . a1f Teronto, àpera,-teà by thlê centr mens Cofege of-Toronto, train:.y.uoe &B -Idwmen for office- positions. get our training uoder "S$pec ' a] om fwhomn are well-kuown at -commercialtext books? Wr have-sl @en fo a eCtlou oWi tteudance f rom Halifax to Vyani Pr.,Tonge aud Gerrard ra. Tr of WwWe ExceI W. have lb. motnitdérn.-ýh pracqtlcai sud'the brut equipped né. steru, Ontario. The cocrserware ti and fààc1n4~. An entirely lasadiatnE -unînea froce foi te training o1 tIe fým lt.iouý people of ouircouatr>y.' *ur Graduates< sare auccè.sfut.- Ask a -strident or.r 1 dent - they are our brut adr'ertiseruu *LIN D SAY BUSINESS 8 COLL. C.,.. Bower, Pri.. A. B. Spotton f 'l ong ringe. FE. LUXE p 159Toge L.TÔONT B1est Place JR tan, for Superlor Busfneaot Shorthand-Ed la the Great sud -Poputat TOoet ,OLw' ¶ W.1, 'y- theé foiâms wnoM 3CHIV j-, 1- a

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